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Saddam possibly captured

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Anyone find it ODD that Bush caught Saddam IN AN ELECTON YEAR?


Here come the conspiracy theories. Can't just be happy, huh?

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Hilarious. Before we captured Hussein, all the lefties on the board could do was say "OMG WE CAN'T FIND ONE MAN! THE PRESIDENT IS INCOMPETENT LOL~!" Now that we've captured him: "Well he wasn't a threat in the first place, so what if we've captured him? Go after someone who's a threat! This is just propaganda!"


Poor little donkeys, poor little donkeys, whatever will you do now?



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This is awesome news, just awesome. I had to read all the news report from different sources just to become a believer.


Even though I understand the good will of rebuilding Iraq, its time to get the fuck out. We lost too many soldiers as it is.

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Now that we've captured him: "Well he wasn't a threat in the first place, so what if we've captured him? Go after someone who's a threat! This is just propaganda!"

Never said it was propaganda.


Poor little donkeys, poor little donkeys, whatever will you do now?


Simple. Sit back and watch your man snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

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Even though I understand the good will of rebuilding Iraq, its time to get the fuck out. We lost too many soldiers as it is.

This new-fangled "one casualty is too many" approach to military engagement never ceases to amaze me.

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This new-fangled "one casualty is too many" approach to military engagement never ceases to amaze me.

It's more an extension of the "Troops shouldn't have to be on the ground risking their lives unless there's no other way to do it" approach, which was more or less penned by Colin Powell, ironically enough.

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Guest Cerebus

According to OMG COMMIE NEWZ NETWORK Sanchez is doubtful this will actually reduce the opposition in Iraq so while they are jubiliant they're not overly prepared to declare complete victory.

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Guest Jimbo
Er, maybe you saw some relevance that I didn't, but I'm just talking about the Powell Doctrine over here.


....it's perfectly relevant to what you are talking about with Powell. :-/

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How? I'm talking in a purely historical sense here. CC was wondering where this mindset regarding casualties comes from, and it's born out of a combination of support for the Powell Doctrine and the common sense thinking that having less casualties > more casualties.

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Saddam's caputre pretty much puts Bush in the Oval Office until 2008, if for no other reason, then the fact that for over a year now, the general public has heard nothing but officials and president claim that capturing Saddam is the most important piece in the war on terrorism etc......


So it is really up to whether the general public buys into this theory. I am very happy with our troops and think they did a tremendous job, however I don't believe Saddam is the main force behind these attacks, as I never did. Fortunately for the president, I think he has convinced the american public of just that, over the course of a year of manipulation.


But, at least for today and probably the next week(possibly month) I don't give a shit. Congrats on capturing that motherfucker.

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Hilarious. Before we captured Hussein, all the lefties on the board could do was say "OMG WE CAN'T FIND ONE MAN! THE PRESIDENT IS INCOMPETENT LOL~!" Now that we've captured him: "Well he wasn't a threat in the first place, so what if we've captured him? Go after someone who's a threat! This is just propaganda!"


Poor little donkeys, poor little donkeys, whatever will you do now?



not like liberals claimed he was a threat that couldn't be found before though. It is not like liberals thought we shouldn't have done a thing. Maybe just finish the job in Afgan before thinking about Iraq.

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Guest Cerebus
Saddam's caputre pretty much puts Bush in the Oval Office until 2008, if for no other reason, then the fact that for over a year now, the general public has heard nothing but officials and president claim that capturing Saddam is the most important piece in the war on terrorism etc......


So it is really up to whether the general public buys into this theory. I am very happy with our troops and think they did a tremendous job, however I don't believe Saddam is the main force behind these attacks, as I never did. Fortunately for the president, I think he has convinced the american public of just that, over the course of a year of manipulation.


But, at least for today and probably the next week(possibly month) I don't give a shit. Congrats on capturing that motherfucker.

On NBC, a certain cable news network owned by one Rupert Murdoch, and OMG COMMIE NEWZ NETWORK LOL 2003!!!, I heard the Maj. General in charge of the Saddam op, a number of talking heads, and Lt. Gen Sanchez all say that while this is a good thing it doesn't hearld the end of opposition and since the election isn't for eleven more months I think people will notice.

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Guest Evolution

How long until conspiracy sites come up asking if that really is Saddam?


Perhaps this is one of his doubles who also has a day job as the Iraqi Santa Claus?

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Saddam's caputre pretty much puts Bush in the Oval Office until 2008, if for no other reason, then the fact that for over a year now, the general public has heard nothing but officials and president claim that capturing Saddam is the most important piece in the war on terrorism etc......


So it is really up to whether the general public buys into this theory. I am very happy with our troops and think they did a tremendous job, however I don't believe Saddam is the main force behind these attacks, as I never did. Fortunately for the president, I think he has convinced the american public of just that, over the course of a year of manipulation.


But, at least for today and probably the next week(possibly month) I don't give a shit. Congrats on capturing that motherfucker.

The invasion of Iraq was just a smokescreen for the US not finding bin Laden and throwing Americans a bone to chew on while they failed miserably at protecting their own people.


A great day indeed. :throwup:


I feel bad for Americans who continue to be played by their government and media.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Saddam's caputre pretty much puts Bush in the Oval Office until 2008, if for no other reason, then the fact that for over a year now, the general public has heard nothing but officials and president claim that capturing Saddam is the most important piece in the war on terrorism etc......


So it is really up to whether the general public buys into this theory.  I am very happy with our troops and think they did a tremendous job, however I don't believe Saddam is the main force behind these attacks, as I never did.  Fortunately for the president, I think he has convinced the american public of just that, over the course of a year of manipulation.


But, at least for today and probably the next week(possibly month) I don't give a shit.  Congrats on capturing that motherfucker.

The invasion of Iraq was just a smokescreen for the US not finding bin Laden and throwing Americans a bone to chew on while they failed miserably at protecting their own people.


A great day indeed. :throwup:


I feel bad for Americans who continue to be played by their government and media.

And I feel sorry for conspiracy reading losers like you.

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Guest Cerebus
Saddam's caputre pretty much puts Bush in the Oval Office until 2008, if for no other reason, then the fact that for over a year now, the general public has heard nothing but officials and president claim that capturing Saddam is the most important piece in the war on terrorism etc......


So it is really up to whether the general public buys into this theory.  I am very happy with our troops and think they did a tremendous job, however I don't believe Saddam is the main force behind these attacks, as I never did.  Fortunately for the president, I think he has convinced the american public of just that, over the course of a year of manipulation.


But, at least for today and probably the next week(possibly month) I don't give a shit.  Congrats on capturing that motherfucker.

The invasion of Iraq was just a smokescreen for the US not finding bin Laden and throwing Americans a bone to chew on while they failed miserably at protecting their own people.


A great day indeed. :throwup:


I feel bad for Americans who continue to be played by their government and media.

Wow nothing to add to the discussion but conspiracy claptrap. Calling you a liberal is an insult to some of the intelligent liberals we have on this board.


Take a tip from Uncle Sam papa:



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And I feel sorry for conspiracy reading losers like you.

What conspiracy? It's all true -- take your head out of the clouds.


Hmmm, Saddam gets captured right after we find out about this.


Here's one paragraph from the article:


But the company apparently didn't profit from the discrepancy, according to officials who briefed reporters Thursday on condition of anonymity. The problem, the officials said, was that Halliburton may have paid a Kuwaiti subcontractor too much for the gasoline in the first place.


Now, since Dick Cheney used to work at Halliburton (Mike SC, I think we just found our next "Did you know...?" line), it only makes sense to me that Halliburton was laundering money through the Kuwaiti "supplier" in order to pay off Saddam and have him give up -- all less than a year away from Election '04.


Saddam will spend 30 years going to trial in some International Court, die lavishly in exile somewhere before he's ever convicted of jay-walking, let alone genocide, and Cheney, who used to work at Halliburton in case you didn’t know, gets a nice, fat end-of-the-year bonus.


It all makes sense to me...

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Any nutsack saying that we now need to pull out of Iraq is retarded. That'd be condemnable; it'd basically say that we were interested in taking out the guy who could have some effect on us and leaving the people to rot. There'll be a big wave of violence over the next couple weeks, but with Hussein gone it will eventually fade out. I'm disappointed we didn't get Bin Laden first, but that's no reason not to admire the extraction of a miserable human from under a farmhouse.


Barring something ridiculous, Bush has won the White House for a second term. Now I just wonder how they're going try Saddam - some sort of trial in Iraq, or Hague time?

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Guest hhheld_down
Anyone find it ODD that Bush caught Saddam IN AN ELECTON YEAR?


Here come the conspiracy theories. Can't just be happy, huh?

my mom was the same way this morning.. good god, I am not the biggest pro bush fan either but give it a fuckin rest.. be happy we caught him.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Cheney owned Halliburton? GET OUTTA TOWN!

Man that's almost like saying Kerry served in Vietnam.

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