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Steve J. Rogers

Stupidest Fast Food promotion

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This one from McDonalds that they were pimping during the two weeks before the Super Bowl in Jan of 1990 (49ners vs Broncos)


Basically they were saying that one, thats ONE sandwich would be specially priced after which ever team won (Sure Big Mac had to be one, I forget the other) and they did these cheezy comericals featuring some Alaskian town that never heard of football where all the residents were split down the middle over which team/sandwich they wanted to win


Okay, decent promotion, cheezy but funny ad campaign, nice so far.


Well untill the final ad came out at the end of the game and it turns out old Mickey D's pulled a major swerve. Turns out BOTH sandwiches would be marked down for the limited time. Thats okay, I guess, its possible franchises balked at the idea especially thinking that there might be a delluge of late night snackers that night after the game looking to celebrate with the winning sandwich and decided to avoid confusion (Goodness knows some McDonalds employees aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the world and may end up marking down the wrong sandwich)


But here is the stupid part, the final ad was the one that they would have played had the 49ners won, and it had one of the "Bronco Fans" say "But they tried their hardest!"


Okay, I understand the ad was pre-recorded months in advance, but it just looked pretty dumb hearing that remark after the Broncos had just been drubbed in what was at the time the worst defeat in Super Bowl history! Sure you can say, "well what would you have them say?" Good question, maybe not mention the effort of the losing team, maybe "But the they aren't going away empty handed" maybe "But they had a great season anyway"


Un freaking believable!



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Beanie Babies via McDonalds.........Only for the fact that I worked at McDonalds during this nightmare.


We had cars lined up in drive-thru and a line around the store, an hour before we opened.


Oh and then there was the "only 4 beanie babies per purchase/visit" rule that EVERY PERSON NEEDED TO BE TOLD & RETOLD again, which of course led to........people going through the drive-thru multiple times.


What a mess........

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Guest El Satanico
And whatever happened to the Beanie Baby fad?

Smart people got rich and stupid people own worthless bags of beans they paid hundreds of dollars for.

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And whatever happened to the Beanie Baby fad?


I hate people.


Did you guys have signs in the store that said "limit 4 BB's per order"? I loved pointing signs like those to stupid customers...


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And whatever happened to the Beanie Baby fad?

Smart people got rich and stupid people own worthless bags of beans they paid hundreds of dollars for.



Although I own a "Republican" Beanie Baby (or whatever generic brand it's called) that I got from McDonald's years ago.


Didn't wait outside the store for hours in order to get it though. I saw it, thought "neat" and bought it.


Now the cats have yet another chew toy...

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And whatever happened to the Beanie Baby fad?

Smart people got rich and stupid people own worthless bags of beans they paid hundreds of dollars for.



Although I own a "Republican" Beanie Baby (or whatever generic brand it's called) that I got from McDonald's years ago.


Didn't wait outside the store for hours in order to get it though. I saw it, thought "neat" and bought it.


Now the cats have yet another chew toy...

Ye, we got a free collectors Beanie Baby for working during the promotion, and mine went straight onto the carpet with a bit o' catnip sprinkled on it for the cats....

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And whatever happened to the Beanie Baby fad?


I hate people.


Did you guys have signs in the store that said "limit 4 BB's per order"? I loved pointing signs like those to stupid customers...

I'll tell you one thing though, somtimes someone who collects them might try to schmooze there way to completing the set.


This year NYC's McDonalds did a Yankee card promotion where you get one card per order.


Not wanting to pay for 24 Chicken Strips or Chicken Nugget meals over the course of the promotion (not counting all the multiples of Al Osuna or Enrique Wilsons I would get) I always asked if I could just get a hand full of the cards and I promised I would go through them off to the side so I wouldn't tie up a line


Of course


A) clerks would say that ALL the cards they had were the same one because the promo game card in the pack was more visable than the back of the player card




B) You get sticklers for the "NO ONE CARD PER ORDER YOU STUPID FUCK!" rule even if I'm being nice about it and not at all being a jerk about it


So I ended up paying 10 bucks for a complete set on eBay.


Come to think about it, it was probably cheaper if I waited for them to appear on eBay!

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Oh and then there was the "only 4 beanie babies per purchase/visit" rule

What the FUCK???


The one I worked at never had that rule!


Fucking bullshit. I feel like driving up there right now and punching my manager in the face.

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If I was working at McDonalds when they did that, I swear to god I'd have quit.

Worst I had was working at taco bell when they had a bunch of food for $10 deal. They ran print ads which looked like coupons but it was just the regular price. Everybody would cut them out and bring them in. I'd either have to tell them it wasn't a coupon or just take them and throw them away. It must have been a really great deal cause that's all anybody got for a while. They were a bitch to make too.

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On the subtopic of the political beanie babies from McDonalds, I have the one thats not Democrat or Republican, whatever the hell it is. I don't even know where the thing is, but my mother got it for me because I had just registered as an independent.


Oh, and recent memory of bad promotions - the Burger King Value Menu thing.


2 CRISPY TACOS..................that SUCK ASS!


I dont even think they still sell the best item off the menu anymore which was the Sourdough Burger. They still sell the chili, although now its $1.39 which, is a ripoff since Wendy's is $.99 and all it really is, is leftover hamburgers ground up.


Oh, and I also remember when Taco Bell offered a free taco to everyone in the US if parts of the Mir Space Station hit some random spot in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Their target wasn't even close to the projected path of the falling space junk but it got plenty of news coverage anyway and needless to say they didn't give away any tacos.

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On the subtopic of the political beanie babies from McDonalds, I have the one thats not Democrat or Republican, whatever the hell it is. I don't even know where the thing is, but my mother got it for me because I had just registered as an independent.

I think your Independent political symbol was just a lame bear.


Oh, and recent memory of bad promotions - the Burger King Value Menu thing.


I actually like BK's value meal, although I NEVER touched the crispy tacos.


I'd get one of the burgers on that menu, the chili (which wasn't as good as Wendy's but was still edible) and a plain potato. When I got back to work I'd just pour the chili on the potato.


Their salad wasn't too bad either...

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McDonalds commercials for the chicken fajitas which featured 2 young lovers singing about the greatness of the fajitas Meatloaf style as if they were Romero & Juliet.

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Oh, and recent memory of bad promotions - the Burger King Value Menu thing.


2 CRISPY TACOS..................that SUCK ASS!

Philistine. :P Those tacos were the bomb. I was pissed when BK took them off their menu. No one I know was eating at Taco Bell, since anyone who wanted a fast food taco would go to BK. They were awesome.

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The tacos that I had from burger king had about as much filling combined between the two of them as one regular taco from taco bell.


Also worth a mention was that the filling was bland taste wise. The lettuce looked like it was shredded up to cover the fact that it was older and probably should have been put in the trash.


I'll admit that if you just wanted to eat something cheap you could get several of these and get full on them but they just aren't as good as a taco bell taco when it comes to wanting to eat a decent fast food taco (and I know there might be a joke about decent and taco bell being mentioned in the same sentence but its all we have here)

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I could live off Taco Bell. Soft Chicken Taco's are the awesomeness.

Me too. Although I don't like the Chicken Soft Tacos though. Here's what I usually get:


3 Hard Tacos

1 Soft Taco or Double Decker Supreme

1 Burrito Supreme or whatever I'm feeling like

1 Nachos Supreme or Bellgrande (whatever I'm feeling like)


Although, some of Taco Bell's stuff they used to have really sucked. Anybody remember Fajita Wraps? Yuck.

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For years, the lowly Cleveland Cavaliers had a program with Taco Bell that if the Cavs won (which is plenty rare enough) AND scored 100+ points, every fan in the arena (all 485 of them) would get a FREE chalupa. I believe it ended with the drafting of LeBron. But believe me, Taco Bell would not have to part with many free chalupas. I remember one time the Cavs were crushing the Magic and actually hit 100 points with under a minute left when the radio announcer Joe Tait screamed out,




It was a magical night indeed.

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Although, some of Taco Bell's stuff they used to have really sucked. Anybody remember Fajita Wraps? Yuck.

I remember the days when every fast food drive thru had those damn Wraps. Long John Silvers, KFC, Taco Bell, etc...

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