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Scott Keith gave HHH/HBK ****3/4

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I enjoyed this match more than any other one this year, free TV or otherwise. It's kind of cool how it was the last match of the year and to me it was the best. It's nice to see guys like Michaels and Triple H really dig deep for the match, why can't they do it more often?

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Guest Goodear

Triple H in my humble opinion has actually been working pretty well in his deminished capacity for the last couple of months. Sure, he's banged up so badly he can't work a normal schedule but he's been fine in the infrequent tag matches he's been working with the rest of Evolution. I can't comment on his PPV matches since I refuse to pay for that sort of thing.


Michaels on the other hand is the best worker on RAW right now. If he steps it up anymore, the world might explode. BOOM!

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IF you read his blog, you'll note he admits right off the bat he probably over rated the match, but feels he can get away with it because Keller overrated the Iron Man match (ignoring the fact he did, too).


If someone said this before, sorry, but I stopped reading 2 1/2 pages in.


I held off writing my annual Year End column on the off chance this match might have deserved to be mentioned in it (although I could have added it in later...), and it was a good thing I did. But now I'm busy today and might end up writing nothing today...

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Guest hhheld_down

i loved the title match but the ending is what made me not want to tune in next week

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Guest Ghettoman

Wow, the one night I go out drinking and Triple H has a good match. Oh well.


Watching two of the most self serving fuckers in the WWE cram eachothers asses like they should of been doing to everyone else for the last year isn't my cup of tea.

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Guest Goodear

Watching two of the most self serving fuckers in the WWE cram eachothers asses like they should of been doing to everyone else for the last year isn't my cup of tea.


Okay, Shawn is a historically selfish fuck but what's he done wrong in the last year? Seems to me like the guy has been busting his ass for everyone he's been in the ring with and has been doing his share of jobbing considering he's an uppercarder now.

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Guest Ghettoman

Ah yes, his historic betterings of Jericho and Orton, how could I forget....Oh now I know, he did nothing for them at all.


Watching Triple H and HBK rub eachother more than they've rubbed anyone else in the WWE for the last year would make me nautious(sp), ***+ or not.

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Ah yes, his historic betterings of Jericho and Orton, how could I forget....Oh now I know, he did nothing for them at all.

Don't blame Shawn because Orton is killing his own push.


Don't blame Shawn because they did nothing with Jericho after two good matches they put on.

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Somone give me valid explanations for the following, please.


1) Why in the fuck do you care if someone "rated" a match more than you think they should've? Do you live and breathe by other's ratings of matches? Do some of you actually believe on some sort of "universial rating star scale", and that the match can ONLY be rated what you yourself deem it to be?


2) If two people put on a great fantastic match, which just about everyone here will admit to, what in the living fuck does it matter what the two guys do backstage? Just as before, do you live and breathe by what these people do in their personal and business life backstage? Can you not just watch a great match and see it as a great match? Have you been blinded so much by the "reports" that you read that you can't fucking think clearly anymore and take a good match as a good match?


...this isn't for anyone specific, it's for anyone who feels that either one of those goes for you, that's all. ;)

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My sister got me the Ric Flair DVD for Christmas, and I spent the better part of the weekend watching the whole thing.


Looks like HHH and HBK did the same.


Just saying... ;)

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Guest Ghettoman

Shawn did nothing to make Orton look like a threat, I'd love to hear how Orton ruined that on his own, when there was nothing given for him to ruin.


Call me crazy but if Jericho actually got a convincing win over him maybe there would of been more to work with.


I'm not saying the match wasn't good, from all accounts it most certainly was. But knowing that both of them wouldn't do that for anyone but eachother makes it personally nausiating.

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****. I LOVED it being an HBK mark and I MARKED OUT~! when he won. However, I can't in my right mind give it any more because it would diminish the meaning of the star rating.


But, whew, what a match. That was one of the greatest Raw matches in a couple of years.

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I can't in my right mind give it any more because it would diminish the meaning of the star rating.

Can the star rating be any more diminished? You have people in here rating this match from a barely *** all the way up to a ****3/4. Can't make * ratings any more meaningless than that.

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Ah yes, his historic betterings of Jericho and Orton, how could I forget....Oh now I know, he did nothing for them at all.


Watching Triple H and HBK rub eachother more than they've rubbed anyone else in the WWE for the last year would make me nautious(sp), ***+ or not.

Personally, I watch wrestling to see good matches, not to keep score on who gives "the rub" to who and so on.

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Kane DID show gains in ratings back last summer, when he'd just taken a new and exciting character turn. Now that he's lost all of his heat, Shawn would draw way better with HHH. In fact, if they'd kept with the "fired" thing for a little while, I think a HHH/HBK rematch would have been strong enough to build toward a WM XX main event.

Why would Shawn be able to draw? He was never a draw in his past so why would he be one today. A WM 20 ME would be the worst since Shawn and Nash.


Luckily for me I am not a HBK mark. I have never been one. One of my least favorite times in wrestling was 96-early 97 when Shawn was being shoved down my throat and having to hear how "KeWL HBK WaZ."


Now, with all that said I have still been able to look at his matches objectionally. In his prime he was had great timing and was a good bumper. From 1992 to March 1996 he was the hardest working wrestler in the company. Wether he was doing a house show or a PPV he gave it 100%


The problem with his marks today is that they do not realize it is no longer pre 1996. Shawn is just a shell of his former self. He puts on one above average performance and all of sudden it is 5 star match.


The match itself was a good performance and Shawn did put up the effort. But there was no MARK OUT moments for me. Well, I did get pissed when I thought Shawn won the title. But then I realized that the WWE was not that stupid to give the title to an aging balding cripple who still dances around acts like he is a sexy boy.

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Guest Ghettoman

I don't watch the WWE for good wrestling, I watch it for character progression and general entertainment really, and when Triple H ruins everyone he comes in contact with unless it's his self serving buddy I just can't really bring myself to be that entertained. Not saying it wasn't a good match or people shouldn't be entertained by it, I'm just saying because of the way there characters have been used in the past year I personally wouldn't be into enough to throw **** at it.


And that hsa nothing to do with how things are backstage, it's about obviously selfishness coming through on the show.

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But then I realized that the WWE was not that stupid to give the title to an aging balding cripple who still dances around acts like he is a sexy boy.

Half the roster is aging and balding and they can't work like Michaels.

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*Tunes in to see HHH give HBK a backbreaker.*


*See's HBK sell it like it actually means something*


*Chuckles to self cause "been there, done that, don't care" and goes back to watching Firefly DVD*


I can't imagine this match being anything more than the usual shit.


*Reads MrZ's post*



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1) Why in the fuck do you care if someone "rated" a match more than you think they should've? Do you live and breathe by other's ratings of matches? Do some of you actually believe on some sort of "universial rating star scale", and that the match can ONLY be rated what you yourself deem it to be?


1. It prompts discussion. And looking back at this post, it certainly did. Of course, you're the guy who feels opinions can't be questioned, so *throws hands up in the air*, I can't really say anything to change that... People can rate matches whatever they want, I don't really care, I just want to know the reasons behind the ratings - what made the match good. So far, all I'm seeing is "OMG HBK IS THE AWEZOME! ****3/4"


2) If two people put on a great fantastic match, which just about everyone here will admit to, what in the living fuck does it matter what the two guys do backstage? Just as before, do you live and breathe by what these people do in their personal and business life backstage? Can you not just watch a great match and see it as a great match? Have you been blinded so much by the "reports" that you read that you can't fucking think clearly anymore and take a good match as a good match?


We're smarks - that's what we do. There's more to discuss about wrestling than the matches. I don't think any match is being 'downgraded' because of backstage politics, I think that is just an issue being discussed (is it actually being discussed???) - it's a circumstancial factor, it's an interest-point, people here talk about that stuff - always have, always will - you should know that.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
*Tunes in to see HHH give HBK a backbreaker.*


*See's HBK sell it like it actually means something*


*Chuckles to self cause "been there, done that, don't care" and goes back to watching Firefly DVD*


I can't imagine this match being anything more than the usual shit.


*Reads MrZ's post*



*Sees Firefly mentioned in Rudo's post. Laughs*


I'm sorry... what were you saying?


Oh and this match had actual suspense, Benoit/Lesnar did not. Also, whenever I rewatch Benoit "passing out" in the Brock Lock I literally bust out into laughter. I've seen better acting in the Star Wars prequels. Also, these two guys weren't using the SmackDown "I wish this was MMA" Main Event style that's become REALLY passe.

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If you don't like SK, don't read his rants.


Shit on the guy all you want, but only ONE person has pointed out that everyone complains how he hates everything about RAW, and then when he LIKES something, everyone moans about it again. So why is everyone so horrified ? Because it's Scott Keith. I can assure you that if The Dames had given it ****3/4, it would have been little joking 'you overrated it' and that would be the end of it.

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Guest champchavez

I agree with the Ghettoman 100%.


However, Shawn's been putting on some good matches recently. Giving him the title is a ridiculous idea-no more ridiculous than Trips, but he can't work a full sked. Re-build RVD or Jericho and give one of 'em a solid run! Booker would be nice too, but he'd have to do it as a heel, he's just too stale as a face. I hate that they've held him back, but he sucks as a face.

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*Sees Firefly mentioned in Rudo's post. Laughs*


Oh I could go on-and-on-and-on about why Firefly smokes everything the WWE does. But for some _strange_ reason, I don't think you'd care.


I'm sorry... what were you saying?


I'm saying I find your opinions laughable. As in "Leagues better than Brock/Benoit" means nothing, coming from you. Well it means something, something that's funny... but nothing to take seriously. That's why I laughed.


Oh and this match had actual suspense, Benoit/Lesnar did not. Also, whenever I rewatch Benoit "passing out" in the Brock Lock I literally bust out into laughter. I've seen better acting in the Star Wars prequels. Also, these two guys weren't using the SmackDown "I wish this was MMA" Main Event style that's become REALLY passe.


Ah yes, so HHH flopping around in the figure four is Juilliard-level acting? Right. You laughing at Benoit being put it quite a painful-looking move pretty much well says it all (I'll help explain; before, when I said your opinion was laughable - HERE's why. Do you watch wrestling with a plastic bag over your head?)

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Guest Coffey
...Shawn was being shoved down my throat and having to hear how "KeWL HBK WaZ."

Your name makes this one of the most ironic statements I've ever read....

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After rewatching the match...I'll go with ****1/4, MOTY for Raw (not sure if it was better then Jericho/HBK at Mania, but bleh.) and definately a great way to end a somewhat passe year. An awesome story with bits and pieces of intresting psychology (HBK's back injury, HHH's quad injury, etc.), crowd heat off the charts, and everyone getting that good old feeling of marking out when HBK "won" the title. Only thing I didn't care for was HBK chopping so much, but what are you gunna do? For a free match on TV, this was beyond awesome.


I hope they have a rematch at Rumble...I might actually be intrested in the show. And this is coming from a Bret Hart fan, but damn I'm becoming a fan of HBK's by the day. He just keeps pulling out awesome matches since he came back.


Edit: Is this also the first time there has been some type of MOTYC so close to the end of the year?

Edited by HartFan86

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