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Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push

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Benoit Could Get Huge WMXX Push


Could he headline WMXX?


Many signs indicate that WWE is getting ready to give Chris Benoit a huge push that could lead to him winning the Royal Rumble and going on to face Triple H (yes, Triple H) for the World Title at RAW. WWE is strongly considering having Triple H face a Smackdown wrestler for the World Title at WMXX.


At this point, only take this as a rumor.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

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Benoit vs. Triple H....Haitch wins.


2004 is the year of another long HHH reign, capped off by good matches, wears he gets carried by good to great workers. Benoit is second after Michaels.


Though, I would actually consider a RAW a must watch show if Benoit has the title around his waist. Right now, it's meh, because I know what is going to happen. Tag matches...lots and lots of boring and interchangable tag matches.

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I wonder how they are going to have Benoit on RAW. I guess they have it to were the winner gets to choose which title he can wrestle for at WM20. But, that would make Benoit look like a chicken because instead of going after the man that beat him, he jumps to RAW.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I must admit, personally I would LOVE to see HBK vs. Benoit for the title.

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I wonder how they are going to have Benoit on RAW. I guess they have it to were the winner gets to choose which title he can wrestle for at WM20. But, that would make Benoit look like a chicken because instead of going after the man that beat him, he jumps to RAW.

HHH will beat HBK and then cut a promo saying he will face anyone anytime anywhere. Benoit then wins the Rumble and accepts that challenge.

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Bleh its 1bob so take it with a grain of salt. My opinion is the #2 belt in the company should not be up for grabs in the main event of WMXX.

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I just don't get this.


They only way this seems to work is if Triple H drops the World title to Crippler then Lesnar drops the WWE title to some RAW wrestlers which would mean the WWE title would go to RAW and the World Title would go to Smackdown...


Which would mean.....Triple H would win the WWE title on RAW the next Monday and begin ruining that belt.


Already my head hurts.

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HHH will beat HBK and then cut a promo saying he will face anyone anytime anywhere. Benoit then wins the Rumble and accepts that challenge.


Yet Benoit would still looks like a chump cause he's been gunning for Brock and all of a sudden he jumps ship to RAW? Hell in storyline terms that means Brock and Heyman win and ran Benoit out of SD.

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HHH will beat HBK and then cut a promo saying he will face anyone anytime anywhere. Benoit then wins the Rumble and accepts that challenge.


Yet Benoit would still looks like a chump cause he's been gunning for Brock and all of a sudden he jumps ship to RAW? Hell in storyline terms that means Brock and Heyman win and ran Benoit out of SD.


Well, that's what us Americans do to those lousy foreigners! WOOOOO!


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HHH will beat HBK and then cut a promo saying he will face anyone anytime anywhere. Benoit then wins the Rumble and accepts that challenge.


That makes no sense...if Benoit wins the Rumble, according to the rules of last year (which I can only assume will be in place this year) he wins a shot at the WWE champion.


Why would he even NEED to accept an open challenge to get a shot? Hell, if he's gonna take an open challenge, he doesn't even need to win the rumble.


I concur with those who have essentially stated the following: Benoit NOT wrestling for the SD title makes everything he's done with Brock recently pointless.

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HHH will beat HBK and then cut a promo saying he will face anyone anytime anywhere. Benoit then wins the Rumble and accepts that challenge.


Yet Benoit would still looks like a chump cause he's been gunning for Brock and all of a sudden he jumps ship to RAW? Hell in storyline terms that means Brock and Heyman win and ran Benoit out of SD.

They could have Heyman fire him. It would still suck, but whatever.

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I concur with those who have essentially stated the following: Benoit NOT wrestling for the SD title makes everything he's done with Brock recently pointless.


Yeah and I think it could kill Benoit's career. I mean, think about it, Benoit couldn't beat Brock for the WWE title. Then somehow he gets to go after the World title on RAW and jumps ship instead of going after Brock. Then at WM20 Benoit loses the match to Triple H.


So, Benoit couldn't beat Brock so he jumps to RAW and then he couldn't beat Triple H.

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HHH will beat HBK and then cut a promo saying he will face anyone anytime anywhere. Benoit then wins the Rumble and accepts that challenge.


That makes no sense...if Benoit wins the Rumble, according to the rules of last year (which I can only assume will be in place this year) he wins a shot at the WWE champion.


Why would he even NEED to accept an open challenge to get a shot? Hell, if he's gonna take an open challenge, he doesn't even need to win the rumble.


I concur with those who have essentially stated the following: Benoit NOT wrestling for the SD title makes everything he's done with Brock recently pointless.

According to Finkel's intro, the winner of the Rumble gets a shot at their BRAND's champion.


And regarding Heyman; it's simple. Benoit wins the Rumble, but Heyman bitches him out in another 'management vs. workers' promo and simply refuses to allow him to compete for the title at WMXX, no exceptions. Heyman thinks he's crushed Benoit's chances forever, but Benoit jumps ship to RAW the next Monday and is given the shot by Bischoff.


Of course, not having Benoit get the WWE Title shot could kinda make the WWE Champ's opponent at WMXX seem like a 'backup' contender in the fans' eyes because he didn't 'earn' the shot.


You could also have the announcers play up the resentment that some RAW heels could have toward Benoit for 'stealing' their title shot (remember, they could have had that shot had Benoit not jumoed).

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And regarding Heyman; it's simple. Benoit wins the Rumble, but Heyman bitches him out in another 'management vs. workers' promo and simply refuses to allow him to compete for the title at WMXX, no exceptions. Heyman thinks he's crushed Benoit's chances forever, but Benoit jumps ship to RAW the next Monday and is given the shot by Bischoff.


But, that's the thing Heyman WOULD crush Benoit chances cause he doesn't get to face Brock and Heyman wins. Cause I doubt Heyman would care about Benoit getting the title on RAW.

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What if they went so far as to book it like 94 when Bret and Luger won and have both lead to title matches at WM20. Have Benoit and Goldberg both win and come up with a reason for their shots to be at the other show's champ. That sets up Benoit/HHH and Goldberg/Lesnar.

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Guest PowerPB13
Not to rag on you or anything, but...how many more times is this going to be reported before it becomes old news?

Because if enough people say it enough times, eventually they'll actually believe that Benoit is getting ANY World Titles in his WWE career.



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And regarding Heyman; it's simple. Benoit wins the Rumble, but Heyman bitches him out in another 'management vs. workers' promo and simply refuses to allow him to compete for the title at WMXX, no exceptions. Heyman thinks he's crushed Benoit's chances forever, but Benoit jumps ship to RAW the next Monday and is given the shot by Bischoff.

Heyman has already stated Benoit will never get another title shot on Smackdown. All they have to say is Heyman put it down on paper so it's official.


So, there is no other choice but to move Benoit to Raw to get a title shot since he won the Rumble.

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I am not for Benoit getting the title shot at HHH instead of Lesnar at all, but I bet that if it happens, they will do it like this:


Benoit wins the Rumble. The next Smackdown, Heyman comes out and interrupts Benoit and reminds him that he can not have a title shot while he is GM, no matter what! So winning the Rumble doesn't matter. Benoit is pissed, but someone in WWE (Linda?), decides to make it up to Benoit by giving him a shot at the other title. In a perfect world, it could lead to Benoit getting the Smackdown Title off Brock at SUmmerSlam or whenever they are going to be in Canada for a pay-per-view.

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Actually, they could make it HBK vs Crippler while HHH takes on Randy Orton for the IC title.


Even better?

HBK vs Crippler with special guest ref Bret "The Hitman" Hart


That would be an awesome Wrestlemania match.

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They could have Benoit win the rumble, then on the next show somehow have Heyman DENY him the title shot even though he WON THE ROYAL RUMBLE. At which point Benoit lays the mother of all beatings on Heyman is prompty fired.


Cue RAW, Austin brings in Benoit, and since Benoit won the Rumble he's the #1 contender to RAW title.


Anyways whatever, you know if they do a Benoit push it will be booked horribly, with Benoit fetching Flair's lotion or something :headbang:

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I think a WMXX main evented, in madison sq garden, by a well-built Benoit-HBK match would draw well and break 4 stars. It would be a great match, i think their styles would go together very well, and the crowd would be f'n hot for a classic match at one of the biggest events ever, at MSG. Bret Hart as guest ref would add muchos to this as well, just have him work it totally fair (but have weeks of speculation of how he'll treat both leading up) and then have him count HBK down clean. Finish the ppv with handshakes/hugs/respect/handshakes/etc.


I dont think this will be happening. ;)

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Benoit will be marked to get the belt until Triple H decides he wants to keep the title strong for Randy Orton at the next Raw PPV or Summerslam before deciding he doesn't want to do that either.

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HBK vs Benoit would be face vs face. Therefore it's not likely to happen any time soon.


If Benoit is gonna go to Raw, that means Brock should leave WMXX with the belt, and I doubt that two heels are gona leave with the championship on big WM anniversary show.

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If they go with Lesnar vs Goldberg and HHH vs Benoit, and if Mania 20 is Goldberg's last night with WWE, they have no choice but to put the belt on Benoit because they won't end Mania 20 with a heel victory and Lesnar is going over Goldberg at Mania.


Everyone can see what HHH is doing. He is trying to recreate 2000, like another poster stated by having great matches every month. HBK is his Foley and Benoit is his Rock, except Benoit goes over at Mania and at Backlash before the belt goes back to HHH, just in time for Lesnar vs Benoit in Toronto at SkyDome for Summerslam 04, which has the ultimate storyline behind it.

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