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The raw thread

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After scanning through the raw thread a couple of things were running through my mind. I guess the first question that pops into my brain is, what the hell is the matter with a couple of you guys? The raw thread is an absolute embarassment. Bad insults, stupid tit remarks and flaming back and forth were running rampant, much worse than usual. I usually do not read the television show threads, are they always like that? I will readily admit to many times being immature on the board but that thread dropped a couple of points off of my IQ, and I did not even read the entire thread. I am usually not one to criticize other people's posting ability but jesus christ I feel dumbfonded by the level of intelligence displayed by a couple of the posters. The entire thread basically broke down into stupid anti-Orton rhetoric or insults back and forth between posters. This does not really bother me when it is confined to a couple of pages, but there appears to be upwards of 20 pages of this crap. I realize I will make some enemies with this post, by those who consider me elitist, but so be it.

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The RAW threads have been like that since they were first created. Why anyone actually thinks comments like "WTF?!" and "Suckbag does blah blah blah" are necessary or actually add anything, is beyond me. Basically any thought with depth will instantly be buried admist lots of crap.

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Guest Quik

That's what gives the thread it's charm. It's like watching Raw with a bunch of dorks who make MST3k-like comments throughout the show. Do you expect well thought-out, concise arguments? That's why you read the reports after the show.

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After scanning through the raw thread a couple of things were running through my mind. I guess the first question that pops into my brain is, what the hell is the matter with a couple of you guys? The raw thread is an absolute embarassment. Bad insults, stupid tit remarks and flaming back and forth were running rampant, much worse than usual. I usually do not read the television show threads, are they always like that? I will readily admit to many times being immature on the board but that thread dropped a couple of points off of my IQ, and I did not even read the entire thread. I am usually not one to criticize other people's posting ability but jesus christ I feel dumbfonded by the level of intelligence displayed by a couple of the posters. The entire thread basically broke down into stupid anti-Orton rhetoric or insults back and forth between posters. This does not really bother me when it is confined to a couple of pages, but there appears to be upwards of 20 pages of this crap. I realize I will make some enemies with this post, by those who consider me elitist, but so be it.


If you don't like arguments, you shouldn't be on the messageboards then.

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However, MST3K is fairly original, and they never fail to make me laugh.


The fucking RAW threads are nothing original. And you can't please these guys either.


"Benoit is facing Bob Holly at the PPV"




"Benoit is facing Los Guerreros with Kurt Angle at the PPV"




"Chris Benoit has won the Royal Rumble, and will face the World Champion at Wrestlemania"




"Chris Benoit has won the World Title by beating HHH in 5 minutes."




"Chris Benoit has quit WWE, and will spend the rest of his career wrestling in bingo halls in Japan."


HOORAY! I'll never see him wrestle EVER AGAIN, but I'm happy. He'll get the respect he deserves.


"Chris Benoit will face Masa Chono at the 06/24/04 Legends event in the Osaka Dome."



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"Chris Benoit has won the World Title by beating HHH in 5 minutes."




"Chris Benoit has quit WWE, and will spend the rest of his career wrestling in bingo halls in Japan."


HOORAY! I'll never see him wrestle EVER AGAIN, but I'm happy. He'll get the respect he deserves.


"Chris Benoit will face Masa Chono at the 06/24/04 Legends event in the Osaka Dome."



Riiiight...because THAT'S HAPPENED. :rolleyes:


And for the record, YES, some of us do buy tapes from Japan, so if say Benoit did go to Japan like you said, YES some of us would see him again. Not that confusing.

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Just watch, people will always find something to bitch about, and these smarks are the worst.


They only way they'll be happy is if Chris Benoit beats Jericho, Chris Daniels, Nova, Kurt Angle, and Steve Corino in a Battle Royal where you are eliminated after three falls and a submission, each.


This match would observe all traditional rules, so over-the-top rope throws or manuevers, no low blows etc. It would be in a cage in the middle of an empty arena.


Benoit would win after 3 hours of frenzied fighting that left Nova in a coma. He would then win all the titles in the WWE, NWA, and Stampede Wrestling.


Even after all of that, someone would still say, "Vince is trying to recreate the days of Attitude."


And that's why I hate you all.

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I was joking.


And you're bitching more than I'm bitching.


But is it worse to bitch about someone bitching about bitching, or bitch about someone bitching about people bitching about bitching?

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He's in a decent story, with a major win on Sunday.


And people are bitching that the magic is gone ALREADY, just because of his promo last night.


Which reminds me, after Benoit puts Nova into a coma, he stands on the top of the cage, and delivers a masterful promo in three languages which would make Sir Laurence Olivier shit his already well-shat pants in wonder & awe.

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Which reminds me, after Benoit puts Nova into a coma, he stands on the top of the cage, and delivers a masterful promo in three languages which would make Sir Laurence Olivier shit his already well-shat pants in wonder & awe.

Why the hell wouldn't he be doing a handstand? Fuck that.


And really, the only person bitching about his promo is rawmvp...and he's a little slow. ;)

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I do enjoy wrestling arguments Deon, even stupid ones, but the raw thread might very well be the most immature, garbage thread I have ever read on this board.

By the way who did not get the free ice cream?

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Maybe he's angry because HHH upstaged him.


HHH fucked the owners daughter, while Benoit only managed to fuck another wrestlers wife.


He's been upstaged.

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Interesting concept, but I would imagine fighting over who's nipples are larger would be better.

SMH looks like a girl with huge nipples, she'd definetly out-do Woman on this.


However, Woman is actually female, so that kinda rules Stephie out, doesn't it?



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Well, what would YOU like to read in the Raw thread? Should everybody who reads it provide play-by-play? If you're looking for that, read Dames's review or go to 411 or something. You have a wide choice. Should the Raw thread be filled with people screaming "JERICHO!!!" "ORTON!!!!" "IT'S FOLEY!!!" "WHOA!! IT'S BENOIT!!" ? Personally, I know I get unbelievably bored having to scroll down and read 10 people screaming the name of a person or a move in a match. So I don't know....the Raw thread seems pointless if it turns into that.


Face it. The Raw thread is a place for one-liners. Jokes to be made about the show, jokes to be made about other posters, remarks about a match or interview that takes place. Consider it as if you're in an arena with a whole bunch of other smarks. Not everyone will get along, people around you will be telling jokes - some hilarious, some painfully unfunny -, and some will be providing play-by-play to those that can't see the show. That's how the Raw thread is, and I really don't see a problem with it.

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You would make sense if what you just wrote was not completely wrong. People do say the same thing, they say Orton sucks, Jackie flashed everyone and then flamed each other over getting excited about it. This continued for 30 pages. I would prefer jokes and insights on the show, both positive and negative. Is it too much to ask for anyone to actually think? I am not saying do not make stupid jokes or witty remarks, I actually like those. Just don't tell me the exact same thing a million different ways.

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Is it too much to ask for anyone to actually think?



Let's be realistic here. It'd be almost impossible to be witty post after post when you're posting every 30-seconds. You guys should just organize a chat room or summin' on Mondays instead of eating up so much bandwidth with comments that are repeated almost to the T by 10 other people in the same 45-second span.

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The Raw Thread is useful for people to mold their opinions after so they can follow the thinking of the collective and feel safe.

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Meh. I just see the Raw thread as an oppertunity to have fun. Sure, my insults may have been lame and kind of immature, but I was just having fun with it. If those comment/jokes interrupted other threads, I'd have a problem with it too. But to me, the Raw thread is almost a chat room. Not much discussion, just little comments and lame jokes.

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