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Black Lushus

Degrassi The Next Generation

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I was a huge fan of the original series, Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High. About 3 months ago, my cable company pucked up the Noggin network which airs the new series. I must say I am starting to like this one, even though they basically rehash a lot of storylines from the original series.


I also must say though, I find pretty much every character aggrevating in one way or another; mainly Emma (nosey, pushy, always interjecting herself), Craig (can never make a damn decision to save his life), Terri (i can't stand pretty girls that think they're ugly because they have a few extra pounds on them) and Spinner (this guy needs to be punched) to name a few. Favorite characters would include Sean (the "rebel" type kid who flunked a year), JT and Ashley (this chick is hot for a teenie bopper)..


Anyway, any thoughts on this show? like it, hate it? fav characters or episodes?

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Shockingly good show. The other original shows that Noggin' airs are pretty weak, but this one is shockingly fun. I've probably seen every episode at this point, thanks in part to the many marathons they've had.


While I haven't seen many episodes of the original Degrassi, I can imagine that the characters are intentionally given flaws. While they're not necessarily designed to make people aggravated, there are to many shows where every character is crafted as to keep you from every disliking them.


I don't really have particular favorite characters, though I did really like the storylines they were running with Marco, Manny, and the punkish girl were interesting towards the end of last season.

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yeah, the Marco coming out of the closet storyline was interesting, Spinner was as big an asshole as ever during that run...Elle is the punk girl, unless you're referring to Ashley who recently became a punk, gothic type girl...


I know what you're saying about annoying character, but man some of these characters really grate on my nerves, especially Emma, i think she's gotta be the worsts character and of course she's kinda the main character...


By the way, has anyone seen the teaser commercial that shows someone in the hospital while Paige and Spinner look on in tears...any ideas who that is? I'm thinking Terri, perhaps she got back with that geek that abused her and he went too far...dammit Noggin quit bullshittin on the new episodes already!

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I watch Degrassi all the time. One of my favorite t.v. shows that is currently on the air. I've seen all the episodes. I thought the first season was rather weak, but I liked the second and third seasons. It seems like the more the cast grow up, the more interesting the stories get. I really liked the Marco Coming Out storyline. Thought those 2 episodes where he came out to Spinner were the best episodes of the show. I also enjoyed the episodes where Craig's father died, when Paige got raped, and the love triangle between Craig, Ashley, and Manny which is still going. I'm 17, so the show is still in the range where I cannot be totally embarass about watching it. I think the show is targeted at 13-16 year olds though.


I don't hate any of the characters actually. My favorite characters are Craig, Jimmy, Ashley, Manny, Marco, Toby, Spinner (he's made me chuckle), J.T. (he's made me chuckle more than once), Emma, Sean, Joey, Snake, and Ellie. I also happen to find Ellie, Manny, Ashley, Paige, and Emma very attractive, although I happen to think that Ellie is the most attractive. I still want to know how Ashley went from Popular Chick, to goth, to punk girl in a span of 3 seasons with no explanation.


I haven't seen the original shows, only clips, so I can't comment on how many storylines are taken from the original show and how many are new. But I've liked alot of the episodes I've seen and it's one of the shows I make sure to watch along with Radio Free Roscoe (which I find to be as good as Degrassi. I liked every episode I've seen. Plus I think Lily is hot. And I think Ray is funny.). I have no idea when the new episodes will start airing again. I can't wait to see what happens next!

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I've seen every episode.




I like the Manny/Craig/Ashley love triangle, and think it would have been better if Manny turned all slutty if she was raped, instead of Paige. Paige hasn't done anything all season, so it would have been better to use that story on Manny.



I didn't really like the whole Marco turns gay thing. It just seemed so out of left field, plus the fact that they are only in Junior High. Who knows that they are gay in Junior High?


I HATE Terri, Emma, and that black girl. Worst. Characters. Ever.





Edit: And Spike is a milf.

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Sean can burn in hell now. Stealing the laptop of a man with cancer? And getting pissed at your g/f cause she wants to spend time with her step-father who has the cancer?

Come on, I know he wants to be a "rebel" but even rebels have SOME heart.


And so what do they plan to do...stick Ellie with him apparently. Ellie, the poor girl with the alcholic mom who is cutting herself is going to hook up with the biggest asshole on the show, yeah much bigger than Spinner now who just seems too stupid. Lame.


In fact, the storylines just seem to scream out, "Who can we push closer to cutting their wrist THIS week?"


Still, it's just fun for the goofiness. That and Radio Free Roscoe.

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Ellie cutting herself was funny in a "These writers are idiots" sort of way.


Got to admit, using a protactor is inventive...in a stupid kind of way.


Then again, have these writers show ANY ounce of intelligence at anything other than crushing lives into the ground?

If these kids are going through this in junior high...imagine high school for them!


I'm expecting Toby to come into school one day with a shotgun and gun down Liberty at this pace. And yes, the idea alone worries me but I can't put it past these people. Sick bunch.

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When the hell are new episodes going to start anyway? There a lot of unresolved plot lines, (JT and Toby's rocky friendship, who Emma will hook up with, Manny being a slut, and of course Joey getting back with Catlin) that I want to see soon.

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Guest Anglesault
By the way, has anyone seen the teaser commercial that shows someone in the hospital while Paige and Spinner look on in tears...any ideas who that is? I'm thinking Terri, perhaps she got back with that geek that abused her and he went too far...dammit Noggin quit bullshittin on the new episodes already!

Mr. Simpson

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This isn't a Noggin original series to whomever said so, I'm pretty sure this is a CTV thing.


I think the main problems with this one is that it's even more melodramatic than Degrassi High. I understand that you need drama, but c'mon. Degrassi Juniour High was a good blend of realism and drama in my opinion, as it didn't go too far. Degrassi High pushed the edge, but was at least somewhat creative. This new show is just lame.


Nothing is as bad as Boston Public though. Nothing.

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Nothing is as bad as Boston Public though. Nothing.


I love how a show about a high school in Boston has maybe one student in the school that talks like they are from Boston.


Also, it's Craig not Greg.

And Craig is a PLAYA! That boy is going to end up getting the whole cast of females and might even get some of the guys.

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I'm almost 100 percent sure the hospital patient is Mr. Simpson, though it seems a little sudden to kill him off a couple of months after he gets terminally ill, at least in TV time.


The thing I hate about Degrassi is that they have good episodes, but then they have horribly ridiculous ones that scream out "Bad After-School Special" (coughElliegoessuicidalcough). Plus, they seem to be really jumpy with storylines. For instance, Terri gets with the shy dude with the roses one episode, gets beaten up/dumps him three weeks later after it totally being ignored, and the next part of their little saga isn't coming until, at the earliest, the new episodes start up (and another thing: Noggin might have the dumbest "seasons" ever. Degrassi's on for like a month of new episodes, and then their season's over, yet Radio Free Roscoe's seemingly pumped out new episodes weekly since its debut).


Oh, and anyone who hates Radio Free Roscoe is a bad, bad person. Some of the stuff's good in a really cheesy way (the bike thief episode, the geek boy band, and how exactly do they keep RFR secret if they talk about it out loud in front of everyone at school, especially the one time where Smog got upset because Ray said all the fake Smog dude did was push buttons like a monkey?), but the Ray/Lily storyline, for some reason, brings up the slow build of the Cory/Topanga relationship from Boy Meets World in my head.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Do ya Yanks get Degrassi down there?


The first Degrassi was the shit, Even Kids of Degrassi Street. This? Bah.

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Guest BrokenWings
The first Degrassi was the shit



I can't comment on the new one, as I saw the commercials and wasn't exactly enticed.


After looking around on the net, however, I will agree to Spike being a MILF. :D

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I caught a few episodes over the summer while my son was out here visiting me, but haven't seen it since network TV started its fall season; I'm mildly surprised that someone else my age has ever watched it.

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when Paige got raped,

Shit. I guess I haven't seen all the episodes.


I looked it up, and this was some 90-minute episode that I assume Noggin hasn't rerunned in since its debut due to the heavy overtones.


And yeah, they definitely executed that Terri/creeper boyfriend angle way too quickly...

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but the Ray/Lily storyline, for some reason, brings up the slow build of the Cory/Topanga relationship from Boy Meets World in my head.

I agree. It's the only good storyline going through RFR, that makes me want to watch.




And is it bad that I like the boyfriend that beats Terri more than I like Terri?

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when Paige got raped,

Shit. I guess I haven't seen all the episodes.


I looked it up, and this was some 90-minute episode that I assume Noggin hasn't rerunned in since its debut due to the heavy overtones.


And yeah, they definitely executed that Terri/creeper boyfriend angle way too quickly...


SHOUT, I believe it was called has been re-run a few times on Noogin so I think you'll have a good chance to see it.


Course, Ashley doesn't seem to have a working brain IN this episode and my proof of this


Paige (looking back scared): He's here

Ashley: Who?



She looks back scared and dishelved and she has NO clue who is there.


And of course, JT basically turning into Spike Dudley and trying to defend her honor. Me and my friend played the Austin theme when he went after the guy but now I realize "Highway to Hell" would have been better.

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And is it bad that I like the boyfriend that beats Terri more than I like Terri?


Yes, yes it is.


Terri is a sweet girl but her confidence stinks. But I can't blame her. First, Paige gets her drunk and takes Spinner from her and then her first boyfriend is an abusive bastard.


She's basically the token fat chick whose not really fat but compared to the others, she has to be fat.


She's made SO many bad decisions on this show but the one thing she seemed to have was the power to stand up for herself...so they are going to dump that so she goes back with the bastard. Then again, it happens ALL the time in real life so I guess it makes sense.

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Too much drama compared to the original Degrassi Jr. High? Spike was preggie at like 13. There was also the whole, Ms. Avery is a lesbian shit and all that stuff.


Admittedly, it didn't get real good until Senior with Clutch and the gang, all the Wheels shit (man was his life fucked up) and Scott beating Kathleen (which was directly lifted with Terri, up to and including Kathleen being in the drama) although Scott-Kathleen had a much bigger build.


However, this show has way hotter chicks. Looking back, there was a very select crew of decent looking girls on the original Degrassi. Caitlyn, Tessa, Stephanie Kay, Spike, Lucy - all these chicks are borderline decent at best.



Oh yeah, the new episodes have started I believe and guess what, someone is pregnant (unless this is old news) Don't look down if you dont want to know. Spoiler tags suck, unless I'm doing it wrong.














[spoilers]Manny is having Craig's baby according to the home pregnancy test. she just has to check with the doctor (it was to be continued)[/spoilers]

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