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Rob Feinstein........

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Guest Banders Kennany
WOW, that live journal was...different...


But damn, he fuckin ripped RF, and I agree with most of what he had to say. He also pretty much put my thoughts on Eric Gargiulo's piece in a nutshell - Eric didn't need to wait till now to let his thoughts on RF be known, and his attempt to shill CZW simultaneously was both lame and uncalled for. But like Joe, I agreed with most of what he had to say.

I think Eric waited because if he did come out with all this earlier, it might be looked at as just some low balling propaganda to smear the ROH name in the Philly Turf Wars.

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I don't THINK anyone has posted this yet...if they have, sorry...


CREDIT: PWTorch.com


Gabe Sapolsky, Ring of Honor's head prromoter and booker, is facing the biggest challenge in his professional life. The Rob Feinstein situation has threatened the very existence of the ROH promotion he has poured his heart and soul into building the past two years. The following is the first installment of a one hour "Torch Talk" conducted March 7 during which Gabe talks about the Feinstein situation, how he reacted and how wrestlers reacted, and why ROH should survive despite the controversy. In future installments, Gabe talks about the future of ROH, his vision for it, how it has influenced WWE's "New Style," and what he believes sets ROH apart from other promotions today.


Wade Keller: When and how did you first find out how life was about to drastically change for you professionally? Was it a phone call or a visit?


Gabe Sapolsky: Yeah, Rob called me Wednesday morning a half hour before I was going to get up and he was crying. He said, "You've got to come in now to the office. I have something to tell you." I go, "Tell me over the phone." He goes, "I can't talk about this. Just come in and I'll tell you to your face." I knew no one died because he would have told me. So I got to the office and he told me everything.


Keller: How long did you talk to him at that point?


Sapolsky: We were at the office all day. We were all figuring things out. We knew immediately this was going to be bad. So we started reorganizing then.


Keller: He knew given the circumstances, whatever is true and comes out in the wash in the long run, that he'd have to step down based on what was coming out, right? That wasn't a fight, he didn't need to be convinced?


Sapolsky: Yes.


Keller: What was your first reaction upon hearing this, both personally and professionally?


Sapolsky: Words can't even describe it.


Keller: You were not just a business partner with Rob; you were also his friend, too?


Sapolsky: I've known Rob since 1993. You know, we travelled together in ECW a lot. Yeah, it's been much more business and much less personal the last few years with him, but Rob's been a big part of my life for 11 years. I've talked to him pretty much several times a week, if not daily.


Keller: How did you first get to know Rob?


Sapolsky: I met Rob at Temple University. We were both going there. I bought a tape off of him.


Keller: You ended up working for ECW for a few years, then they went under and you began working for Rob?


Sapolsky: Rob hired me for R.F. Video before Ring of Honor began. I was hired to do some marketing stuff. Then we started Ring of Honor about eight months after I started there.


Keller: Is it fair to say Ring of Honor was created in part because you had an itch to promote, but also R.F. Video wanted some royalty-free in-house wrestling matches that they thought their customer base would want to see?


Sapolsky: Yes.


Keller: I haven't heard anyone ask this because everyone is focused on other aspects of this story, but how is Rob dealing with this? Is he doing okay four days after the story broke?


Sapolsky: (resigned sounding) I really don't know.


Keller: Fair enough.


Sapolsky: I'll say this. No one's doing okay.


Keller: Is he on suicide watch or in denial or throwing things through windows?


Sapolsky: I don't know how he's doing. I just know nobody's doing okay.


Keller: This is something that affects everyone involved with R.F. Video and ROH?


Sapolsky: The number of people this affects and the number of ways it affects everyone's hard work and both businesses are just so astronomical, you can't even just sit down and make a list. Every day something new pops up. Even if it's something minor like your buddy Jim Cornette, he was looking forward to working our Chicago show to work with Bobby Heenan. That was his sole purpose for wanting to work that show because he and Heenan never worked together. Now, not only will that not happen and who knows if it will happen, now that moment in wrestling history with arguably the two greatest managers of all time working together is not going to happen. I know that's insignificant in the big picture, of course, but that's just a minor, little little little tiny thing that it affects. I might get criticized for saying this, but it's 100 percent true. This has been like a 9-11 for the company in the sense that 9-11 changed everything for everybody in so many different ways. This is the same thing.


Keller: Rob released a statement saying he would no longer be involved in ROH and R.F. Video in an ownership position, active behind the scenes in any way, or drawing any money from the promotion. It sounds from what you've said in statements that absolutely, if that wasn't going to be the case, you would have no interest in putting more blood, sweat, and tears into this.


Sapolsky: I'm telling everybody this now. If Rob is benefiting from this company - either company - there will be no companies. First of all, because our locker room is 100 percent behind us now, but if they think Rob's involved, they're gone. So even if he's just being sent a check or something, like they don't want him benefiting at all. So there are not companies if he is around because there will be nobody working at them.


Keller: As of one month ago, Rob was a minority owner of ROH and a majority owner of R.F. Video?


Sapolsky: I'm not so sure about R.F., but I know he was a minority owner of ROH.


Keller: Are you a part owner at all of ROH?


Sapolsky: No.


Keller: You worked for Rob and other people. Will the details of the other owners come out at a later time?


Sapolsky: I'm not sure.



Keller: So it might be a situation where all you say is, "Rob is not involved, but as far as who else owns it, we want to keep that private."


Sapolsky: I'm not sure how anything is going to be handled at this point. We're sitting down and taking everything one by one.


Keller: The goal ultimately is to make sure your customers have a sense of comfort beyond one or two people telling them "trust us" that Rob is not part of the company in any way, and you guys are trying to figure out that your customers will feel sure they are supporting a company they can feel good about.


Sapolsky: Yes, exactly.


Keller: How interconnected have been ROH and R.F. Video? Could each survive on their own, or are they each dependent on each other now?


Sapolsky: Ahh, I don 't know enough about the business-side to say.


Keller: If you get an ROH tape in the mail, it's sent by the same people who send you a "best of" tape from R.F. Video?


Sapolsky: Yes.


Keller: Will that remain the case?


Sapolsky: Like I said, I really don't know what's going to happen with anything.


Keller: When you began to get involved in ROH, did you really move away from having much to do with R.F. Video?


Sapolsky: I still did some stuff, like the mailing updates and stuff here and there. I still did some stuff there.


Keller: Now describe to me as of a week ago when life was totally different, what did you do for ROH on a day-to-day basis?


Sapolsky: The big thing was booking, talent-relations, public relations, marketing, every facet of the company really.


Keller: Would you say there is somebody else who is equally valuable to you behind the scenes administratively or creatively or marketing, or is it almost all on your shoulders?


Sapolsky: I do a lot of that stuff. We all contribute to the different facets of the company, but a lot of that stuff I handle.


Keller: How many people work for ROH part time or full time?


Sapolsky: I don't want to get into the number of people because it changes a lot and everything. I don't want to give too much away in terms of what goes on in the office because it's really all up in the air.


Keller: Could you tell me as of a week ago how many people worked full time for ROH?


Sapolsky: No, I really probably wouldn't even be able to give a good answer.


Keller: What did Rob do that are holes that now need to be filled as far as the operations? Was he mainly an absentee owner who kind of threw some ideas out or was he sitting there licking the stamps?


Sapolsky: He's had people in place running both businesses for a long time now, so we have everybody in place. Obviously, he did some stuff, but he pretty much had everybody else running the businesses for him, so we're really not going to lose a step there.


Keller: Who is Doug Gentry, who is taking over for Rob according to the press release?


Sapolsky: He's been with the company for a while now. He started with Rob.


Keller: He knows the ins and outs. This isn't a huge adjustment.


Sapolsky: He knows the business better than anybody and he grew with the business and that's why he's the president now.


Keller: Have you figured out if any of your duties will be changing, or is that just being worked out?


Sapolsky: Everything is being worked on.


Keller: Do you anticipate any interruption if you are an ROH customer waiting for tapes to arrive, do you expect any interruption or delay in service, or will all the cogs keep going even while these meetings are taking place?


Sapolsky: Everything is keeping on going. Obviously, we will be set back a day or two, but that's it. Everything is still going uninterrupted, business is moving forward. We have to keep going. We have no choice.


Keller: Was there a point over the last five days when you wanted to quit or you felt you would have no choice but to have to shut down?


Sapolsky: I mean, what goes through your head is you sit here and think, "I've given two years of my life to this project. This thing is my dream. And I've lived this product for two years. Every moment I'm awake I'm thinking about ROH. I even dream booking and stuff. You aren't just going to just walk away from that because of something that has nothing to do with me or anybody in the company or the company itself. It had nothing to do with any of us, so how can you just give up on what you've put so much into and what's your dream. If I'm not doing this, then I'm probably going to have a job that I'm not going to enjoy very much. I mean, why throw away everything for something that had nothing to do with anybody with the company. It had nothing to do with either company. It didn't happen around the company. It didn't happen at a show. Nothing like that. Nothing to do with us whatsoever. So what are we supposed to do, just go, "Oh, well, I did all that work for two years. Well, whatever, I'll just flush it down the toilet now. Now I don't have a job, either. So that sucks. I'm not 21 anymore where I don't have a job, no big deal. I'm 31 now. I can't not have a job. So it's not like we can just suddenly walk away from everything.


Keller: Is it safe to assume that whatever happened or is alleged to have happened with Rob was not a sign of other things resembling that going on within ROH or R.F. Video or at your shows or at the workplace? This was a case of an individual whose apparent actions had nothing to do with the wrestling company? This isn't a sign of something much bigger that's going to come out, is it?


Sapolsky: Oh God, no. No, no.


Keller: What has been the most surprisingly pleasant thing that has happened since this new story broke in terms of people's reactions, be it customers, wrestlers, family? In some way, have you taken anything positive away from these last five days?


Sapolsky: There's nothing positive. There's nothing pleasant, either. Nothing. I mean, we appreciate so much the people who are staying with us and saying that they're still going to support us because they realize there are a lot of good people who have given a lot of themselves to this company and we can't flush that down for something that had nothing to do with any of us. So, I mean, to get that reaction from them means a great deal to us, but at the same time why are we even in a position where we have to get that type of thing? So there's nothing positive.


Keller: You've gotten a lot of e-mails, I assume...


Sapolsky: Yes.


Keller: Have you been pleasantly surprised at people's willingness to hear the full story and understand what Rob's position was and will be in the future?


Sapolsky: There is only one thing we are saying to people right now and it's the only thing that there is to say because I'm not going to make this into a personal thing. And what happened was a personal thing, so I'm not going to make it into that. So we're just saying Rob is not with the company anymore, he's not benefiting from the company. If you are supporting us, you are not supporting Rob. You are supporting the good people that really depend on Ring of Honor and R.F. Video and none of your support is going to Rob. That's the message we're sending out right now because that's pretty much the only thing there is to do. It does us no good to sit here and denounce him. I'm not turning this into an insult thing. You know Rob definitely has something to deal with here. He's not hopping and skipping through a meadow right now. So, he's dealing with his own personal stuff. There's no reason to bring the business into it at all, or the promotion.


Keller: This is a situation that doesn't just affect Rob's business, but it affects his family and friends and every aspect of his life drastically.


Sapolsky: This affects so many different people in so many different ways that there is no way to sit there and possibly make a list of them all. There's new things every day that come up. So it's so unbelievably overwhelming how many people this affects.


Keller: Have you been gratified at all that some customers have read what you've said on the internet and they agree and are supporting you?


Sapolsky: Yeah, I've gotten a lot of that. Like, a lot a lot. Right now the main problem we face when it comes to the internet is there are a lot of people who didn't like Rob and there were a lot of people who are jealous of ROH and R.F. Video who want to see ROH fail and are bootleggers and want to see R.F. Video. Now we've given all of those people a nuclear bomb to go after us and they're not going to stop. That's the main thing. But those aren't people who were supporting us anyway, but now all we've done is give them a nuclear bomb to go after us right now.


Keller: As much of a mine field as you're walking through and as much as you've got your enemies in position to snipe at you right now, in the long run is it possible to spin this as a positive because of what a lightning rod Rob was and how controversial he was? He was an agitator, an in-your-face guy. He's not passive about things. He, over the course of 15 years, built a long list of enemies. In the long run could there be some positives to not having Rob in the company?


Sapolsky: I don't know. We're really only able to take things one day at a time right now.


Keller: Besides the initial news, have you been disappointed in media coverage or in internet fan reaction or customer reaction? Have you had a chance to reflect on that at all?


Sapolsky: Now, I'm just trying to take in all the information as it comes so we know exactly how the public is feeling right now. What can I say?


Keller: Do you have a number one frustration right now in terms of trying to get word out about some things that aren't quite clicking?


Sapolsky: I don't know whether these are Rob's enemies or what it is, but it just seems that people are so used to being worked in the wrestling business that they're not believing anything we're saying. We're trying. You know, the first two statements we put out, I agree they were not the best statements and I can see how they could be criticized. We did the best we could with those statements. We were just shell-shocked. We did the best we could under the circumstances to get those statements out. We have since put a new statement up on ROHWrestling.com today. There are people who won't believe us, but they have to realize what happened has nothing to do with the wrestling business. The proof is that if there are still people working for this company, Rob is not benefiting. That is basically what it comes down to. That is the proof. We are getting all of the legal documents and everything. We'll make those public and I don't know what else we can do. I know there are people who want to see us denounce Rob and are calling for that, but like I said, it's a personal thing. I'm not going to bring the business into it. This has nothing to do with any of us.


Keller: This isn't a case of, say, Rob asking for sexual favors from a tag team in order to get a booking with ROH?


Sapolsky: Oh, god, no.



This is a statement from Chris Idol/Chris Cabana/Hyjinx:


CREDIT: DeclarationofIndependents.net


Attenion Wrestling Media:


I am sending you this statement regarding Rob Feinsteins Instant Message Chat. He made reference to me in that and I wanted to respond openly to his statements. His comments have cost me work, and have made me appear to be something I'm not. Please post this statement on your web site to help me recover from some of this backlash.


Chris Idol




A lot of people have been asking me if I am the 'Aaron Carter' look-a-like that Rob Feinstein mentioned in his Instant Message chat. I would clear up that misconception Rob has put out on the table. I never lived with Rob for a continuous 2 years. I did spend time there in which I worked at RF Video, and also at another point attended the ROH School. Rob constantly made suggestions that we should be more involved. I had no interest in that from day 1 and made that more than clear. During the past 2 years I have been in a relationship with a girl I have known since high school. It was his obsessive persistence that led to my eventual exit from there.

Rob lied in many parts of his on-line chat, including statements about his age, his wrestling career, his relationship with The Rock, and his ownership of his workers. His lies regarding our friendship have hurt me the most. People now look at me differently, treat me differently, and ask me ridiculous questions based on inaccurate information from a compulsive liar. In addition to this I find it disturbing that his friends now have all pushed him aside and put all the heat on him. During the time of his constant harassment and off-color comments to me, they laughed and encouraged them. The workers along with Gabe Sapolsky are the ones that made ROH the driving force it is today. Rob Feinstein single handedly made it a mockery.

At one point I respected his opinion and friendship, but now I realize it was all based on false pretences by a complete phony. I hope he now realizes the severity of the problem he has. Rob said one thing in his chat that was true, that I was that I said I was leaving because I could not be gay with him. However I didn't say 'anymore', I said 'at all'.

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More important statements and stuff...it'll really mob the board if I do all this in one post, so I'm spreading it out over two...


This is an e-mail from Bob Ryder to a 1Wrestling.com reader.


CREDIT: DeclarationOfIndependents.net Message Board


From: "Bob Ryder" <bryder@p...>

Date: Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:04 am

Subject: Re: Question For Bob






> Well, my question is, where does 1Wrestling.com as a news

> organization stand on the topic right now? Do you still stand by

> your source that says Rob Feinstein is working for the company?


> does the sources credibility not hold up compared to Gabe's word

> that Feinstein is out of the company?


> Thanks,

> Matt Meola



We stand by the sourcing of the story and did not retract it,

despite Sapolsky's denial. We felt it was only fair to put up the

denial to present the other side of the story, but we are confident

in the source and confident that as recently as this past weekend

Rob Feinstein was involved in planning for the show this weekend.


We also reported yesterday about the paperwork that Ring of Honor

sent us to show that ownership was being transferred. The paperwork

actually raised as many questions as it answered. For instance, if

Rob Feinstein wasn't the only owner of ROH (which Sapolsky verified

in his interview with us), why does the paperwork indicate that

Gentry now owns 100% of the company through a transfer of 1000

shares of stock from Feinstein to Gentry? The paperwork also didn't

bear the customary notary stamps associated with such transactions

and did not appear to have been filed (at least not yet) with any

government agency. The paperwork provided could have been prepared

on any computer, and while the paperwork was accompanied by a letter

from an attorney....the letter did not verify whether the paperwork

had actually been filed, only that it had been "prepared".


It's definitely a tough spot for people like Sapolsky to be in.

They're trying to save the company the best way they know how.

We're trying to be as fair as we possibly can in the way we cover

the story.


Bob Ryder



Sonjay Dutt's ridiculously thoughtout response:


I will be in Elizabeth, NJ for Ring of Honor this upcoming Saturday, March 13th. Prior to today, Monday, March 8th, I was on the edge and was most likely not going to attend due to the recent events surrounding Ring of Honor. My decision to attend this Saturday comes after the learning that Rob Feinstein is no longer a part of Ring of Honor, and never will be. That is the only way that I could ever work for Ring of Honor again.




To Gabe Sapolsky, I wish you the best of luck in picking up the pieces that Rob Feinstein has left. I will continue to support you.




To Rob Feinstein, I hope that the proper authorities take you into their custody and you rot away and suffer like the scum that you are. You are the type of human being that has no place in society and deserves to be locked up like the animal that you are. Your actions are beyond deplorable and disturbing to say the least. I know another person that feels the same way, my friend Mike King. Karma, aint it a bitch.


Man, Sonjay really needs to rethink this one. No need for the Mike King statement? Why? It just makes him (Sonjay) out as a hypocrite. How? If Sonjay had a problem with RF sending King to jail, then he shouldn't have worked for RF in the first place...but he did. Sonjay is an idiot. He made the choice to work for RF.




USA Pro owner Frank Goodman's stupid ass statement:


I am not going to get into a discussion about what Rob Feinstein has done because it makes me sick to my stomach, and im not going to get into whether or not i feel ROH should be running their show in NJ next week because i think they shouldn't but thats not my business or my affair and im not going to get into whether or not RF Video should close down because i would never buy a RF tape so i really dont care. What i care most about is my family which consists of my wife and my 2 beautiful sons, wrestling is secondary but in the 20 years i have been in this business this whole scandel as you may call it has sickened me worse then anything i can remember and i thinks its because i know the person who is the focus of this scandel and to me that makes it worse for me because i am one of those who feel that no money should go a Pedophile and i feel as if i dont want to have any ties whatsoever to Rob Feinstein and since i have done business with Mr Feinstein over the course of the past 3 years i have spoken to a few friends and my family and i have called my accountant and he is adding up ALL the profit i have made in my dealings with Feinstein/ROH/RF and i will be spending the day today trying to find a good and reputable Charity that deals with Abused Children and ALL the profits i have made from Feinstein/ROH/RF will be given to the Chairty i and my family choose. I will at some point this week announce what Charity i will be donating this money to and i would like everyone to understand that my problem is not with Gabe or Doug but with Rob Feinstein and what he has done and my feelings on their ROH show that is to take place this weekend is that they both should be ashamed of themselves for not POSTPONING this show. They are making it so clear that this show and ROH is ALL about the money and there's nothing wrong with ROH still existing under Gabes and Dougs guidance but not a week or so after this scandel that they are in the center of. I understand that with an announced presale of over 800 they stand a great chance of making a ton of revenue but sometimes doing the right thing is more important but its clear they dont see that. In close to 400 USA PW events i have only cancelled 3 or 4 all of the cancellations were due to outside interference from other jealous promoters and were out of my control all except the last one i cancelled myself due to my oldest son Willy having a Fibril seizure and his temperature reached 107.8 so we cancelled the show with a presale of well over 700 after having over 1,000 in the building months earlier and we made a profit at the 150 ticket mark so you can see that sometimes its not about making money its about doing the right thing. In closing i would like to say that putting on the best technical matches and the best quality shows doesn't make you the best at what you do or the best at who you are.


Frank Goodman


...BAHAHAHAHA! Now I know why everyone hates USA Pro...

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I can adress more of Ryder's later, but he has a bone to pick with RoH, and PWinsider, who he feels is partial to RoH. By using tabloid-style journalism, he's trying to get the hits back that he lost thanks to the 4 horsemen leaving.


He hates RoH because it's succesful without TV, and his company is a failure even with national exposure. He has been jealous for months. Furthermore, I believe the paperwork said Doug Gentry is now 100% owner of RF Video, which Rob did own 100% of.

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Guest OSIcon

The 1wrestling report is still really questionable in my eyes. First off, I have trouble imagining who would be a source for this kind of information. Who would know for sure that Feinstein is still there and would contact 1wrestling with that information? I have trouble figuring that out. Not naming a source positions it as just a rumor in my eyes.


I thought Sonjay's statement was fine overall but the Miike King thing did seem a little weird just because I don't see what the two have to do with each other. The fact that Feinstein is a creep doesn't mean that Mike King is any less guilty or anything for bootlegging tapes. I don't see the point in adding it.


Frank Goodman's statement was incredibly stupid and self-serving.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I don't really like the CSC so i dont' care. Good move probibly. THe chants would overshadow the entire con. card.

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I don't like them either, and I pretty much figured that it was Rob Feinstein that was keeping them in Ring of Honor in the first place. Having them gone will be a gift in my opinion.

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My God...look at this sentence structure:


Sentence 1:


"I am not going to get into a discussion about what Rob Feinstein has done because it makes me sick to my stomach, and im not going to get into whether or not i feel ROH should be running their show in NJ next week because i think they shouldn't but thats not my business or my affair and im not going to get into whether or not RF Video should close down because i would never buy a RF tape so i really dont care"


Sentence 2:


"What i care most about is my family which consists of my wife and my 2 beautiful sons, wrestling is secondary but in the 20 years i have been in this business this whole scandel as you may call it has sickened me worse then anything i can remember and i thinks its because i know the person who is the focus of this scandel and to me that makes it worse for me because i am one of those who feel that no money should go a Pedophile and i feel as if i dont want to have any ties whatsoever to Rob Feinstein and since i have done business with Mr Feinstein over the course of the past 3 years i have spoken to a few friends and my family and i have called my accountant and he is adding up ALL the profit i have made in my dealings with Feinstein/ROH/RF and i will be spending the day today trying to find a good and reputable Charity that deals with Abused Children and ALL the profits i have made from Feinstein/ROH/RF will be given to the Chairty i and my family choose."




The sentences get shorter after that...but DAMN.

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I noticed that the Christopher St. Connection has been removed from 3/13's convention card, and I doubt it was a coincidence.

You're right...it wasn't. One of the major websites reported a few days ago that they were taken off the card so as not to offend anybody. They WILL, though, be brought back to ROH after a show or two...they just wanna wait till it cools down a bit...


(like that will ever happen...people are gonna be talking about this for awhile)

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As soon as Rob signed over the shares, they sent it out to quell websites, and then people hammer them for not going through some certification process. They can't win.

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From: "Bob Ryder" <bryder@p...>

Date: Wed Mar 10, 2004 9:04 am

Subject: Re: Question For Bob






I still do not believe ROH is being 100% honest.


The statement by Hyjinx was certainly interesting. Was Rob trying to get sympathy out of the fourteen year old by talking about his past relationships going bad? Is it more of him being a compulsive liar? Or is Hyjinx lying out of his recently pounded ass?

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I can adress more of Ryder's later, but he has a bone to pick with RoH, and PWinsider, who he feels is partial to RoH. By using tabloid-style journalism, he's trying to get the hits back that he lost thanks to the 4 horsemen leaving.


He hates RoH because it's succesful without TV, and his company is a failure even with national exposure. He has been jealous for months. Furthermore, I believe the paperwork said Doug Gentry is now 100% owner of RF Video, which Rob did own 100% of.

Shouldn't Ryder be on RF's side? I mean most of his "Premium" service is based off of audio "RF Shoot" interviews, isn't it?

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Guest Banders Kennany

I looked up a picture of Hijinx, and I thought that guy was called Cloudy/Clowny of Special K in ROH. Did they change his name at some point?


In addition to this I find it disturbing that his friends now have all pushed him aside and put all the heat on him.  During the time of his constant harassment and off-color comments to me, they laughed and encouraged them. The workers along with Gabe Sapolsky are the ones that made ROH the driving force it is today. Rob Feinstein single handedly made it a mockery.

So is he mad at Gabe and Feinstein's other friends or what? He seems to be going both ways.

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Somehow I think you'll be disappointed. A lot of the crowd will be there to support ring of honor, and I predict they'll have someone say something to the effect of "not giving anyone the attention they don't deserve" at the start of a show--maybe a wrestler, or De'Angelis. Either way, the crowd will be hot for the matches. Those chants will only start if the show bombs.

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Somehow I think you'll be disappointed. A lot of the crowd will be there to support ring of honor, and I predict they'll have someone say something to the effect of "not giving anyone the attention they don't deserve" at the start of a show--maybe a wrestler, or De'Angelis. Either way, the crowd will be hot for the matches. Those chants will only start if the show bombs.

I think you're over-estimating the tact of the New Jersey crowd.


[will partake in said chants]

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Honestly, if you're watching a good wrestling match, you're going to start chanting about a pedophile? Why even grace him with chants? It's beyond disrespectful to workers in the ring busting their ass to chant things about Rob Feinstein...why even go to the show if that's your goal? Maybe I am underestimating the amount of obnoxious fans that can't wait to get back on message boards and share their "funny" chants with us.

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Maybe I am underestimating the amount of obnoxious fans that can't wait to get back on message boards and share their "funny" chants with us.

You're correct there.

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Guest TDinDC1112
As soon as Rob signed over the shares, they sent it out to quell websites, and then people hammer them for not going through some certification process. They can't win.

Are you calling getting something notorized "some certification process?" Nothing means anything in this world if it isn't notorized.

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Just remeber...



Oh, and of course, watch a ROH tape and you WILL go right to hell! Sorry, the finger that pressed “record” on the tape dubs of those matches is the same finger that’s BEEN UP THE BROWN RING OF YOUR CHILDREN!!!! Straight to Hell with ya’… sorry.


Suddenly, Rob Black looks respectable! HA!! All he does is the occasional skanky porn star! My god, HE CAN BE WRESTLING’S NEW SPOKESMAN!!



[credit: Hyatte]

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Guest TDinDC1112

To everyone who keeps defending ROH and saying that what more do you we want from them, what more can they do, how do they offer proof, etc., etc., --- last night on the pro wrestling insider radio show that is hosted by Paul Belfi and Buck Woodward (of pwinsider.com), Buck (who I think is a pretty reliable guy) basically ripped ROH apart. He said that ROH has handled everything atrociously, that he has been told by many ROH wrestlers that they are going to the show Saturday, but if they don't believe what Gabe tells them, they're leaving. He also said that ROH has faxed pwinsider.com the same papers that they sent to 1wrestling "proving" RF isn't involved anymore. He said Dave Scherer is refusing to post them because they're bullshit. They aren't notorized (which again, that means everything) and that he could have sat down and typed the same letter at his computer. They also made a good point which I meant to maker earlier about "stock transfers" from RF to Doug. ROH and RF are very small private companies. There is no stock. It sure seems like they think ROH and RF is pretty much full of it and they don't believe anything they're saying.


Here's the link to the show: http://www.sportstalkcleveland.com/archives/index.htm


It's the 3/10/04 show, and they start talking about it about 45 minutes into it.

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Eventually these fools are going to dig themselves so deep into a hole that they'll never be able to climb out. And the boys will have one less decent place to work.

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Guest OSIcon
They also made a good point which I meant to maker earlier about "stock transfers" from RF to Doug. ROH and RF are very small private companies. There is no stock. It sure seems like they think ROH and RF is pretty much full of it and they don't believe anything they're saying.


For the last time, sotck has NOTHING to do with the size of a comapny or its status as a private company. Stock merely is an indicate of how much financial stake one person has invested into a company.


Say my friend and I open a business tomorrow. We decide that I will contribute 75 percent of our initial capital and he will put in 25%. So I contribute 75 dollars and he contributes 25 dollars. For the sake of simplicity, we determine that each share of stock is worth 1 dollar. So if one of us puts a dollar into the company, an additional share of stock is put in our name. Therefore, right now, I have 75 shares of stock and my friend has 25. The shares of stock are just a non-dollar indicator of what percentage of company a person "owns". Those 1000 shares that were transfered to Doug, have a monetary value which would mopst likely reflect how much money Feinstein has invested into the company (and probably how muhc money they had to pay him when the transfers were moved from him to Doug).


So while there are certainly other arguments for how ROH has handled this poorly, that is not one of them.

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Guest TDinDC1112
They also made a good point which I meant to maker earlier about "stock transfers" from RF to Doug. ROH and RF are very small private companies. There is no stock. It sure seems like they think ROH and RF is pretty much full of it and they don't believe anything they're saying.


For the last time, sotck has NOTHING to do with the size of a comapny or its status as a private company. Stock merely is an indicate of how much financial stake one person has invested into a company.


Say my friend and I open a business tomorrow. We decide that I will contribute 75 percent of our initial capital and he will put in 25%. So I contribute 75 dollars and he contributes 25 dollars. For the sake of simplicity, we determine that each share of stock is worth 1 dollar. So if one of us puts a dollar into the company, an additional share of stock is put in our name. Therefore, right now, I have 75 shares of stock and my friend has 25. The shares of stock are just a non-dollar indicator of what percentage of company a person "owns". Those 1000 shares that were transfered to Doug, have a monetary value which would mopst likely reflect how much money Feinstein has invested into the company (and probably how muhc money they had to pay him when the transfers were moved from him to Doug).


So while there are certainly other arguments for how ROH has handled this poorly, that is not one of them.

Your explanation makes sense, but you yourself state that it's a financial indication. But it's nothing official. There's no such thing as RF or ROH stock. It's a figure of speech. Great, I'm going to all of a sudden say that my car is worth 100 stocks. I'm going to write up a piece of paper for 20 of those stocks and give it to my friend. Now he owns 20% of my car? I don't think so.

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Stock is a way of referring to anyone's stake in a corporation. Ring Of Honor and RF Videos are corporation. The shares of ownership are divided up. Rob Feinstein sold all of his shares. Needless to say, this is not the argument against what they've said so far, there are plenty of better ones.

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