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Lord of The Curry

Rob Feinstein........

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I think it's safe to say that if Feinstein has anything to do with the company then the WRESTLERS would let us know about it.......

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Considering the audience is pretty much smarky, has anyone else wondered if this will actually cause people to give ROH more notice in a "no such thing as bad publicity" sort of way? They need to hurry up and get out there through non-RFVideo channels as soon as they can get the trust of the majority of their fans that Rob is gone.


I myself have actually been watching more, although it's been all downloading so it really isn't drawing a profit for them (and also shows why selling tapes over the internet doesn't work as well as the more traditional stores. Because anyone hardcore enough to buy wrestling tapes over the internet usually knows where to watch for them for free on the usual P2P methods.)

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From 1bob:


1Wrestling.com has learned that Roddy Piper will not appear on the March 13 Ring of Honor event and his representatives are notifying of Ring of Honor officials of that decision this evening.

Piper believes it would not be appropriate for him to be involved in a Ring of Honor event at this time based on the controversy last week involving Ring of Honor owner Rob Feinstein.


Piper's decision comes on the heels of decisions by Bobby Heenan and Abyss to withdraw from upcoming Ring of Honor shows. Ring of Honor officials had initially said Heenan was withdrawing because of conflicts with his book tour, but Heenan confirmed on the Wrestling Observer Radio show last night that he withdrew because of the Feinstein scandal.


1Wrestling.com has also learned that, despite public announcements to the contrary, Rob Feinstein has still been involved in a behind the scenes role regarding planning for this weekend's event.


If that's true, then this fed is done. After what some of the wrestlers have recently said, especially Dan Maff and champ Samoa Joe, either they're going to be major hypocrites if they work ROH, or they're going to live up to their word and end their association with ROH.


I can't believe Gabe and Doug would be so dumb as to even associate with RF in a business sense at this point in time, maybe even a personal sense until the storm somewhat blows over.

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1W isn't Bob anymore, btw.


And it's 1W. Which means I don't know who to trust since I'm almost as cautious about 1W as I am about the Torch (my pick for Least Reliable Source in wrestling.)


I'm curious to see if this news gets around because then I can trust 1W's sources a little more than I normally do.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

that's from 1bob tho. so you cant' really trust it. I doubt the guys would be taht stupid...

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Ryder was going to see his portion of 1wrestling to Joey Styles, but after the mass exodus, Ryder changed his mind and became more hands-on with the site.


Think about this: when you consider just how far in-bed 1bob is with RFVideo, to the point where the latest 1bob "special feature (or whatever the hell they call it)" is streaming video of various RFVideo stuff, would 1bob be willing to do serious damage to that relationship by reporting something false? This isn't the same thing as Bret Hart coming back to lead the Invasion, this is a relationship that a lot closer to home then 1bob and the WWE. If 1bob is wrong, he pisses off RFVideo, especially since that accusation means serious damage to the company. If 1bob is right, then we can administer last rites to ROH if what the workers plan to uphold what they have said.

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Well, the very last bet of respect I had for ROH is gone, there it goes. If you look closely you'll see it fly out the window and get crushed by a truck.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I just cant see Doug and Gabe being Dumb enough to jeprodize the company on something like this. I really cant....

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I'll play Devil's Advocate for a second...


RF *COULD* be working behind the scenes in order to transition everything to Gabe and Doug.


That being said, I'm not fucking counting on it.


Hey Samoa Joe... FORE!

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Guest OSIcon

People are making two assumptions here:


1.) First, that 1wrestlng is right. I love how when people want to believe a story, they will act as if 1wrestling is the most reliable source in the world when it is actually far from it.


Let's look at this for a second. Who exactly would be telling 1wrestling that Feinstein is still working with ROH? What would their source be? Obviously it wouldn't be anyone who actually works for ROH because why would they "act" as if Feinstein is gone only to tell 1wrestling that he is still working for them. Who exactly would know that Feinstein is working for ROH still that would be able to tell 1wrestling?


Doesn't add up for me....


2.) Like someone else said, they said "working with them on the show next Saturday." Has anyone considered the posibility that Feinstein is transferring the information he has concerning the show this Saturday? As in, he has been working on aspects of the show that nobody else has so he is still needed to provide that information. If you had a vision of nobody speaking with Feinstein at all immediately after this down, then that is pretty foolish. There is a difference between providing information so that the company can make a transition and Feinstein still working for the company.


Everyone needs to chill out until this is clarified. If it is false (or worded poorly which is my guess), then I hope 1wrestling is taken to task for their potentially harmful "journalism".

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Told you they wouldn't take his company away. These guys are all morally bankrupt. Seriously - fuck them all.

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He shouldn't even step foot on ANY property that has anything to do with ROH. If they need to make a transistion, he should just inform them of what to do somewhere else. Under no circumstance should be be around anything having to do with ROH.


Much less answering the freaking phone.

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Told you they wouldn't take his company away. These guys are all morally bankrupt. Seriously - fuck them all.

Morally bankrupt? Wrestlers and Promoters?



Nah........I won't believe it.

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What gets me, is that they MUST be stupid as fuck, there aint no way around that one. They released official statments saying that he was no longer in the company, you know good and well that it was taken as if RF has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE COMPANY, and they say it's "for real".


If this is true, and I do say if now because it's possible that it isn't, then they truly deserve whatever they get, the whole lot of em.


I hope that this isn't true, but if I had to put money down on it I'd bet that it's totally true.

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Guest OSIcon
He shouldn't even step foot on ANY property that has anything to do with ROH. If they need to make a transistion, he should just inform them of what to do somewhere else. Under no circumstance should be be around anything having to do with ROH.


Much less answering the freaking phone.


Uh? Who said anything about Feinstein answering phones at the ROH offices? This is a textbook lesson on why rumors are bad. First the initial rumor starts that Feinstein is still there (and it is just that....a rumor without a source) and all of a sudden people have him answering the phones at the office? This is like playing telephone in pre-school.


Plus, you are living in a dream world. You seriously think that a CEO of a company (big or small) can leave the company without even as much as stepping into the office to show those taking over where certain information can be found or something like that? If you do, then your pretty foolish and naive. Not to mention, we don't even know if he was in the office or if this report is true at all.


I feel like this is the Simpsons where Bart has just been caught drunk and everyone is calling for prohibition or the one where some problem is blamed on imigrants and everyone is calling for a mass deporting. Take a step back and look at reality. It is not realistic to think a President of ANY company can walk away without transfering power and information in some manner. Don't let your very justifed outrage over Feinstein's actions cloud your view of reality.

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If this is true I applaud myself for being so wise about this business. Everyone criticizes 1wrestling and mentions the hart story, which was never reported as fact. You guys do realize they have reported countless stories which turned out to be true. Remember them saying Hogan, Hall and Nash would return as the NWO in the WWF. They must have some sources and are not always wrong, even though some people here have an obvious vandetta against them. Name all of the stories they are wrong on and I will believe you.

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Uh? Who said anything about Feinstein answering phones at the ROH offices?

Well, I've had quite a few people inform me that he did indeed answer a few phone calls at the office. I don't know if they meant ROH or the video aspect of it, but that's that. It wasn't just one person either. Besides, if the report is true, he more than likely was there and picked the phone up a few times. No reason not to believe that if this other report proves to be true.


Plus, you are living in a dream world.  You seriously think that a CEO of a company (big or small) can leave the company without even as much as stepping into the office to show those taking over where certain information can be found or something like that?


Yeah, I expect them to live up to their word. They said he wasn't a part of the company in any way, they said that it was over and that it was for real. If they say bullshit like that, they should live up to it. If he's going to be a part of a transistion deal, then they should say so straight up, instead of saying otherwise.


Besides, ROH is a very small company, with only three guys over it. RF has no business at the offices any longer, anything needed to be said could be done so over the phone. I've seen small businesses like this end in town here, so I'm not living in some dream world as you say. When you have something as small as ROH, everything that needs to be done can happen in very short period.


This isn't rocket science, and besides, I'm more pissed about their possibly lying to everyone, just to cover their asses.

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If this is true I applaud myself for being so wise about this business. Everyone criticizes 1wrestling and mentions the hart story, which was never reported as fact. You guys do realize they have reported countless stories which turned out to be true. Remember them saying Hogan, Hall and Nash would return as the NWO in the WWF. They must have some sources and are not always wrong, even though some people here have an obvious vandetta against them. Name all of the stories they are wrong on and I will believe you.

That's exactly how I feel. First off, EVERY "news site" gets things wrong, that's how life is. From the WO to Torch and all in between. Things change in this business day to day.


1wrestling is every bit as believeable as the others. The Bret thing pisses me off when people use that event, because not only was it never reported as fact, but Bret himself said in an interview at a later date that they were indeed in talks over doing just what 1wrestling reported on.


I could list news that was wrong over and over again, from all of the sites.

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Guest OSIcon

I was going to respond but will post this instead. A short interview with Gabe by 1wrestling. He denys the reports. 1wrestling also gives a *tad* more info on their sources. The "source" is still annynomous but claims that Feinstein told him that he as just laying low and would be back when things blow over.


I love how people want legal documents and a TON of proof from ROH, but believe 1wrestling with that ultra shakey source.


Here's the link:



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I thougt bob was the guy who HATED RF.


Bob Barnett hates RF. The only person who Bob Ryder (a.k.a. 1bob) really hates is Bob Magee (since Magee accused all of his reporting to be innaccurate because at the time, Ryder worked for WCW...the columns and shenanigan summaries are stored on the almighty RSPW if you wanna take a look), and that rivlary seems to have ended a few years ago. You got the 2 mixed up. Bob Barnett's official site is BobBarnett.com and Bob Ryder's official site is 1Wrestling.com. They're two different people.


Hope that clears it up.

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Guest OSIcon
I did not say the story was true, I said IF the story was true. Do not put words into my mouth.


Are you talking to me? I never said you said it was true.

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I hate people who are quick to say "They got this, this, that, this, that, this, this, that, that, that wrong. They suck" but wont EVER take their head out of their asses and say "They did get this, this, this, that, this, that, that, that, that, this, this, that, this, this, this, that, that, this and that right."

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Told you they wouldn't take his company away.  These guys are all morally bankrupt.  Seriously - fuck them all.

Morally bankrupt? Wrestlers and Promoters?



Nah........I won't believe it.

There's a difference between using sex to sell wrestling. Kiddie Porn peddlers of pedophiles, aside from murder, is the most damaging charge. Knowing about it, and continuing to support this man is beyond anything else I've seen in wrestling.

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