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Lord of The Curry

Rob Feinstein........

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Guest Jimmy Saint
I can see this being one of those things that people are going to disagree on.


If Jerry Jarrett was a pedophile I bet we'd see a lot more people saying TNA should burn in hell after he was removed from his position because people don't like the show.


Even better...if this was XPW (you know...if they were still around)...and this exact thing happened...the boycott would be huge.


Anyway...here's my question:


When did this whole bust take place?  It wasn't yesterday...so RF knew it was coming for some time...and he didn't seem to have a problem keeping his name attached to the companies for as long as he could.

I can see everyone argeeing on this in the sense Feinstein shoud goto prison and get the fuck out of wrestling.



I know what you are saying though in that its the fact that so many are fans of the product they will support the product and pretend that noone ever knew anything there if this is indeed the case or not. Also with wrestling its sometimes hard to tell what is real and what is not even at the best of times.



ROH as a company doesent deserve to exempt from blame. If my boss was accused and was blatently guilty of being a pedophile I like to think I would have the guts to leave that job on my own princliples. Even if he had just been sacked I would'nt want to work for the place.



If you disagree on that though still be prepared to expect alot of your favourite ROH workers to leave the company on those grounds.

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This is from ROHWrestling.com, which I was having trouble getting to a few minutes ago. I would imagine their server's getting thrashed. Aside from the last paragraph, it's the same thing Meltzer posted:



March 5, 2004


Statement from

Douglas I. Gentry

New President and CEO

RF Video, Inc. and Ring of Honor, Inc.



As a result of a personal incident in which Mr. Feinstein was involved, both RF Video and Ring of Honor have made some necessary changes in both management and ownership of our companies. This was a personal incident and RF Video and Ring of Honor as corporations were not involved.


RF Video and Ring of Honor are family-friendly organizations. We value all of our customers, vendors and business partners. As a result, the board of directors of both corporations voted officially this afternoon to release Robert Feinstein as president and CEO of both RF Video and Ring of Honor. As of today, Mr. Feinstein is no longer officially associated with either company or any upcoming events and I was named as the new President and CEO of both corporations. He has been dissolved of all responsibility and ownership in both companies. Our corporate attorney is currently working on all the necessary paperwork. We are also exploring a new name change for RF Video, Inc. and we will have more details soon.


We want to thank you all for the many positive messages we have received from hundreds of you, including fans, talent and business partners. We are very excited about the many upcoming wrestling events in 2004!

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Guest Jimmy Saint
I don't blame RoH at all...and I'll still watch and support them...


I'm just saying that if it were another company...I think it would play out a lot differently.

ok but let me suggest to you how would you feel if you were working for a boss who was a paedophile ? would that not affect your relationship with the company ?

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Guest Jimmy Saint
RF Video and Ring of Honor are family-friendly organizations.

Yeah, most family friendly companies deal in porno as well as wrestling

Yes and I look forward to Rob Feinstein being defended in court on how he earns his money.


"He is a good honest tape bootlegger your owner, he doesent hurt anyone other than kids he picks up online and ripping of the industry he claims to supoort"

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Guest Dynamite Kido
RF Video and Ring of Honor are family-friendly organizations.

Yeah, most family friendly companies deal in porno as well as wrestling

Maybe they are done selling porn now....

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
This was PM'd to me...don't know if the PM'er wants their name attached to it but it need be seen:


The Truth-

EVERYONE close to Rob were well aware of his antics. This has been going on for years! So for anyone to come out and say they are shocked or surprised is just out and out bullshit. He is a sick man, and this is DEFINITELY not the first time. Ask anyone that went on the road with him in ECW. He once approached a teenage boy who worked at a rest stop. Little did he know, the boy's father was in the rest room. Ask anyone that goes to Woodys? They will tell you about his "type." Ask anyone about Rob's, "YB Alert?" I am sure you could figure out what YB is. Ask anyone in another company about the time Rob hit on one of their wrestlers at a school. Ask the young fans who attend his shows how many of them he hit on, knowing their age. The point is, this is not news to those that know Rob. And for anyone that has any sympathy for Rob. Rob is an evil man. He has been f*cking with people for years, some of you posting here. Rob gloats about people's misfortunes all of the time in his journal. The ROH fans fueled his habits and his teflon conscious. The ROH shows were a playground to him. Take the ROH and Rob out of the equation. What would you think of a pedophile operating a business aimed at luring a teenage crowd to your town? Rob has seeked counsiling for this before, but read about pedolphilia. Counseling does not work. It is sickness that never goes away. There is nothing wrong with being gay. There is SOMETHING VERY WRONG with pedophilia. And to the news sites that protected and are protecting him. Shame on you. None of these sites thought twice when stories came out about Beefcake's coke habit, Austin punching his wife, Dick Slater's mess. Yet, they are protecting a PEDOPHILE CAUGHT ON VIDEO! The ones who are reporting are spinning it already. A PEDOPHILE we are talking about. The fact a lot of us joked and ignored it for years, makes us as guilty as him. But please understand, this guy is a sick sick guy and this is far from the first and likely not the last time this will have happened. 



This was posted on the forum of www.lethalwrestling.com - their server seems to be down atm.

I think this would tend to be the case in some people's experiences with RF. Even Vampiro hinted at it in his shoot.

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RF Video and Ring of Honor are family-friendly organizations.

Yeah, most family friendly companies deal in porno as well as wrestling

Yes and I look forward to Rob Feinstein being defended in court on how he earns his money.


"He is a good honest tape bootlegger your owner, he doesent hurt anyone other than kids he picks up online and ripping of the industry he claims to supoort"

It's funny 'cause it's true. :lol:

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I think this would tend to be the case in some people's experiences with RF. Even Vampiro hinted at it in his shoot.

He didn't just HINT at it, heh.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

Speaking of Vampiro onto what barnett has said....



I hate Rob Feinstein.

This is not a non judgmental piece.

I've been waiting for 10 years for Rob to get his.

I just never guessed he'd do it to himself.


I first met Rob on a Saturday morning in Nov 1994, in a crummy little gym in Cherry Hill, NJ, where Dennis Coraluzzo was holding a fan fair prior to a show that evening.

He was selling tapes with his dad. And right on his table was my copyrighted Eddie Gilbert tape that I had shot earlier that year. He acted contrite, and then kept on selling it.

After I threatened him with legal action, he made me a deal to send me all ECW commercial tapes in lieu of damages. He sent me 4-all horrible quality, and then stopped.


In the mean time he had some argument with Paul E, and told Paul I was his (RF's) attorney and I was going to sue him-which was news to me.

Paul E called me one afternoon and we discussed what a goof and liar Rob was.


After Rob reneged on our deal, I told him I'd do whatever was necessary to cost him business forever. His miserable service and tape quality did a better job than I could.


As he got more successful, he got more arrogant. And became a bigger liar.


He'd brag about having sex with porn stars, which we all knew was BS.


He'd brag about girlfriends that didn't exist.


He'd troll Internet boards, often under phony names, spreading lies, making threats, even defaming dead posters (Vanes Naldi on DVDVR.)


I constantly baited him, calling him a homosexual, after I was warned he was going to a certain "youth night" at a local bar. I could have cared less if he had a sheep as a lover. But he was such a liar online, while everyone around him knew the truth.


Finally his arrogance hit new heights when he started @#%$, threatening everyone who copied @#%$ tapes, even though his whole business was built on theft of other's comp tapes.

He finally hit rock bottom when instead of sueing Mike King, who was copying @#%$ tapes, he ratted him out to the FBI. Mike King is in, or about to go to jail because Rob Feinstein is a punk.


When I first heard the news on Weds a.m., I was skeptical.

Several people, including Bob Magee, tried to convince me the AIM log could have been a fraud. But when I read it, it just smelled like Rob. By early afternoon, I was sent framegrabs, with Rob's face not registering the fact that his life was over. I wasn't gloating-yet. It was too amazing. Several people e mailed me how sad it was.

That's when I got mad.


A pedophile isn't sad. He's a monster. What's sad are his victims. The people that said it was sad were all too close to Rob, all benefitting financially one way or another. Web Hits. Side businesses. Everyone worrying about another hit on the sleazy business of wrestling.

As if it would have been better for Rob to continue his fun with boys, while those close to him continued to turn their heads over Rob's Aaron Carter lookalike obsession.



Today, everyone involved with Rob tried to distance ROH and RF Video from Rob. They called it an incident, an obstruction. But they didn't call Rob a pedophile-that should be in jail, and registered as a sex offender.


I'll believe Rob is distanced from everything when he's forced to sell his home and car, because he has no other job skills. And now that he's finally a TV star, ironically he couldn't even get hired at the Langhorne McDonalds.













Barnett is a guy who i have alot of respect for. Ask anyone in the UK who their favourite US tape dealer is and you would hear the guys name. Posts alot on uk wrestling boards, supports uk tape traders who sell his tapes and is a help much rather than a hinderence than in the case of Feinstein who threatened to sue half our traders. He is also worth thanking for 90% of the MMA footage that shows up with Uk tape traders.


Nothing to do with Feinstein beiong a rapist but fair play to folks like Bob who have had feinstein number and have been saying what they think of him for years now.

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Guest Doyo
RF Video and Ring of Honor are family-friendly organizations.

Yeah, most family friendly companies deal in porno as well as wrestling

Maybe they are done selling porn now....

Wrestling Vixxxens is still listed on the front page of rfvideo's site and is the first

item listed under the "What's Hot" section.

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While I have no respect for Rob, I have no respect for Bob either. He is blatantly hateful towards any homosexuals, and constantly makes hateful remarks about gays. He's a bitter old man that has nothing left to live for now that Feinstein is getting his.

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Guest OSIcon

For those who care, there are a few updates at the ROH website. The first is a message from Loc of the Carnage Crew (who also acts as an agent of sorts especially when it comes to laying out scramble matches):




I wanted to take a minute and touch base with the people who have been the most important factor in Ring of Honor's success, YOU, the ROH fans. Without you there is absolutely no way that we could have grown to be one of the largest and, most favorably talked about wrestling promotion in the world in just two short years. You have let us know, through your support, how much ROH means to you and I want to let you know, through this letter, how much ROH means to us.


Speaking for me personally, in late 1994 when I decided to enter wrestling school my dream was just to be "in the business". That dreamed later evolved into wanting to wrestle for a living, specifically for ECW. I was lucky enough to live those dreams but, from the bottom of my heart, they all pail in comparison to the experience of working for Ring of Honor and I know for a fact that the rest of our locker room feels the same way.


ROH is a family. Period. We come to every show with the intent of giving you everything we have in order to make this product that we all believe in and are so proud of grow. This family is about leaving it all in the ring. This family is about making sure that every single person who pays their hard earned money to watch us do what we do, not only feels they got their money's worth, but wants to come again and bring his or her friends.


Ring of Honor is the only place you'll ever see the boss wait by the certain popping like a fan in the front row when something comes off even better than he hoped. It's the only place where people will drive ten hours to help set up the ring for little or no money just to be around it.


The wrestlers, the booker, the ring crew, the production guys all believe in this product with all of their hearts and put it first before all other parts of their lives. We know that's the only way we will survive and grow.


Ring of Honor is a Family.


I thank you for taking the time to read this. On behalf of everyone at ROH I thank you for your support and we invite you on March 13th to Elizabeth, NJ to see our family do the thing we are most proud of in the world. That being, make you proud to be a Ring of Honor fan

Thanks, Loc"


They also put up the Locker Room Scoops for this week which is pretty low on wrestling information (besides for a few tidbits) though that is to be expected. They do have two items pertaining to the Feinstein thing. The first being a message to get across the point that supporting ROH in the past and supporting them now doesn't mean you are supporting just one person, but rather everyone who has a hand in the product. That is seemingly aimed at the people talking about boycotting as a result of one person (Feinstein's) actions. There is also a blurb saying that the entire locker rook has been in contact with "booker Gabe Salpolsky" (one if the only times I remember him be mentioned on the site like that) and have expressed their loyoalty to ROH. Nobody besides Heenan (who they say canceled due to book obligations....that may or may not be the whole truth) has backed out of any upcoming bookings,

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Guest TDinDC1112
While I have no respect for Rob, I have no respect for Bob either. He is blatantly hateful towards any homosexuals, and constantly makes hateful remarks about gays. He's a bitter old man that has nothing left to live for now that Feinstein is getting his.

bitter old man that has nothing left to live for now that Feinstein is getting his > Pedophile

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I don't like Barnett or RF. Barnett has made many false accusations in the past, and yes, he was right about this all along, but he's made a number of false accusations about other people before. But his column does show what a scumbag RF is. I was hesitant to believe some of what Barnett was saying for years because it seemed like he had a grudge...and he does...but it's warranted, according to that column. Wierd thing is...that column is the very first time I've read his story on why he doesn't like RF. Before this, it's always been bash RF, bash RF, bash RF, with no explanation. Perhaps if Barnett had posted a column like this before, and not just on his message board where selected people read, he'd have more supporters. I know that if I had read this column a year ago, I would've began hating RF a year ago, but since I'm just reading the story today, well, I'm really starting to hate RF just today. He sounds like an absolute piece of shit, and I hope they throw the book at him if what's being said is true. ROH is the least of his worries.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Who are all you people that didn't know this guy was scum? I've been following wrestling for a long time. In the old RSPW days, he was a pain the ass to everyone. He has never been respected from anything I've ever heard or read by anone in the wrestling business. The only reason he has ever been dealt with by the wrestling "media" is because he either advertises on their sites or sends them free tapes.

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Guest Deviant

As an ROH fan, I too am going to continue watching ROH. To me, the ROH product and RF's disgusting personal life are separate. Also, I've been buying ROH tapes from a local tape trader to avoid RF's service, and will probably continue to do that too.


I fail to see why I should boycott ROH based on RF's actions. I've always hated RF for his disrespect of international customers and the aforementioned lawsuit to a guy doing the same thing he did. I find no reason not to believe Doug and Gabe and ROH when they say that they will isolate themselves from RF. As has been noted here, if RF continues to silently be a part of either company, it will be revealed in future investigations. Also, Gabe and Doug know damn well that if they get caught out pretending RF is gone, they will be gone too and ROH will die. No one in ROH wants that.


Basically, that's all. I hope RF goes to jail for as long as possible and is registered as a sex offender and has everything else possible happen to him. However I also hope that ROH and everyone who could potentially suffer because of RF's actions is able to move past this and continues to put on the shows I've come to know and love.

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At last, I have finally read this entire thread. I want to start off by saying I'm not an ROH fanboy. I don't think I've ever posted in this forum before and the only ROH shows I've ever seen was a few things I downloaded from alt.binaries.pro-wrestling, simply to see what all the fuss is about. Honestly, I'm too busy trying to learn history of 80s/90s WWF/WCW stuff than pay much attention to today's indies.



I hate to make flames, give the award for Not Understanding Reality to 'trane, who seems to suggest that ROH should burn completely to the ground. By his logic, Volkswagen should no longer be around because their roots lie with Adolf Hitler and his attempt to make a "people's car." A company is a group of people, and even if the most prominent guy is canned, the company can (usually) endure.


A news reporter has no legal authority to arrest people, so I doubt he's going to jail, but Rob is, for all intents and purposes, screwed now. Getting a job as a fucking copy machine guy is going to be difficult now, because as this spreads you won't have to look far in a Google search of the guy's name to see these charges and pictures.


The guy is sleeze. I knew that from the moment I decided I didn't like his business model of lining his pockets by stealing other people's stuff, but whoa, he's sleezier sleeze than I expected.


And yet, for sleeze, I kind of pity the guy. Don't take that too far, though. I don't think he hasn't earned what's coming to him, but having gotten a look at the psychological workings of people who share his fetish, my emotional response is more of a downtempo "Wow, truly a shame he wasted his potential by doing that" than the "KILL THE FUCKER" attitude a majority of people have for this kind of behavior.


I also feel bad, but in a more genuine way, for the young man who played the role of Hijinx in ROH. As someone closer to his age than Rob's, I can only imagine what it's like to have yourself not only indirectly mentioned in a log like that, but also likely "outted" and declared to the world as a 30 year old's boy toy. I thought he was kind of cute myself, but yikes, not if I was in RF's age and position. So there's another case of damaged goods in this whole mess.


I hope ROH can get over this and move on, because they put out something that enough people want to see that they've become a profitable venture, and the people who have put their blood, sweat, and tears into making it successful do not deserve to see it all flushed down for nothing because of another guy's psychological problem and inability to keep it in his pants.





And now, back to the original discussion......


Hey guys, what do Burger King and Rob Feinstein have in common?


30 year old meat between 14 year old buns.

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For those who care, there are a few updates at the ROH website.  The first is a message from Loc of the Carnage Crew (who also acts as an agent of sorts especially when it comes to laying out scramble matches):




I wanted to take a minute and touch base with the people who have been the most important factor in Ring of Honor's success, YOU, the ROH fans. Without you there is absolutely no way that we could have grown to be one of the largest and, most favorably talked about wrestling promotion in the world in just two short years. You have let us know, through your support, how much ROH means to you and I want to let you know, through this letter, how much ROH means to us.


Speaking for me personally, in late 1994 when I decided to enter wrestling school my dream was just to be "in the business". That dreamed later evolved into wanting to wrestle for a living, specifically for ECW. I was lucky enough to live those dreams but, from the bottom of my heart, they all pail in comparison to the experience of working for Ring of Honor and I know for a fact that the rest of our locker room feels the same way.


ROH is a family. Period. We come to every show with the intent of giving you everything we have in order to make this product that we all believe in and are so proud of grow.

The only ROH match I have ever seen was a 3 way between Daniels, Ki, and American Dragon. But this guy made me want to support them. If Feinstein is officially gone (not Patterson gone) I think I may just go watch my first ROH show whenever they are back around the Philly area. That is because I love wrestling and I appreciate the guys who leave it all in the ring like the ROH guys do (from what I hear). Indie wrestling (Like 3PW, which I have gone to see loyally since December) is the best stuff out there, those guys break their asses to make it big. They deserve a shot, despite indescretions from morons.



Once again, Rob though? Get him some serious therapy or drugs. I'm not comfortable at all with taking money out of "the boys'" pockets because of some fuckin pervert. And whoever knew about him should suffer as well.

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Being ignorant to the past blinds you from clearly seeing the present and the future. You people are being too trusting. Does anyone remember someone named Mel Phillips. He was a ring announcer who "broke in" ring boys for the WWF. Everyone knew about it, no one did anything until the story became a scandal and pat patterson was "suspended" because of it, as they did not want his sexual habits, favors for jobs, to come out. The wrestling business is filled with bastard scum, I want clear proof, not words. Some say you have to be an idiot to believe that people knew of Feinsteins habit, I do not know for sure whether people did or did not know but remember this is the wrestling business. Remember you are dealing with some of the lowest forms of life on the world today. This is wrestling, do not be fooled, force ROH to give proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, then question them again.

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Also, even if no one knew, I would be willing to bet almost anything that some people at least suspected Rob was a pervert. All I know is this, if I even suspected my boss was like that I would quit, no question about it.

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Guest TDinDC1112
Also, even if no one knew, I would be willing to bet almost anything that some people at least suspected Rob was a pervert. All I know is this, if I even suspected my boss was like that I would quit, no question about it.

not if you had a family to support.

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Guest OSIcon
Being ignorant to the past blinds you from clearly seeing the present and the future. You people are being too trusting. Does anyone remember someone named Mel Phillips. He was a ring announcer who "broke in" ring boys for the WWF. Everyone knew about it, no one did anything until the story became a scandal and pat patterson was "suspended" because of it, as they did not want his sexual habits, favors for jobs, to come out. The wrestling business is filled with bastard scum, I want clear proof, not words. Some say you have to be an idiot to believe that people knew of Feinsteins habit, I do not know for sure whether people did or did not know but remember this is the wrestling business. Remember you are dealing with some of the lowest forms of life on the world today. This is wrestling, do not be fooled, force ROH to give proof beyond a shadow of a doubt, then question them again.


What would be meet the requirements of "proof beyond a shadow of a doubt"? I wasn't joking when I said that some people aren't going to be convinced until they can hang around ROH offices for a week, check their phone logs (although some of them will still probably have contact with Feinstein since they have been Friends with him), check everyone's check account and wallets to make sure no money is being given to Feinstein, ect.


There is a point where caution turns into paranoia. If we haven't already reached that point, we are hovering right around it. It is certainly fine and understandable to be cautious in not wanting to support a business that as a pedophile as its president. It is paranoid to steer clear of the business AFTER that person has been legally removed out of fear/hunch that he still could *possibly* be getting money on the side. The guy I buy a new car from could use his comission to go out and drink and return home to beat his wife/kids. The woman who cuts my hair could use my tip to support a drug habit. All that stuff could happen. But to steer clear of them out of fear that they may happen is paranoia. So is still staying away from ROH because of "hunches" that Feinstein still could be getting money despite evidence that says he has nothing to do with the company and no evidence supporting that he is still reeping benefits.


This has been said a million times by different people, but I will say it again: The Rexplex is very concerned about letting ROH run there on 3/13 after Feinstein was busted. They are requiring a certified letter as 100% legal proof that Feinstein is no longer with the company in order to let them run the show. If the show happens on 3/13, that means that Feinstein is out of the company completely. That is as much proof as you are ever going to get in anything like this.


Of course, if that still isn't enough for you, then I really don't know how you buy anything from anyone through your paranoia. Again, it is could to be caustious. But there is a point where that becomes paranoia and many of you have reached it.

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I just eventually stopped buying from Feinstein cause he was too big an asshole. It wasn't meant to be a personal boycott or anything, but I just didn't like the guy and stopped giving him my business.

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About that whole "You aren't supporting one person, but 100s" argument. I get it, but, its still not right.


If person A did something bad and it put company A in a bad light, but we still spent money on company A because person B, C, D, E, F, and G still worked there so we had to support them, isn't a percentage of our money still going to person A even though we don't want it to?


Its like the little kids on the playground and the one kid with the basketball. If one person makes him mad, he is taking his ball and leaving because he doesn't want that one guy to play with his ball. Thats the same thing in this situation. We don't want RF to have our money to play with because he is a bad man. A very bad man.

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Guest Dean and Foam

Can I get a reee-wind? I only met the guy once. Feinstein's a jerk and so were the ROH crowd>

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