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Guest Goodear


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Guest Goodear



Now maybe I'm crazy or something, but I'm sensing some ... thing... about people not exactly digging Coy. From people saying they hate his finisher to being a 'bad worker' in the Wrestler of the month descriptions, I'm merely curious as to the possible resentment. I'm not even sure its there really since this could just be all the paranoia talking, but I'm honestly curious if people see themselves booked against West and are all "... fuck" because I really don't want that to be the case. Am I being wacky in the head or what?

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I think the problem is, people are used to Ejiro.


Literially, I saw your thing in the Stats and I went "What The...?"


It's different and unusual and that takes time to adjust to. Then again, I find it kind of a refreshing take.

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The problem with Coy is that he doesn't do enough gay shit. You need more twists and flips in your arsenal. Maybe give hims a space flying tiger shooting star phoenix splash fag drop for a finisher. I think the problem that people are finding with him is that his moveset is vanilla and stuck in a time warp. If I ever do come back full time as the Memphis Eel, we need to form a tag team. They fit so well together. If I were you, give Coy an abdominal stretch as his submission finisher.

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I was being faceteous and smarky. They were supposed to be kayfabe descriptions, ala the ones Stubby used to do when he first did the rankings almost two years ago. Everyone liked them then, so...


I like Coy. I don't like him as much as Ejiro, but he's a very solid character. You've done well fleshing him out and expanding him beyond the simple gimmick of "Ah'm a redneck, yup. A-huck, huck, huck!", which I honestly didn't think you were going to be able to.


But the fact he's not Ejiro probably has a lot to do with Coy not getting the warmest response. Ejiro had history--a lot of it, he was easily the best heel character in the fed since Tom, maybe even since King, and you'd won the world title with him. Furthermore, you were indellibly etched into everyone's mind as one half of Justice & Rule, who are going to endure as the definition of tag teaming in the SWF forever.


So no, it's not that I don't like Coy. It's just that I don't like him as much as Ejiro, simply because I don't think you can be as creative and, quite frankly, astoundingly good with Coy as you were with Ejiro.



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I more or less echo Zed's sentiments, aside from the "greatest tag team ever" part; I take exception to that.


As for me, personally, you know how I feel about the Ejiro character; bloody hell, you single-handedly made WC famous. It's extremely hard for me in particular to think about all of the history our two characters have together, and then try to think of you as somebody else.


I also agree with Zed's concern about you being able to be as spectacular with Coy as you were with Ejiro; this isn't due to your failure as a writer on any level, but because I don't see Coy having the same depth and intensity of emotions. Do you remember this promo? It's probably one of my favorite of all time, ever. No disrespect, but does Coy even have the capacity for that kind of emotion in him?

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I guess I must be the only person who likes Coy way better than Ejiro. Come on, southern red neck wrestlers is what U.S. wrestling is all about.


The only thing I don't like about Coy is that I hate it when wresters don't wear some sort of wrestilng gear inside the ring, wear what you want to the ring, but in the ring wear something that you could reasonably wrestle in.


I like the low key moveset, and the Slingshot Vertical Suplex is a great finisher, because it's easy to tease, set up, build to, and escape. You can have the most complex crazy ass finisher in the world, but if you can't build to it and tease it effectively, it's value is diminished.

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Guest Evolution

If you go forward with Coy (which you should), you need the fans chanting in anticipation for your finisher:


"SLING-SHOT SU-PLEX!" *clap clap clapclapclap*

"SLING-SHOT SU-PLEX!" *clap clap clapclapclap*


...Yes, I am a strange boy.

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Well, you had a lot more time to build Ejiro Fasaki up than you have Coy West. We know he is doing it to support his family, but what else? Just flesh him out a bit more, maybe a feud would help.


I hated Coy at first as I was like "You have got to be kidding me." but I say give him the same chance you gave Ejiro and you'll do just fine with him.

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When I first saw Coy I was all "the hell?". I was used to Ejiro, not this southern redneck. ;) But after that hardcore match I wrote with him, and seeing what else he could do in matches, he started growing on me. He's unique. Luff him. :wub:

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Guest Goodear

The only thing I don't like about Coy is that I hate it when wresters don't wear some sort of wrestilng gear inside the ring, wear what you want to the ring, but in the ring wear something that you could reasonably wrestle in.


I thought about this and couldn't come up with any normal wrestling gear that the guy could wear that would work with the gimmick. So basically I took the Barry Windham outfit from the first time he was teaming with Curt Hennig for the first time. Now that he can actually afford stuff, I might just move him to the black tights and 'cowboy' wrestling boots. I have to think about it for a while.

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Coy needs more depth to be as good as Ejiro

Ejiro was around for a LOT longer than Coy has been

Coy will get the depth with time.


Look how Va'aiga has morphed from a shouting maniac who smashed people randomly with chairs into ummmm a shouting TATOOED maniac who smashes people randomly with Lariats :P


And Coy is far more sensible in his outfit than Sacred or Johnny D :P

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I'm telling you the guy needs an abdominal stretch. Have him work the stomach. Like his grandma always used to say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. He's going to rip your heart out through the gut. Have him wrestle in overalls and then challenge Danny Williams to a hog pen match. It's gold.

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And Coy is far more sensible in his outfit than Sacred or Johnny D :P

Apparently you don't pay all the well attention, Va'aiga because Johnny's outfit is very sensible. If your refering to the suit/tux(thanks a lot Ejiro) he hasn't worn that since a few shows after Genesis, and even still it makes perfect sense for Johnny to wrestle in a suit since Secret Agents ala James Bond do everything in a suit.

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Guest Goodear

When exactly diod the tuxedo thing become my fault/idea? You won our early matches as far as I recall and would have set all that stuff in motion. I was fully behind the black shirt and pants as I recall.

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Sensible outfits? *dresses Janus up in a fursuit* :P


*gets lynched* :ph34r:


This has been your completely off-topic post for the day. ;)

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And Coy is far more sensible in his outfit than Sacred or Johnny D :P

Apparently you don't pay all the well attention, Va'aiga because Johnny's outfit is very sensible. If your refering to the suit/tux(thanks a lot Ejiro) he hasn't worn that since a few shows after Genesis, and even still it makes perfect sense for Johnny to wrestle in a suit since Secret Agents ala James Bond do everything in a suit.

The tux pwned, although I pictured Johnny in a white dinner jacket with black piping, a black bow tie, a white shirt and black pants.


Call me crazy.

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What I meant, Cojiroy, is that it started out as just being a black suit ala Men In Black, and everyone else wrote him to be in a Tux. Your just the first one that sprung to mind. Sorry. :( Although it was probably that blasted Wildchild.



Yeah, uh, just don't make Coy wear black speedos with a Nascar ballcap.

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