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Guest JMA

Post-beatdown beer celebrations

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Guest JMA

First off, I've always been a fan of Austin so I'm not going to bash him. But I gotta admit that I'm tired of the whole "Austin beats up a guy and drinks beer" thing. The "beer-bashes" have almost become comparable to Hogan's post-match posing. And does it really help younger guys to get beaten up by Austin with little or no offense? I realize that it's only done to pop the crowd, but it has no real long-term meaning.

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I absolutely despise Austin now for the Stunner/Drink beer crap.


If he can't wrestle a regular schedule, fine. Job him out to an up and comer, then send him home, or give him a job where he never beats up or intimidates the guys who still work.

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I'm not so much tired of them as sick to death of them. It's the sort of thing that's great for a house show, but on TV every single week... it's starting to look like stock footage.

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Plus the fact that the man simply cannot drink his beer properly. Half the stuff goes all down his front. Such a waste of beer.


Plus it just makes guys look like jobbers as a retired non-wrestler beats them up with no trouble. They should just save it for special occasions, like the Brock/Goldberg match, or it just loses it's affect. Less is more

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Its just the same old thing every week with the beer and the stunner, I understand why they do it, as if your in the live crowd its going to be something your going to want to see. Theres still allot of people that love Austin and most likely be dissapointed going home without seeing this. I did however enjoy the stunners on Brock and Goldberg at Mania.

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Guest Coffey

The thing that bothers me the most about it, other than the non-wrestler going over the up-and-coming talent, it that his beer gets all over the place. Accidents have happened in the past (Goldberg slipping and hurting his wrist) because Austin was pointlessly drinking in the ring.


Also, ATV or not, I don't think it sends a good, positive message to watch Austin call himself the Law, then beat up someone, drink beer and drive away while intoxicated.


Maybe that's just me.

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It's an okay way to END the show now and then and a god way to send the live crowd home post-taping, but not at the expense of guys like Rene Dupree (hey, remember when Foley and Rock, oh, PUT HIM OVER a bit?), and not in the middle of the show when there's still matches or angles in the ring to go down. Austin is currently my least liked person in the WWE, because even Triple H puts people over sometimes, but Austin never, EVER sells for or puts over ANY new talent. It's fucking despicable.

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Guest Mulatto Heat
Austin beats up on a young guy and drinks his miller lite, can't even drink a real man's beer anymore.

Thank you! That point doesn't get reiterated enough. He's supposed to be this big tough redneck man's man and he's drinking this weak-ass piss water. It's laughable.


I got the feeling last night that Austin had to be on the show but they were at a loss as to what to do with him, especially since there's no Lesnar or Goldberg anymore. Essentially, Rene Dupree got all tanned and oiled up to walk a dog and get beat up by a cripple. You get the feeling that there's not a whole lot of purpose for certain people anymore?

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I wouldn't mind so much if it had been Sylvan...


Although seriously, save this shit for post-main-event-heel wins after the show has gone off the air to send the crowd home "happy" or on special occasions.

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Guest Goodear

Here's the thing that bothers me the most. It's not even that Austin beats up active guys... he scares the piss out of them too! Why should a faction of three wrestlers be so intimidated by the 'sherrif' that two of them won't even go to the ring while he's around? Triple H had the right idea when he tore the stupid angle to bits in that promo about Austin's retarded badge. La Res should have beat Austin down and set the damn poodle on him. That's good television!

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Here's the thing that bothers me the most. It's not even that Austin beats up active guys... he scares the piss out of them too! Why should a faction of three wrestlers be so intimidated by the 'sherrif' that two of them won't even go to the ring while he's around? Triple H had the right idea when he tore the stupid angle to bits in that promo about Austin's retarded badge. La Res should have beat Austin down and set the damn poodle on him. That's good television!

Yeah, Fifi bites Austin's crotch and Dupree catches his beer, giving us a drunken FRENCHY DANCE!~ Gold!

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It's not going to change until the fans start to tire of it en masse, so just bite the bullet. He still moves loads of merchandise and pops the crowd more than anyone else on the (current) Raw roster, so they have no reason for him to stop what he's doing.


Doesn't mean it bugs the living hell out of me though.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
Its just the same old thing every week with the beer and the stunner, I understand why they do it, as if your in the live crowd its going to be something your going to want to see. Theres still allot of people that love Austin and most likely be dissapointed going home without seeing this. I did however enjoy the stunners on Brock and Goldberg at Mania.

Exactly. People here have to realize that the Austin haters are a minority. There's a lot of people in the live crowds that would go home disappointed if they didn't see him do his thing.


Besides, he doesn't do it literally every week. He does do it a lot, but not every last show.


Also, ATV or not, I don't think it sends a good, positive message to watch Austin call himself the Law, then beat up someone, drink beer and drive away while intoxicated.


And when has the Austin character ever been about "sending a good message"?


With all this being said, they should've used the useless one (Sylvain) to be the sacrificial lamb- although Renee does cut a better promo.

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Guest JMA
It's an okay way to END the show now and then and a god way to send the live crowd home post-taping, but not at the expense of guys like Rene Dupree (hey, remember when Foley and Rock, oh, PUT HIM OVER a bit?)

Exactly. Although the R&S Connection got the best of La Res, they made them look like a threat in the process. Dupree got NO offense on Austin whatsoever.

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Guest JMA
How did Rock & Foley make Le Res look like a threat? They verbally abused them, then kicked them out of the ring like jobbers.

Rock was sucker punched and then tossed out of the ring. Foley then proceeded to get the crap kicked out of him until Rock came in for the save. La Res then got the upper hand again, but R&S came back and ran them off. I'd say they made them look MUCH better than Austin did.

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Guest JMA
I absolutely despise Austin now for the Stunner/Drink beer crap.


If he can't wrestle a regular schedule, fine. Job him out to an up and comer, then send him home, or give him a job where he never beats up or intimidates the guys who still work.

I agree. Austin being "the Sheriff" just adds another meaningless authority figure to the show. And there's already too many of those in the company.

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Guest Hayabusa Moleman

I guess I have the unpopular opinion here, but I still enjoy the Austin celebrations. I don't give a shit about Austin putting over the young guys because usually, they have not earned it. Dupree does not impress me in the slightest. His gimmick bores me, his wrestling bores me, and I can't recall being entertained by him at all. I'd rather Austin drink beer for 10 minutes than watch Renee Dupree wrestle a 10 minute match.




P.S. I still enjoy Hogan's post-match celebrations.

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Guest JMA
I guess I have the unpopular opinion here, but I still enjoy the Austin celebrations. I don't give a shit about Austin putting over the young guys because usually, they have not earned it. Dupree does not impress me in the slightest. His gimmick bores me, his wrestling bores me, and I can't recall being entertained by him at all. I'd rather Austin drink beer for 10 minutes than watch Renee Dupree wrestle a 10 minute match.




P.S. I still enjoy Hogan's post-match celebrations.

Then why not just have Austin do his celebration alone, then? Does he really have to make someone look worthless before he drinks beer? I've always been a fan of Austin's wrestling skills and great charisma, but he shouldn't be making full-time wrestlers look bad.

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Guest Hayabusa Moleman
Then why not just have Austin do his celebration alone, then? Does he really have to make someone look worthless before he drinks beer? I've always been a fan of Austin's wrestling skills and great charisma, but he shouldn't be making full-time wrestlers look bad.

What would he be celebrating if he didn't beat someone up? I understand your point, that they should be creating new stars. I wouldn't care for Austin punking some young star I like. The thing is, I just don't like a lot of the young guys on the RAW roster. If Austin was punking A.J. Styles with Styles getting in no offense, then yeah, it'd bug me. As it is, 90% of the time when Austin makes someone look bad, it is someone I honestly would have no desire to see fight back. Believe it or not, when I buy a ticket or watch a show, I do look forward to seeing Austin. Sure, he doesn't wrestle, but his charisma, intensity, and often his promos make me feel like buying that ticket was worth it a lot more than seeing someone I don't care for in the slightest.

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Guest JMA
Then why not just have Austin do his celebration alone, then? Does he really have to make someone look worthless before he drinks beer? I've always been a fan of Austin's wrestling skills and great charisma, but he shouldn't be making full-time wrestlers look bad.

What would he be celebrating if he didn't beat someone up? I understand your point, that they should be creating new stars. I wouldn't care for Austin punking some young star I like. The thing is, I just don't like a lot of the young guys on the RAW roster. If Austin was punking A.J. Styles with Styles getting in no offense, then yeah, it'd bug me. As it is, 90% of the time when Austin makes someone look bad, it is someone I honestly would have no desire to see fight back. Believe it or not, when I buy a ticket or watch a show, I do look forward to seeing Austin. Sure, he doesn't wrestle, but his charisma, intensity, and often his promos make me feel like buying that ticket was worth it a lot more than seeing someone I don't care for in the slightest.

Austin could beat up non-wrestlers (Long, McMahon, Bischoff, ect) if he HAS to do so. But squashing guys like Dupree doesn't help anyone. It doesn't make Austin any more over (that would be next to impossible) and it doesn't help Dupree. Dupree will be here five and even TEN years from now. Austin won't be (at least not in an active role). As you've stated, you would be upset if a young guy you liked was beaten down by Austin. Well, I like Dupree and it upset me to see him beaten down. Truth be told, I'd be upset even if Austin did it to a young wrestler I DIDN'T like. It's not Dupree's fault that he's stuck in an 80's gimmick from hell. He's doing the best with what he was given.


As I've said, I like and respect Austin for all the things he's done. But I disagree with how he's been doing things.

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Guest Anglesault
I'd rather Austin drink beer for 10 minutes

I've always wondered...


What exactly is interesting about watching a man drink?

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Guest Hayabusa Moleman
Austin could beat up non-wrestlers (Long, McMahon, Bischoff, ect) if he HAS to do so. But squashing guys like Dupree doesn't help anyone. It doesn't make Austin any more over (that would be next to impossible) and it doesn't help Dupree. Dupree will be here five and even TEN years from now. Austin won't be (at least not in an active role). As you've stated, you would be upset if a young guy you liked was beaten down by Austin. Well, I like Dupree and it upset me to see him beaten down. Truth be told, I'd be upset even if Austin did it to a young wrestler I DIDN'T like. It's not Dupree's fault that he's stuck in an 80's gimmick from hell. He's doing the best with what he was given.


As I've said, I like and respect Austin for all the things he's done. But I disagree with how he's been doing things.

Of course Austin can't get any more over, that's not the point. Austin is over and what he does entertains people. Squashing people like Dupree does help people, the fans who enjoy it. It may not be Dupree's fault he is in a lame gimmick, but that is only half the equation. His wrestling also bores me. That also may not be his fault, since maybe they tell him to wrestle a certain way. Really though, it doesn't matter whose fault it is. The end result is, Dupree does not entertain me.


Dupree may well be here in ten years, but so what? Wrestling is always going to have guys on top and guys who job a lot. Not everyone can be a main eventer and Dupree hasn't shown me anything to say he deserves a push. Young stars do need to be made, but not every young guy has to be a star.


You like Dupree, I don't. Really, that's the base of the argument and it isn't going to go anywhere. I won't convince you Dupree sucks and you won't convince me he is entertaining. You cheer him, I'll boo him, and hopefully my portion of the crowd will be louder. :D

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Guest Hayabusa Moleman
I'd rather Austin drink beer for 10 minutes

I've always wondered...


What exactly is interesting about watching a man drink?

It's not so much the drinking, as it is the guy who does it.

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Guest JMA
I'd rather Austin drink beer for 10 minutes

I've always wondered...


What exactly is interesting about watching a man drink?

It's probably some sort of blue-collar wish fulfillment thing.


Which reminds me, I liked Austin much more when he was an anti-everything rebel rather than a working-class hero. He's not Dusty Rhodes...

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Fuck Austin....seriously........freakin guy basically refuses to sell to ANY young talent whatsoever. What he did to Dupree was disgusting, making him look like a total bitch. The guy isn't even a wrestler and he goes over everyone. That's like putting Foley over everyone every single week when he was a commish.

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