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Lil' Bitch

New School Question Thread

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-Why was this unpinned? It's being used as a reference point for recent WWE-related questions, and it's still very much active. I don't see the harm in keeping it up there, especially since it would be more accessible to the newer posters. It could also possibly help them with any questions they had been wondering about, instead of starting a new topic.


Now, as for a question:


When was the last time The Rock climbed onto the top rope with the intention to hit an aerial move? Was it all the way back in the Rocky Maivia days?

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-Why was this unpinned? It's being used as a reference point for recent WWE-related questions, and it's still very much active. I don't see the harm in keeping it up there, especially since it would be more accessible to the newer posters. It could also possibly help them with any questions they had been wondering about, instead of starting a new topic.


Now, as for a question:


When was the last time The Rock climbed onto the top rope with the intention to hit an aerial move? Was it all the way back in the Rocky Maivia days?

Agreed on the first point.


As far as Rocky goes, I'm pretty sure he never went to the top rope after returning in 1997 as a heel. So that must mean that May 97 or so would be the last time...around his Cold Day in Hell match with Mankind, I'm guessing.

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Guest Redhawk

Granted, I've never seen the match, but The Rock had to have gone to the top rope during the Iron Man match with HHH, right? I can't see two guys wrestling for an hour without going up to at least once.

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When's the last time The Rock did the Maivia Hurricane/Layin The Smack Down?

I honestly can't remember. I'm just responding because I used to love the name "Maivia Hurricane". They should've used that in real life.


As for the last time Rock came off the top...not sure about the Iron man, but I'm sure he came off the top during a Raw Cage match with HHH in 99. He hit him with a double axehandle.

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Guest Redhawk

Has Ric Flair ever hit whatever it is he goes to the top rope for?

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yeah... he beat Harley Race w/ a high crossbody to win the NWA World title.



and on occasion he used to drop a knee from up there when he wasn't getting pitched off.

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What is the story behind the Jeff Jarrett-Vince McMahon beef?

Jeff's contract expired before the No Mercy 99 PPV. For some reason, the WWF still had the IC title on him, and had heavily promoted a match between Jarrett and Chyna for the PPV. Jarrett demanded $100,000 to work the match, and then jumped to WCW.

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Has Ric Flair ever hit whatever it is he goes to the top rope for?

He also won the title against Jarrett on a Nitro in WCW in 2000 with a flying cross body.

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Jarrett demanded $100,000 to work the match, and then jumped to WCW.


Can't say I blame him if they made him feud with CHYNA!



Anyways, can we please get this back pinned?

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I downloaded a clip from Kazaa with the Backseat Boyz getting beaten up by Albert on a Sunday Night Heat from 2001, back when they did live stuff at the World. A-Train kicks Kashmere in the face and Baldo Bombs Acid through a table. I was wondering how this came about, and if they acknowledged Kashmere and Acid as the Backseats, or just as "fans" or what.

I think T&A were feuding with the Dudley Boyz at the time and the Backseats introduced themselves as the Backseat Dudleyz, another branch of the Dudley family, which caused Albert to attack them. I don't know how this appearance came about though, seems pretty random, especially as they were allowed to refer to themselves as Backseats. Any info on how this came to be??

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Jarrett demanded $100,000 to work the match, and then jumped to WCW.


Can't say I blame him if they made him feud with CHYNA!

That program also got him the most heat he'd ever had in WWF (and possibly his career) up to that point.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Why was this thread un-pinned?



And I have a few questions to ask:


Why did Gillberg & the Light-Heavyweight Title vanish for 9-10 months in 99-00?


How did they introduce Gangrel to WWF TV, or did they just stick him on RAW and just say "Hey, he's new".


When did TAKA Michinoku leave WWF? I think I saw him on TV sometime before the Invasion angle, then all of a sudden he was gone, but Funaki stayed.

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Why did Gillberg & the Light-Heavyweight Title vanish for 9-10 months in 99-00?

The gimmick got old pretty fast, plus they really didn't enough talented Light Heavies to make the division successful.


How did they introduce Gangrel to WWF TV, or did they just stick him on RAW and just say "Hey, he's new".

Basically. He just showed up on Raw (or was it Heat) one night in the Summer of 98.


When did TAKA Michinoku leave WWF? I think I saw him on TV sometime before the Invasion angle, then all of a sudden he was gone, but Funaki stayed.

Sometime in 01 or 02. They tried to get him to renew his contract, but he refused.

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What is the difference between a booker and a writer?

Ok, I'll take a stab at this. I often get them confused myself, so if this is wrong...


I think writers focus only on storylines, while bookers handle matches, decide who goes over, possibly work out finishes, who's pushed, who should hold a title, etc. I imagine that they work hand and hand, and I really don't think writers existed before the Russo era.

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Guest Loss

The difference is only vernacular. Vince thinks he's above old-time rasslin' and would rather think of wrestling as being more than it is, so he has creative writers. But they do the exact same thing.

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When did kayfabe die and how?


I can't believe this I forgot this, but when was Stone Cold's last WWE appearance and what did he do?

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
When did kayfabe die and how?


I can't believe this, but when was Stone Cold's last WWE appearance and what did he do?

He gave Shelton Benjamin a pep talk, along with The Hurricane & Mick Foley the night he pinned Triple H.





More Questions:


1.) Did Steve Williams (Dr. Death, not the other Steve) ever wrestle on WWF Television in 1998-99? I remember him being around with Jim Ross during his "Heel turn", as well as the Brawl For All, but never an actual match.


2.) How did Rico show up on T.V. and start managing Chuck & Billy?


3.) When did they change RVD's theme from the generic music to the theme he uses now?

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Guest Choken One

1. No. He was injured doing the Brawl and was a joke from there as the whole legit thing was set up for HIM to win...they didn't know Bart Gunn would win.


2. He appeared as Chuck's Friend out of the blue i believe.


3. Likely when the contract with the band he had for "one of a kind" expired.

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When did kayfabe die and how?

I don't think that there was an exact moment and date of when it actually happened but more of a gradual process. I know a lot of it was thanks to WWE's marketing and merchandising during the Hulkamania/Wrestlemania expansion period where they stsrted shifting into the whole "sports entertainment" label. Part of it was that by saying that it was fully fixed was so that they wouldn't have to pay taxes/fees to state athletic commissions.

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Guest Askewniverse
1.) Did Steve Williams (Dr. Death, not the other Steve) ever wrestle on WWF Television in 1998-99? I remember him being around with Jim Ross during his "Heel turn", as well as the Brawl For All, but never an actual match.

Yes. Williams lost to Hardcore Holly on Raw (night after WrestleMania XV) after Al Snow interfered.

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2.) How did Rico show up on T.V. and start managing Chuck & Billy?


Shortly after Wrestlemania 18 on an edition of Smackdown, Billy and Chuck were shown backstage and they were talking about someone. Billy said that the guy is the best there is and a guy showed up and took a look at them. The guy said this is pathetic. An embarrassment. He doesn't know how they live with themselves. Their head bands are crooked and their color scheme is a thing of the past! He told them they were getting a complete make over! Chuck and Billy agreed that he's tough, but he's the best stylist money can buy....and that was the beginning of Rico the stylist. :)


3.) When did they change RVD's theme from the generic music to the theme he uses now?


He either debuted it Wrestlemania 18 or weeks prior to it as he came out to the generic theme at NWO 2002.

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3.) When did they change RVD's theme from the generic music to the theme he uses now?


It had to have been between the Rumble and Wrestlemania X-8, because the Forceable Entry CD came out at around that time advertising RVD's new entrance theme.

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Did they ever give a reason for Garrison Cade's turn at Backlash?

Well he was a heel, so it wasn't a turn...but I don't think they ever explained why he was with Coach.

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Did they ever give a reason for Garrison Cade's turn at Backlash?

Well he was a heel, so it wasn't a turn...but I don't think they ever explained why he was with Coach.

Lawler gave some kinda explanation when Cade fought Tajiri. Coach is Bischoff's boy, and being cool with Coach puts Cade on good terms with Bischoff.


Not sure if that was what the writers initially had in mind, though, since Coach admitted that he had never looked at the alliance in that way before.

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