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La Resistance

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Guest Goodear

But The Bashams litterally bring nothing to their roles or even their in ring characters. The Bashams don't even have a moveset beyond their finisher to be honest with seemingly every match devolving to chinlock variations. Christ I couldn't name a single Danny Basham signature spot at this point and he's been in more 4-8 minute matches than half the roster.


Dupree has shown more than twice the amount of charisma with half the ring time.

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I've always been high on La Resistance. Their mic work is great, they're good wrestlers, and their finisher is simple, yet effective. They're great heels. I really wish either WGTT would switch over to Raw or La Res. over to SmackDown! so we could see a showdown between those two great tag teams.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

It's great the way that La Resistance are now getting the airtime that they deserve, their leader Stunned by Steve Austin or not.


You must admit, Sylvain Grenier's return did have something good come of it.



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Guest CronoT
It's great the way that La Resistance are now getting the airtime that they deserve, their leader Stunned by Steve Austin or not.


You must admit, Sylvain Grenier's return did have something good come of it.



I guess we can thank The Rock, since he was the one who started the "Fifi! Fifi!" thing.

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La Resistance are currently my favourite RAW tag team.


I think Johnny Spade could take Sylvan's spot in La Resistance, though.


That would be markout city.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

Yeah, and then that would be a French stable with French supporters out-numbering "Frenchman" 2-1.


I wouldn't mind a Hardy/Spade feud if it was done right.


And thank you, Rock.

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I've been digging the Resistance for awhile now. 4th row floor seats at a November house show, it was amazing. The section I was in was demanding Dupree did his dance, and Dupree had these great expressions when Conway was being hit in the ring.


It's a shame that when they were bad with Sylvain, they were pushed to the moon. When Conway came on board and Dupree improved, they became jobbers. I hope the lottery splits Sylvain away from Conway/Dupree, allowing Sylvain to have his own act with FiFi on another show, but I suspect it will actually give Dupree or Conway the singles run.

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I'd like to see Rene Dupree be reinvented, sort of drop some of the "I'm French, I'm Evil" stuff and just become a straight-up obnoxious heel. The Dupree Dance has to be one of the best singature taunts in recent memory.

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Guest CronoT
Can they bring back Big Boss Man so he can stir fry that dog?

Oh yes, give the ASPCA another reason to hate them.

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Go figure. La Resistance (w/Fifi) finally entertains me and Austin destroys them pretty much.


Austin abuses and beats up women on (and off) TV. He was a bit racist with the Teddy Long angle and he discriminates against French people.


Why does WWE have problems keeping and gaining a new fan base again?

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I'd say something bad about La Resistance and the dog, but JMA will come in here and yell at me.

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Guest JMA
I'd say something bad about La Resistance and the dog, but JMA will come in here and yell at me.

What? When was the last time I ever yelled at you (or anyone) for saying something bad about La Res? I really don't care what you say about ANYONE in WWE, Vyce. Why should I?


You're really reaching here.

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On Grenier: we haven't seen him wrestle, but he's been out injured and probably wrestled a few weeks in OVW before coming back.


Since when have a few weeks or a few months even in OVW improved anyone's workrate?


Grenier should go back to being a referee.


But maybe that's just me.


Grenier showed some charisma as the EEEVIL French-Can heel referee, and since he frankly sucks once he steps into the ring, something like that wouldn't be a bad idea. However, I doubt that's what will be done with him.


Now, if he sucked in the ring, had some charisma, and started in WCW, WWE might just fire him. However, since he's got ties with Patterson and is an OVW product, he'll be another Road Dogg, minus the massively-over gimmick.

Grenier isn't an OVW product. He didn't come from there, and from what I know, he hasn't been there during his rehab (unless we just never saw him on OWV a la Nathan Jones, but there was a reason for that, and you must REALLY suck if you can't make it on OVW TV. That's not a knock on OVW talent, some of which is really good, but there are some who aren't ready for prime time and it shows).


If anything, I think Dupree would be the one to split off from the group, and Conway would pick up the slack for Grenier. Dupree is the one that the WWE is really high on, due to his youth and charisma. He's not wretched in the ring, but still has learning to do. Plus, that dance of his is going to be over like gangbusters soon enough, mark my words.

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Where's Grenier from, then, if not OVW? HWA?


If anything, I think Dupree would be the one to split off from the group, and Conway would pick up the slack for Grenier. Dupree is the one that the WWE is really high on, due to his youth and charisma.




He's not wretched in the ring, but still has learning to do. Plus, that dance of his is going to be over like gangbusters soon enough, mark my words.


I think that goes without saying. Just don't use it as an excuse to put him in the French chapter of Too Cool.

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Guest JMA

I thought Grenier DID spend some time in OVW.


Didn't Cornette mention him in one of his shoot interviews?

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Grenier, to the best of my knowledge, has never spent any length of time in OVW. At the most, he probably just did a few training sessions. I can always check, since I've got all OVW TV Tapes from '99 to now at my disposal.


From what I've heard from a few people, Grenier got into the WWF solely on his Patterson connections. Take that as you will.

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OK, Grenier IS on OVW's alumni page, but he could be one of the guys who simply trained/worked out a bit. Sakoda is another example of a guy who went for a short-term, never wound up on OVW TV, and just worked out.

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La Resistance: Rene's going solo so he can show off whether he's as talented as he seems or just a pile of crap. Rob Conway will be left to carry Sylvan through the gimmick and Sylvan will still probably suck. But he'll also keep sucking Pat Patterson, so I doubt we'll see him fired.


Bashams: Doug's an amazing damn talent. Break them up, let him grow some hair back, and ditch his need to copy Damaja's "I'm gonna punch him" style, and he'll shine. Damaja can form a team with Rodney Mack and disappear in to the Heat abyss.

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The only reason Greenier has a job is because he is Pat's personal boytoy.

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Damaja (Danny Basham) isn't bad either from what I've seen of him, however Doug Basham is good both on the mic and in the ring, so he'd exceed far more as a solo. I loved the promo he did back in Dec. of 2001 where Cornette tried to fire him from OVW, but Basham revealed he owned stock in the company and wasn't going to let himself be fired.

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I was shocked to learn Doug has been in this business for at least 10 years. A retro Observer from 1994 about the steroid trial was posted on ABPW, and in the USWA Results it mentions Doug Basham.

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Guest Anglesault
Damaja can form a team with Rodney Mack and disappear in to the Heat abyss.

Yeah, that's basically the team from hell.


: Doug's an amazing damn talent


Damaja (Danny Basham) isn't bad either from what I've seen of him


Well, SOMETHING sure as hell must be causing this awful tag team.

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Guest JMA
Well, SOMETHING sure as hell must be causing this awful tag team.

Could it be the fact that the gimmick SUCKS?

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Guest Anglesault



A bad gimmick does not force people to go out and work the most dull, basic, boring match they can think of while flat out refusing to even create an interesting finisher.


Do they still use the Russian Legsweep?

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Guest Trivia247
Its time for a change and a team split up. I bet Vince, Gertwetz, Ace, Hayes and company have a Spanish Muslim stable in the works for fans like you :firedevil:

I can see it now.


From Granada Spain!


Shelton Benjamie, Orlando Johnson, and the rehired Faarooq!



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