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24 hour hardcore title

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I know it's only 4 years old and not 5, but screw it.


Yes, the 24 hour hardcore title sucked most of the time, but it did produce some funny moments, such as Gerald Briscoe pinning Crash Holly (RIP) as he was sleeping and Michael Cole whispering "Gerald Briscoe is the new hardcore champion!" as if he talked any louder Crash would wake up.


Any other funny things you remember? Or horrible things you can't forget? *COUGHKINGOFTHERINGCOUGHCOUGH*

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I remember the sleeping crash. Lawler also said its a good thing he doesnt have any music, it would wake up crash, then brisco (or was it the ref?)walked into a trashcan or somethin and made a big noise and crash woke up and chased him. I also liked the time the headbangers chased crash in a funhouse type thing, crash went down a ladder to did a hurricanranna off some monkey bars. also the mean street posse showed up at crashs' hotel room and tried to sneak in as room service. one time crash was at the circus and some clowns tried to beat him. at backlash 00 i think crash was giving an interview backstage when a vendor started to sneak up on him and crash turned around and beat the living heck out of him.


Man that was some fun times. I miss Crash. :(

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

4 Words...


Super Fun Happy Slide.



If you don't know, it had Crash in a arcade like place and the Headf Bangers attacked, so him, the Bangers, the REFEREE AND CAMERA MAN all went down a slide in pursuite.



Edit: Oops, someone else mentioned it.

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Guest Fook

Crash being attacked at the airport and the hotel room was entertaining.


Good times there.

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Mean Street Posse attacking him at the circus was a good one too.

On a side note, I _LOVED_ the Mean Street Posse. A friend of mine and I always laugh when one of us makes a Pete Gas reference.

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Guest theoldxpac

I was just getting into wrestling at the time and thought it was great. That was s funny when the ref tripped over the trash can when crash was asleep.

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Judgment Day 2000, Briscoe spends the whole time trying to get back after going to get coffee, as he keeps getting attacked. He also sees himself in the mirror and punches it since he's so scared.

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I loved Tim White's explanation of the Hardcore Battle Royal at WM2000.


White: The title could change once, twice, ten times (Crash whispers something in his ear). Or maybe not at all Crash.

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Judgment Day 2000, Briscoe spends the whole time trying to get back after going to get coffee, as he keeps getting attacked. He also sees himself in the mirror and punches it since he's so scared.


Definitely one of my favorites, just for Brisco punching the mirror and getting hurt.


White: The title could change once, twice, ten times (Crash whispers something in his ear). Or maybe not at all Crash.


What makes it even funnier is how Crash gets pinned less than one minute into the match.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
WM 17. Raven. Golf Carts. Hilarity.

Kane running over Ravens leg (kinda) = more hilarity.

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Ivory giving Crash a massage to try an ease his tension, only to smash him over the head with a jar of candy to try and win the title was gold.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
The fun house thing was my favorite.


For what it's worth, I also got a kick out of Christian's beating Molly for the belt at WM 18.

"Stand back, theres a new Hardcore champion coming through"

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The fun house thing was my favorite.

I loved when the Headbangers where like we will get him in the balls!!! It was just really funny HAHA!!!


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I also liked Patterson beating Brisco for the belt. You know, when they were backstage celebrating, then all of a sudden, Pat hit him in the head with the champagne bottle.


Wasn't it in the 10 minute Hardcore title match where Viscera slipped and fell?

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Wasn't it in the 10 minute Hardcore title match where Viscera slipped and fell?

No, it was several months before that (I want to say 12/99).

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I think it was a Bossman title defense on RAW. Big Vis goes for a splash through a table, slips on beer, falls on [large] ass.

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"Mighty" Molly Holly smashing The Hurricane over The Head with a frying pan to capture The Title at WM 17 to start her heel turn.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
Wasn't it in the 10 minute Hardcore title match where Viscera slipped and fell?

No, it was several months before that (I want to say 12/99).

I'm pretty sure it was in February 2000, because I remember it being the same Raw that had the Radicalz turn on Foley and the big 10 man tag for the main event.


And it wasn't in the ring, it was Hardcore and Crash vs. the APA in a bar and Viscera tried running in to go after Crash, and fell on his ass. And Bradshaw was entertaining in one of his only matches ever when he stopped to poor himself a nice mug behind the counter. :lol:

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
"Mighty" Molly Holly smashing The Hurricane over The Head with a frying pan to capture The Title at WM 17 to start her heel turn.

WM X-8* and her heel turn was the week after the Draft when she became regular Molly and attacked Trish. How do I know? On the Sudnay Night Heat before, she was a babyface vs. Jazz or some other heel.

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The Wrestlemania 17 triple threat match. There were so many funny moments...


Big Show is about to chokeslam Kane in the backstage area and, for no apparent reason, yells "Right here on the floor! AAAAAAAAHHHH!"


Kane driving a golf cart


Big Show not being able to lock the fenced off area



Another subtle moment I liked was Show pinning Essa Rios on a wall during a series of backstage title changes.


Shane falling off the Titan tron at Summer Slam 2000 (Hey, it was cool the first time)

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