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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

The OAO Who Should TNA Bring In Thread

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I hope this kind of thread works, because it will hopeful confine all the "Should TNA bring in Wrestle A" topics into this thread and keep a good discussion going without having to start a new one every week.


People I think should be on TNA events:

- Spanky (when his no compete clause ends, plus hes not really a WWE cast off as he made his name doing Indy's)

- Chad Collyer. He's worked a few shows and looks to be pretty good, but I'm not sure if he lives in Canada or something to prevent him from traveling every week to Nashville.

- Los Maximos. As long as they don't botch every god-damn spot, they are pretty good, and they could do an angle with Amazing Red possibly.

- Kanyon. He's still in good shape and can have decent matches, plus he can be used to put people over. Also has the no compete clause to finish.


A fun feud for kicks: DDP vs. Kanyon. I know a lot of people would joke about this possible feud.



People I don't Want:

- Goldberg.

- Brock Lesnar.

- Ron Simmons.

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Kanyon(I expect he will come in when his no compete clause is up and I can't wait)



Super Crazy(was super over in his one appearance with TNA, have no idea why they didn't bring him back)

American Dragon(never seen the guy, but everyone raves about him and I want to see what the hype is about)

Hall and Nash(as a tag team)

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Hall and Nash(as a tag team)

Ew... For the money Nash is asking, if I was running TNA, I'd tell him to get lost. But TNA really wants them two despite being talented anymore, despite Hall being a lush, and Nash's bones being made of crackers since they break so easy.



American Dragon I heard works a lot of Japan Tours, so I doubt TNA would want him as a regular. Plus from what I heard, he usually works long matches, so TNA would be fucked there.

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I don't think American Dragon would excel in TNA. He is brilliant at matches from 15-45 minutes, but in TNA it often seems like a miracle when an X division match gets 12. Also, he is similar to DK and Chris Benoit, and not really a high flyer.


Guys I want in TNA:


Samoa Joe: Best heavyweight worker in the US. Oozes charisma, does great promos, and has a move that will get the crowd into him.


Homicide: Perfect midcard/uppercard worker for TNA. He's not a great seller or

overall worker, but he is great at building drama in matches, has some sweet dives, great moveset, and great workrate. Homicide and Smokes together in TNA would be great.


Colt Cabana: The most charismatic guy on the indies. Funny as hell, and a great worker to boot.


Adam Pearce: The best old school heel in the US. He can mesh Jarrett heat with fantastic old school matches. He's pretty much a heavyweight, too.

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Guest TDinDC1112

Chris Hero, B-Boy, and who's in special K?


Sorry, wrong board.

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I second Samoa Joe.


I'm actually quite shocked they haven't already hired him to work a few gigs.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I second Samoa Joe.


I'm actually quite shocked they haven't already hired him to work a few gigs.

I can probably assume because he has no name recognition outside of smarks (I honestly don't know any promotions he works for other than RoH)


Or because TNA has no interest in him, or do, but he declined.

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Sting(full time)

DDP(for a few matches)


D'Lo(full time)


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
He works west coast indies, and has worked for Japan (Z-1) before. I know he's said he'd like to work TNA.

Oh, got my answer :lol: I guess it's too much to keep flying him in from California/whatever state on West Coast.



D'Lo(full time)


I'm 99% sure D'Lo signed a TNA Contract, so he is full time :P

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He works west coast indies, and has worked for Japan (Z-1) before.  I know he's said he'd like to work TNA.

Oh, got my answer :lol: I guess it's too much to keep flying him in from California/whatever state on West Coast.

The man's RoH champ, isn't he?


Last I checked, those shows aren't exactly run out of the Cali.


There's really little reason for them to NOT book him on those weeks he's in the East Coast for a RoH gig.


And screw name recognition - how much name recognition did A.J. Styles have among non-smarks before TNA began? He had, what....all of a month in WCW right before it folded? Or how about AMW? Or Abyss? Or Low-Ki, or Chris Daniels? Smarks knew about them, but none of them had this name recognition you speak of with non-smarks.


They should book him. He's got a good look, he's got great skills, and he's certainly got enough charisma to connect with the crowd. He'd be solid mid to upper midcard material at the least.


I mean, come on - this is the company that employed Jamal. As far as Samoan wrestlers go, Joe is approximately 39482 times better than Jamal ever was (it's true, I've done the equations).

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Guest TDinDC1112
And screw name recognition - how much name recognition did A.J. Styles have among non-smarks before TNA began? He had, what....all of a month in WCW right before it folded? Or how about AMW? Or Abyss? Or Low-Ki, or Chris Daniels? Smarks knew about them, but none of them had this name recognition you speak of with non-smarks.

I have news for you. Those people still have no name recognition among non smarks.

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He works west coast indies, and has worked for Japan (Z-1) before.  I know he's said he'd like to work TNA.

Oh, got my answer :lol: I guess it's too much to keep flying him in from California/whatever state on West Coast.

The man's RoH champ, isn't he?


Last I checked, those shows aren't exactly run out of the Cali.


There's really little reason for them to NOT book him on those weeks he's in the East Coast for a RoH gig.


And screw name recognition - how much name recognition did A.J. Styles have among non-smarks before TNA began? He had, what....all of a month in WCW right before it folded? Or how about AMW? Or Abyss? Or Low-Ki, or Chris Daniels? Smarks knew about them, but none of them had this name recognition you speak of with non-smarks.


They should book him. He's got a good look, he's got great skills, and he's certainly got enough charisma to connect with the crowd. He'd be solid mid to upper midcard material at the least.


I mean, come on - this is the company that employed Jamal. As far as Samoan wrestlers go, Joe is approximately 39482 times better than Jamal ever was (it's true, I've done the equations).

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla = SoCal

ROH = East Coast

Zero-1 = Japan


Samoa Joe is a world wide wrestler. So why not bring him into TNA?


TNA should be the top of independants and should have a rotating roster that puts on at least 3 ***+ matches a week. That's the only way they are going to get recognition in a more mainstream way. Good, solid dramatic matches that lead somewhere.

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I believe Samoa Joe lives out in Cali, so the PWG and other SoCal shows he does cost less for the company because he can drive there by himself. RoH has enough money from both itself and RFVideo to pay for the flights of wrestlers from around the world, whereas TNA needs to measure out the positives and negatives of flying a wrestler in from as far away as Cali. With the X-Cup thing every month, they need to fly in workers from around the world twice a month, which also drains their pocket book. Honestly, I think Samoa Joe would get over in an instant were he to join the TNA roster, because not only does he gel well with half of it (since half of the TNA roster has had RoH dates), but also because he's great.


Basically, I think it boils down to a monetary issue, although I could see TNA bringing him in for a few tag matches here and there whenever he's on the East Coast for an RoH date.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Sean O'Haire. Once he ditches the WWE style, he will be back to being good and able to improve on it. But he's got work to do with cutting live promos. Blech!




And no, Terri Runnels shouldn't come...to TNa.

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Guest TDinDC1112

They probably can't bring in O'Haire for 90 days, but after that, I'd definitely bring him in. I wouldn't consider him a WWE castoff as he basically never even wrestled for them. He'd be like Killings, where if he got over, he'd basically be a homegrown TNA guy. He's young, has a great physique (gee that sounds gay), and is a great athlete. He can improve his in-ring. And I wouldn't care if they just stole his WWE gimmick of the evil influence (what was that catchphrase, I can't remember) and used it as WWE just abandoned it before they gave it a chance (and it was getting over). Bringing him in is just a no brainer to me.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
They probably can't bring in O'Haire for 90 days, but after that, I'd definitely bring him in.  I wouldn't consider him a WWE castoff as he basically never even wrestled for them.  He'd be like Killings, where if he got over, he'd basically be a homegrown TNA guy.  He's young, has a great physique (gee that sounds gay), and is a great athlete.  He can improve his in-ring.  And I wouldn't care if they just stole his WWE gimmick of the evil influence (what was that catchphrase, I can't remember) and used it as WWE just abandoned it before they gave it a chance (and it was getting over).  Bringing him in is just a no brainer to me.

"I'm Not Telling you anything that you don't already know" is the quote I believe.



Edit: I actually stole O'Haires gimmick as a joke with friends, and cutting promos like that. Not his live ones, but the taped ones that rocked the house.

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TNA can, should, and (IMO) will bring in O'Haire once the 90 days is up. I personally think Raven should feud with him and get him over with the audience. They could have some sick brawls.

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Guest netslob

if they do bring in this Samoa Joe guy, they gotta give him a better name...it just sounds so bush-league

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
if they do bring in this Samoa Joe guy, they gotta give him a better name...it just sounds so bush-league

Advice: Do NOT insult a ROH fans favorite wrestler. And TNA IS Bush-league, so really, no problem there.

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Guest netslob

it's nothing against him, i'm sure he's a great wrestler and all, but his name is so...lame.

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Guest TDinDC1112
"I'm Not Telling you anything that you don't already know" is the quote I believe.

That's it!

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They should definately bring the Backseat Boyz in, they would get over very quickly, are great workers and, judging by the amount of mix and match teams in the recent tag tournament, it's not like TNA are overflowing with decent tag teams.




Sean O'Haire (after the 90 days)

Spanky (ditto)

Scotty Riggs :P

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Guest Markingout

Roderick Strong- Awesome worker who is not all about flash, but still works a great crusier style.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

One guy who i'd love to see appear in TNA is Masada. From what i've seen of him in ROH and NWA Wildside, he looks very talented, has a good look and has a cool gimmick. If TNA brought him in, i'd imagine he could be a future star, in fact i'm suprised neither TNA or WWE have signed him already.

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Chris Hero, B-Boy, and who's in special K?


Sorry, wrong board.



Samoa Joe does in fact live in Cali, although he does hang out at CM Punk's house somewhere in like Delaware I think quite often, when he's booked for East Coast shows.


They should bring back Altar Boy Luke. In the last six months since he worked for him, he's really stepped it up a notch in Wildside, to the point that he, Sal Rinauro, and Seth Delay are the three best cruiserweights they have probably (maybe throw Ray Gordy into that group, too).


Some of the Chikara Pro guys like Gran Akuma, Mister Zero, Hallowicked, and even Mike Quackenbush could shine in X Division six-mans.


I'd love to see Masada come in.


I'll post more as I think of other guys.

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They're going to need some talent, especially if they get on TV:


The guys with some name value TNA should grab are:


- RVD: Too obvious. Carried ECW. Loyal fanbase, good worker, a draw. Would be the opening salvo in a promotional war. Gives TNA main event scene credibility


- DDP: Former WCW champ, not a bad worker, willing to do jobs and put guys over. Gives TNA more cred.


- Sean O'Haire: Was pushed by WCW as the next big thing... not really hurt by WWE stint. Great look and some cool moves for a man his size.


Obviously, Kanyon, Spanky, and any indy guy who can go in the ring are no-brainers.

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