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Smackdown Spoilers

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From wrestlingobserver.com


Smackdown spoilers from San Antonio


by Nick Warmack


Kid Rock- Lonely Road of Faith video. Crowd popped big for Hogan & Warrior and HUGE for the Road Warriors.




Matt Cappotelli b. Sho Funaki- Very solid opener. Nothing spectacular, but good work by both guys and Matt showed some potential. He got the win the the rollup and then both shook hands and hugged postmatch.


Josh and Bill are out, so here comes...




Doug Basham (w/o Danny) b. Paul London- London was grounded for most of the match, so no spectacular moves. Only thing remotely special was the dropsault. Finish saw Doug his reverse fameasser kinda thing. I was disappointed b/c I was really looking forward to seeing London live.


Nunzio b. Rey, Akio & Kidman in a Fatal 4-Way to become #1 contender for the Cruiserweight Belt. By far best match of the night. Rey came out a pretty big pop. Way too many cool spots to mention with Akio looking very strong. No botched spots although Akio had Kidman on the ropes and hit a WICKED chop to the chest. Then Kidman reversed hit his own that was so weak is was pathetic. Some comedy from Nuzio who snuck in to pin Kidman to the shock and bewilderment of all.


Mr Ass & Hardcore Holly b. Laydown Skeevers & Jobber McGee aka Eddy Craven & Russell Simpson. You're standard match from Billy & Bob. At one point Holly had Crimpson in the corner and hit some chops that paled in comparison to Akio's. Alabama Slam for the win. Afterward both guys went over and talked trash to Josh w/Holly paintbrushing him a little. Then we got to see Bob's ass and Billy do some stripper moves on the ropes. Nobody needed to see that.


Good Velocity. People need to see the 4-Way and I wait with baited breath for DeMott's Turning Point.


Ring change.


Out comes Rue looking hot to sing America the Beautiful. Nice, but no Lillian.


Taz & Mitchell out.


Backstage video with Rue & John Bradshaw Leyfeild for some quick heat. Says he's from Texas, but NYC is his new home. Then he says something that'll for damn sure piss off San Antonians...the Spurs only won the Championship b/c Rick Fox was injured.




Recap of the Angle Great American Award series from last week.


Tonight--RVD/Booker vs Charlie Haas & Big Show.


JBL out in his limo to HYOOGE heat. Same basic thing he's been saying. Talks about his $1000 hat. Offers $1000 to any fan that can wax the hood of his limo in 60 secs. Pulls a fan out the crowd wearing the Scarface/Latino Heat shirt. "Enrique" (Bradshaw says he should change it to Ricky) is almost done with 10 sec to spare when JBL squirts more wax on the hood. Needless to say JBL is not Ted Dibiasse so the money stayed with him.


Dudley Boys b. Scotty/Rikishi (non-title)- I missed alot of this b/c my friend I were debating how to repackage the Worm & the Ass. Scotty goes for the W.O.R.M., D-Von says nope, 3D for the pin, I'm happy. Dudleys look like they want the titles.


Angle with Charlie backstage. I don't remeber much, but I know I enjoyed it.


Chavos Jr & Sr on the big screen for more quick heat. Chavito says the Spurs will lose to the Lakers in the playoffs. Lakers Suck & Go Spurs Go chants insue. I love this town.


Chavo (w/ Sr) b. Jamie Noble. Good match, but quick. Chavo gets the pin using the ropes. I just don't get the Chavo/Nunzio match.


Theodore Long talks to Shannon Moore, Orlando Jordan & Spike in the back. Says he wants to rep somebody with the body of a guy like OJ...Playa's Card. The face of Shannon...Playa's card. And the complete opposite of Spike. This leads to Spike challenging Teddy to a match later.


Booker & RVD talk in the back. RVD says the were RAW tag champs. Wants to know why Booker is acting the way he is. Booker says this is the SMACKDOWN Booker, not the RAW Booker. RVD says they can still be best buddies and can win the SD Tag Titles. Booker say aight, but I somehow don't believe him.


John Cena b. Danny Basham (w/Doug) non-title. Danny changed his tights since Velocity and now he and his brother are wearing purple velvet looking ones. Cena comes out the by far the biggest pop of the night in a George Gervin throwback. Damn good rap tonight. Solid match. My friend and argued through it what kind of man you have to be to wear purple velvet tights. Bashams tried to pull a switch, but Cena had none of it. FU for the pin.


Haas/Show b. Basically just RVD, but Booker was there. Rob worked the entire match as Booker was always away from the corner so tag could be made. Book eventually just said enough of this and headed up the ramp motioning for Rob to follow. Rob stayed. Haas was in most of time. Show came in to choke slam RVD and Charlie got the pin. In a "moments ago" moment, Booker came back down to the ring, looked at Rob & left again. Rob looked pissed.


T-Shirt guy is out. Big pop when the crowd thinks he is shooting Cena baseball tees. Heat when they realize they're getting Brock leftovers.


RVD is bacstage with Kurt. Kurt denies knowing anything about Booker's unscupulous plan. Says we'll get Booker vs RVD next week.


Rene Dupre (w/Fifi) b. Orlando "No offense" Jordan- Some heat for Rene and "The Dance".


Kurt is backstage preparing the trophy for the ceremony when Eddy comes in. Some very funny stuff here ending with Kurt giving Eddy the night off and to "Get out of my office, get out of the building, get out of the city". Crowd was not happy.


Teddy Long (in sparring gear) is out to face Spike (with no shirt). Teddy says Spike needs a warmup. Out comes the Bull. Beats on Spike for a while. At one point I swear he trhew him 15 feet in the air to then slam him down on the mat. Of course Spike takes a licking and then hits the Acid Drop for the pin. Mark Jindrak runs in and massacres Spike with his new finisher. Teddy lays a couple of boots to Spike and then jumps in Jindrak's arms. I guess he's the new member of the Playa's Club.


Ring crew out with the red carpet and trophy under a veil for the Award Ceremony.


Angle out. YOU SUCK!, then WHAT?!s galore (Damn you Steve Austin). Cena out to another huge pop. Haas out. Booker out to many boos. Show out. JBL out to much less heat than before. Kurt announces that Cena won the audience poll (on the creen the showed him with like 200,000+ more votes than anybody else) and so he is the...JBL say wait. He shows a video from last night of him at "the border". Talks about illegal Mexicans coming into the US and tuining the economy, healthcare, the welfare system & taxes for all of us hardworking Americans. He says he'll put a stop to. He shines a light on a bunch of "illegal" immigrants (including Rudy Boy Gonzales) and "chases" them back to Mexico. Kurt loves this and awards the trophy & #1 contendership to JBL. He thens unveils the trophy to reveal that Eddy has stolen the trophy and replaced it with a trophy of his own design with a picture of himself...good stuff. Angle & John call out Eddy, knowing of course that he didn't leave. Eddy comes out in a lowider with the trophy on its hood. Big pop, but not as big as Cena's whcih surprised me. He walks to the ring and threatens to smash the trophy on JBL's limo. Angle says if he does that he'll be stripped of the title. He gets in the ring, talks a little, breaks one of the wings off the eagle, hits JBL in the gut with trophy & then clears the ring of both guys. He gets a chair from the timekeeper's table and threatens to smash the trophy with it. Kurt tells him he better not, but of course he does. I think this is were the show will end. Kurt goes to the back, Bradshaw takes of his coat and he & Eddy have a small in the ring. Eddy kicks him out, then chases him to the back. 10 seconds later Booker back out and heads to the ring with Brian Hebner. He talks about all his championships (which are pretty damn impressive) and talks about being desrespected by all the SD guys when he arrived. He calls out any SD guy. I'd read about all the house shows, but I'd never seen the Undertaker live so what happened next was pretty awesome. 'Taker comes out with a loooooooong PPV style entrance. Once in the ring Booker talks trash for a few minutes. Then he hits Taker with 6 punches, Taker goes for the Chokeslam, Booker kicks him to get out of it, runs at Taker, Tombstone for the 1-2-3. Crowd went home failry happy.


Sorry for the long report, but I think that was all of it. Overall a good show that I think should holdup on TV thursday.


Biggest Pops-



Eddy (fairly close second)


T-Shirt Guy


Most Heat-



T-Shirt Guy after the Brock shirts were discovered

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

No Ultimate Dragon makes me not want to watch again. Bastards. Show looks shitty as usual.

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JBL out in his limo to HYOOGE heat. Same basic thing he's been saying. Talks about his $1000 hat. Offers $1000 to any fan that can wax the hood of his limo in 60 secs. Pulls a fan out the crowd wearing the Scarface/Latino Heat shirt. "Enrique" (Bradshaw says he should change it to Ricky) is almost done with 10 sec to spare when JBL squirts more wax on the hood. Needless to say JBL is not Ted Dibiasse so the money stayed with him.

:D :D :D :D :lol: :D :)

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JBL say wait. He shows a video from last night of him at "the border". Talks about illegal Mexicans coming into the US and tuining the economy, healthcare, the welfare system & taxes for all of us hardworking Americans. He says he'll put a stop to. He shines a light on a bunch of "illegal" immigrants (including Rudy Boy Gonzales) and "chases" them back to Mexico. Kurt loves this and awards the trophy & #1 contendership to JBL.


Comedy GOLD. Oh wait, this is the main event feud?

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Guest glennsoe

wow and Nunzio finaly wins a match !!


The start of a small push maybe ?? This guy's awesome !!

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

I didn't want it, but - The Undertaker is squashing talent.




Most Heat-



T-Shirt Guy after the Brock shirts were discovered




That evens things out a bit.

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What's up w/ Spike wrestling every week on SD? Why not use Rey in his spot (dissed by Long, beats the bigger man, gets beat down by the new Playa's Club member) rather than sticking him on Velocity? I'd think Jindrak would have gotten more heat by beating down Rey than Spike.


Looking forward to Chavo/Knoble, even if it is short. Dudz vs. Rikishi/S2H? Sounds like a channel surfing opportunity.


And it looks like the Booker/Taker program may be starting. Great way to build up Book as a top-flight heel and the next challenger for Eddy - have him job to Taker.

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Guest Deviant

Yeah, Taker won't be on. In my eyes iB, it doesn't count unless it's aired.


I'm hoping Bradshaw gets his title shot next week and we still have Booker-Eddie at JD.


Overall, I'd say SD sounds about as bad as last week. But I hope someone uploads that Velocity 4 way, sounds nice.

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Guest wrestlingbs

Oh, that Bradshaw! Sure, he may be shitty in the ring and has not shown any improvement, and his skits are terrible, and they ignored Cena even though the fans wanted to see him win, but... um...


Oh, that Bradshaw!

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
Yeah, Taker won't be on. In my eyes iB, it doesn't count unless it's aired.


I'm hoping Bradshaw gets his title shot next week and we still have Booker-Eddie at JD.


Overall, I'd say SD sounds about as bad as last week. But I hope someone uploads that Velocity 4 way, sounds nice.

Agreed about The Undertaker.


There's no way that after making such a drastic gimmick change and SmackDown! having their next Pay-Per-View in over a month, he's getting a title shot on this show - and it seems as if WWE arent content with letting 'Taker squash Booker both at House Shows and on SmackDown!.

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If Bradshaw becomes the new age DiBiase... I'm all for it. I love the gimmick of anyone doing anything for money. Of course Tiger Ali Singh sucked... but that was a different case.

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Guest Goodear
What's up w/ Spike wrestling every week on SD? Why not use Rey in his spot (dissed by Long, beats the bigger man, gets beat down by the new Playa's Club member) rather than sticking him on Velocity? I'd think Jindrak would have gotten more heat by beating down Rey than Spike.

I think thats because they want to put Jindrak over in his first program on Smackdown and that simply should not happen to Rey with the amount of popularity that guy has. So you feed sympathetic face Spike to him and hopefully Jindrak'll get some much needed heat out of the deal. Contrast that to the Dupree/Cena situation were Rene will probably loose in his first storyline, but has tons of cheap heat that won't go anywhere. A loss for Jindrak at such a juncture will sink the guy again.

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If Bradshaw becomes the new age DiBiase... I'm all for it. I love the gimmick of anyone doing anything for money. Of course Tiger Ali Singh sucked... but that was a different case.

I was going to make a comparison to Michael Wallstreet from 1995 era WCW but it doesn't really work. Actually it might work if you get past the fact that Bradshaw has a main event push, I don't remember Mike Rotunda doing anything of any significance as Mr. Wallstreet which is probably the path Bradshaw is leading down after his fued with Eddy.

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Teddy Long (in sparring gear) is out to face Spike (with no shirt). Teddy says Spike needs a warmup. Out comes the Bull. Beats on Spike for a while. At one point I swear he trhew him 15 feet in the air to then slam him down on the mat. Of course Spike takes a licking and then hits the Acid Drop for the pin. Mark Jindrak runs in and massacres Spike with his new finisher. Teddy lays a couple of boots to Spike and then jumps in Jindrak's arms. I guess he's the new member of the Playa's Club.

I don't get any channels that show SD!, so please forgive my ignorance, but.. who the fuck is The Bull? Johnny Stamboli? Or is Buchanan back? :lol:

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Teddy Long (in sparring gear) is out to face Spike (with no shirt). Teddy says Spike needs a warmup. Out comes the Bull. Beats on Spike for a while. At one point I swear he trhew him 15 feet in the air to then slam him down on the mat. Of course Spike takes a licking and then hits the Acid Drop for the pin. Mark Jindrak runs in and massacres Spike with his new finisher. Teddy lays a couple of boots to Spike and then jumps in Jindrak's arms. I guess he's the new member of the Playa's Club.

I don't get any channels that show SD!, so please forgive my ignorance, but.. who the fuck is The Bull? Johnny Stamboli? Or is Buchanan back? :lol:

Its probably Stamboli.

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What's up w/ Spike wrestling every week on SD?  Why not use Rey in his spot (dissed by Long, beats the bigger man, gets beat down by the new Playa's Club member) rather than sticking him on Velocity?  I'd think Jindrak would have gotten more heat by beating down Rey than Spike.

I think thats because they want to put Jindrak over in his first program on Smackdown and that simply should not happen to Rey with the amount of popularity that guy has. So you feed sympathetic face Spike to him and hopefully Jindrak'll get some much needed heat out of the deal. Contrast that to the Dupree/Cena situation were Rene will probably loose in his first storyline, but has tons of cheap heat that won't go anywhere. A loss for Jindrak at such a juncture will sink the guy again.

If it's a Spike/Jindrak feud, then I'm OK with it. I just don't see this as being any more than a 1 shot deal, but I could be wrong.


And The Bull = Stamboli.

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Chavos Jr & Sr on the big screen for more quick heat. Chavito says the Spurs will lose to the Lakers in the playoffs. Lakers Suck & Go Spurs Go chants insue. I love this town.

Bah. Everyone knows you're supposed to chant "Beat L.A." at the Lakers.

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Guest Goodear
They ignored Cena even though the fans wanted to see him win, but... um...

Uh, they put Cena over as the winner of the poll because they weren't ignoring the guy. If they were really ignoring him, they would have just fixed the poll from the start and put Bradshaw over anyway. At this juncture, it is pretty much a bad idea to try and put Cena at the top of the card with Eddie as both are pretty damn over as faces and that might mess up their heat.

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Guest Anglesault
So you feed sympathetic face Spike to him and hopefully Jindrak'll get some much needed heat out of the deal.

Jindrak get heat?



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Guest Goodear
So you feed sympathetic face Spike to him and hopefully Jindrak'll get some much needed heat out of the deal.

Jindrak get heat?



I'm speaking in theorheticals. Probably won't happen.

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Guest JMA
Backstage video with Rue & John Bradshaw Leyfeild for some quick heat. Says he's from Texas, but NYC is his new home.

I called it.


"Now residing in New York City..." :D

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