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Shelton Benjamin needs a good finisher

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I like the Dragon Whip, but I just don't see it as a main event finishing move. And hell, HHH already kicked out of it. Any ideas of what Benjamin could start using for a finisher?

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking

The Dragon Whip could be ok - of course Triple H is going to kick out of his finisher, although I see what you mean (in other words, I just realised) - it's debut should have him winning with it.


He could get the Superkick over in place of Steven Richards - although that might be a bit akward with Shawn Michaels on the same show.


I don't know about the Dragon Sleeper Camel Clutch - he needs a good strike move (and a submission finisher, so that could be one, but it's a bit long of a name).


The Burning Hammer? The Springboard Ace Crusher? The Springboard 900 Phoenix Splash? The last's titles also a bit long, but they could change the name, ala the Last Ride, Anglesault (:D), etc., and make it/one of them work.

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The only problem with anything involving "springboard" is that it makes him seem like a midcarder. There are no main eventers that springboard. None at all. How about The Franchiser?

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The thing with the Dragon Whip is that you have to suspend disbelief with it. You have to believe that the opponent is going to catch his foot and swing him around in order to hit it. It's good for a nearfall spot, but as a finisher, it's no good.

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I was joking about a Springboard 900 Phoenix Splash. I don't even think that's physically possible, except maybe from Jack Evans.


Just speculating, he seems like a cutter type of guy. In fact, I have the perfect move. That one where you throw them in the air like a flapjack, and catch them in a diamond cutter. In the Smackdown games it's called a samoan neckbreaker. Perfect.

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Scorpion Death Drop.

Wasn't Steiner using a reverse DDT for a bit? Then again, he seemed to go from Downward Spiral to Reverse DDT to Steiner Recliner 800 times.

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Guest I Got Banned for Sucking
The only problem with anything involving "springboard" is that it makes him seem like a midcarder. There are no main eventers that springboard. None at all. How about The Franchiser?

That's why I said about giving renaming.


IDrinkRatsMilk, it's obvious that you were kidding - but I liked it, so I incorporated it.


The Steiner Recliner is possibly the worst submission move that the professional wrestling industry has ever seen.


Note: The Wheelbarrow Suplex - I love that move too.


It also has an awesome name.

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Guest BDC

I think he'd be a fine choice to reinstitute the DDT as a finishing move. But that's just me.


As for the Dragon Clutch, I don't know, it seems a bit hard to put on for a main event level submission hold. It can't be applied that quickly (see: Crossface, ankle lock, etc)


The guy has a superb superkick, but with Michaels around, that's a no go. I'd think that a quick finish would be appropriate for the guy, hence the DDT.

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Styles Clash.


As much as I know Crash Holly used it...I never actually SAW him use it... and it's got that kind of "holy fuck" sensation to it. He could also put it on in a variety of different ways. Using it against bigger guys could be a problem, so I could see him using the Dragon Clutch Sleeper as a submission.

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DDT wise, maybe something like a Backslide setup swung into a DDT?


Or CIMA's 44 (Double Chickenwing, swing around into facelocke still holding one arm, snap into a "dangerous" DDT)

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Last Rites (Inverted spinning neckbreaker)

that Cobra Clutch neckbreaker Regal was using at one point

the X-Factor

Yellow-Jacket Suplex

Millenium Suplex

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