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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Star Wars vs. Star Trek...

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I'll put it this way from what I heard a NYC sports radio host said about the sci-fi and fantasy genres "I hate all that Star Trek Deep Space Nine crapoloa.  Well except for Star Wars, Han Solo, you know that was cool"


That is pretty much how the mass pop-culturely aware audience (the ones that care about whats on Access Hollywood and E!, read Entertainment Weekly, US, People, ect regliously, the ones that make the number one movies/TV shows generally crapfests, ect) sees the two franchises.


Star Trek is sci-fi personified while Star Wars is something acceptable to watch because its "cool"



I don't know. The last 2 prequels seem to have changed that opinion. To me it seems like both franchises are now viewed as something only nerds would watch and that the "cool" people don't see at all. And it can be traced back to Episode I failing to live up to all the mass amounts of hype it got from the mainstream media. At that point, I think the mainstream started to hate Star Wars and view it as an uncool thing once again.


And I am a Star Wars fan myself. I'm not into the franchise as much as some people, but I do enjoy all the films, although Episode I is my least favorite of the series. I could never get into Star Trek. I've seen some of the episodes from each series, but I just didn't like any of them.


And Darth Maul and his double-edged lightsaber both ruled. I still have my double-edged lightsaber that I brought from Toys 'R Us back in 1999 somewhere, atleast I think so.

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Probably one of the biggest wars in history of movies and television, the wars of the Stars. Star Trek has it's geeky William Shatner lovers while Star Wars fans (including myself) praise MARK HAMILL for some reason.

You know, I think that Hamill is more praised for being the definitive Joker more than Luke Skywalker. At least by the geek community, anyways.


Star Trek, I love DS9 and The Next Generation, but to be honest, I love Star Wars more. I think it's because of the Expanded Universe and the idea that anything that happens there is "official" (unless Lucas changes his mind, of course). Trek fans are, I think, scarier and more fanatical, but that may just come from the fact that they're willing to wear TONS of makeup just to look like a Klingon.


Anyways, I agree that they're different animals. Trek has roots in world politics and sci-fi, while Star Wars has always had a fantasy/serial feel to it.


For the 2 prequels, he's got Rick McCallum, who is basically just a yes man for Lucas.

I thought McCallum was just the DoP, as Lucas is still the director.

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I think Star Trek is better. I like Star Wars, but I don't love it, love it. I haven't seen Jedi in a while, but I watched Empire last week for the first time in a long time and it didn't really do anything for me. The first one (or episode IV, bastards) I've seen more than I'd like to admit, however. I think Luke is a lil pussybitch and the princess needs a cock in her mouth, Vader is fun, and Ford does good, oftentimes pimpin, work. I am indifferent to Alec Guiness, he started to piss me off when he became "voice guy", aka "I was once like that too" guy.


I'm a Trek fan, but much like my wrestling fandom, I like to keep that hush-hush whenever possible (cept on here, of course). I think they have better characters and a better 'philosophy'. Their metaphors are better, IMO, and their "peak" work is much better. Granted, they have a buzillion episodes vs. 5 films, so they have more of a chance to be better, but I'd rank some Trek episodes amongst some of the best television I've seen.

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I think Luke is a lil pussybitch and the princess needs a cock in her mouth,

I remember reading a "redo" of Star Wars where Luke gets bitchslapped everytime he whines about something.

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For the 2 prequels, he's got Rick McCallum, who is basically just a yes man for Lucas.

I thought McCallum was just the DoP, as Lucas is still the director.

Yeah, Lucas is directing, but McCallum is basically his right-hand man. Kershner & Marquand directed Empire & Jedi (respectively). IIRC, Marquand & Lucas butted heads frequently during the making of Jedi, which is what probably lead to Lucas's decision to direct the prequels himself. Together w/ McCallum, there's nobody around to really state his own opinion, and to go against some of Lucas's ideas.


Lucas did direct ANH, but ANH was story & character driven. Although the special effects were great for the time, they weren't his main focus. Flash forward to the prequels, and he's focusing on the special effects to the detriment of the movies.

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I'm a Star Wars nerd, dork, whatever you want to call it. While I'm not one of those people who know all the names of every creature in every movie, I am guilty of watching the movies maybe 1,000 times each. I do sleep on Star Wars sheets (ESB, to be precise) and I once made a cross-continent trip to watch Episode II on digital screen on opening week. While both Ep.I and Ep.II are not classic movies, I still enjoyed both, specially Episode II. And the Clone Wars animated series got me pumped up for next year's Episode III.


I do enjoy some Star Trek stuff, like movies 2, 4, First Contact, and the Next Generation series mostly. Wether Trek fans are dorkier or nerdier, I have to somewhat agree. Some tend to get overboard sometimes, but then again, so do Star Wars fans.


On a somewhat unrelated note, check out Triumph The Insult Comic Dog interviewing people on the ticket line for Episode II. There's a funny confrontation with a Trek fan and a LOTR fan.

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Guest OctoberBlood

I'm a proud Star Wars geek, but I don't hate Trek. I like what I've seen (some of the movies, and some episodes of the seasons).

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I think a lot of you are overestimating the impact of the prequels. Most people in the mainstream either ridicule them by themselves or ignore them completely. The two trilogies are treated as seperate entities by most people. The originals are still though of as 'cool', as you will probably see when they come out on DVD. The prequels are not.

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Guest thebigjig

Both fans are equally as nerdy... what pisses me off, is that Star Wars fans tend to get a pass, which makes absolutely no sense to me... especially those that dress up in full jedi costume whenever one of the god awful new films are released.


On a humerous note... when the Phanton Menace was released, on opening day... I was walking through the mall, making fun of all of the dorks that had camped out to get tickets, when I noticed a literal gang of star trek fans in full starfleet unifom... with picket signs... walking through the entrance. They then proceeded to pick fights with the Star Wars fans and all hell almost broke loose... mall security had to bust everything up


Either way, Star Trek is the better franchise in my opinion... I like the old Star Wars films, but I just tend to feel they're a little overrated

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I just realized, do Star Wars fans have names like "Trekkies", or are they/we just Star Wars fans? That pisses me off.

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Guest SP-1

Back when AOL had the official Trek chatroom, the Wars fans were called "Warsies". Those days ruled for the comedy factor alone. The invasions were hilarious.

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The greater focus on special effects is even more pronounced on the commentaries for the DVDs. It's just them talking about the effects and not much about the story or acting or whatever.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Plus the fact they don't even know how to pronounce Naboo. Lucas says it like "Nay-boo", while everyone else goes "nah-boo". Damn them! Can't they come up with names that aren't fucked up. Many of times I will mis-pronounce Tatooine and occasionally Dagobah.

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Eh, I'll take a good Aliens flick over either of them.


Except for that one Whedon was involved in *shudder*


I'd have to agree that Star Wars has, or at least had, far more casual fans. It's really hard to get into Star Trek when they're mostly babbling sci fi jargon. Plus, the whole confinement of the space ships (lack of varied locales) loses interest with me. I have to admit as a kid I'd enjoy watching the classic Star Trek shows, and even then I was wondering why "this overacting asshole" was leading them and getting so much focus.


The "turd" season at least had the "so bad it's good" quality, because the cheese on display was lovingly mockable if you weren't a Trekkie raving over what happened to a series you loved.


Star Wars seemed to be a decent trilogy of movies, but I was never compelled to want to know any more than what I saw about them. I never cared to see a prequel or anything. Since Lucas is apparently churning out special-effects-laden crapfests like the rest of Hollywood, but relying on his past accomplishments for anyone to still have interest in it, I don't think I'll be checking any of those movies out.


However, by sheer concentration I'd say Trekkies are nerdier, not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
"And then in the editing process, I decided to make Anakin black, so I took a computer and..."


The man is obsessed with digitinally changing shit.

What the fuck!? I must've missed that, otherwise I would've been laughing for about five minutes. I know, it was probably a joke, but damn that would be funny.


In the first minute, he seems to be lost in what he's saying, using "uh" about 50 times, and pausing a bit. :angry:

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The greater focus on special effects is even more pronounced on the commentaries for the DVDs. It's just them talking about the effects and not much about the story or acting or whatever.

The cast did a great job acting and talking like droids.

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I'll just say that I liked Episode 1 and Episode 2.

And I will also say that neither fans are nerdy. They're just fans. Nothing wrong with that.

Once again it's because society says "That's not cool! Ridicule those people!"

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I'll just say that I liked Episode 1 and Episode 2.

And I will also say that neither fans are nerdy. They're just fans. Nothing wrong with that.

Once again it's because society says "That's not cool! Ridicule those people!"

Point. At least they're not 250lb women dressed up as Sailor Moon...



...and I apologize for anyone who can't get that image out of their minds. I saw that at a comicon 3 years ago and it's never gone away...

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And I will also say that neither fans are nerdy. They're just fans. Nothing wrong with that.

Once again it's because society says "That's not cool! Ridicule those people!"

That is not true. If you just like the series, fine, but you probably won't get too much shit over it either. Some motherfucker dressing up in a costume (those Trek uniforms are tight fitting by the way, how come a Trekkie's costume never fits properly? rhetorical), arguing about shit like what kind of cream Kirk likes in his coffee, and breaking into physical violence over which captain could kick the other captain's ass, there is something wrong with that. Getting that much into anything is wrong. Anything. Including religion.

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People who go to conventions, that's cool. I don't, but that's me. I'd think about going to a Buffy one, and I'd definitely go to a Firefly one, but that's it. People who take that fandom OUT of the conventions, not cool. Like there are Trekkies who actually dress up in uniform and go to work. That's disturbing.

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I believe that vulkon.com has "BuffyCons", if you're looking. I think that the autographs can be expensive though, as they tend to do sell things in pricey "packages", as opposed to stuff like the Motor City Comicon, which gets a lot of Trek guys (and, apparently, Alfonso Ribero) where you pay them individually for autographs.


As for whether you SHOULD pay for autographs, well, that's an entirely different thread.

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On a minor Star Wars note, am I the only one who thinks the SNES games were awesome?

No, you're not.


Those games kicked ass. Occasionally I'll pull out the SNES and play them. No matter how many times I beat them, I still play them again, just because I find them to be that much fun.


Brings back memories of sitting and playing those games for hours on end.


Good times.


On a humerous note... when the Phanton Menace was released, on opening day... I was walking through the mall, making fun of all of the dorks that had camped out to get tickets, when I noticed a literal gang of star trek fans in full starfleet unifom... with picket signs... walking through the entrance. They then proceeded to pick fights with the Star Wars fans and all hell almost broke loose... mall security had to bust everything up




That has to be one of THE funniest stories I have ever heard of relating to obsessed fans of Star Wars and Star Trek.


I hear some Trekkies won't respond unless you call them by "rank". :ph34r:

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I kind of wish I could be a Trekkie. It's completely pathetic, but it must be nice to have something you enjoy THAT much. I don't even like sex that much. Plus there's no question of your station in life.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I hear some Trekkies won't respond unless you call them by "rank". :ph34r:

I have an example of such situation...."Yo, Second Lieutenant Asshole, why don't you teleport your pointy-ear having ass over here so I can shove this blaster pistol up it and show your insides a light show?" :P

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
even hardcore Star Wars fans hated the last two films

Don't you mean "first two"? :P


IDRM, admit it - we all are.

god that's a horrible joke

You expected more?


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