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Konnan Backstage At The PPV Last Night

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Konnan was backstage at the PPV last night. I don't know if he has been hired yet by World Wrestling Entertainment yet or not, but there has been a lot of talk that he would be brought into the company as a favor to his old friend Rey Mysterio. Konnan has been working for NWA TNA recently, doing some wrestling and announcing, making a reported $500 a week. According to a few people I talked to, Konnan has been talking to Rey and other friends of his in WWE about being brought in recently due to the fact that he just isn't making any real money working for TNA.




I hope TNA jobs him on Wednesday or does something to take him out. Give Monty Brown the rub by having him destroy him.

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Guest glennsoe

Konnan will not last long in the wwe.....BUT if they put together a new "Filthy Animals" group, THAN he has a better chance


Kidman, Rey, Konnan and Eddie should be the members....and feud with "Paul Heymans group" of Dudleys, Rvd and Nunzio....

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Eh, I can see Konnan lasting awhile in WWE. He connects with the fans and can cut a pretty good promo. He should be one of the more popular characters if he ends up on Smackdown. Of course that means he will be a heel and won't get any mic time going by how WWE usually does things.

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Konnan will not last long in the wwe.....BUT if they put together a new "Filthy Animals" group, THAN he has a better chance


Kidman, Rey, Konnan and Eddie should be the members....and feud with "Paul Heymans group" of Dudleys, Rvd and Nunzio....

If they make a new filty animals groups Eddy will not be in it, he has moved on to much bigger much better things, sure he could a freind of the group he seems to be a friend to all the faces backstage on Smackdown, but he wont be a member of the group, and yeah your right, Konnan probally wont last long in the WWE unless they team him up with Mysterio, Kidman, or both.


If he does get a job with the WWE he should be put on Smackdown, instead of Raw with the rest of the crap. (with a few exceptions of corse)

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Eh, I always enjoyed Konnan in WCW. Has he changed at all since then?

I never saw much of Konnan in WCW. Could he only wrestle one and a half minutes before blowing up there too?

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I never saw much of Konnan in WCW. Could he only wrestle one and a half minutes before blowing up there too?

Pretty much. Or, at least, his last few years there. He got incredibly lazy once he was made an nWo member, and it lasted to his last days in the company - blown up early in matches, weak offense, worse corner bumps than RVD.

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Guest wildpegasus

I've always wanted to see Benoit vs Konnan. Benoit and Konnan both respect each other and they had two short matches in WCW which really wetted my appetite for a long match between the two.

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Guest Quik

Who the hell was X-Pac visiting? I wish Chyna would start smacking him around again.

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I would be surprised to see Konnan in the WWF. He hasn't been that good in the ring since the late 90s and if I hear him cut another one of those in-ring promos he did every week in WCW I may kill myself.


Vince fired him in 92 when he was Max Moon ... don't recall the reason. Also, he wasn't picked up following the buyout. I think that says something right there.

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Also, he wasn't picked up following the buyout. I think that says something right there.

They didnt pick up Rey Mysterio right after the buyout and look how he's done.


I think Konnan could be a good announcer/manager. He has good mic skills and can get the crowd behind him. I could see him in the position where he managed a young unover talent and got involved in tag matches from time to time. A bit like what Piper - O'Haire connection had.

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Guest Trivia247

One thing Konnan got going for him, well two things, He can do mic work and he is not a Lightweight anymore. If he was a Cruiserweight they wouldn't let him in the door.


now has to get over the fact he was a jackass and vince don't like that

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Well, Konnan on Smackdown would do more good than harm probably. A relatively recognisable guy with enough charisma to get over with the crowd. And with the WWE style, may have a better chance of putting on half-decent matches.


Plus, if they bring him in and turn him heel, you've got storyline prospects against Rey, Cena and Eddie almost instantly. Hell, Kidman and Konnan as heel Filthy Animals would provide a new tag team in the division too.

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For what it's worth Meltzer says that DDP and Sean Waltman were also backstage.


Waltman was probably part of the janitor staff.


And who was DDP visiting??

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Guest jm29195
Waltman was probably part of the janitor staff.


And who was DDP visiting??



HHH was backstage as well, maybe Waltman was visiting him?


Isn't DDP well liked in the business, he's always seemed like a decent bloke to me...

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Guest thebigjig

I once read an interview with him in the TORCH where he claimed he taught Bret Hart how to do the sharpshooter...


He also hated Owen Hart (the interview was before his death) and claimed he was a huge jerk...


oh, and he sucks and I dont want him on my tv... thats about all I have to contribute to this topic

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Guest Choken One

DDP lives in L.A.


And is likely still friends with many of the workers.

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Guest Choken One

Konnan clearly...



DDP didn't even work until 3 years after Bret debuted the Shooter and We all know Konnan is lying through his ass.

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Yay, I can be a Filthy Animals mark again if they do put together Konnan, Kidman, Mysterio, and hopefully even Eddie.


Say what you will about Konnan, but at least the guy could work a crowd.

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Just make Konnan the third wheel to Eddie and Rey's popularity. Again, turn RVD heel and put him with the Heyman, Dudley group. Konnan and Rey can run with the Dudleys while RVD can work with Eddie. Plus, they can get some six man tags out of this.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Konnan vs. Cena is the most likely feud.


Konnan's tired ass "toss my salad peel my potatoes" line is even worse than any of Cena's lines that end with "deez nuts".

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