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Show still going up, and Landon wins again, of course. I love that guy. I lost, but expected to, I wrote my match in a mere hour or two, and payed the price. Oh well.


Let's get some comments for the show.


Oh, and...


"Oh and out of nowhere Toxxic propels into the ring from a bungee cord. He hits Kibagami with a pipe, and ascends back into the heavens.


Comet: Uh......


Riley: Well that just made my night."


... Wha?

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Oh, and...


"Oh and out of nowhere Toxxic propels into the ring from a bungee cord. He hits Kibagami with a pipe, and ascends back into the heavens.


Comet: Uh......


Riley: Well that just made my night."


... Wha?

Reads like Danny wasn't expecting to win by that last part...


Uh... where do we go from here?

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I've only read Landon's match as of yet. Good action and nice finish, mate. Unfortunately, I was unable to write myself, but I think your match does a very nice job. However, realise that if you manage to beat Mike for the title, I'm coming for you. You are a marked boy.

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Oh and out of nowhere Toxxic propels into the ring from a bungee cord. He hits Kibagami with a pipe, and ascends back into the heavens.


Comet: Uh......


Riley: Well that just made my night.


So I wasn't the only one to go WTF then.

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Well... congrats to the winners, including Hollywood Boulevard. Nice work you guys...but Flik wants me to remind you that Redwater is in ALBERTA and not BRITISH COLUMBIA, Canada.



Oh...and Johnny, you might owe me a LITTLE for basically coming up with the entire idea for your match in the span of five minutes. I don't want a rematch though...i don't think i can handle that right now.

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Guest Suicide King
Oh and out of nowhere Toxxic propels into the ring from a bungee cord. He hits Kibagami with a pipe, and ascends back into the heavens.


Comet: Uh......


Riley: Well that just made my night.


To the best of my knowledge, Danny had written his match entirely already when Kibs told him he would be no-showing and made a request for a plotline advancement. I think it's understandable Danny would be a little terse. ;)

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Erm...can somebody tell me exactly how I put italic and bold tags on words, and have them show up on the show.


I double tagged the "ooooohhhs" and the *SMACK!*s and shit, but none of them showed up for some reason.



Besides that, congrats to Danny and Janus on title wins and everyone else who won on not-title wins.

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Commets time, after my lack of ones on the last show:


Interesting take on the opening segment, from the eyes of the poor security staff.

And the egos of the ICTV and World Champs collide. But we're to high class for firsts..we just take pot shots verbally. Really nasty comments between these two, feel all the heat right here. Toxxic pushes the line, and the line twats him in the head with a fire extinguisher. More of the dark and evil stuff that seems to follow Kibagami around these days.


Four Way Hardcoreness up now. Little quip about everyone using the lights cutting out these days, so true. Intros just to get these four nutters into the ring and get everything going, due to the size limit. Nice to see know of the faces can play nice, and stuff between Crow and IL starts to roll, and the theme of Aecas being able to kick lots of ass at once continues. Landon is just sitting and waiting it out between he's a heel and his smart, nice move. Nice double team trade off spots and Landon just taking up a seat at commentry is golden and such a good relfection of his character. Even when Crow brings the weapons, Aecas is still kicking ass. People seem to keep doing a really good job of putting him over in these matches. Ever present hardcore spot fest that pops the fans...and Landon's commentry to add a litle extra touch to it. The selling is mainly there to have people be down while the next spot is set up, but in organised chaos like this, it's nothing to bad. Maddix actually wrestles, when everyone is down and hurting...what a great heel. He's afraid to bump though, leaving it to Aecas/Crow/IL with more spotty reversal stuff. And that killing of everyone gives Landon a chance to sneak in the win. Lite for SWF Hardcore, but a fun spine on things, ever if mainly to play up Maddix.


Nice to see a cheap plug that doesn't really get us money in promos. Just so Maddix can be a complete dick, wonderful.


Newb vs Form World Champ. It's getting a grove back and getting over younger talent atlaeast. All the recent paths of two men are crammed into the intros, and not having seen too much of Duran on form lately, it's a good thing. Normal faster little man verus power big man opening stuff, general high grade SWF action and writing. Duran hasn't lost his mean streak either, keeping the balance of I can crush you against that of you're a threat to me. I like the little tease off the come back from the luck blow that gets crushed instantly, nice higher ranking heel vs small time face stuff without being a squash. A flash roll up, allows the balance to shift quickly. A fight back, but Duran uses the playing dead trick that was used against him to pick up the win. Simple, effective little match that works in it's size. Nice one.


Cruiserweight title match now. The bolding of the sound effect noises makes it look like Kibagami's writing almost. All the heels around here seem to be on ego trips, with Ace's entrance and a personal camera man just proving it. Johnny's martial arts style doesn't slow down the action, even if it looks a little brawly and unexciting at times in a cruiserweight match up. It does make him look like a top champ, dominating, without it being spot fu flip flops. Early finishers, and a rope break. Dunno how keen I am on that with the finisher of a new character, and the question of why not just nail it a second time, but oh well. Still, at least Johnny keeps selling it as he gets beaten up on the outside, so it's not a butchery of the move. I never knew Johnny had an inner furry to unleash (I'm not picking up on the typo, it's just a furry joke to toss out) The submission escape really is sudden, but then most air, just the commentry would have been better putting over he's trying to break out of the hold. And then Johnny's back on the offensive, without much of a cralw back to the position. The near fall from the rolling suplexes is actually well built from the back attacks in Johnny's comeback. Spotty finisher to finisher to finisher reversals chain, which leads to a submission that has been worked a bit, and is a finisher, so it's a soild ending. A none flip flop crusier match, starting to be common around here and they're still good.


Clark sounds like a total nut job in his promo where he answers Maddix. Something is going to happen, they're just not saying yet.


Tag team time. I like HB's trip of mentioning how many times they've had the titles and that they're the current champs ontop of it. Shocking mystery tag partner, Edward James is in the house. Little crowd pleasure start. Mike and Todd work their usual control through speed style, and dish out some nasty mocking heel shit on Edward, for nice effect in a match like this, with a new man in a big team. Clark looks like he's running a one man show to out wrestle the tag champs a some points, which is a good thing, showing how his partner is a rookie and not a ring general. Some of the transistions could have been better done with partner assistance that just spot, little selling, brawl, spot. Same thing follows for the end, but at least it's different, with heel counter, heel counter, win. Again showing that the tag champs need their speed and double teams to get any wins around here. Funny little tag match though.


Time for a little death. Toxxic is still feeling the beating from the start of the show and now he's going to face Janus. The train of thought to the ball shot is quiet comic and a fun little touch for a match like this. Toxxic just runs the shit, I dont want to die here so fight fast routine. Not fast enough to avoid a chokeslam..but he's still fighting, going back to the low blow and a nice big bump from the ladder. Actually looks like a real match to Toxxic just dies. Rather fun for something that's just ment to injured Toxxic of play up his beating from the start of the show.


More promo for Toxxic to show off his ego. The man should be out cold with medics, but he's trying to get straight about out there, even ready to go through Zenon. Toxxic has quite a talent for these quirky little things.


Review the submissions match later.


World Title match time. Comments on the whorish nature of the title, while building up the match, what a mix. The comment about knowing each other so well means the lack of detail on the opening strike flurry almost makes sense, and the real action starts with the rolling chop attempt. The elbow sucidia fake out too apron elbow carries on that idea another step. Again Williams gets a move he didnt get before, with a brutal powerbomb on the floor, but it's not enough to beat a Man. Danny is running through like a steam train, trying just to crush the champ under sheer power while he has the chance. But he runs into problems and just gets caught. Kicks hurt him before and they'll hurt him again. And as Danny tries to run back to the same tactic, Kibagami out moves him and drops him, pretty much punking him out with that reversal. Showing the champ still has planety of ideas left in him, and that one wave off attack will leave him hurting but wont stop him. Kibagami pulling out a king of the hill style thing is sweet, and is a great image for the digging in commentry line. A duel on the apron, showing that Danny can bring it all to the table, but Kibagami can take it all and take even more. The back work leads into the Dragon Sleeper, as the champ brings his attack in the form of a slow crush. This time the Lariat isn't such a danagerous weapon against Danny. The brain steriods are probably some of the funniest things I've ever seen Danny write. But the champ isn't the only one that can kick out of huge assaults, as all's fair and matches and everything. Kibagami's ego has to get in his way for this one to fail, after his finisher and Thoth's finisher, but he wants to repeat history for some reason. And that costs him, beats having Danny kick out of this as well. And now defences arent enough to hold back the tidel crush of the challenger, and the seeming last defence is countered. But it's never that easy. But as all is fair in these matches, Kibs show how is able to counter the Rolling Elbow into a Juji-gatame but Danny slips out because he's young and fast. As it where. Like a logrythmic curve ever so slowly reaching it's limit, they're back at it again. But no the Rolling Chop and Elbow don't have enouhg to end the night. The Dangerous German that defeated Ejiro sets up the Powerbomb...but as all is fair, and this is a fight to be The Man, Kibagami can still kick out. But then Danny breaks the old logic run and does the only thing he can do, goes straight back to his finisher and nails it again. And finally it's over. And then Toxxic runs him like Sting because Danny was out of words...actually a funny way to end it all.


And Janus looks like he's going to step up to the top of the mountain now. God that match is gonna be brutal.




End (ish)

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To the best of my knowledge, Danny had written his match entirely already when Kibs told him he would be no-showing and made a request for a plotline advancement. I think it's understandable Danny would be a little terse. ;)

About right. I didn't find his pm until I logged in to turn my match in at the last minute, so the match was entirely finished. I didn't have time to rewrite the finish which also wouldn't make sense considering the match I built, and if he doesn't have the title there's no point in him keeping his heat on a screwjob finish if I'm inheriting the belt. However I actually didn't know he was no showing, just that he was jobbing the title. So I tried to keep the run in within the word limits in fear of a dq while purposely making it goofy so it would be bought as comedy rather than a rushed, out of time, out of words finish.

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OK - the original plan for this card was I lose my belt because of Kibs wrecking my shit at the start of the show, then I have JUST enough juice left to nail Kibs in his match and cost him HIS belt, thereby setting up a me vs Kibs grudge match at PPV.


No I don't attack Kibs until after the match.


Don't worry, I can work around this...

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The world title is a beautiful, loose whore. Someone needs to pick up on LDP's old title histories to see how many times this thing has changed hands in the last year. My eyes are starting to hurt. The fed has developed a weird sort of parity, which is cool and always keeps you on your toes, but I miss reading the 4- and 5-defense title reigns that lasted a couple of months.

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Guest Suicide King

We might see it again someday if the world champs didn't keep quitting/changing characters after they lost it. ;)

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I'm stating here and now that should Toxxic ever gain and then lose the World Title I give you my WORD that the arrogant little bastard will go psycho on and after whoever beat him for it.


You might WISH he'd retired. But he won't.

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Guest Evolution

Going from the reign that went through May 25th, 2003 through May 25th, 2004


22. TOM FLESHER -- 4/4/03 -- TNT -- 89 Days

23. THOTH -- 7/2/03 -- Tom Flesher -- 14 Days

24. BOSTON STRANGLER -- 7/16/03 -- Thoth -- 58 Days

25. TOM FLESHER (2) -- 9/12/03 -- Boston Strangler -- 95 Days

26. EJIRO FASAKI -- 12/16/03 -- Tom Flesher -- 22 Days

27. DANNY WILLIAMS -- 1/7/04 -- Ejiro Fasaki -- 15 Days

28. VA’AIGA -- 2/1/04 -- Danny Williams -- 35 Days

29. CHARLIE "GRAPPLER" MATTHEWS -- 3/7/04 -- Va’aiga -- 49 Days

30. “THE NOTORIOUS” JOHN DURAN -- 4/25/04 -- Charlie “Grappler” Matthews -- 10 Days

31. DANNY WILLIAMS (2) -- 5/5/04 -- “The Notorious” John Duran -- 9 Days

32. NATHANIEL KIBAGAMI -- 5/14/04 -- Danny Williams -- 10 Days

33. DANNY WILLIAMS (3) -- 5/24/04 -- Nathaniel Kibagami -- 1 day and counting


So "only" nine wrestlers have held the title in the past year.

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Guest Suicide King

Yeah, I do have a lot of nerve. Particularly since I did the exact same thing. Hypocrisy, thy name is Suicide King. ;)

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The fed has developed a weird sort of parity, which is cool and always keeps you on your toes, but I miss reading the 4- and 5-defense title reigns that lasted a couple of months.

Hang on, I'm working on it.

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Yeah, I do have a lot of nerve.  Particularly since I did the exact same thing.  Hypocrisy, thy name is Suicide King. ;)

That wasn't directed at you, just at those bastards that have the gall to quit/switch characters after getting a world title reign.



...well, I guess that is directed at you after all.

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Still, 8 title changes since December 16th....that's a LOT of title changes.I'd like to point out that I retired on December 16th. Is that a coincidence? I THINK NOT!


*also points out his 58 day title reign, which is longer than the last four reigns combined*


*points out that he only defended said belt twice*


*hangs head in shame and walks away*

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Right, I said I was going to review the submissions match and here we go.

Man this match kicked the shit out of mine, but oh well. At least I'm reading the whole show.


Short opening, to spend more time on the match, but it's all that's really needed for a series of matches like this. Start by bringing up the last match and drawing the parralells between it, etc, etc. Using the submission only rules to play up Flesher being a complete dick and the fact he's just better than Dace. Using the Palm Strikes to stun Dace inbetween the flow of the moves makes a reason for Tom to dominate show much without being countered, which is a nice touch. The first real holds goes straight to the ropes because he can, as it's Flesher's character and it's perfect work. And Dace first gets incontrol with his power advantage and luck, which is the balance between these two so it's good. Tom avoids defeat with more low blows, not wasting time and dominating in a really heelish way, just to really show the gap between the two. And to show, I could try to out strike you, but I'm not gonna risk it at all. Again Dace gets choked and has to power out because it's the only thing he can really do against Flesher. Not too keen on Flesher powering out of the Torture Crab, he probably would have been better reaching back and ankle picking out of it, to keep the wrestling skill > power balance. And Flesher uses the shoteis again to stun Dace, they're not deadly, but they do the job of keeping him at bay and giving Flesher space to work throuhg his stops. Rather than him controling a fully awak Dace Night that could just rip him off and throw him away. The Spinebuster break out and Samoan Drop of course are back work for the Torture Crab, so even in fight back Dace is trying to set up his submission which stops him from looking too bad. Going for the Defenestration is also a smart thing, if some one is out from an impact finisher, you can tie them up how you want. Tom takes a few very true and well deserved pot shots at my logic as well, can't blame him. And back to the power counts, Dace finally manages to get the room to strike Flesher down with his elbows, which connets to Dace's other efforts to over power. I don't like the roll through and Lariat from the Tiger Driver though. And Tom actually justifies the seemingly random 10 count, nice one. Not to sure about the balance of the ending, Dace finally has the upper end, jet gets countered, ends up in a submissions and taps straigh even. Even though the stronger Dace couldn't make Tom tap out instantly in his submission finisher. But the finish is a direct copy of the first match, probably just to prove a point to me mainly.


Flesher's usual high class afair that works so well and covers pretty much everything. But would you expect anything less.

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But the finish is a direct copy of the first match, probably just to prove a point to me mainly.

It wasn't, actually. I didn't want to have an extremely strong finish, because it doesn't make sense following the solid, convincing loss in match one, and it would have felt a little like if Hunter had come out the next week and squashed the shit out of Shelton Benjamin... a squashy finish to "get my heat back."


As it is, it might have come off that way anyway, but that was unintentional. I figured that something that might come off like that behind the scenes was the lesser of two evils in this case.

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Ahhh, ok Tom. I just though the sudden lucky reversal to a finisher was a take on my finisher to the singles match, just to draw connections, that's all.

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