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Guest glennsoe

Great American Bash card

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Guest glennsoe

I found this over atwww.prowrestling.com (link; http://www.prowrestling.com/news.php?id=11029/articles/news)


and this is the card as it stands now (SO THEY SAY);



The following is from norfolkscope.com:


WWE Championship

Bull Rope Match:

Eddie Guerrero vs. John Bradshaw Layfield


Handicap Match:

Undertaker vs. The Dudleys


United States Championship Match:

John Cena vs. Booker T


Flag Match:

Rob Van Dam vs. Rene Dupree


Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Jindrak


WWE Tag Team Championship Match:

Rico and Charlie Haas vs. Guerreros (Chavo and Classic)


The in-ring debut of Kenzo Suzuki


Divas Beach Compeition:

Dawn and Sable vs. Torrie and Miss Jackie (sub for Sable would be Jacqueline)


The Divas would get on top of each other’s shoulders and wrestle each other down into the ocean (a game of “chicken” fighting). The first Diva to fall off of the top of the other’s shoulders loses


Beach Volleyball Match


* NOTE: Nothing has been confirmed yet, this is by no means the final card.



Anyone wanna bet that Kenzo Suzuki gets to slaughter a cruiserweight ??? I hope Paul London is faaaaaaar away from this match too...

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Al the same it looks better then the last Smackdown PPV, in my opinion anyways, but A Bull Rope match? Ugh!

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Not a terrible undercard, except for the "Diva" crap, but those "top" matches are going to hurt...


Still beats out Judgment Day, though.


So let me get this straight--there's two "Diva" matches? And to boot, they want us to pay to see something we could see for free on ESPN? HAHAHAHA!!

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The Beach Volleyball game could just be teams of unused wrestlers.

Great American Bash at the Beach, with the return of Cheatum?


*shot of children from Beach Blast rejoicing*

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Divas Beach Compeition:

Dawn and Sable vs. Torrie and Miss Jackie (sub for Sable would be Jacqueline)


The Divas would get on top of each other’s shoulders and wrestle each other down into the ocean (a game of “chicken” fighting). The first Diva to fall off of the top of the other’s shoulders loses



Huh? They have to be kidding.

Does this mean Mean Gene is going to be there in a hula skirt and a coconut bra dancing the funky chicken with Bob Holly twirling fire sticks as well?

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Guest Anglesault

Well, it's actually a worse card on paper than J-Day, thanks to the chickenfight, volleyball and Mark Jindrak, but it has more car crash potential.

Edited by Anglesault

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They might as well bring back the IYH prefix for these shows, because this is seriously resembling an early 96 IYH card.


I mean, come on. Beach Volleyball? Well...ok. Hopefully just a throwaway like the APA Barroom Brawl at Vengeance.

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Is this PPV going to be on the beach??

No, but it would be cool if it was.


Bash at the Beach 1995 was pretty funny.

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Sub in Mordicai for Jindrak and that was pretty much the card I predicted. Well, except for the Flag and Bull Rope stipulations. Because when I think of a American hero, I think RVD!

I gotta say I dont see the Flag match happening, I thought it would of been a flag match with Cena and Dupree, but RVD?

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Actually, for the Diva stuff, Meltzer says:


2/3 Divas Beach Competition:

Dawn Marie & Sable vs Torrie Wilson & Miss Jackie

-First match is a chicken fight in the ocean

-Second match is beach volleyball

-Third match is a Four Way Sandbox Match

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3 fucking diva matches on one fucking card.  Even horny 14 can only get off so much on the divas, how about throwing wrestling fans a bone.

Don't worry, Torrie's team will probably win two falls straight. =P


I paid $90 for a ticket


Try to put it up on Ebay and cross your fingers...


Huh? They have to be kidding.

Does this mean Mean Gene is going to be there in a hula skirt and a coconut bra dancing the funky chicken with Bob Holly twirling fire sticks as well?


I'd watch that sooner than this card.

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Guest Quik
I paid $90 for a ticket :(

What the shit were you thinking? Did you buy it a year ago?

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That has to be one of the sorriest cards I've ever seen. If I could get PPVs, I'd still watch it though. If only to support Eddie and Rey. And Booker T. And I'd be feeling in a good mood so I'll give RVD a little drawing credit. And I'll throw JBL a bone just because his character is all right and he's part of a storyline that makes sense for the most part. But the rest of them can go screw themselves or something.

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Guest glennsoe

ok, for my predictions on the disaster;



*Eddy Guerrero vs. JBL in a bullrope match = Eddie in a feud ending brawl


*Undertaker vs. Dudleys in a handicap match = Taker never looses on ppv


*John Cena vs. Booker T for U.S. title = Give the title to Booker...


*Rob Van Dam vs. Rene Dupree in a flag match = Rvd looses in a bore...


*Rey Mysterio vs. Mark Jindrak = Can you say squash by Jindrak ??


*Rico & Charlie Haas vs. Chavo & Chavo for tag titles = The gay will raise again !


*Kenzo Suzuki vs. ? My pick for sacrife of the day is Billy Kidman....


*Dawn Marie & Sable vs. Torrie Wilson & Miss Jackie in 2/3 maches: First match in a chicken fight in the ocean with the woman who falls losing; second is a beach volleyball match; thrid is a four-way sandbox match = Boring porn doesn't sell !!


Overal; Not a good ppv

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Actually, for the Diva stuff, Meltzer says:


2/3 Divas Beach Competition:

Dawn Marie & Sable vs Torrie Wilson & Miss Jackie

-First match is a chicken fight in the ocean

-Second match is beach volleyball

-Third match is a Four Way Sandbox Match

People pay for this?

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And how sad is it that SmackDown! PPVs are now featuring squash matches (or will be) involving Mordecai, Mark Jindrak and Mark Jindrak? Squashes on pay per view suck anyway, but you couldn't have picked three worse guys.

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They wouldn't squash Rey would they?


Because if they do squash Rey, I swear I'll go Rundown on their asses....

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Well they will definitely job him. No way would Rey beat Jindrak or Kenzo. They're both the future of the company. Rey is small. Who do YOU think will win?

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