AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Just curious, what is the general opinion of the up and coming tag team of Jak and Daxter? They have a long road ahead of them if they want to make it to superstardom, but they seem to be on the right track already... Overrated. Ratchet and Clank are way cooler. However, I guess people think a robot that acts reasonably like a robot isn't good enough; they must want him to drink booze, swear, and steal things. Kid Icarus and Wonderboy: why did these guys not get the major pushes they deserved? Ever since Mario became a Toadstool, he's become the heir to the throne, as it were. Don't even get me started on what he did to Earthworm Jim. It actually is that roided-up ape Donkey Kong's fault. Remember that his big comeback overshadowed anything else on SNES, so being incredible and innovative mattered little if you didn't have that look. Mario = Ric Flair of video games. Yeah, he's had some setbacks lately, making it seem like he's lost the magic (Sunshine, the new Mario Party), but then we get a peek of him seemingly from just before he hit his glory days (Mario vs. Donkey Kong). I think he's going to appear in another classic soon. I haven't actually checked out Metroid: Zero Mission yet. Even though it's the same basic thing Samus was doing well over 10 years ago, is the new tricks she learned worth it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 I haven't actually checked out Metroid: Zero Mission yet. Even though it's the same basic thing Samus was doing well over 10 years ago, is the new tricks she learned worth it? Um... Andrew, you do realize that this is her first match, that basically was a superb (apparently, I haven't seen it yet) dark match that is just now seeing the light of day to us tape traders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 I haven't actually checked out Metroid: Zero Mission yet. Even though it's the same basic thing Samus was doing well over 10 years ago, is the new tricks she learned worth it? Um... Andrew, you do realize that this is her first match, that basically was a superb (apparently, I haven't seen it yet) dark match that is just now seeing the light of day to us tape traders. I believe it was just a marketing ploy to respark interest, and it was actually just recently. After all, she uses a ton of signature moves in ZM she didn't seem to use until after Metroid and Super Metroid. I don't think they could "remaster" that well, either. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Hm... True, true. I hadn't considered that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted June 9, 2004 What, no mention of Simon Belmont? The guy's a work horse. Who could forget his classic series against Dracula? Bah! That feud dragged on and on! And the needless jobbing of Dracula against not only Simon, but Trevor and to his own son, and so forth really killed the character. Does anybody take Dracula as a serious threat anymore? Dracula may not be viewed as a serious threat anymore, but he's still over. I'd say that Death's constant jobs were a lot worse. Death was a can't miss prospect, but his credibility when down the drain when he constantly jobbed to the Belmonts, Alucard, and even freakin' Sypha Belnades. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DrVenkman PhD 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 While Mortal Kombat is a very good game, I think that Donkey Kong is the best game ever. "Donkey Kong sucks" YOU SUCK. Btw, I recommend the Atari 2600 DK over any Nintendo release. Just check out the awesome: DK 2600! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cran Da Maniac 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 What, no mention of Simon Belmont? The guy's a work horse. Who could forget his classic series against Dracula? Bah! That feud dragged on and on! And the needless jobbing of Dracula against not only Simon, but Trevor and to his own son, and so forth really killed the character. Does anybody take Dracula as a serious threat anymore? Dracula may not be viewed as a serious threat anymore, but he's still over. I'd say that Death's constant jobs were a lot worse. Death was a can't miss prospect, but his credibility when down the drain when he constantly jobbed to the Belmonts, Alucard, and even freakin' Sypha Belnades. He's only over because of his name, but any threat he poses is null. He should retire before they make him job to Baby Belmont. And speaking of retiring, I would love to see Donkey Kong go. To me he's nothing but a big hoss. "RAWRR! LOOK AT ME! I'M A BIG APE!". That doesn't give him any heat, cept for that dreaded X-Pac heat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 I haven't actually checked out Metroid: Zero Mission yet. Even though it's the same basic thing Samus was doing well over 10 years ago, is the new tricks she learned worth it? Samus brings the Joshi goodness its a must have game. It has been said that the greatest wrestler in the world was a woman from Japan well the same thing can be said about Samus. Zero Mission is a greatest match highlight film if you will. Nostaglia is a bitch and her name is Motherbrain, relive the greatest women's feud that there ever was as Samus battles Motherbrain in the match that set standards for workrate. Now some might say that this match is too easy or too quick but those naysayers overlooked the fundimentals that shrine in this classic match up. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 I haven't actually checked out Metroid: Zero Mission yet. Even though it's the same basic thing Samus was doing well over 10 years ago, is the new tricks she learned worth it? Samus brings the Joshi goodness its a must have game. It has been said that the greatest wrestler in the world was a woman from Japan well the same thing can be said about Samus. Zero Mission is a greatest match highlight film if you will. And with a bonus stealth mission that makes Lara Croft look like a disney property. Using the classic Super Metroid as a *****, what would you rank ZM? Personally, I'd say: Metroid: ***1/2 (the old school pacing and lack of map knocks it down a bit, rating today. An easy ****+ back in the day, though.) Metroid II: ** (Not her best work. It was way too slow, suffered from lack of variety and direction) Metroid Fusion: *** (WAY TOO SCRIPTED!! It's hard to get into a game so heavily choreographed). Metroid Prime: **** Just my opinion on those ratings, of course. Speaking of Lara, even though I couldn't stand her overpush, I don't know whether to laugh or feel sad for her now. She was pushed to the moon, had several big hit games (even if they were all the same) had the movie and the nude pix all around.... Then came Angel of Darkness and the horrid second movie. Last I heard she put on 30 pounds, and was working in some poor-ass indy game to chants of "SHOW YOUR T*TS!" and "SHE'S A CRACKWH*RE!!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Askewniverse Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Metroid Fusion: *** (WAY TOO SCRIPTED!! It's hard to get into a game so heavily choreographed). I thought it was decent enough, but the "fake" Samus stuff killed it for me. They must have been desperate for storylines if they needed to rip off ideas from WCW circa 1996. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Last I heard Lara Croft was working the N*Gage indy in front of crowds of dozens instead of thousands during her prime days. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cran Da Maniac 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 That's what happens when you get too big too soon and become a backstage prima donna. Can't say I feel sorry for Ms Lara Croft. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Golgo 13 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 This is why I always triple check all the threads I start to make sure they're aren't any spelling errors, and to make sure I post it in the right forum, because this shit always happens when someone makes a mistake. Anyways, Donkey Kong was one of a series of Classic NES games released to coincide with the release of the NES style GBA SP. THe other games in the series are Super Mario Brothers, Legend of Zelda, Ice Climber, Pac-Man, Xevious, Bomberman, and Excitebike. There was a second series of games released in Japan, but there's no word of anything else yet in this country. stay on topic plz thx. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Metroid Fusion: *** (WAY TOO SCRIPTED!! It's hard to get into a game so heavily choreographed). I thought it was decent enough, but the "fake" Samus stuff killed it for me. They must have been desperate for storylines if they needed to rip off ideas from WCW circa 1996. I actually didn't have a problem with that. I thought that was a well-built feud, and it let the heel look strong before the blow-off finally occurred. Yeah, up until then Samus would confront SA-X, fight a little, and then run away, but when they finally had their big match, it was a quality bout. WCW 1996 didn't originate it, though. It's been in games at least since the 16 bit era and probably earlier. Plus, when the character is played right, a fake/evil twin can be awesome. For example: Wario. He's always been much more of a hoss than Mario, but check out his GB and GBA work. It's some great stuff, all around, especially Wario Land II. While Wario Ware basically has his name on it and just a few clips from his classics, it's excellent. Dr. Wario was a rather unforunate reminder of him living in Mario's shadow, but he mimics Mario very well. I wouldn't really recomment Wario World, though. It's not bad, just a bit repetitive, and we've come to expect more from the man. Nintendo did a great job, IMO, pushing him carefully on the handhelds, but if he's going to make another splash on the console scene, he's going to have to do a little better than Wario World. Sega really bungled Knuckles, though. He could have been their next big star, but they stuck him on the B-console, the 32X, and the rest of the cast was unmemorable. He had to carry Chaotix but wasn't up to the task yet, and he got blamed for it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Lushus 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 well, Metal Gear Solid had the awesome evil twin storyline going it until they completely squashed all its heat in the blowoff match with that crappy Dusty finish...come on now, Snake doesn't kill him, he just dies from that stupid virus? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Sega really bungled Knuckles, though. He could have been their next big star, but they stuck him on the B-console, the 32X, and the rest of the cast was unmemorable. He had to carry Chaotix but wasn't up to the task yet, and he got blamed for it? The problem I heard with Knuckles' big push, besides the Chaotix incident, is his becoming a "Born Again Spiritualist", which he used as his character in the Adventure Storylines. That really softened his character a bit, as he wasn't viewed as tough as he used to be. And thusly, the upstart newcomer Shadow was able to take the bad boy role over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest TonyJaymzV1 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 The problem is, the SEGA Circuit just isn't what it used to be. I mean, now adays, VectorMan's a car salesman and Tails has become a inter=species prostitute. Just reminds you, how bad this business can be. Anyone check out that NGage indy? Any good? I heard they had some old timers, and thats about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 The problem I heard with Knuckles' big push, besides the Chaotix incident, is his becoming a "Born Again Spiritualist", which he used as his character in the Adventure Storylines. That really softened his character a bit, as he wasn't viewed as tough as he used to be. It's hard to take a hippie tough guy seriously, but in Sonic Adventure they were trying to push new stars, and he didn't get any bigger a push than anyone else. Plus the gem-hunting storyline wasn't very intriguing. Thankfully they buried Big The Cat for a while after his ill-fated SA push, but when SA2 came out, they were more concerned about the new talent Shadow than utilizing mainstays like Knuckles. Plus, it doesn't help his case that Rogue has the same basic talents, but also has gignormous breasts. =P It would have been fine if she had stayed heel, but she's really a face. Knuckles has had way too many heel turns already, so he couldn't take over that role. Getting "tricked" so many times just has made him look like a big fat idiot. Unfortunately, I think they haven't been pushing Sonic hard enough lately, and now the roster is just swelling to overflowing. Why'd they bother re-signing the Chaotix crew? I haven't heard much about the N-Gage indy, although it seems they're desperately trying to sign any hasbeens they can to try to draw interest. They've tried some re-setting and repackaging, but new word on actual "new" talent. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Renegade 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 This is about videogames right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 (edited) This is about videogames right? Of course it is, Renegade. Andrew, the Gage just seems to be getting oldies and that's it. Although they try desperately to say they have new stars, I haven't seen them. What about the Gameboy? I mean it's got stars like Megaman Exe, Zero (the third one I believe), the endless stable of Pokemon (reminds me of Special K, really) and even has a good leading lady in Lyn (from the Fire Emblem stable). It's pretty old school in terms of matches, but highly entertaining, I find. I think I'd rate them as the best out there. Edited June 9, 2004 by Lightning Flik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Black Lushus 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ugh not more MegaMan, it doesn't matter which series it is, MegaMan is just too much...he even invaded the fighting game division and STILL won't job to legends such as Ryu and Ken...i'm telling you this guy is HHH, no doubt about it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 I think the only new star on the GAGE is the Sam Fisher who is managed by Tom Clancy but the Rainbow 6 stable works every fed big or small so its not a big deal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ugh not more MegaMan, it doesn't matter which series it is, MegaMan is just too much...he even invaded the fighting game division and STILL won't job to legends such as Ryu and Ken...i'm telling you this guy is HHH, no doubt about it... Well, MegaMan Exe isn't THE MegaMan Classic. So really, he isn't that bad. ...okay well, maybe a little like Classic, but Exe rocks so much more than Classic ever has. Although, I wonder if we had a triple threat of the great MegaMans, who would win? Classic? X? Or Exe? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 Megaman = Tiger Mask? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ^ that might be a good estimation. But wouldn't that mean that the next incarnation of MegaMan will be the greatest (isn't that what they are hailing TM4 as)? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisMWaters 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ugh not more MegaMan, it doesn't matter which series it is, MegaMan is just too much...he even invaded the fighting game division and STILL won't job to legends such as Ryu and Ken...i'm telling you this guy is HHH, no doubt about it... Well, MegaMan Exe isn't THE MegaMan Classic. So really, he isn't that bad. ...okay well, maybe a little like Classic, but Exe rocks so much more than Classic ever has. Although, I wonder if we had a triple threat of the great MegaMans, who would win? Classic? X? Or Exe? You keep forgeting Mega Man Legend. He's the wild-card of the team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ...Dammit. I totally forgot about Legend. Man, that's gotta be a hell of a battle royale if you think about it. Classic brings the psychology to the match. X brings the uberness moves. Legend shows off the traditional moveset + a good ground game. And Exe brings the highflying fun. Damn. I want that match now. Nintendo, make it happen dammit. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
razazteca 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ^ that might be a good estimation. But wouldn't that mean that the next incarnation of MegaMan will be the greatest (isn't that what they are hailing TM4 as)? Megaman EXE is the greatest right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted June 9, 2004 ^ that might be a good estimation. But wouldn't that mean that the next incarnation of MegaMan will be the greatest (isn't that what they are hailing TM4 as)? Megaman EXE is the greatest right? I had totally forgot about Legend. My bad. But yes, MegaMan Exe is the greatest MegaMan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AndrewTS 0 Report post Posted June 10, 2004 Miyamoto is a genius: agree or disagree? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites