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Low Carb Sodas coming soon...

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Coke - C2

Pepsi - Pepsi Edge


I know this might be old news to some since Coke has already run the ads for C2 (On American Idol) but Im wondering if anyone has seen either of them yet, as they were supposed to be rolled out some time this month.


They both have 1/2 the carbs/sugar/calories of their regular counterparts, which is due to using real and artificial sweeteners. They also have huge flop written all over them. I mean, people on the low carb craze will probably stay away since its still amounts to roughly 20 g. carbs and 80 calories for a 12 oz can which is still way too much and still empty calories/carbs nutritionally speaking. Diet Sodas have ZERO carbs, and yet they haven't been marketed that way (yet) which doesn't make much sense to me. And for people who could care less about carbs, there will probably be little appeal since the drink won't taste like a regular soda..


The early reports on C2, which has already been released in Japan (?) are pretty negative:


Still, while skeptical, I had hoped Coca-Cola's cocktail of natural and artificial sweeteners would deliver that regular-cola taste and just maybe give me an excuse to drink an extra Coke every once in a while. After all, at half the carbs the repercussions wouldn't be so severe, right? Unfortunately, Coca-Cola C2 didn't deliver. This taste tester found C2 to be an unappealing blend of Coke and Diet Coke, which, given the mix of natural and artificial sweeteners, is not too surprising. I don't think this bodes well for C2 or, in all likelihood, for Pepsi Edge.


If I see them, I'll do a taste test in the name of scie..uh..something, but I haven't seen them. Chances are I'll see the Pepsi product first since theres a big bottling plant here.

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Diet Sodas have ZERO carbs, and yet they haven't been marketed that way (yet) which doesn't make much sense to me.


That was the first thing I thought of when reading this thread's title.


I hope these drinks are successful and cost twice as much as other drinks. That way anyone dumb enough to buy one of these will get hosed...

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Guest pinnacleofallthingsmanly

I can't wait for the low-carb craze to die down.

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If you do regular exercise, it's probably a better idea to watch grams of fat than carbs.


Of course, most of these people who buy into this are too lazy to do some jogging and prefer drastically cutting their carbs which isn't too healthy either.

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Coke C2 gets the official MarvinisaLunatic's thumbs squarely in the middle.


Its sweeter than diet coke, but not as sweet as regular coke which is actually a fair compromise. The main flaw is it has sort of a flat taste that was really prominent the first time I took a sip of it but it faded away and I didn't really notice it that much towards the end. I could probably drink C2 instead of having a regular coke but Im probably going to stick to Diet Coke (with lime..).


I saw Pepsi Edge but I didn't have enough change to get both out of the machines or I probably would have.

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I want a can of Pepsi Edge to break out of the box, charge at the C2, and spear that mo'fo right out of its boots. I'd buy it, then.

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Hey, shifting gears a little, they don't still make Pepsi Blue, do they? I think I may have been the only one on the planet who liked that stuff. -Jim

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Hey, how long until they come out with low carb enemas and low carb c-sections?

Last summer I went by a car wash that was advertising carb-free car washes on their billboard in front of the store. And I guess its not false advertising since water is carb free.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Its funny seeing that you Yanks call coke soda. We call is pop. Its weird.


But let me say, soda/pop is more addicitive than heroin. Fuck, its sickening. And I love it.

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Hey, shifting gears a little, they don't still make Pepsi Blue, do they? I think I may have been the only one on the planet who liked that stuff. -Jim

I always wanted to mix that with vodka, but never got around to it.

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I tried C2 the other day, and pretty much agree with Marvin's assessment. It doesn't have that barely-there nontaste of diet drinks, it's almost as sweet as the real thing, but it feels a lot thinner and more watery than regular Coke. Not horrible, but I wouldn't go out of my way to drink it instead of regular or diet.

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I tried Pepsi Edge the other day, and after I drank it it tried to punch me but accidentally broke its hand.


Actually I did in fact try it...not bad. I agree with the Coke assessments, but for Pepsi. Not bad at all but nothing great.

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Hey, shifting gears a little, they don't still make Pepsi Blue, do they? I think I may have been the only one on the planet who liked that stuff. -Jim

They don't make Pepsi Blue anymore, but here's a suitable alternative:



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What ever happened to ClearPepsi?

It was nasty.


Raca! It tasted exactly the same, they just took the coloring out. At least at first... they did add citrus later. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

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