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Least appearances on PPV

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Been trying to think of guys who only wrestled once on PPV. I haven't seen a lot of the old JCP/WCW, and i havent been including Battle Royals (otherwise WM2 would contribute about 10 football players and Bruno Sammartino).


So fare i've come up with The Executioner, who only made the one appearance against the Undertakaker in Decmber 1996. Even though he wrestled elsewhere as Terry Gordy, this character only lasted for one PPV match.


Anyone else come up with any - from any organisation?

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Nathan Jones only wrestled once, at Survivor Series . But he did make an appearance at WM19 so I don't know if you would include him.


Bill DeMott's only WWE PPV apearance came at InVasion.


That's all I got for now.

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Scott Putski, and he even got injured doing it and didnt finish....Triple H was heard to have shook his head in disgust.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Didnt Triple H have one WCW PPV appearance?

Jobbed to Alex Wright at Starrcade 94 in a boring ass 10-15 minute match IIRC.

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Oh silly Terra Rizing you certinally did suck.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Salvatore Sincere. (the gimmick) I think Tom Brandi's only PPV match under that name was IYH: It's Time...maybe Final Four. I forget.

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Guest Astro

Murdoch was on NWA PPV's


If we talk WWF:

Geogre Wells, SD Jones, Uncle Elmer, Bob Orton jr,...more to come

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Yep I think so, unless they made an appearence or something. What about Jean Pierre Laffiette? He got one big match on a PPV and never showed up at another unless it was a Royal Rumble or something.

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Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich and Brain Busters (Arn & Tully)?

Definitely on at least two PPVs.

Yeah just off the top of my head I can think of about 5 pay per views that Texas Tornado Kerry Von Erich was in and atleast three pay per views that the Brain Busters where in.


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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

Unless you're calling Pierre fat, he wasn't Tugboat.


But he was Quebecer Pierre. And he actually wore the eye patch when he returned in 1998.


Tornado was on SSlam 90, SSeries 90, RR 91, WM VII, SSlam 91, SSeries 91, and RR 92. Thats a lot more then 1.


Brain Busters: SSeries 88, RR 89, WM V, SSlam 89, SSeries 89.


Crush & Adam Bomb were on multiple PPVs, Bomb being on the least though.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

I don't see the resemblance except for the beards. Pierre could actually go high flying while Tugboat could barely climb the first rope without passing out.


Tugboat = Dusty Rhodes...something, thus pushed in WCW. Fred Ottman is his real name I think


Jean-Pierre Lafitte = Some french canadian guy. I'd say his name but's probably wrong. Along the lines of Pierre Oulette or somethin.

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Guest D'Lo White

I think Barry Horowitz had 1 PPV match. I believe it was with Skip or Hakushi.

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Jean-Pierre Lafitte = Some french canadian guy. I'd say his name but's probably wrong. Along the lines of Pierre Oulette or somethin.



That would be him these days, the now former IWS champ.

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
I think Barry Horowitz had 1 PPV match. I believe it was with Skip or Hakushi.

He fought Skip at Summerslam 1995, and part of the 8-man opener at Series that year. If rumbles count, he was also in the 1996 Rumble for about a minute.

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Guest jm29195

The patriot only wrestled in the tag mtch at Badd Blood and for the Title at Ground Zero before disappearing from the wwf...

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes
Shawn Stasiak at Survivor Series 1999?

Don't forget Invasion (6-Man Tag) and Immunity Battle Royale at SSeries 2001.

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