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Guest MikeSC

It has happened again

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Guest Anglesault
As mentioned before, "Monkey" was used in terms of action, not race.  Thus not making it racist.  Hell, "Monkey" is a common word and association - it's not solitarily used as a racial slur.  It *was* used in a negative way, but if he said "Savage" - which has also been used as a racial slur - would he have been equally "tarnished"?

When has "savage" been used racially, and when was the last time you saw monkeys behead people, carry out terrorist activities, and fly planes?

Unless Hollywood lies, monkeys fly planes with alarming frequency.

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Savage - Native Americans - Americans commonly called Native Americans by this name in the 1800s.


I forget where I've heard it used last, but it came to mind pretty quickly.


RRR: Well versed in Racial Slurs... I mean... Uh... Um...


...And haven't you seen Congo?!




- greatest. site. ever.

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Hmm, surprised that high school hasn't gotten some shit for that mascot/name combination.

granted, nobody probably pays attention to them


the school is Savannah High School in Savannah, Missouri.. so they're the Savannah Savages. And they have a big Native American for the logo.


It was.. unique

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Are some of you seriously upset that Mike may or may not have racially insulted THE MONSTERS who did this??? He wasn't even talking about the race of people, he was talking about the group of killers. Are some of you now seriously upset that he is insulting the killers with a slur???


The sub human garbage doesn't deserve to be put in prison, they deserve to be shot on site. Oh no, we may insult the religion and dignity of the people we capture...WHAT RELIGION?!?! What dignity? They aren't Muslim, they are an insult to the Muslims and should be killed for even claiming to be part of it.


Oh and for the ones who claim that we are terrorist for wanting to actually get serious...I guess the people of WWI and WWII were terrorist for wanting us to get serious so our soldiers could come home instead of having them sitting in the street with their hands tied behind their backs and a shell ripping through their skull while we discuss whether or not putting panties on the head of a monster who would blow up a school bus of children without batting an eye is a big deal.


Oh and before you pull that "well I guess you are joining the military to go fight blah blah" I already tried when this all started. Some conditions make it unable for you to fight. Then again, I'm sure many of you would be calling for the head of someone who really doesn't mind the thought of shooting some of this scum in the face in front of their families that supported them when they knew what they were.


So go ahead, sit there and say how nice and fluffy we should be to the people who consantly insult the religion they claim to be part of.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

In World war 2 America were attacked by a nation not a small group of terrorists.

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Guest MikeSC
See, what does that even MEAN? Just saying you're right/better/smarter doesn't make it so.

Man, Kylie, I'm used to you putting the ball on the tee for me. I'm not used to you throwing it over the wall on my behalf.

When has "savage" been used racially, and when was the last time you saw monkeys behead people, carry out terrorist activities, and fly planes?

Savage has been used racially more than a few times. And when have monkeys done this? Well, 9/11 comes to mind.


Really, you're doing a piss-poor job here of attempting to initiate a banning.


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We've lost focus in this thread so I'm going to make an attempt to right it after doing so much to take it off track:


I'm not saying we need to be sensative to killers, and I never said Mike was a racist or that I ever thought he was. I was saying he's using it's as a derogatory comment when it's history as a derogatory statement is based in race. I imagine he's using the word not to be racist, but to get attention.


Back to our debate. Appearantly, the leader of Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia is dead.

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See, what does that even MEAN? Just saying you're right/better/smarter doesn't make it so.

Man, Kylie, I'm used to you putting the ball on the tee for me. I'm not used to you throwing it over the wall on my behalf.

My name is MikeSC, I am rubber, you are glue. Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. La-dee-dah.


And I figure you'll be banned for something in any other folder long before here, so I'm not even trying to get you banned.

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Guest MikeSC
We've lost focus in this thread so I'm going to make an attempt to right it after doing so much to take it off track:


I'm not saying we need to be sensative to killers, and I never said Mike was a racist or that I ever thought he was. I was saying he's using it's as a derogatory comment when it's history as a derogatory statement is based in race. I imagine he's using the word not to be racist, but to get attention.


Back to our debate. Appearantly, the leader of Al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia is dead.

I was using it because it's stunningly accurate --- not to get attention.


And, Kylie, seriously --- you're REALLY bad at this. Stick to HD.


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This from a guy who is "good at this" (whatever "this" is) by replying to any sort of questioning of him with "nuh-uh! YOU'RE wrong!"


I'll relish the day that you're canned for being the second coming of Dave O'Neill in the TNA folder.

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Guest MikeSC
This from a guy who is "good at this" (whatever "this" is) by replying to any sort of questioning of him with "nuh-uh! YOU'RE wrong!"


I'll relish the day that you're canned for being the second coming of Dave O'Neill in the TNA folder.

Or, like Kylie in the CE folder, right?


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Guest MikeSC
you two are like two little girls.

I will have to bow to your expertise in this area.


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I think my Master Plan, first discussed after the Berg beheading, would still work.


1. Count the number of prisoners in Abu Ghraib.

2. Dig a really big ditch outside the prison, big enough to easily hold them all.

3. Gather all the prisoners in front of the ditch.

4. Break their arms and legs so they can't climb out, then shove them in.

5. Pour generous quantities of Napalm into the ditch.

6. Repeat with more captured terrorists, terrorist helpers, radical clerics, and other subhuman pieces of shit who are dedicated to killing innocents.


This allows us to get rid of many terrorists at once, and it gives us something to do with all that Napalm.

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Guest DubWiser

Good to see you Doc, but...the terrorists who are in captivity aren't the ones beheading people.


Also, how does breaking all the prisoner's arms and legs, dumping them in a ditch, then spraying them with napalm help to protect civilians from getting their heads sawed off by wackos who are enraged to homicidal levels by our mere presence, never mind mass execution...?


Your "Master Plan" is almost as fucked up as that Cancer chick's "fuck justice", "fuck you Arab towel-heads", "We're going to turn your entire fucking country into radioactive glass and piss on the smoking ruins of Mecca" Hallmark card for the delusional in which she wants civilian hostages to act like "Harlequin romance" characters or guest stars on an episode of "Highlander".



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Usually used to refer to Blacks, so Mike can't even get his Racist terms down correctly.

Or, perhaps it wasn't intended as a racist term, seeing as it makes no sense when applied to an Arab?

I sincerely doubt it. I live in a city with a very large Middle Eastern population and I hear the term constantly used as a derogatory term.


I'm not saying Mike is racist but he's using a racist term.

And I've never heard it applied to anyone but a black man in a racist manner.


We seem to have a stalemate.


So, was linking us to a German run anti-semetic site that spews garbage linked here: http://globalfire.tv/nj/04en/jews/content.htm as "Jewish History" or this enlightening section about the Holocaust and its legtimacy: http://globalfire.tv/nj/03en/holoindustry/content.htm supposed to serve as a credible source to back up your argument? Fuck you, you've lost all credibility with me and I'm shocked that no one else besides Anglesault called you on this. Or wait, did you just find it in a "google search"? Where have we heard that before? ;)

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Usually used to refer to Blacks, so Mike can't even get his Racist terms down correctly.

Or, perhaps it wasn't intended as a racist term, seeing as it makes no sense when applied to an Arab?

I sincerely doubt it. I live in a city with a very large Middle Eastern population and I hear the term constantly used as a derogatory term.


I'm not saying Mike is racist but he's using a racist term.

And I've never heard it applied to anyone but a black man in a racist manner.


We seem to have a stalemate.


So, was linking us to a German run anti-semetic site that spews garbage linked here: http://globalfire.tv/nj/04en/jews/content.htm as "Jewish History" or this enlightening section about the Holocaust and its legtimacy: http://globalfire.tv/nj/03en/holoindustry/content.htm supposed to serve as a credible source to back up your argument? Fuck you, you've lost all credibility with me and I'm shocked that no one else besides Anglesault called you on this. Or wait, did you just find it in a "google search"? Where have we heard that before? ;)


Google: Monkey + Arabs


9th entry down.


"Arabs are beasts, not human beings. Their flesh is flesh from mules and therefor they should be treated as such."


My only point was this quote. That people in the Middle east have been compared to beasts before, therefore calling them "Monkey's" can be considered a racist term.


I admit that I didn't read through it all the way. I saw the quote, saw it was from a book, and posted it.


My apoligies for the confusion. If you still feel that i've lost "all credibility" that's just fine.

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Mike, let's see you put your money where your mouth is and reference a time when someone else called someone monkeys as a derogatory statement without racist overtones.

Howard Cossell in his final MNF game.

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Howard Cossell in his final MNF game.

Heh, okay, that was pretty obscure.


I thought about it myself, but the only thing I could come up with is "Get your hands off me, you damn dirty apes." But considering the people being spoken to, uh, "were" apes, at least as far as movieland goes, that one's actually legitimate.

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Jesus Christ.


After reading this thread, and the three or so pages wasted.....er, spent, debating the use of a possible slur aimed against inhuman monsters who get their jollies lopping off the heads of infidels (oops - was that too INSENSITIVE towards them? I can never tell!), I've come to a conclusion: I really, really wish I could get my hands on a culling song.


But then I remember that if I had it, I don't think I'd be able to stop myself from using it. Repeatedly.

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Guest INXS
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia — Terrorists in Saudi Arabia reportedly have carried out their threat and beheaded American hostage Paul M. Johnson Jr. (search), the Arab satellite network Al-Arabiya said Friday.


Separately, Al Qaeda reported that it had killed Johnson on an Islamic Web site. The group Search for International Terrorist Entities (SITE) told Fox News that a video clip of Johnson's severed head had also been posted on an Islamic Web site.


No independent confirmation of the contractor's beheading was available. The White House declined to comment because the news had not yet been confirmed.


Thousands of Saudi police had searched Friday for Johnson, three days after the terrorists who captured him gave the government 72 hours to free Al Qaeda prisoners in exchange for his freedom.


Johnson's wife had appealed for his safe return on Arab television Friday.


"Please! I want him to come back to see me. He didn't do anything wrong," Thanom Johnson, said in interview on Saudi-owned Al-Arabiya (search). "I've never seen him having any problems with the people here. Never."


In Johnson's hometown of Eagleswood Township, N.J., relatives held a vigil Thursday night.



Johnson's kidnappers released a videotape of him on Tuesday night saying they would kill him unless the Saudi government released all militants in its prisons within 72 hours. The Saudis rejected the demand.


Police went through several Riyadh neighborhoods from Thursday night through Friday morning.


Johnson, a Lockheed Martin (search) employee, was kidnapped Saturday by a group calling itself Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The organization is believed to be headed by Abdulaziz Issa Abdul-Mohsin al-Moqrin (search), the top Al Qaeda figure in Saudi Arabia.


People living in the districts, which lie in western and southern Riyadh, suggested that the kidnappers enjoy popular support, partly because of U.S. policy in Iraq and its perceived backing for Israel.


"How can we inform on our brothers when we see all these pictures coming from Abu Ghraib and Rafah," Muklas Nawaf, a resident of Dhahar al-Budaih, said as he ate meat grilled on a spit at a restaurant called Jihad, Arabic for holy war. He was referring to the pictures of Iraqis abused by U.S. soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison (search) in Baghdad and Israeli military incursions and killings in the Gaza refugee camp of Rafah.


"This is not a little skirmish. It is a war," Nawaf said.


A preacher of Riyadh's Imam Sultana Mosque implored the kidnappers to release Johnson in a column published in Al-Riyadh newspaper on Friday.


"O, youth of the nation who have trodden the wrong path, come back to the fold of the community of Islam. Avoid this sedition and be obedient to the ruler of the Muslims," Sheik Mohammed bin Saad al-Saeed wrote.


A senior Saudi official in the United States, who spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the probe, said there had been no communications from the kidnappers except for the video and statement on the Web site.


The FBI had sent a team of about 20 specialists in hostage rescue, hostage negotiations, profiling and other specialties who were working directly with Saudi officials, the official said.


More than 15,000 Saudi officers had been deployed in the search of Riyadh, going door-to-door in some neighborhoods. More than 1,200 Saudi homes had been searched as of Thursday night.


"We are even using the fire department, for instance, because they have knowledge of their neighborhoods, and districts," the official said.


In a letter posted late Wednesday on Web sites where Al Qaeda supporters and other militants leave messages, a man who identifies himself as Saad al-Mu'men — a pseudonym meaning "Saad The Believer," — urges militants to spare Johnson, saying killing him would violate Islamic law. "I will curse you in all my prayers" if he is harmed, it warned.


The writer said he had given Johnson his protection under Islam, and quoted the Prophet Muhammad as saying: "If they were granted (Muslim) protection, then killing or taking their money or harming them is forbidden."


The writer also said Johnson had expressed opposition to U.S. foreign policy and an interest in converting to Islam.


The letter was posted on Web sites known for Islamic extremist writings and was subsequently posted on the Web site of the Saudi-owned satellite television channel Al-Arabiya.


Other contributors to the Islamic Web sites ridiculed the message and called for Johnson's death.


Al-Arabiya told the AP that al-Mu'men had contacted the station but agreed to be identified only by the pseudonym. The station said it had confirmed the man it interviewed was the author of the letter, but it did not say how.


Al-Mu'men refused an interview with the AP in a message relayed through the station.


Friends and relatives of Johnson sang "Amazing Grace" and "God Bless America" as they held candles and small flags at a vigil late Thursday in Eagleswood, New Jersey, a town where the engineer grew up.


"Your love, your prayers and your support are appreciated," his niece Angel Roork said at the vigil.


Amid concern over Johnson's fate, the U.S. State Department updated a 2-month-old travel warning for Saudi Arabia, pointing out that attacks on Americans there have resulted in deaths and injuries and, in a reference to Johnson, a kidnapping.


The Associated Press contributed to this report.



They beheaded another person.


Just to keep the whole "abuse" thing in the proper perspective.


The abuse scandal in Iraq has nothing to do with this.


Al Qaeda wanted the release of other, imprisoned Al Qaeda members released.


It's sad, there is no justification and had no connection with the abuse scandal.

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I think Mike meant that people are still raising a stink over prisoners being humiliated by US troops months ago while Americans are getting their heads lopped off by terrorists and the story falls into oblivion after a few weeks or so (which happened to the Berg story).

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Guest Anglesault

I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

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