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Guest MikeSC

It has happened again

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Guest MikeSC
I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

You're both right. This will be all but forgotten by Wednesday --- but people will still bring up Abu Gharib --- ignoring that ALL of the problems there occurred 6 months ago. And there will be the people who will ay "Well, if we didn't do this --- these attacks wouldn't happen"

Heh, okay, that was pretty obscure.

That's obscure? Never read his auto-bio, huh?


It's even more annoying that some people here are ADDING race into a term that I have no racial overtones in using. Perhaps others have beliefs they're ashamed of and wish to claim that everybody BUT them has it.


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meanwhile in sorta-related news..




Radio host and FOX News Channel host Bill O'Reilly told listeners that he has "no respect for" the Iraqi people; that he thinks "they're a prehistoric group"; that they are "primitive"; and that the lesson from the Iraq war is that "we cannot intervene in the Muslim world ever again. What we can do is bomb the living daylights out of them." His remarks on the June 17 broadcast of The Radio Factor came during a discussion of a recent poll -- commissioned by the Coalition Provisional Authority and obtained by the Associated Press -- that found that only 2 percent of Iraqis view U.S. troops as liberators and 55 percent would feel safer if U.S. troops left the country immediately.


From the June 17 broadcast of The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly:


O'REILLY: Because look ... when 2 percent of the population feels that you're doing them a favor, just forget it, you're not going to win. You're not going to win. And I don't have any respect by and large for the Iraqi people at all. I have no respect for them. I think that they're a prehistoric group that is -- yeah, there's excuses.


Sure, they're terrorized, they've never known freedom, all of that. There's excuses. I understand. But I don't have to respect them because you know when you have Americans dying trying to you know institute some kind of democracy there, and 2 percent of the people appreciate it, you know, it's time to -- time to wise up.


And this teaches us a big lesson, that we cannot intervene in the Muslim world ever again. What we can do is bomb the living daylights out of them, just like we did in the Balkans. Just as we did in the Balkans. Bomb the living daylights out of them. But no more ground troops, no more hearts and minds, ain't going to work.




They're just people who are primitive.


fun is being had by all

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Well ya' know if a whole nation that you invaded and killed 10,000 citizens of disagrees with you, it's not that maybe you've took the wrong approach, it's that they're primitives. Of course, why didn't I think of that.

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Guest MikeSC
Well ya' know if a whole nation that you invaded and killed 10,000 citizens of disagrees with you, it's not that maybe you've took the wrong approach, it's that they're primitives. Of course, why didn't I think of that.

Did your ass hurt after you pulled those numbers out of it?


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Good to see you Doc, but...the terrorists who are in captivity aren't the ones beheading people.

You too, Dub. OLD SK00L REPREZENT~!


While the terrorists in captivity aren't the ones doing the beheadings, both groups are still terrorists. Napalming the worthless masses at Abu Ghraib would show all terrorists the fate that awaits them. As we round up more and more terrorists and terrorist lackeys, even radical Muslims are going to run low on disposable bodies.


Also, how does breaking all the prisoner's arms and legs, dumping them in a ditch, then spraying them with napalm help to protect civilians from getting their heads sawed off by wackos who are enraged to homicidal levels by our mere presence, never mind mass execution...?

Not spraying them with Napalm, covering them with Napalm. I don't want any of the fuckers to have even the slightest chance of surviving. Does it explicitly help civilians? Not right away. I also think we should pull civilians out of that part of the world, or at least greatly reduce their presence and have some soldiers stationed with them.


Your "Master Plan" is almost as fucked up as that Cancer chick's "fuck justice", "fuck you Arab towel-heads", "We're going to turn your entire fucking country into radioactive glass and piss on the smoking ruins of Mecca" Hallmark card for the delusional in which she wants civilian hostages to act like "Harlequin romance" characters or guest stars on an episode of "Highlander".

Don't be knocking "Highlander," Dub. Dem's fightin' words.

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Well, like Jobber said, I'd go by the official count of the US, but oh wait...


"We don't do body counts." - Tommy Franks


...so yes, I had to go to iraqbodycount.com, which I'm sure you'll say is obviously a propaganda page for the left. And even if it is lower, 7,000 to 9,000 is that supposed to be better?


I mean, if it is only 7500, I'm sure the Iraqis would be showering us with flowers and chocolate instead of having 95% seeing us as occupiers.

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Guest Riots bloodlust



And now they are threatening a South Korean...


Perhaps the recent beheading would have been forgotton all too quickly, but it looks like the terrorists themselves intend to see to it that does not happen.


I just hope that this puts into sharper contrast the villanous nature of the terrorists all over the world, rather than intimidate people. If people choose against engaging terrorism because of this, IMO, they are making that choice for the wrong reasons.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Don't be knocking "Highlander,"


Duncun would so not be down with napalming everyone.

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Guest Anglesault
Well, like Jobber said, I'd go by the official count of the US, but oh wait...


"We don't do body counts." - Tommy Franks


...so yes, I had to go to iraqbodycount.com, which I'm sure you'll say is obviously a propaganda page for the left. And even if it is lower, 7,000 to 9,000 is that supposed to be better?

Well, if it is lower, than you lied to try and get your point across.

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Guest MikeSC
Well, like Jobber said, I'd go by the official count of the US, but oh wait...


"We don't do body counts." - Tommy Franks


...so yes, I had to go to iraqbodycount.com, which I'm sure you'll say is obviously a propaganda page for the left. And even if it is lower, 7,000 to 9,000 is that supposed to be better?

Well, if it is lower, than you lied to try and get your point across.

Which would, of course, be the norm for the left.


And nice to see another kidnapping and threatened beheading. Let me guess --- it's our fault still, right?


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Don't be knocking "Highlander,"


Duncun would so not be down with napalming everyone.

Maybe not. But METHOS~! would be on board.

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Well, like Jobber said, I'd go by the official count of the US, but oh wait...


"We don't do body counts." - Tommy Franks


...so yes, I had to go to iraqbodycount.com, which I'm sure you'll say is obviously a propaganda page for the left. And even if it is lower, 7,000 to 9,000 is that supposed to be better?

Well, if it is lower, than you lied to try and get your point across.

Which would, of course, be the norm for the left.


And nice to see another kidnapping and threatened beheading. Let me guess --- it's our fault still, right?


stop taking the quotes and ideas from a select few morons, and applying them to people on this board. Why must you insist on ALWAYS doing this to get your point across in a smart-assed type way. Just because I or someone else on this board is a quote "leftist" doesn't mean I have to defend something stupid Michael Moore or Janeane Garaffalo etc.......said. If someone on this board DIRECTLY SAID, "all of this our fault" then please forgive me of this rant and I will say you were right in your lashings out(for that specific poster), however if not, then please cease this childish method of debate, and deal with that people on THIS BOARD say.


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Guest cobainwasmurdered
Don't be knocking "Highlander,"


Duncun would so not be down with napalming everyone.

Maybe not. But METHOS~! would be on board.

Well he was one of the 4 horsemen. But we all know Duncan could kick his ass, save the planet, and score with an incredibly hot chick all in one day.

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Guest INXS
I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

Berg was beheaded in retaliation to the abuse scandal, well that's one of the reasons Al Qaeda gave for doing it.

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Guest Anglesault
I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

Berg was beheaded in retaliation to the abuse scandal, well that's one of the reasons Al Qaeda gave for doing it.

And this proves that those pieces of shit don't need a "reason" to behead someone.

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Guest MikeSC
I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

Berg was beheaded in retaliation to the abuse scandal, well that's one of the reasons Al Qaeda gave for doing it.

Left here: "Gee, Why do you say the left blames the US for these things?"


Me: "Oh, I don't know. No reason I suppose"


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Now it looks like the same organization or something similar has a few international hostages, the one in the video was South Korean and seemed a little strange in his plea for help. The guys said they would give South Korea 24 hours to pull their troops out of Saudi Arabia, so it looks like this will happen once again.

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I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

Berg was beheaded in retaliation to the abuse scandal, well that's one of the reasons Al Qaeda gave for doing it.

Then why was Daniel Pearl beheaded? Why were four American contractors killed, hanged, and burned in effigy well before the abuse allegations came to light?


Hint: the abuse allegation are a convenient cover for morally dangerous shitheads eager to rationalize the behavior of terrorists. Those of us with a lick of common sense know better.

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Guest INXS
I though he meant that when Berg was killed people were screaming "SEE? SEE WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU ABUSE PRISONERS?"

Berg was beheaded in retaliation to the abuse scandal, well that's one of the reasons Al Qaeda gave for doing it.

Then why was Daniel Pearl beheaded? Why were four American contractors killed, hanged, and burned in effigy well before the abuse allegations came to light?


Hint: the abuse allegation are a convenient cover for morally dangerous shitheads eager to rationalize the behavior of terrorists. Those of us with a lick of common sense know better.

I think my previous post has been taken out of context. I'm not saying that Pearl or Johnson were beheaded because of any abuse scandal or that Berg was beheaded entirely for that sole reason. It was ONE reason given by Al Qaeda for doing it to Berg. I'm not defending them, merely pointing out that that was one of the reasons they gave. If there was no abuse scandal, Berg would still have been beheaded.


I'm not attempting to rationalize it in the slightest.


My point was that others here used this latest beheading to try and play down the abuse scandal by basically saying "who cares about prisoner abuse, Al Qaeda are beheading our guys" when really they are two seperate issues. For a start, the vast majority of the abuse victims were of the general Iraqi population and since released without charge i.e NOT terrorists.

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Fair enough.


For the record, I care a lot more about Americans (and now our allies) getting beheaded than a bunch of terrorists getting whacked with sticks. But the two issues are definitely separate.

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Guest INXS
Fair enough.


For the record, I care a lot more about Americans (and now our allies) getting beheaded than a bunch of terrorists getting whacked with sticks. But the two issues are definitely separate.

I agree, i'm more concerned about Americans being beheaded but the abuse scandal wasn't a case of hitting terrorists with sticks. They weren't all terrorists for a start, many subjected to the abuse were innocent people now freed without charge or detained over petty crimes such as stealing. The abuse went far beyond hitting with sticks; forced oral sex, being buggered with broom handles, murder, forced to simulate anal sex with other men and made to eat pork (which is against muslim religion and highly offensive). I know I keep banging on about this but it has to be made clear that they weren't all terrorists and they weren't just subjected to a moderate beating.

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