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Smackdown Spoilers

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If these are real, can someone change my name to "Penis-Faced Loser"? NO WAY London is Tag Team Champion. He's been on SD a grand total of 3 times as himself.

It's very sad that no one has doubts about Kidman being a tag title holder, but they do London. =/

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Dear god, I don't care if it's true or not, I'm going to be watching Smackdown in the hopes it is! Paul f'n London finally!

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Eh, I'll put up a post or two if these are true and two of my favorite wrestlers win the tag titles

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Why are there less backstage segments and wouldn't they explain why Kenzo replaced Booker T? I'm waiting until tomorrow to see if they are real.

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I accept that these might be fake, but in the mean time the thought of Paul London wearing WWE gold is just too cool for me to not feel overjoyed about.

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Why are there less backstage segments and wouldn't they explain why Kenzo replaced Booker T? I'm waiting until tomorrow to see if they are real.

They usually add some when they do the voice overs.

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The guy who did the call-ins said the PA system was horrible and couldn't hear a lot of the backstage segments, so he may have neglected to include them.

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My thoughts (it was updated on the pwinsider.com site and on the first post in the thread, so the whole show is updated):


Is it just me, or does it seem like Smackdown this week will be better than Raw was? They're building week to week (like Raw did during Raw's best streak in years -- Michaels/Benoit, the huge 5 match card, the 8 man tag all in a row) with the US title match this week and WWE title match next week.


Paul London and Billy Kidman can revitalize the tag division if they're given the chance. Will they? Probably not, but it's worth a shot.


The cruisers were put in a 6 man, and I'm a happy man.


It just seems like everything is going forward, and angles are at least progressing, unlike Raw where the world title program doesn't even have a storyline other than HHH and Eugene.


Color me impressed with the spoilers, so I'll watch this week.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
Hey guys, the WWE called: You're not as "smart" as you think you are.

Now more than ever...

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I thought Raw was good this week, and now Smackdown looks as if it will be good too! Both brands having good shows in the same week?!? What's up with that!

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I didn't think it'd actually happen... wow. Here's hoping London gets a good reign. Oh, and that Kidman guy too.

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I agree with Sportsfan. They do seem to be trying to improve things; IE dropping the more ridiculous elements, showcasing the cruisers, pushing some new teams, and continuing the Angle/Cena storyline nicely.

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Guest Real F'n Show

In a perfect world, Spanky would return, beat Kidman's ass, steal his belt, and proclaim London and Spanky the most coolest smackdown tag champs ever.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
way to build the team up.


How about establishing them first as a team on the main show first.




First everyone bitches that London never gets put on tv and that he's being horribly misused...then when the WWE does what everyone wants everyone claims it's fake and that they haven't been built up properly.


The WWE should Just have Bradshaw claim the US title too and let the Smarks stew in it.

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way to build the team up.


How about establishing them first as a team on the main show first.




First everyone bitches that London never gets put on tv and that he's being horribly misused...then when the WWE does what everyone wants everyone claims it's fake and that they haven't been built up properly.

The belts are meaningless, and if you consider this a push, you are out of your mind. They should have used Kidman and London to establish the Cruiser division instead, and now these belts will keep them out of that division and further fuck it up.


Damn you WWE!

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Guest Black Lightning

Well, if there's still any doubt about the authenticity of this, I was there, and those are 100% real. London/Kidman really ARE tag champs, Cena really WAS stripped of the title (thank God), and the 6-man cruiser was a very, very fun match.


If you've been boycotting Smackdown, you may want to check this one out, at least until the 6-man. If it comes across on TV as well as it did live, this was easily the best Smackdown since before Mania. By a mile.


A few quick notes, though:


-Cena/Kenzo wasn't an official match, as there was no referee, and no finish. It was just to advance their program.


-Cena/Booker was SLOW. AS. FUCK. Boring live, probably even worse on TV.


-Heyman's promo owned. He was reading from a speech he had written earlier, and it was greatness.


-They showed a closeup of the two El Grans, and I'm 99% sure the original one was Shannon Moore. He had some entertaining manneurisms, too.


I'm just pissed because I spent the whole night taking notes and writing out summaries for nothing. Fucking PWInsider. :angry:


EDIT: Also, Funaki beat Sakoda, not the other way around.


EDIT #2: Cena/Booker ended in DQ when Luther interfered. There was no pinfall.

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Here's a full report of the spoilers:



WWE Smackdown Taping Results [spoilers]

Posted By Ashish on 07.06.04


All the results from the taping....


Credit: Mitch Chartrand & PWInsider.com


*Rob Van Dam defeated Mark Jindrak. Rene Dupree did commentary at ringside.


*Josh Matthews interviewed WWE champion John Bradshaw Layfield backstage. Bradshaw said he was going to fight a real champion, "El Luchadore" from Mexico later on tonight.


*Paul London & Billy Kidman defeated The Dudley Boyz to win the WWE Tag Team championships.


*Backstage, the wrestlers congratulated Billy Kidman and Paul London for their title win. The Dudleys came up to Kidman and London and shook their hands.


*Charlie Haas came to the ring to wrestle. Backstage, Kurt Angle and Luther Reigns announced that Haas was suspended for a week, but would face Reigns next week on Smackdown.


*Josh Matthews interviewed Kenzo Suzuki. Hiroki (Suzuki's wife) told the crowd that Suzuki loved the United States to get heat from Canadian fans. It appeared this was for the live crowd.


*WWE United States champion John Cena was rapping about Booker T. Kenzo Suzuki came out and brawled with Cena. Cena got the upper hand. Suzuki was knocked out of the ring. Luther Reigns came to the ring and laid out Cena.


*"El Gran Luchadore" defeated WWE champion John Bradshaw Layfield by countout. Eddie Guerrrero came down to the ring dressed like Luchadore and switched places with him. Guerrero hit the triple suplex combination and did his "Latino Heat" dance. Bradshaw realized it and left the ring, getting counted out.


*Backstage, The Dudleys confronted Spike Dudley and said that even though Spike didn't help them, they wanted to help him. Spike turned them down.


Chavo Guerrero & Jamie Noble & Akio defeated Spike Dudley & Rey Misterio & Scotty Too Hotty when Noble pinned Dudley. This was said to have been a really good match.


*Paul Heyman did an interview inside the ring, placing the urn down inside the ring and telling The Undertaker (who did not appear) that everything that had happened the last few weeks was the idea of the Dudley Boyz.


*WWE United States champion John Cena pinned Booker T with the FU. Kurt Angle and Luther Reigns came to ringside. Cena accidentally hit Angle with a clothesline after Booker ducked. He then took out Reigns with Angle's cane. After the pin, Reigns attacked Cena and grabbed the US title and walked off. Angle announced that Cena had been warned that if he put his hands on Angle, there would be reprecussions and there are - Angle then announced that Cena was stripped of the United States championship.


After they went off the air, Booker T attacked Cena. Cena chased off Booker T and then did some mic work to send off the live crowd.



WTF?! Booker didn't beat Cena legit? This blows. :angry:

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way to build the team up.


How about establishing them first as a team on the main show first.




First everyone bitches that London never gets put on tv and that he's being horribly misused...then when the WWE does what everyone wants everyone claims it's fake and that they haven't been built up properly.

The belts are meaningless, and if you consider this a push, you are out of your mind. They should have used Kidman and London to establish the Cruiser division instead, and now these belts will keep them out of that division and further fuck it up.


Damn you WWE!

Oooh no, they won the tag team titles.... CRY ME A F*CKIN RIVER.

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These have got to be fake. Isn't there some kinda unwritten rule that you can't have more then 3 crusierweights on one show?




Madness. Go Paul and Billy.

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Kidman / London winning the tag titles makes this show pretty much a must-see for me.


The Cena thing is just stupid. Even if you want to have Cena drop the title, why not have him drop it clean to Booker T? Cause I mean, it's not as if you need credible heels on Smackdown.

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Thanks Algrim for posting completely the same thing I did.


I aim to please. :P

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I'd wager to guess that Kidman/London won the titles in place of Holly/Gunn due to their latest showing of disgruntledness.

I'll guess that D'Von is the one who gets pinned, He always takes the Clean pins for the team.

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