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Jadakiss Releases Controversial New Song

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Rapper blames Bush for 9/11 in new song


NEW YORK (AP) -- Over the years, the rapper Jadakiss has depicted a world of drug dealing, murder and other assorted mayhem without raising many eyebrows.


But seven words in his new song "Why" -- "Why did Bush knock down the towers?" -- has gotten Jadakiss the most mainstream attention, and criticism, of his career.


"It caught the ear of white America," he said proudly during a phone interview with The Associated Press. "It's a good thing. No matter what you do, somebody's not going to like it, but for the most part, most people love the song."


Not everyone loves it. Bill O'Reilly called Jadakiss a "smear merchant" this week, and some radio stations have edited out the line in the song, in which Jadakiss talks about perceived injustices, conspiracies and problems affecting the world. MTV says it is playing an edited version of the video, as it was sent by his label, Interscope.


Jadakiss says fans have demanded to hear the original version.


"In the beginning, they would edit, but after that, everybody called back for the version that was calling Bush (out)," he says.


Jadakiss doesn't really believe Bush ordered the towers destroyed -- he says the line is a metaphor, and that Bush should take the blame for the terrorist attack because his administration didn't do enough to stop it.


"They didn't follow up on a lot of things properly," says Jadakiss. "It's the president of the United States. The buck stops with him."


The controversy doesn't appear to be hurting Jadakiss -- his new album, "Kiss of Death," released last month, is nearing 500,000 copies sold. However, his song "Why?" has stalled at No. 16 on Billboard's Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles chart.


Hearing Jadakiss converse about political issues is a new concept -- the rapper, who began his career as part of the group The Lox, is more known for his gritty rhymes about street life.


But Jadakiss says his outlook has changed.


"I'm growing up, I'm getting a little older. I've got two kids. I'm almost 30 years old," says the Yonkers, New York native.


He talks up "Fahrenheit 9/11" as an important, must-see movie -- he's watched it twice -- and he's even registering to vote in the upcoming presidential election, a first for him. (He backs John Kerry.) He wants the minimum wage raised and more jobs created.


"As a rapper, as an artist, we've got power," he said. "If we can get people to vote from the ages 18 to 44, we can make a change."

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Guest SP-1

He does realize that he sounds like a sheep with that line, right? It isn't even in Bush's defence here, but 9/11 was probably in the works way before Bush took office, insofar as the hate growing towards America by Islamic fundamentalists. The President had nothing to do with hatching a plan to fly two jumbo jet bombs into the twin towers. Disagreeing with his policy is one thing and that's fine. But blaming the man for 9/11 is downright ludicrous.

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Guest Doyo

Err, who knows? Bush did do most everything he could to block investigations and there are still a lot of questions they refuse to answer.





9-11 family members became increasingly alarmed and disgusted as the Bush Administration ordered the Senate not to investigate the 9-11 attacks, and then spent the next two years trying to block all 9-11 investigations. One widow, Ellen Mariani with her attorney, former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania Phil Berg filed suit against the Bush Administration under the RICO Racketeering Act. Ellen charged Bush et al with foreknowledge of the coming attacks, willfully allowing them to occur for political gain, and engaging in a criminal obstruction of the 9-11 investigations. Other suits were filed by other 9-11 family members, including one represented by a former aid to Bob Dole filed in San Francisco court. These suits have been virtually ignored by U.S. media, and by much of U.S. "alternative" media.


FBI agents Crowley and Wright, and former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds came forward to tell the public that our government had not acted on the information they had that may have prevented the coming 9-11 attacks. Sibel Edmonds told the media (who mostly ignored her) that Condaleeza Rice was "lying" when she told America that they knew nothing of the coming attacks.


The intensity of the 9-11 truth issue continued to build, even as U.S. media virtually ignored the growing mountain of facts that directly contradict the "official" 9-11 story. More voices began to clammer together to raise the issue in the public eye. Protesters at "ground zero" in New York City raised a banner reading "Bush Engineered 9-11," while hundreds of protesters lined the streets of downtown Kansas City with "Stop Bush's 9-11 Cover Up" signs. 9-11 widow Ellen Mariani went on a national tour speaking in churches and town meetings, explaining her RICO Act suit against Bush et al for 9-11, and 9-11 truth protests and teach-ins began to spread across the U.S. and Canada, and even Europe. At the March 20th, 2004 Mobilization Against the War marches in San Francisc and New York thousands carried "Stop the 9-11 Cover Up" posters that were photographed by Associated Press and carried on the front page of papers across the U.S. an even radio shock jock Howard Stern's website featured a shot of the "Stop the 9-11 Cover Up" signs on his websites homepage. Even Minister Farakkhan of the Nation of Islam suggested on national television that people in the Bush Administration allowed the 9-11 attacks to occur to fool us into wars. The 9-11 truth issue suddenly seemed to be bursting forth from all corners of society. From shock jocks to Islamic leaders the official 9-11 story seemed to be crumbling apart before the nation's eyes.


9-11 activists from across North America met in San Francisco for the first International Inquiry into 9-11. Although BBC World Radio and local media covered the event, it was virtually ignored by mainstream and even much of alternative U.S. media. But, the movement builds anyway. Canada is about to host the second International Inquiry into 9-11, and a third may be held later.


The 9-11 truth issue gained momentum when respected theologian David Ray Griffin released his new book "The New Pearl Harbor," which meticulously spells out why the official story is likely a snow job. When it was endorsed by respected social justice author, teacher and activist Howard Zinn, the light of hope for 9-11 truth to come forth cast a brighter ray across the nation.


Then, actor and long time peace activist Ed Asner broke the 9-11 truth issue open to the national peace movement when he issued an open letter to the American peace movement urging them to make 9-11 truth their main priority, because two wars and endless losses of civil liberties are being based on 9-11. And as many are realizing when they take the time to look into the issue, the official story does NOT stand up to the light of day. Almost immediately after Asner's letter released, the National Green Party released a press statement that called into question the official 9-11story, the integrity of the 9-11 Commission, and called for an entirely new 9-11 investigation which would include 9-11 family members who are increasingly unhappy with the Commission's milk toast efforts of inquiry.


This national 9-11 truth movement is going to get nothing but larger, clearer, and more organized. The "official" story continues to grow thinner and more transparent as the snow job that it obviously is. The United States media, both mainstream and alternative, continue to damage their credibility beyond repair. A growing number of citizens reach out to foreign media, and only watch U.S. media to observe the distortion and omission that has made a mockery of our newspaper, television and radio media. We are beginning to see what Soviet's felt like when they picked up their newspapers or turned on their televisions.


After 9-11 our nation was turned upside down. Those who challenged Bush suddenly became labeled as "un-American." Ashcroft sought to turn our postal service and gas company employees into a domestic spy force to "keep an eye on us all." The Patriot Act was rammed through Congress, a Congress in chaos as U.S. military AMES strain anthrax is sent . . . not to Bush or the Pentagon but to the top two Democrats who were actively challenging the Patriot Act-Daschle and Leahy (head of the Senate Judiciary Committee). To believe the several hundred page Patriot Act was created in the few short weeks since 9-11 before it was rammed through Congress is naiveté at it's highest. It was written before 9-11, it only needed the proper climate for it to be rammed through. Bush et, al, had plans to invade Iraq before 9-11, they only needed the proper climate to enact their plans. FBI field agents were screaming the facts that could have prevented the attacks, and in the words of FBI Agent Crowleyher attempts to get this information up the chain of command were "almost DELIBERATELY thwarted". 9-11 exploitation and the constant terror invoked by Bush et al to keep us in a state of mind conducive to giving up liberty and to conduct "endless wars" becomes an increasingly obvious "formula."


Yet, all is not lost, for today we have the Internet. And we still have a democracy, if we act to preserve it. This will require a mammoth effort to demand the full truth of 9-11. www.911visibility.org provides tools and support for doing just that. The truth shall set U.S. free. Unless we demand the full truth of 9-11 any discussion in the future about our environment, education policy, social spending, military spending, etc. will be poisoned with the unexposed lies of 9-11. 9-11 truth is the most critical issue facing America and the world. Get involved in the www.911truth.org campaign, and get activated at www.911visibility.org.


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Guest GreatOne



Apparently rappers that'll be yesterday's news by this time next year can be sheep too.


Or maybe not, cause it looks like Sister Souljah lives on in a different body........

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Guest GreatOne



Apparently rappers that'll be yesterday's news by this time next year can be sheep too.


Or maybe not, cause it looks like Sister Souljah lives on in a different body........

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Guest GreatOne


Apparently rappers that'll be yesterday's news by this time next year can be sheep too.


Or maybe not, cause it looks like Sister Souljah lives on in a different body........

Cool only took six days for my first double post

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Haven't listened to any newer rappers in the past 5-6 years, but it's nice to know that the wacko conspiracy rhymes are still going strong.


A SMEAR MERCHANT? Jesus, Bill. How about just a plain-old idiot?


*Considers popping in his Paris CD in honor of this thread but not at the expense of turning off Master Ace's "Slaughterhouse" that's currently in rotation...*

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Let's not take this into the political "Bush knew/Bush did what he could" arguement, please. Take that to CE.



Over the years, the rapper Jadakiss has depicted a world of drug dealing, murder and other assorted mayhem without raising many eyebrows.


Oh yeah. You know all the conservatives are listening to this guy already. :rolleyes: Although, I do hope someday the media will stop biting on O'Reilly's boycotts.

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Let's not take this into the political "Bush knew/Bush did what he could" arguement, please. Take that to CE.



Over the years, the rapper Jadakiss has depicted a world of drug dealing, murder and other assorted mayhem without raising many eyebrows.


Oh yeah. You know all the conservatives are listening to this guy already. :rolleyes: Although, I do hope someday the media will stop biting on O'Reilly's boycotts.

This must be about thew 218445th thing O'Reily has called a national boycott for....

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Not just national boycotts.


FACTOR-LED National Boycotts.


Actually, the only one of those that seemed to "work" was Pepsi and Ludacris.


And for the record, after listening to "Slaughterhouse" I popped in Da Lynch Mob's "Planet of the Apes." Now that was some whitey-hating music...

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Not just national boycotts.


FACTOR-LED National Boycotts.

Be sure to buy your Bill O'Reilly "I'm boycotting Jadakiss" doormat over at BillOReilly.com. At only $29.95, it’s a steal!

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Not just national boycotts.


FACTOR-LED National Boycotts.

Be sure to buy your Bill O'Reilly "I'm boycotting Jadakiss" doormat over at BillOReilly.com. At only $29.95, it’s a steal!

He'll sign it if you agree to pull militia duty at the Mexico border for a couple weeks.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
Not just national boycotts.


FACTOR-LED National Boycotts.


Actually, the only one of those that seemed to "work" was Pepsi and Ludacris.


And for the record, after listening to "Slaughterhouse" I popped in Da Lynch Mob's "Planet of the Apes." Now that was some whitey-hating music...

It sure is.....but nobody cared about them.....they didn't go platnum.

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Guest Set Free
And for the record, after listening to "Slaughterhouse" I popped in Da Lynch Mob's "Planet of the Apes." Now that was some whitey-hating music...

Buck that devil

Buck that devil

Buck that devil

(FUCK that devil)

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Apparently rappers that'll be yesterday's news by this time next year can be sheep too.

Ah, nothing like the completely uninformed. Not only do you come off as a sheep yourself, since you basically just echoed what had already been said, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about. Jadakiss isn't exactly some flash in the pan, bub. He's been around for a while and his debut album nearly went platinum. On top of that, he's dipped his fingers in a lot of other projects, showing up on a lot of other people's albums. So to say he's going to be yesterday's news by this time next year, when he's already a proven success, is stupid.


And it's not like that's a focal point of the track, anyway. If you actually listen to the song, you'll see that a vast array of other topics are covered.

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Guest GreatOne
Ah, nothing like the completely uninformed.  Not only do you come off as a sheep yourself, since you basically just echoed what had already been said, but you obviously don't know what you're talking about.  Jadakiss isn't exactly some flash in the pan, bub.  He's been around for a while and his debut album nearly went platinum.


OH MY FUCKING GOD! How can I? I just take out the garbage once a week, I don't actually waste time LISTENING to it.


Obviously I'm not the only sheep around if you're bragging about this album going platinum. BTW you know how exactly Fahrenheit 911 that sounds? 'OH IT MADE MONEY, MOORE'S BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS, HE RULES!'


On top of that, he's dipped his fingers in a lot of other projects, showing up on a lot of other people's albums


So has P Diddy, your point? Last seen doing a laMeTV Rock The Vote thing in front of 200 people.


So to say he's going to be yesterday's news by this time next year, when he's already a proven success, is stupid


I didn't know you considered truth to be stupid, actually what's stupid is these "successful" entertainers who complain about Bush yet hasn't stopped THEIR cash flow. Hell you'd think everyone's out of work, I'll stop there and save it for CE.


And it's not like that's a focal point of the track, anyway.  If you actually listen to the song, you'll see that a vast array of other topics are covered.


First off there IS a point? Second, not interested, sorry.

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Guest GreatOne
What a rebuttal.

Actually before I edited it if you look at what I had to rebutt, yeah....................

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OH MY FUCKING GOD! How can I? I just take out the garbage once a week, I don't actually waste time LISTENING to it.


I didn't ask about your personal tastes in music. I'm not asking you to like hip-hop. But since you're not a fan and clearly have little knowledge in the area, you should probably lay off the slams or at least know what you're talking about before you go spouting off.


Obviously I'm not the only sheep around if you're bragging about this album going platinum.


Um, what? I guess I'm not getting your point here. Because someone buys a CD, they're a sheep? And for the record, I was talking about his FIRST album, not the album talked about in the article.


BTW you know how exactly Fahrenheit 911 that sounds? 'OH IT MADE MONEY, MOORE'S BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS, HE RULES!'


What the hell are you talking about? I mentioned his previous success and how long he's been in the game because you were making it sound like he was some one-note, flash-in-the-pan schmuck. Excuse me for trying to inform you.


I didn't know you considered truth to be stupid,


I don't, buddy. Saying he's going to be yesterday's news when he's already a proven success and has a buzz that's only getting bigger (and not because of this stupid 9/11 line, either).


First off there IS a point? Second, not interested, sorry.


Uh, yeah there is. But of course, people like you, who pigeon-hole hip-hop as being nothing but talk about guns, bitches and bling, all while sticking your fingers in your ears for fear of realizing you're wrong, won't see that. Why? Because you refuse to. Yeah, there's a lot of rap that focuses on those things, but not all of it does. And if you'd take the four minutes to actually listen to the track instead of bashing it from the outset, you'd realize it's actually a thoughtful track. That's fine if hip-hop's not your cup of tea, but you look like an ass when you're too stubborn to even listen to a particular song, yet insist on participating in a discussion about it.

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Here are the lyrics to the track just to show what the whole deal is.


Jadakiss f/ Anthony Hamilton - Why




It's dat real

Yo, why is Jadakiss as hard as it gets

Why is the industry designed to keep the artist in dept

And why them dudes ain't ridin' if there part of your set

And why they never get it poppin' but they party to death

Yea, and why they gon give you life for a murder

Turn around only give you eight months for a burner, it's goin down

Why they sellin' niggaz CD's for under a dime

If it's all love daddy why you come wit your nine

Why my niggaz ain't get that cake

Why is a brother up North better than Jordan

That ain't get that break

Why you ain't stackin' instead of tryin' to be fly

Why is rattin' at an all time high

Why are you even alive

Why they kill Tupac n' Chris

Why at the bar you ain't take straight shots instead of poppin Crist'

Why them bullets have to hit that door

Why did Kobe have to hit that raw

Why he kiss that whore



[Chorus: Anthony Hamilton]

All that I been givin'

Is this thing that I've been living

They got me in the system

Why they gotta do me like that

Try'd to make it my way

But got sent up on the highway

Why, oh why

Why they do me like that



Why would niggaz push pounds and powder

Why did bush knock down the towers

Why you around them cowards

Why Aaliyah have to take that flight

Why my nigga D ain't pull out his Ferrari

Why he take that bike

Why they gotta open your package and read your mail

Why they stop lettin' niggaz get degreez in jail

Why you gotta do eighty-five percent of your time

And why do niggaz lie in eighty-five percent of they rhymes

Why a nigga always want what he can't have

Why I can't come through in the pecan Jag

Why did crack have to hit so hard

Even though it's almost over

Why niggaz can't get no jobs

Why they come up wit the witness protection

Why they let the terminator win the election

Come on, pay attention

Why sell in the stores what you can sell in the streets

Why I say the hottest shit but we sellin' the least





Uh, yea, yo

Why Halle have to let a white man pop her to get a Oscar

Why Denzel have to be crooked before he took it

Why they didn't make the CL6 wit a clutch

And if you don't smoke why the hell you reachin' for my dutch

Why rap, cause I need air time

Why be on the curb wit a "while I" I need a bare sign

Why all the young niggaz is dyin'

Cause they moms at work, they pops is gone, they livin' wit iron

Why they ain't give us a cure for aids

Why my diesel have fiends in the spot on the floor for days

Why you screamin' like it's slug, it's only the hawk

Why my buzz in L.A. ain't like it is in New York

Why you forcin' you to be hard

Why ain't you a thug by choice

Why the whole world love my voice

Why try to tell 'em that it's the flow son

And you know why they made the new twenties

Cause I got all my old ones

That's why



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Guest GreatOne
Here are the lyrics to the track just to show what the whole deal is.


Jadakiss f/ Anthony Hamilton - Why




It's dat real

Yo, why is Jadakiss as hard as it gets

Why is the industry designed to keep the artist in dept

And why them dudes ain't ridin' if there part of your set

And why they never get it poppin' but they party to death

Yea, and why they gon give you life for a murder

Turn around only give you eight months for a burner, it's goin down

Why they sellin' niggaz CD's for under a dime

If it's all love daddy why you come wit your nine

Why my niggaz ain't get that cake

Why is a brother up North better than Jordan

That ain't get that break

Why you ain't stackin' instead of tryin' to be fly

Why is rattin' at an all time high

Why are you even alive

Why they kill Tupac n' Chris

Why at the bar you ain't take straight shots instead of poppin Crist'

Why them bullets have to hit that door

Why did Kobe have to hit that raw

Why he kiss that whore



[Chorus: Anthony Hamilton]

All that I been givin'

Is this thing that I've been living

They got me in the system

Why they gotta do me like that

Try'd to make it my way

But got sent up on the highway

Why, oh why

Why they do me like that



Why would niggaz push pounds and powder

Why did bush knock down the towers

Why you around them cowards

Why Aaliyah have to take that flight

Why my nigga D ain't pull out his Ferrari

Why he take that bike

Why they gotta open your package and read your mail

Why they stop lettin' niggaz get degreez in jail

Why you gotta do eighty-five percent of your time

And why do niggaz lie in eighty-five percent of they rhymes

Why a nigga always want what he can't have

Why I can't come through in the pecan Jag

Why did crack have to hit so hard

Even though it's almost over

Why niggaz can't get no jobs

Why they come up wit the witness protection

Why they let the terminator win the election

Come on, pay attention

Why sell in the stores what you can sell in the streets

Why I say the hottest shit but we sellin' the least





Uh, yea, yo

Why Halle have to let a white man pop her to get a Oscar

Why Denzel have to be crooked before he took it

Why they didn't make the CL6 wit a clutch

And if you don't smoke why the hell you reachin' for my dutch

Why rap, cause I need air time

Why be on the curb wit a "while I" I need a bare sign

Why all the young niggaz is dyin'

Cause they moms at work, they pops is gone, they livin' wit iron

Why they ain't give us a cure for aids

Why my diesel have fiends in the spot on the floor for days

Why you screamin' like it's slug, it's only the hawk

Why my buzz in L.A. ain't like it is in New York

Why you forcin' you to be hard

Why ain't you a thug by choice

Why the whole world love my voice

Why try to tell 'em that it's the flow son

And you know why they made the new twenties

Cause I got all my old ones

That's why



Uh, yeah there is. But of course, people like you, who pigeon-hole hip-hop as being nothing but talk about guns, bitches and bling, all while sticking your fingers in your ears for fear of realizing you're wrong, won't see that.


Wow I'm like really convinced after reading those lyrics, of course throw in the fact that he rips other blacks for their success cause they didn't do it 'gangsta'.


So, sorry. Still no sale...........

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I dunno, I thought the line about the Terminator winning the election was pretty sweet, but the song on a whole comes off (to me at least) as trying to be too thought-provoking. It's a good track, definitely better than the shit with Pharrell on the album, but not his best.


As for causing controversy... ah well. He's not the first to say it and not the last, and I'm sure the people listening to his albums will be voting for Kerry whether Jada is bashing Bush or not.

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I don't really like the song, but atleast Jada tried to do something different than the usual singles he does. Im actually more surprised that Jimmy Iovine of Interscope, let someone thats not named Eminem let have free reign and try to make an attempt to be thought provoking in their raps.

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