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Guest Dynamite Kido

Most embarassing wrestling T-shirt

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Guest Dynamite Kido

I was reading the T-Shirt thread and someone said that there should be one about wrestling shirts. So lets hear it, what is the most embarassing wrestling t-shirt you have ever worn or owned?


p.s. - Mine would have to be the terrible yellow Razor Ramon shirt with his face on it real big. Oh, it also said OOOOOOZING MACHIZMO. To my own defense.........ummm........I was 12 at the time.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

I wore an R&R express T-shirt in 3rd grade. Even then I knew it was kinda gay.

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How about the nWo knock off shirts, like "Nothing Without Christ?" You think wrestling shirts are bad, you think Christian shirts are bad, mix the two together and you get horrible results.

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I owned and wore a "Hacksaw" Jim Duggan t-shirt. Not that this justifies it, but it was 1991 and I was 10 years old.

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Owned one. Never wore it.

My dad tried to buy it for me once. He still doesn't understand why I don't like Christian T-shirts.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Yeah, My older sister must've thought:

a.) I'm Christian

b.) I love wrestling


Thus, she just KNEW I couldn't wait to express both in the form of a DORKY t-shirt.

Uh, she was wrong.

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I'm both, but I'll be damned if you'll ever see me wear anything that broadcasts it.


Unless I'm paid to.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
I'm both, but I'll be damned if you'll ever see me wear anything that broadcasts it.


Unless I'm paid to.

*gives swiggy 10 bucks*


Here...now put on your brand new *Jesus is a butthole" t-shirt.

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Make it "Jesus loves the Butthole Surfers" and it's a deal.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

The Butthold surfers are ass so no deal. Take it or leave it.....you don't wanna know what I was originally going to make you wear.....

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Can't be worse than the old Austin 3:16 shirts. I knew people that had one, and didn't know what it was about.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

THe Rocky YOu bring the Ass shirt is bad. Glad I didn't get it. And Swigg, you'll be glad to know that I took up the fight aginast Birds. I could probibly use some back up right now though...

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THe Rocky YOu bring the Ass shirt is bad. Glad I didn't get it. And Swigg, you'll be glad to know that I took up the fight aginast Birds. I could probibly use some back up right now though...

I got you covered, in the Austin T-shirt with the Cobra's for arms. Because he's the Rattlesnake, get it???

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Guest The Last Free Voice

I never saw that one...


Any shirt with A Diva on it.

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A Sunny t-shirt with "I like it RAW" on it

Hey, I liked that shirt. Hell, I had a running gag with my friend Kelli at school. I'd wear that shirt pretty much every Friday, and every Friday she'd go, "I hate that shirt."


Good times, good times.

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At the height of my infatuation with Chyna, I bought a bootleg "I'd Rather be in Chyna" shirt. Today, I wouldn't be caught dead wearing that shirt...and even then, I wouldn't wear it without a jacket.

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I'm embarrased to say it,but I own 2 HHH t-shirts, which I bought during the height of his popularity in 2000. One of them is the GAME OVER t-shirt and the other is the I AM THE GAME t-shirt. I won't even wear them unless I'm kicking back in my house. :ph34r:



*Yay, 100th post.* :headbang:

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Wrestling shirts would be less embarassing to wear if they didn't have stuff on the back. I really like my ECW Shirt, but the giant cracked skull and "Breaking more than just the rules" on the back just makes it hard to wear in public.

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I have one shirt that always gets strange looks when I wear it and it is my LWO (Latino World Order) shirt. Where I am from we don't have any latinos here (North Dakota) and nobody understands it. It is still my favorite t-shirt to wear around the house though.


The other shirt I have is the Guerrero's "Cheat 2 Win" shirt. People have been offended at it, granted it was at High School sporting events I was announcing for.

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The only wrestling shirt I'm embarassed to own is a knockoff Hardy Boyz shirt from mid 2000 from Wal-Mart, or somewhere similar. It has a picture of Jeff mid-Swanton over a sun, and then Matt doing a legdrop beneath it, with a picture of the two of them off to the side. I wore it maybe twice.


And I'm not ashamed to wear my wrestling shirts in public, mainly because mine all fucking rock. Original Austin 3:16, original DX, Taz's "Survive If I Let You" ECW shirt with the "synonyms" for Taz on the back, Raven's mid-95 ECW shirt with the silhouette of him with the World title on the front and "Quote the Raven, Nevermore" on the back, Rob Van Dam's first WWF one (only borderline sucky one in my collection), ECW "Surgeon General's Warning," ECW "Join The Revolution," and an original nWo 4-Life shirt.

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I used to have, when I was a kid back in '95, a WWF logo one. Mind you, it was the block logo, so it was pretty campy and lame. But I was 8, so it's alright.


The only two shirts I own right now are a RVD one (ball and chains one, which I think is pretty cool) and the Jericho "Sexy Beast" one (which I wear as often as possible).

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I had a Macho Man shirt with a picture of him on the front. The only time i wore it was to an 80's themed party a couple of years ago, and now just around the house. My sister also gave me an NWO: We Be Bad shirt, which is also strictly for around the house.

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My Dudleyz "Dem Damn Dudleyz Were Here" shirt. It wins simply because I only have that, my Kaientai "Evil" shirt, and my NJPW shirt.


Of the three, only the Dudleyz shirt collects dust.

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Guest Trivia247

I don't know how my family got it and why, but we had this shirt basically from 1985 WWF Rock n Wrestling crap where they had a number of wrestlers and such all jamming together with Cyndi Lauper and such. was a gooofy shirt, but historical. though the shirt is probably plugging a hole somewhere in the basement.

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