The Ill One 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Took you fuckers long enough. This actually is pretty funny. -- (10:52pm) (Join) (Luchawhore) ([email protected]) (#SWF) (10:52pm) (Topic) ((Hollywood) Everytime Rando no-shows, the winning match should end with a Demonstar.) (10:52pm) (Set By) (Zed) (Wed Jul 21 18:49:54 2004) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Nasum - Human 2.0 - 23 - Riot) (40s) (614.9k) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) (10:52pm) (Judge) Hey yo, IL. (10:53pm) (Nick) (Luchawhore) (to) (Luchastoned) (10:53pm) (@Levy) Well, thank God you told us. <Luchastoned> muahahahah <Luchastoned> well I was gonna put smoke (10:53pm) (Action) * Judge is reading the Jay Bower Feud on Scotsmanality. <Luchastoned> but I'm not at the moment (10:53pm) (Judge) That's such a great one. (10:53pm) (Nick) (Luchastoned) (to) (Luchawhore) (10:53pm) (@Levy) I was just thinking to myself, "I wonder if IL is high. Man, I hope he tells me." <Luchawhore> change your tampon, Kibs (10:54pm) (Judge) Hey, what's the reason for the name change? (10:54pm) (Judge) Never did ask you that... <Luchawhore> huh? (10:54pm) (@Levy) Judge: new character in the works. <Luchawhore> ah (10:54pm) (Judge) Oh, I've heard. <Luchawhore> debuted whenever TNT gets back? (10:54pm) (@Levy) IL: That failed miserably with Toxxic. Why would you even bother with the tampon line on me? * Luchawhore shrugs <Luchawhore> I don't have much else to say (10:54pm) (Judge) He's stoned. <Luchawhore> I don't care but still man <Luchawhore> you're quite surly, well, more than usual (10:55pm) (Austin) surly is such a great word <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Nirvana- Smells Like Teen Spirit) (4m40s) (3.76MB) (112Kbps) (Played: 3 Times) (10:55pm) (Join) (Zed) ([email protected]) (#SWF) (10:55pm) (Op) (ChanServ) (+@) (Zed) <Luchawhore> yeah and it clashes so much with Kibs' personality that it really works (10:56pm) (@Levy) I was upset that I wasn't immediately updated on the status of today's weed situation. (10:56pm) (@Levy) I was wounded. (10:56pm) (@Levy) Forgive me? (10:56pm) (GOdrea) Z (10:56pm) (@Zed) Don't worry, Kibs. I'll make up for where IL fails. (10:56pm) (@Zed) Dude. <Luchawhore> lol (10:56pm) (@Zed) I am so high right now. (10:56pm) (@Zed) Do you know how high? (10:56pm) (@Crusen) no (10:56pm) (@Levy) How high are you, dude? <Luchawhore> how high? (10:56pm) (@Crusen) I am HIGHer. <Luchawhore> lol (10:56pm) (@Zed) I am fucking high as a kits. (10:56pm) (@Zed) ...kite. <Luchawhore> lol (10:56pm) (@Zed) Fuck. I'm so high I can't type. (10:56pm) (@Levy) Dude, for real? (10:57pm) (@Levy) Like, how high is the kite, exactly? <Luchawhore> no way@! (10:57pm) (@Zed) Man, am I fucking cool or what? (10:57pm) (@Levy) Like high? <Luchawhore> yeah <Luchawhore> lol (10:57pm) (@Levy) Or like HIGH? <Luchawhore> or like WHOA (10:57pm) (@Levy) HIGH? (10:57pm) (@Levy) HIGH?!??!?! (10:57pm) (@Zed) Like, HIGH. <Luchawhore> lol (10:57pm) (@Levy) Damn, dude. (10:57pm) (@Levy) That's pretty high. <Luchawhore> that's high (10:57pm) (@Zed) I'm so high. It's awesome. (10:57pm) (GOdrea) Kibs, I THINK YOU BOY SOLD ZED SOME BAD SHIT. (10:57pm) (GOdrea) OH MAN, CHECK HIS PULSE, HE DON'T LOOK TOO GOOD. (10:57pm) (@Levy) CHECK HIS PULSE (10:58pm) (Action) * Levy legdrops Z (10:58pm) (Judge) Bwuahahaha (10:58pm) (@Levy) Now, Z. (10:58pm) (Action) * Zed sells my bursting into flame. (10:58pm) (@Levy) How high are you, again? (10:58pm) (@Zed) My weed! NO! (10:58pm) (@Zed) Thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis high. (10:58pm) (@Levy) I didn't really catch it the first time around. <Luchawhore> inhale, inhale, inhale (10:58pm) (@Levy) No, still not getting it. <Luchawhore> lol (10:58pm) (@Levy) Maybe if you could repeat yourself, I would grasp how high you are. (10:59pm) (Austin) woah (10:59pm) (@Crusen) i think zed is as high as control + L. (10:59pm) (@Levy) So how high is that? (10:59pm) (@Zed) SO high. REAL high. FUCKING BOLD FACED MULTI COLOURED HIGH (10:59pm) (Austin) what is control + L <Luchawhore> lol (10:59pm) (@Crusen) press it and find out (10:59pm) (@Levy) Dude. (10:59pm) (@Levy) Z. (10:59pm) (@Levy) I don't think you're high enough. (10:59pm) (@Crusen) youre as high as rainbow amp? thats pretty high. (10:59pm) (@Levy) So, um. (10:59pm) (Austin) ooooo it's a line (10:59pm) (@Levy) Leave for three minutes. (11:00pm) (@Levy) Get higher. (11:00pm) (@Levy) And then come back. (11:00pm) (@Levy) And then tell me again. (11:00pm) (@Zed) Alright, dude. <Luchawhore> lol (11:00pm) (Austin) that kind of just appears randomly in the chat (11:00pm) (@Zed) But first I'll need some stoner music. (11:00pm) (@Levy) And maybe, if there is a God in heaven, I will understand. <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Me First And The Gimme Gimmes - All My Loving) (1m55s) (1.32MB) (96Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:00pm) (Austin) hum <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Nirvana - Lounge Act) (2m36s) (2.39MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Hate_Eternal-Conquering_The_Throne-06-The_Creed_Of_Chaotic_Divinity) (2m56s) (2.7MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 5 Times) (11:00pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb) (6m21s) (5.86MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) (11:00pm) (@Zed) ((EverythingAmp))¤((Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb))¤((6m21s/5.85MB))¤((128Kbps/44kHz))¤((Played:40)) (11:00pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb) (6m21s) (5.86MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 3 Times) (11:00pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb) (6m21s) (5.86MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 4 Times) (11:00pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb) (6m21s) (5.86MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 5 Times) (11:00pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb) (6m21s) (5.86MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 6 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Sex Pistols- Sex and Violence) (4m56s) (4.55MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 3 Times) (11:00pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb) (6m21s) (5.86MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 7 Times) (11:00pm) (@Zed) Yeah, this'll work. (11:00pm) (@Levy) Did you hit it? (11:00pm) (@Zed) This song is so good when you're high. (11:00pm) (@Levy) Hit it again. (11:00pm) (Austin) lol (11:00pm) (@Zed) Because man. (11:00pm) (@Zed) Am I high. (11:00pm) (Judge) Zed's high? (11:01pm) (@Crusen) MORTAL KOMBAT! Crusen hits 62 leg sweeps on hades! [Children Of Bodom - Aces High] [4m27s/4.1MB] <Luchawhore> no, they're jeering me (11:01pm) (@Levy) Now, again, in relation to the kite. (11:01pm) (Austin) jeering (11:01pm) (@Levy) How high? (11:01pm) (Judge) How high? (11:01pm) (Judge) I know, I'm joking here. (11:01pm) (@Zed) Man. (11:01pm) (@Levy) You're a fucker, Judge. (11:01pm) (@Levy) A fucker. <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (PUNK-SKA COVERS - UPTOWN GIRL) (2m19s) (2.13MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:01pm) (@Zed) I'm so high, I can't even retype all the colours. <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Misfits - Fiend Club) (2m51s) (2.62MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) (11:01pm) (@Levy) Are you higher now that Pink Floyd is on? <Luchawhore> lol (11:01pm) (@Levy) Because that helps sometimes. (11:02pm) (@Levy) With the getting high. (11:02pm) (Austin) (SWFAmp) (07 Wake Up.wma) (6m6s) (2.81MB) (64Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> you guys just couldn't be any more of cunts, can you? (11:02pm) (@Zed) Way higher, man. (11:02pm) (Austin) I could personally (11:02pm) (@Zed) Airplane high. (11:02pm) (@Zed) So high... I think I'm going to go smoke more! (11:02pm) (GOdrea) But what about satellite orbitting Saturn high? (11:02pm) (Nick) (Zed) (to) (ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) (11:02pm) (@Levy) Please explain every aspect of the smoking apparatus to me. <Luchawhore> lol (11:03pm) (GOdrea) That's a level of highness you should try to attain (11:03pm) (@Levy) Because if you don't, I won't have a fucking clue how high you are in relation to how high you WERE. (11:03pm) (Nick) (Austin) (to) (Austistoned) (11:03pm) (@Levy) And then I'd throw myself off a BRIDGE. (11:03pm) (@Levy) Because I NEED TO KNOW THESE THINGS. <Luchawhore> lol (11:03pm) (@Levy) Now I'm so goddamn tense. (11:03pm) (@Levy) Hold on. (11:03pm) (GOdrea) And bridges are high up sometimes (11:03pm) (Nick) (Levy) (to) (LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) (11:03pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) But not as high as I am. (11:03pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I'm gonna get high. (11:03pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I'm gonna get high. (11:03pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Like, higher than you are. (11:03pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Dude, you'll never be higher than me. (11:04pm) (Nick) (Judge) (to) (Judrunk) (11:04pm) (Austistoned) can I get high with you Kibs? (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) 'Cause I'm so high. (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) It rules. (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I am so getting higher than you. (11:04pm) (GOdrea) You should get on the top of a high building and get high (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) I'm awesome. (11:04pm) (Judrunk) waaaaaazup (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Yes, Austin. (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) It's so cool. (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Yes, you can. (11:04pm) (Austistoned) scheweeeet (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) I'm a rebel. (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) 'Cause I'm high. (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) No, dude. (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I'm way more rebellious. (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Because I'm higher. (11:04pm) (Judrunk) i lvoe you guyz. (11:04pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) No you're not! (11:04pm) (Judrunk) No, wait. (11:04pm) (GOdrea) I'm so rebellious, I'm not even high. (11:04pm) (Austistoned) I'm full of RAGE (11:04pm) (GOdrea) I'm actually sitting in a hole (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) And there's more high in my name than in your name. (11:04pm) (Nick) (Judrunk) (to) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) (11:04pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Which makes me high. (11:04pm) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) Holy fuck... I can understand Rando's matches! (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Which makes me totally fucking goddamn awesome. (11:05pm) (@Crusen) someone (11:05pm) (@Crusen) log this (11:05pm) (Austistoned) oh my god (11:05pm) (GOdrea) They're too high to log anything <Luchawhore> lol already did (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Buttons are hard. (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I am high. (11:05pm) (GOdrea) So, who here is high? (11:05pm) (Austistoned) lets watch that one show (11:05pm) (Austistoned) um (11:05pm) (Austistoned) um (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I am just typing things out on the keyboard. (11:05pm) (Austistoned) um (11:05pm) (@Crusen) ..youre logging everyone taking the piss out of you? (11:05pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Man. Should I smoke more? (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I'm high. (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Real high. (11:05pm) (Austistoned) ... shit, what is it (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Higher than anybody that's ever been high. (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Especially higher than Z. (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) Z better smoke more. <Luchawhore> well it's funny, Crusen (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) because he's not high enough. (11:05pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) i'm too high to capitalize (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) or bold things (11:06pm) (Austistoned) puff puff pass, Z (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) ever (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) just. (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) hit. (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) enter. (11:06pm) (GOdrea) I think it's impossible to get as high as you are, K (11:06pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Man. And 'cause I'm so high, after I'm get higher than Kibagami. (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) goddamn it i am so high (11:06pm) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) The colors. The colors! (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) i know how to act high better than you muh'fuckas. (11:06pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Then I'm gonna' make a list of everything that makes me angry. 'Cause I'm high and angry and cool. 11:06pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Then I'm gonna' make a list of everything that makes me angry. 'Cause I'm high and angry and cool. (11:06pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Man. (11:06pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) I'm so high. (11:06pm) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) Do you see the colors? (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) because i have this trick (11:06pm) (Austistoned) oh fuck, I'm so hungry (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I use it at parties. (11:06pm) (Austistoned) anyone want some cheetos or shit? (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) while people talk to me about how high (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) they are (11:06pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) I (11:07pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) smoke all their fucking shit (11:07pm) (Quit) (Crusen) ([email protected]) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) (11:07pm) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) , 5 Eat some of my shrooms. (11:07pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) dude shrooms make you totally cool and awesome and rebellious (11:07pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) gimme 'em their mine (11:07pm) (Action) * LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB eats shrooooooms (11:07pm) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) Craven's moveset makes sense to me. (11:07pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Man. (11:07pm) (GOdrea) Now you're just bullshitting, Judge (11:07pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) see this is how you act high and impress people because you have to be high all the time. to do it this way. you <Luchawhore> lol (11:07pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) need (11:07pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) drugs (11:08pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) shroooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom (11:08pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) BITCHES. (11:08pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) I'm so high, I think I'll go job Judge to Matt Myers. (11:08pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) ...wait... (11:08pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) dude. (11:08pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) you are higher than me. <Luchawhore> lol (11:08pm) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) Yeah, I figured you were high that day. (11:08pm) (Austistoned) (SWFAmp) (Styx - Renegade) (4m12s) (3.87MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 12 Times) * Luchawhore goes off to smoke more because I totally have to impress you guys (11:08pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) i used to be high like this all the time. <Luchawhore> 'cause I'm so fuckin stoned, ddduuudddeeeee (11:08pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) And you need to TELL US. (11:08pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) but then all these fucking people (11:09pm) (@ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) Because what would we DO if we didn't KNOW!? (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) started getting high too (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) and they are fucking obnoxious (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) and they are fucking loud <Luchawhore> lol (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) and they fucking suck at drugs * Luchawhore raises hands (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) and when people see them, they think i am loud and obnoxious because i'm on drugs (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) and i get pissed off (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) and i don't have fun. (11:09pm) (@LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) And I don't get high very often any fucking more. (11:09pm) (Nick) (LevyHighSmokeWeedBongHighWeedB) (to) (Levy) <Luchawhore> lol (11:09pm) (Action) * JudgeTotallyOnShrooms is impressed. <Luchawhore> wow that had a lesson to it (11:09pm) (Nick) (JudgeTotallyOnShrooms) (to) (Judge) (11:09pm) (@Levy) You totally should be impressed. (11:09pm) (Nick) (ZedSmokingWEEDandHIGH) (to) (Zed) (11:09pm) (@Levy) Because I am cool and rebellious. (11:10pm) (Nick) (Austistoned) (to) (Austin) (11:10pm) (@Levy) I am too cool for drugs. (11:10pm) (@Levy) I did drugs and now I don't do drugs and I'm angry, and I'm EVEN COOLER. (11:10pm) (@Levy) Goddamn. (11:10pm) (@Levy) I am Rebel. <Luchawhore> lol (11:10pm) (@Zed) And yet, you don't wear it like a badge unless pressed about it. (11:10pm) (@Zed) Weird. <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> Jesus you guys are in a vicious mood (11:10pm) (@Levy) You don't really need to. (11:11pm) (@Levy) People just know, sooner or later. (11:11pm) (@Zed) Us? (11:11pm) (@Zed) Vicious? (11:11pm) (@Zed) Never. <Luchawhore> never! (11:11pm) (@Zed) Never, ever. (11:11pm) (@Levy) We would never be vicious. <Luchawhore> not for a single second (11:11pm) (@Levy) Nor would we be malicious. Or cruel. (11:11pm) (@Levy) But we would be impatient. (11:11pm) (@Levy) And we would definitely be satrical. (11:11pm) (Judge) A man who can post images of himself grinning while dressed as the World Trade Center with planes crashing into it and people diving from the highest windows to their tragic deaths sickens me. (11:11pm) (Judge) I wasn't grinning because I was dressed that way; I was grinning because I was STONED OFF MY ASS! (11:11pm) (Judge) Scots rocks. <Luchawhore> lol wait, was I supposed to be offended earlier? <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Me First and The Gimme Gimmes - Still The One (Punk Cover)) (2m37s) (3.02MB) (160Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Blood Hound Gang - The Bad Touch (1)) (4m18s) (1.73MB) (56Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:12pm) (@Zed) No. We were just hoping you'd get the point. <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (punk covers- La Bamba) (2m32s) (2.33MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:13pm) (Austin) (TotallyWickedStonedAmp) (Kansas - Carry On My Wayward Son) (5m19s) (4.89MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 8 Times) (11:13pm) (@Zed) If you could decipher it, anyway. <Luchawhore> well I realized it all along (11:13pm) (@Zed) We were all subtle-like about it, y'know. <Luchawhore> since I'm actually not that stoned <Luchawhore> lol (11:13pm) (Austin) my amp is (11:13pm) (Austin) I had meant to bust that out earlier... but a las, I'm slow <Luchawhore> Sly that was totally yesterday <Luchawhore> today the trend is being a straight edge (11:14pm) (@Levy) See? He isa rebel. (11:14pm) (Austin) fight the system <Luchawhore> lol (11:14pm) (Austin) I need better amps... damnit <Luchawhore> or better timing (11:15pm) (@Levy) Now we need Toxxic to start bitching about the tide of sXe mall kids. (11:15pm) (@Zed) [sWF Fserve Open] [Trigger: !Zserv] [slots: 0/5] [sends: 0/3] [Accessed: 214 times] [snagged: 2052987665 2.1GIG in 295 files] [Note: Muzak.] (11:15pm) (@Levy) Coming from....somewhere. (11:15pm) (@Zed) ((EverythingAmp))¤((Outkast - Hey Ya))¤((4m7s/3.79MB))¤((128Kbps/44kHz))¤((Played:11)) <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> is there any way to copy the whole conversation? <Luchawhore> or do I have to copy section by section? <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Misfits - Die, Die My Darling) (3m8s) (2.88MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:18pm) (Austin) (SWFAmp) (Billy Joel - We Didn't Start The Fire) (4m48s) (4.43MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 6 Times) (11:18pm) (@Levy) Look, you're reaching Randoesque levels of Trying To Be In On The Joke. (11:18pm) (@Levy) Don't do that. (11:19pm) (@Zed) FIle -> Buffer -> Save As (11:19pm) (Austin) ...? (11:20pm) (Austin) or just log everything (11:20pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Modest Mouse - Satin In A Coffin) (2m34s) (2.37MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) 11:20pm) (@Zed) This will save the individual chat. (11:20pm) (Austin) but you can't go back and log it <Luchawhore> but Kibs <Luchawhore> I really couldn't care less <Luchawhore> at least Rando tried to salvage something (11:21pm) (@Zed) No. (11:21pm) (@Zed) Rando apologized. (11:21pm) (@Zed) Repeatedly. <Luchawhore> I have no excuse, I'm annoying, I get stoned, I laugh when you guys do this shit (11:21pm) (@Zed) And then he tried to guilt Kibagami by talking about how much his life in high school was. (11:21pm) (@Zed) Erm, how much it sucked. <Luchawhore> right, I'm just running with it 'cause I don't give a flying fuck (11:22pm) (@Levy) Keep repeating that. I've heard it helps. <Luchawhore> 'cause, you know, I'm desperately trying to get your approval <Luchawhore> a guy over the internet <Luchawhore> dude I'm not apologizing because I'm an annoying teenager and I get stoned, a lot <Luchawhore> and annoy you elists, a lot <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Stephen Lynch - Hermaphrodhite) (2m29s) (2.29MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) <Luchawhore> fuck that, it's just too stupid to even give it a second thought from you guys <Luchawhore> it was funny, not hurtful (11:23pm) (@Levy) I deeply hope you actually mean that. (11:23pm) (Austin) (SWFAmp) (The Police - Roxanne) (3m13s) (7.4MB) (320Kbps) (Played: 3 Times) (11:24pm) (@Levy) But whether you do or not, keep it in mind next time you want to tell me about a fight or a homemade bong that I couldn't give a flying fuck about. <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> good point there (11:24pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (The Rolling Stones - Jumpin Jack Flash) (3m43s) (3.42MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> I do deeply mean it, Kibs, you have a fucking pathetic life when your resorting to opinions of ones on the internet * Luchawhore glances at Zed (11:25pm) (@Zed) What was that supposed to mean? <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> kidding man (11:25pm) (GOdrea) Then why do you feel the need to tell us each and every time you get stoned? <Luchawhore> its jsut me being a goofy stoner (11:25pm) (@Zed) No, no. Don't 'lol' me. <Luchawhore> I couldn't really tell (11:25pm) (@Zed) What the fuck was that supposed to mean? <Luchawhore> Zed, I said I was fucking kidding <Luchawhore> what I was trying to say is it's not right if you take internet over your real life (11:26pm) (GOdrea) Sure you're not desperately trying to get acceptance from one of the more well-known stoners? (11:26pm) (@Levy) He doesn't. (11:26pm) (@Levy) He's goofy. (11:26pm) (@Levy) Remember? (11:26pm) (@Zed) Why would you care whether or not he's offering it? (11:26pm) (@Levy) He'll say it again, if you forgot. <Luchawhore> if I needed acceptance I'd fucking write a poem and see how many times I can twist it and long it gets published (11:26pm) (@Zed) Why in god's name do you think he's offering it? (11:26pm) (@Zed) He's not. (11:26pm) (@Zed) He's kicking you right in the fucking jaw for being stupid. (11:26pm) (@Levy) No, dude, it's a joke. <Luchawhore> I never said he fucking was (11:26pm) (@Levy) And he GETS it. (11:26pm) (@Levy) Remember? <Luchawhore> yeah man (11:27pm) (@Levy) He TOTALLY got it. <Luchawhore> it's a joke <Luchawhore> I got it (11:27pm) (@Levy) It was cool and rebellious. <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> no, it's me not being a dumbass <Luchawhore> like Rando <Luchawhore> because it was a joke with a point and I understand that (11:27pm) (@Zed) But you don't care, right? (11:27pm) (@Levy) He was getting to that. <Luchawhore> why should I care Zed? <Luchawhore> I don't feed off you guys <Luchawhore> I don't take it seriously (11:28pm) (@Zed) Someone sounds like they're desperately trying to convince themselves of something. (11:28pm) (@Zed) Hint: It isn't me. (11:28pm) (@Levy) It's probably me. <Luchawhore> I mean I care that I've been an annoying prick without realizing it... but I don't care if you guys think I'm a dumbfuck (11:29pm) (@Levy) I'm not cool and rebellious enough lately. (11:29pm) (@Levy) Hold on. <Luchawhore> Zed, what the fuck are you talking about man? <Luchawhore> I have friends outside my house walls, you know (11:29pm) (Nick) (Levy) (to) (LevySmokesPotSmokesPotSMOKESPO) <Luchawhore> something you should give a shot <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (The Doors - Light My Fire (2)) (2m52s) (2.31MB) (112Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:29pm) (Judge) Ran out of room, there, eh? (11:29pm) (GOdrea) Oh man, I just ate a sandwich! (11:29pm) (@Zed) I didn't say you didn't. (11:29pm) (@LevySmokesPotSmokesPotSMOKESPO) I fucking hate when that happens. (11:29pm) (GOdrea) That fucking sandwich was awesome! (11:29pm) (Judge) Is smoking PO the new thing? (11:29pm) (Nick) (LevySmokesPotSmokesPotSMOKESPO) (to) (Levy) (11:29pm) (@Levy) All the kids are doing it. (11:29pm) (@Levy) When all the kids do it, they are cool and rebellious. (11:29pm) (GOdrea) It had bread, and like, cheese. Yay sandwich <Luchawhore> Zed, what I'm trying to say is (11:30pm) (@Levy) What kind of cheese was it? <Luchawhore> yeah I'm a dumbass, point taken (11:30pm) (GOdrea) I think it was yellow (11:30pm) (Judge) Wow. How rebellious... in a following the crowd sort of way. (11:30pm) (Judge) o.0 (11:30pm) (@Levy) What shade of yellow? I still haven't got this 'cheese' thing down <Luchawhore> I don't give a fuck if you, Kibs, or anybody thinks I'm just an annoying fucker (11:31pm) (Austin) I trip Dace, personally (11:31pm) (GOdrea) Well, a kind of sun yellow (11:31pm) (GOdrea) And I think there was meat (11:31pm) (Austin) speaking of tripping Dace, our quote got rejected at (11:31pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Wilco - I Am Trying To Break Your Heart) (6m53s) (9.5MB) (192Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) (11:31pm) (GOdrea) Probably some type of four-legged animal meat. <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (30-The_Misfits-Violent_World) (1m36s) (2.21MB) (192Kbps) (Played: 4 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (isis - hive destruction) (4m8s) (3.81MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (ACDC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap) (3m49s) (3.52MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:31pm) (Nick) (GOdrea) (to) (GOdreaSANDWICH) (11:31pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH amz eat sandwich (11:32pm) (Nick) (Levy) (to) (LevyTYPING) (11:32pm) (@LevyTYPING) GOdrea, I'm typing words. (11:32pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Now I'll go post on the boards about eating a sandwich!! (11:32pm) (@LevyTYPING) Do you see the words I am typing? <Luchawhore> you're like totally fill! (11:32pm) (Nick) (Judge) (to) (JudgeREADING) <Luchawhore> full* (11:32pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Because the sandwich was awesome!! <Luchawhore> lol (11:32pm) (@LevyTYPING) There are WORDS here! (11:32pm) (@Zed) Alright, IL, then I'll streamline the point we're trying to make. (11:32pm) (JudgeREADING) I'm totally rebellious. (11:32pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH sees the words (11:32pm) (@LevyTYPING) words words words words words words. <Luchawhore> go ahead Zed (11:32pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH goes to post about sandwiches on the SWF board (11:32pm) (JudgeREADING) You all type, but I am the only one UNDERSTANDING. (11:32pm) (Action) * JudgeREADING is above you all. (11:32pm) (@Zed) If YOU don't care what WE think, please don't assume that WE care what YOU'RE doing. (11:32pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH is sandwiching <Luchawhore> I never did (11:33pm) (@LevyTYPING) Make sure you tell people who are talking about something very different from the sandwich all about your sandwich. (11:33pm) (@Zed) But you tell us anyway. <Luchawhore> I mean I'll ramble on and on (11:33pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) SANDWICH!!! <Luchawhore> yeah, I tell you anyway (11:33pm) (@LevyTYPING) TYPING <Luchawhore> I don't expect somebody to be like "BONG! HIGH FIVE!" (11:33pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) First you have the sand <Luchawhore> "FIGHT! FUCKING YES!" (11:33pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Then, you add the wich. (11:33pm) (@LevyTYPING) SANDWICH IS A WORD THAT I CAN TYPE (11:33pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) That makes the sandwich (11:33pm) (@LevyTYPING) SANDWICH WORD! (11:33pm) (@LevyTYPING) ....word...sandwich? (11:33pm) (@Zed) I hope, then you did expect someone to go, "Jesus Christ, shut up already." (11:33pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH has never eaten a sandwich word (11:33pm) (@LevyTYPING) WORD SANDWICH IT IS (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) AND IT SHALL BE (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) FOREVER <Luchawhore> nah that either (11:34pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But no fucking mustard (11:34pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH boycotts mustard on sandwiches <Luchawhore> the shut up would've been prefered anyway (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) "Even Rando wasn't dumb enough to get tooled on by four people at the same time" is a LONG STRING OF WORDS THAT GOES TOGETHER (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) LIKE A SANDWICH (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) IT'S A WORD SANDWICH THAT I JUST MADE (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) HOLY FUCKING SHIT (11:34pm) (@LevyTYPING) TO THE BOARD WITH THIS WISDOM (11:34pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!! <Luchawhore> dumb enough? (11:35pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) And if the word sandwich is too big, you have to put a toothpick in it so it doesn't fall apart (11:35pm) (Austin) this is getting out of hand <Luchawhore> why do I have to justify my actions to you? <Luchawhore> I don't (11:35pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Or you have to use string to tie it down (11:35pm) (Nick) (Austin) (to) (AustiHAND) (11:35pm) (@LevyTYPING) Toothpick is a word that can go into the sandwich. (11:35pm) (@Zed) [sWF Fserve Open] [Trigger: !Zserv] [slots: 0/5] [sends: 0/3] [Accessed: 214 times] [snagged: 2052987665 2.1GIG in 295 files] [Note: Muzak.] <Luchawhore> I don't need to apologize or nearly cry like Rando (11:35pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Or just smash it down like Shaggy and Scooby when they EAT SANDWICHES (11:35pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) GIANT SANDWICH <Luchawhore> because it doesn't matter enough to me (11:35pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) GIANT SANDWICH FOR GIANT GONZALES (11:35pm) (JudgeREADING) Holy shit. (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) I just found the mother of all snaks. (11:36pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) TINY SANDWICH FOR TINY GONZALES (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) *snacks. (11:36pm) (@LevyTYPING) Giant WORD sandwich! <Luchawhore> because it doesn't matter enough to me (11:35pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) GIANT SANDWICH FOR GIANT GONZALES (11:35pm) (JudgeREADING) Holy shit. (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) I just found the mother of all snaks. (11:36pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) TINY SANDWICH FOR TINY GONZALES (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) *snacks. (11:36pm) (@LevyTYPING) Giant WORD sandwich! <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Led Zepplin - Heart Breaker) (4m12s) (3.87MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) (11:36pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) REGULAR SANDWICH FOR REGULAR GONZALES (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) Ho Hos. With Cream. (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) AND CARMEL (11:36pm) (@LevyTYPING) type type type word word word sandwich sandwich sandwich (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) FUCKING CARMEL (11:36pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) That snack would not make a good sandwich, Judge (11:36pm) (@Zed) ((EverythingAmp))¤((Metallica - The Call of Ktulu))¤((8m49s/8.12MB))¤((128Kbps/44kHz))¤((Played:26)) <Luchawhore> lol man you guys must be really easily amused to keep going <Luchawhore> when it's fairly obvious I get it (11:36pm) (JudgeREADING) It would single-handedly destroy the munchies. <Luchawhore> lol (11:37pm) (JudgeREADING) It's late, dude. I'm just looking for shit to do now. (11:37pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But it is not in sandwich form (11:37pm) (@Zed) We get bored. (11:37pm) (AustiHAND) (SWFAmp) (Muse - Time is Running Out) (3m55s) (5.4MB) (192Kbps) (Played: 8 Times) (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) ...he said as he sat and read the conversation, line by excruciating line. (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) THAT WAS ANOTHER WORD SANDWICH (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) DID YOU GUYS SEE IT <Luchawhore> lol not quite everything line (11:37pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) You'd have to put it in a hot dog bun. <Luchawhore> I strayed after the sandwhich (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) I made the sandwich, though. (11:37pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Hot dogs are a weird kind of sandwich (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) Look at it. (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) I did it. (11:37pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) They are not flat (11:37pm) (@LevyTYPING) VALIDATE IT (11:37pm) (JudgeREADING) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - I'm A Rebel. Bitches.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Led Zeppelin - The Rover) (5m33s) (5.12MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (Kids In The Hall - Theme Song) (59s) (907.1k) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) (11:37pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) So, here is the question: Is a hot dog a sandwich? (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) I like how that stops everything dead. (11:38pm) (@Zed) I don't think so. (11:38pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Kibs, what do you think on the hot dog sandwich topic? (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) I vote nay. (11:38pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I haven't asked you yet, Z. (11:38pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Okay, Z, what do you think? (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) "I vote nay." is a word sandwich. (11:38pm) (JudgeREADING) I'll say yes, because it's just meat with two halves of bread. (11:38pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Hot dog, sandwich or not? (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) I made another word sandwich,. (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) I'm just saying that I made one. (11:38pm) (@Zed) Right. I second Kibagami. <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (01 - Prison Song) (3m19s) (1.34MB) (56Kbps) (Played: 3 Times) (11:38pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Austin? Sandwich or not? (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) You guys don't have to do anything. Or respond. To the word sandwich. That I made. (11:38pm) (JudgeREADING) You just made seven words, Levy. (11:38pm) (@LevyTYPING) But I'm just going to say it. (11:39pm) (@LevyTYPING) That I made a word sandwich. (11:39pm) (JudgeREADING) I made six. (11:39pm) (AustiHAND) SANDWICH <Luchawhore> lol (11:39pm) (JudgeREADING) SANDWITCH! (11:39pm) (@LevyTYPING) I don't care if you like my word sandwich. (11:39pm) (Action) * LevyTYPING 's lip starts to quiver. (11:39pm) (@LevyTYPING) I really don't. (11:39pm) (@LevyTYPING) But I made it. (11:39pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Who else thinks hot dog = sandwich? (11:39pm) (@LevyTYPING) LOOK AT IT (11:39pm) (JudgeREADING) Holy shit! He doesn't care! (11:39pm) (JudgeREADING) What a rebel! (11:39pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH looks at word sandwiches (11:39pm) (Action) * JudgeREADING does. (11:39pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I like the word sandwiches <Luchawhore> my god you guys are being dumbshits (11:39pm) (Nick) (JudgeREADING) (to) (BLT) (11:39pm) (@LevyTYPING) I MADE IT AND I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY WORD SANDWICH GODDAMN IT THIS IS MINE BECAUSE I MADE IT AND IT MAKES ME FUCKING COOL (11:39pm) (Action) * LevyTYPING runs away crying (11:39pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But I do not know if it would be delicious. (11:39pm) (BLT) This is the greatest chat ever. <Luchawhore> I'm not trying to be "punk" by "OH MY FUCKING GOD I DON'T CARE" but I just don't give a fuck <Luchawhore> how can I? <Luchawhore> you're strangers on the internet <Luchawhore> tooling on another stranger, big fuckin' whoop man (11:40pm) (Action) * BLT thinks Levy is all dark and hurting inside. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) Dude, what are you talking about? (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) We're just rambling. (11:40pm) (@Zed) Then stop acting like such a fucking female when we tell you off. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) We're not saying anything to you. (11:40pm) (BLT) That's rebellious. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) We're just talking. (11:40pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I resent that word sandwich, Z. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) We don't care if you care if you care that we don't care. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) We're rambling. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) "We're rambling", coincidentally, is a small yet delicious word sandwich. (11:40pm) (@LevyTYPING) Which I made, by the way. <Luchawhore> lol (11:40pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Being stupid and such does not equal being female. <Luchawhore> (11:40pm) (@Zed) Then stop acting like such a fucking female when we tell you off. <Luchawhore> by what? <Luchawhore> throwing out my opinion? (11:41pm) (@LevyTYPING) Ahem. (11:41pm) (BLT) My away message is REBELLIOUS. (11:41pm) (Nick) (LevyTYPING) (to) (IL) (11:41pm) (@IL) I don't care. (11:41pm) (@Zed) By endlessly repeating that you don't care when it's obvious that you don't. (11:41pm) (@Zed) Do, rather. 11:41pm) (@IL) No, really. I don't care. (11:41pm) (@IL) I do not care. (11:41pm) (@IL) Don't care. (11:41pm) (@IL) I swear to God, I don't care. <Luchawhore> lol Zed how can you say that man (11:41pm) (@IL) I'm not even high enough to care. (11:41pm) (BLT) OMG HE SAID IT. <Luchawhore> this is a fucking internet chat (11:41pm) (BLT) ZED, WHY DID YOU SAY IT (11:41pm) (@IL) I don't care I don't care I don't careidontidontidontidontlalalalalalalalalalalalalalalaidonotheeeeeeeeeeeeeearyou (11:41pm) (Nick) (IL) (to) (Levy) (11:41pm) (BLT) (12:41am) (Luchawhore) this is a fucking internet chat <--------- That is correct! That is ABSOLUTELY correct! (11:41pm) (BLT) ... (11:42pm) (BLT) Rebel <Luchawhore> hey, cool, there's a first (11:42pm) (@Zed) This is something Janus has encountered many times, and neither of us have been able to figure it. (11:42pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH gives IL a sandwich for correctly identifying this as an internet chat <Luchawhore> thank you (11:42pm) (@Levy) The "I suddenly don't care about the internet chatroom I spend hours in every day" thing? (11:42pm) (@Zed) If you actually don't care, you won't have to say it again. (11:42pm) (@Zed) Ever. (11:42pm) (@Levy) Oh, that thing. (11:42pm) (@Zed) Once is fine. <Luchawhore> that many hours? <Luchawhore> once is fine (11:43pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Wilco - Radio Cure) (5m4s) (7MB) (192Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:43pm) (@Zed) And before you turn that around on us... <Luchawhore> but if you guys would be fucking logical about it- then you'd shut up then (11:43pm) (@Zed) We care to the extent that this amusing. <Luchawhore> ah, beat me to it <Luchawhore> (SWFAmp) (IRISH PUNK-Dropkick Murphys - You're a Rebel) (2m41s) (2.46MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 4 Times) <Luchawhore> well I guess you would find it amusing if you're a drop out with nothing else to do (11:43pm) (@Zed) Oh, did I hurt your feelings? (11:44pm) (@Levy) That's impossible. (11:44pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - He cares because he is a rebel.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:44pm) (@Zed) That's right. (11:44pm) (@Levy) IL DOES NOT CARE BECAUSE HE IS COOL AND REBELLIOUS (11:44pm) (@Levy) I thought we all had the memo at this point. <Luchawhore> hurt my feelings? <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> not quite (11:44pm) (@Levy) There goes the lip quiver! (11:44pm) (@Zed) If you need to remind me that I'm a drop-out, I imagine we've struck some kind of nerve. <Luchawhore> well the pissed off nerve, slightly (11:45pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - IL IS A MACHO PUNK REBEL SONOFABITCH WHO EATS CARING WUSSES FOR BREAKFAST. AT NOON. BECAUSE HE'S A REBEL.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (Greatest chat flame. Ever.) (11:45pm) (@Levy) I guess you were supposed to take the bait on that one. (11:45pm) (@Zed) It's a bit hard when it has HUGE FLASHING STROBE LIGHTS on it. <Luchawhore> eh what can I say? I'm too fucking cool and macho to take it (11:45pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) The bait should have been...A SANDWICH (11:46pm) (@Levy) See, now, I cared about Judge's amp just then because I nearly shot water out my nose because of it. (11:46pm) (@Zed) I'm not Thugg and don't jump to defend the length of my penis whenever someone says something mildly insulting, y'see. (11:46pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I would have gone for it, were it a sandwich (11:46pm) (@Levy) Goddamn it, Judge. (11:46pm) (BLT) What? <Luchawhore> well what irks me is you guys actually think this has some sort of impact on me (11:46pm) (@Levy) You can't just have funny bold text randomly pop up at me. (11:46pm) (AustiHAND) I can't keep up with this (11:46pm) (@Levy) Sometimes it makes me jumpy. (11:47pm) (@Levy) IL. Please. No. (11:47pm) (@Levy) Look. (11:47pm) (@Levy) If you tell me that you don't care again, I'm going to fall out of my chair. (11:47pm) (@Levy) I don't want to fall out of my chair. (11:47pm) (@Levy) I haven't vaccumed. <Luchawhore> lol (11:47pm) (@Levy) The ground is dusty. (11:47pm) (@Levy) I'll fuck up my shirt. (11:47pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - I'm gonna talk like this from now on.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:47pm) (@Levy) Don't. Say. That. Again. (11:47pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) There are no cushioning sandwiches below him (11:47pm) (@Zed) ((EverythingAmp))¤((Cee-Lo feat. Timberland - I'll Be Around))¤((3m40s/5.05MB))¤((192Kbps/44kHz))¤((Played:6)) <Luchawhore> I didn't intend to (11:47pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Sandwiches will soften the blow, K (11:47pm) (@Levy) What kind of sandwiches? (11:47pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - Yes he did.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) <Luchawhore> it's just the fact that you guys seem so damn certain this is actually making me feel any emotional distress (11:48pm) (@Levy) I've forgotten what kind of sandwiches you had in the five minutes you were not discussing sandwiches. <Luchawhore> I think it had bread, cheese, and meat (11:48pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) You forgot the lettuce. 11:48pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) And no mustard (11:48pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - OMG CHEESE SANDWICH. WAS IT GRILLED, CAUSE THAT IS TOTALLY REBELLIOUS.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:48pm) (@Levy) "Maybe if I don't say the words, "I don't care," and just sort of imply that I don't care, they'll drop it!" (11:48pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) And perhaps a toothpick <Luchawhore> damn, should of repeated it millions of times <Luchawhore> lol (11:48pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) If the sandwich is too big (11:49pm) (@Levy) (SWFAmp) (Cee-lo - I'll be Around (feat. Timbaland)) (3m40s) (3.37MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 2 Times) <Luchawhore> but if I don't care, why would I care that you'd drop it anyway, kibs? * Luchawhore shrugs <Luchawhore> I understand what you're all saying (11:49pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I once made a sandwich so big that the sandwich almost ate me! (11:49pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - THIS SONG IS ACTUALLY EYE OF THE TIGER BUT I'M NAMING IT WHATEVER I WANT. I'LL BET FROST IS PISSED FOR ME MISNAMING IT.) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:49pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) So I had to shoot it sixteen times with a shotgun <Luchawhore> lol (11:50pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But the sandwich didn't care <Luchawhore> 'cause it was tough, rough, and rebellious! (11:50pm) (@Levy) You really suck at not caring thus far. (11:50pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Because I had made a rebel sandwich (11:50pm) (@Levy) You need to just watch Less Than Zero over and over and over and over. (11:50pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I named it "The Rebel Sandwich" <Luchawhore> no, Kibs, it's just I don't need to go through having you feel like you've owned me (11:50pm) (@Levy) Do that until you feel nihilistic. Then drink a lot. <Luchawhore> lol dulls the pain? (11:50pm) (BLT) (SWFAmp) (The Truth - OMG REBEL SANDWICH THE BLT SHALL RISE AGAIN OMG!!!!!) (4m2s) (3.71MB) (128Kbps) (Played: 1 Times) (11:51pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Drinking antifreeze is bad. Because then you don't enjoy sandwiches as much (11:51pm) (BLT) Okay, I'm gonna stop that for a while. Too much effort. (11:51pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Because death makes you not like sandwiches (11:51pm) (BLT) But it makes you a rebel, GOds. That's what matters. (11:51pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) True (11:51pm) (BLT) Death is rebellious. Because it isn't life. (11:51pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But what about the SANDWICH (11:51pm) (@Levy) (Rando) you're not proving anything to me by making fun of me this much! I'am still cool and rebellious myself! <Luchawhore> lol (11:51pm) (BLT) BWUAHAAHAHAHA (11:52pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But everyone eventually dies. How rebellious is that? (11:52pm) (@Levy) Now say, "just make like your name and be fucking SILENT for once in your goddamn life" and you will actually SURPASS Rando in terms of sheer lameness. <Luchawhore> no man you gotta' live forever to be rebellious (11:52pm) (BLT) I think all this talk of being high has actually made me high. (11:52pm) (@Zed) Behold the power of osmosis. <Luchawhore> lol no, Kibs, you don't seem to get this man (11:52pm) (@Levy) So tell me again. (11:52pm) (@Levy) Please. (11:52pm) (@Levy) I have no idea what you are about to tell me. <Luchawhore> lol (11:52pm) (BLT) This makes me love chat again. (11:52pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I know! (11:52pm) (@Levy) I'm sure it's something you haven't said before, ever. (11:52pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) He does not care, right? (11:53pm) (@Levy) SHUSH! <Luchawhore> I got into a fight (11:53pm) (@Levy) YOU WILL SPOIL IT (11:53pm) (BLT) OMG REBEL (11:53pm) (@Levy) HE'S COOL AND REBELLIOUS (11:53pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I AM SORRY FOR RUINING EVERYTHING (11:53pm) (BLT) FUCKING DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THOSE RULES (11:53pm) (@Levy) HE JUST OOZES THE NOT CARING (11:53pm) (BLT) FUCKING REBEL. <Luchawhore> I ooze anarchy~! (11:53pm) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH hands out sandwiches to patch up the ruining of things <Luchawhore> lol (11:53pm) (BLT) This is the greatest chat in a long, long time. (11:53pm) (AustiHAND) (SWFAmp) (09 Hey Ya!.wma) (2m15s) (1.81MB) (112Kbps) (Played: 4 Times) (11:53pm) (Action) * Levy accepts the forgiveness. (11:53pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I once had a sandwich with cheese and something called anarch-loaf. (11:53pm) (@Zed) At least since Zina was here. <Luchawhore> yeah, I'm posting it (11:54pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Anarchy-loaf, that is (11:54pm) (@Zed) That was pretty good. (11:54pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) It was good, but rebellious. (11:54pm) (@Zed) Kibagami firebombing DA is one of his finer moments. (11:54pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) And it didn't care that I was eating it (11:54pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) And it didn't care that I was eating it (11:54pm) (Action) * BLT steals the sandwiches to pay for a dimebag so he continue to be rebellious. <Luchawhore> lol (11:54pm) (BLT) And I don't care WHAT Kibs thinks. (11:54pm) (BLT) I don't. Really. (11:54pm) (@Levy) I don't believe it. (11:54pm) (BLT) Believe it. I don't care. (11:54pm) (Action) * BLT looks around. (11:54pm) (@Levy) And if you don't tell me thirty-seven more fucking times, I won't believe it. <Luchawhore> no man what I'm trying to say is (11:54pm) (BLT) Seriously! (11:55pm) (@Levy) You're in on the joke, too? <Luchawhore> you're beating a dead hrose (11:55pm) (@Levy) You think it's funny? (11:55pm) (BLT) Wait, are you talking to me or him right now, Kibs? <Luchawhore> how could I not? (11:55pm) (@Levy) You didn't say that shit earlier! (11:55pm) (Nick) (BLT) (to) (Judge) (11:55pm) (@Levy) I don't even know, fuck! <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> well you'd figure by now there's no more point in it (11:55pm) (@Levy) Yeah, you're right. (11:55pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I care that my pancreas is leaking out of my rebellious torso (11:55pm) (Judge) I don't think Kibs cares anymore, anywyas. (11:55pm) (@Zed) [sWF Fserve Open] [Trigger: !Zserv] [slots: 0/5] [sends: 0/3] [Accessed: 214 times] [snagged: 2052987665 2.1GIG in 295 files] [Note: Muzak.] (11:55pm) (Judge) Then you are no longer a rebel. (11:55pm) (AustiHAND) I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people. (11:55pm) (@Levy) You've just tied Rando for Longest Chat Tooling. <Luchawhore> can't you rewrite the sunrise in some obscure way so you feel like such an invidual poet <Luchawhore> oh I have no intention of being done, man (11:56pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Because he doesn't care! (11:56pm) (Judge) OMFG*!@()#*!()$*!@()#$ <Luchawhore> lol (11:56pm) (@Levy) No, he's not pissed off or upset. Because he does not care! <Luchawhore> I'd rather beat Rando, that's all (11:56pm) (@Levy) He's not done! the joke isn't over! (11:56pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) We should get a Hot Newz Wire person to update everyone on the boards that IL does not care <Luchawhore> eh I'm slightly irked (11:56pm) (Judge) IOMGSMOKINGPOTTOBEREBELLIOUSFAUXNEWZMIKEYFATMOORE2K342*#$()!@*$()! <Luchawhore> lol (11:56pm) (Nick) (AustiHAND) (to) (Austin) (11:57pm) (Judge) He's a glutton for pain, eh? (11:57pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) SANDWICH (11:57pm) (@Levy) He sucks at insulting me, and he sucks at insulting Z, so this has to go on until Judge or GOdrea say something that he can turn into a limp-wristed insult! <Luchawhore> I suck at insulting period (11:57pm) (@Zed) We've noticed. <Luchawhore> yeah (11:57pm) (Nick) (Levy) (to) (IL) (11:57pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Or are you an insult at sucking? <Luchawhore> I've known this too (11:57pm) (Judge) HE CAN WIN! HE'S A REBEL! (11:57pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) That is the question The Rebel Sandwich just asked me (11:57pm) (@IL) I fling these lame barbs like a four year-old girl because I don't care about them! limp-wristed insult! <Luchawhore> I suck at insulting period (11:57pm) (@Zed) We've noticed. <Luchawhore> yeah (11:57pm) (Nick) (Levy) (to) (IL) (11:57pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) Or are you an insult at sucking? <Luchawhore> I've known this too (11:57pm) (Judge) HE CAN WIN! HE'S A REBEL! (11:57pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) That is the question The Rebel Sandwich just asked me (11:57pm) (@IL) I fling these lame barbs like a four year-old girl because I don't care about them! <Luchawhore> I don't intend to win, man (11:57pm) (Judge) OMG I SIDE WITH IL! THE REBEL ALLIANCE! (11:57pm) (@IL) Or the atrophied muscles in my wrist! <Luchawhore> lol (11:57pm) (Nick) (IL) (to) (Levy) (11:57pm) (@Zed) Now, now. He's slightly irked. <Luchawhore> indeed (11:58pm) (@Levy) But not enough to care. (11:58pm) (@Levy) Not really. (11:58pm) (@Levy) He doesn't. (11:58pm) (@Levy) Honest. <Luchawhore> lol (11:58pm) (Judge) YOU'VE BROKEN THROUGH HIS AMAZING REBELLIOUS BARRIERS! THE WARRIOR CRIES! (11:58pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But he's that much closer to caring <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> no I care that I've been annoying you guys (11:58pm) (Judge) OMG I CARE THAT HE CARES> <Luchawhore> yes, I care about that (11:59pm) (Judge) LET'S SING KUMBAYA! (11:59pm) (@Levy) Oh no! We've fallen into his trap! (11:59pm) (@Levy) He's been pulling the strings! <Luchawhore> what I don't care is that you've just been ragging on me for a while, because it's all cool <Luchawhore> lol (11:59pm) (Judge) DOUBLE WHAMMY! (11:59pm) (GOdreaSANDWICH) I think it goes Not Caring --> Slightly Irked --> Kind of PO'ed --> Full-blown caring (11:59pm) (@Zed) Interestingly, that's not what you said earlier. <Luchawhore> man I'm not even smart enough to tug a string (11:59pm) (@Levy) He must be a REAL stoner because he doesn't care! <Luchawhore> lol no Zed (11:59pm) (@Zed) GOdrea, you have cracked the code. <Luchawhore> if you scroll up <Luchawhore> I always said I cared I annoyed you (11:59pm) (@Zed) Really. <Luchawhore> I just dont care about you guys tooling me (11:59pm) (@Zed) Let me go look. <Luchawhore> yeah, really <Luchawhore> go ahead (12:00am) (Judge) (12:14am) (Luchawhore) i don't care (12:00am) (Judge) (12:21am) (Luchawhore) i don't care (12:00am) (@Levy) He's way too disaffected for that. He's cool. He does drugs and he fights and he listens to all the punk bands that the cool kids on the internet listen to! (12:00am) (@Levy) He drinks! (12:00am) (@Levy) A lot! (12:00am) (Judge) (12:51am) (Luchawhore) i don't care (12:00am) (@Levy) And he smokes! (12:00am) (@Levy) He'll tell you! (12:00am) (Judge) OMG (12:00am) (@Levy) Often! (12:00am) (@Levy) Fucking ask him, man! (12:00am) (Judge) HE'S BAD ASS. (12:00am) (Judge) Okay, I'm gonna sit out for a while and let Kibs work his magic. (12:00am) (@Levy) BADASS COOL REBEL GUY (12:01am) (@Zed) <Zed> If YOU don't care what WE think, please don't assume that WE care what YOU'RE doing. (12:01am) (@Zed) (10:32pm) (Luchawhore) I never did (12:01am) (@Zed) <Zed> But you tell us anyway. (12:01am) (@Zed) (10:33pm) (Luchawhore) I mean I'll ramble on and on (12:01am) (@Zed) (10:33pm) (Luchawhore) yeah, I tell you anyway (12:01am) (@Levy) He does not care about your logic. (12:01am) (@Levy) He's cool. <Luchawhore> now now, there's something there (12:01am) (@Levy) Don't you know anything? (12:01am) (Judge) Wait. (12:01am) (Judge) I just realized something. <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> Kibs, I know what the fuck you guys are saying (12:01am) (Judge) IL... is... JAY BOWER. (12:01am) (@Levy) Wait wait wait! (12:01am) (@Levy) IL KNOWS WHAT WE ARE SAYING! <Luchawhore> here comes the bombhsell! <Luchawhore> lol (12:02am) (@Levy) SON OF A BITCH! <Luchawhore> I know~! (12:02am) (@Levy) What is it that we're saying, IL? (12:02am) (Judge) He's getting so thoroughly owned here, tat's the only way to explain it. (12:02am) (@Levy) SHUSH (12:02am) (@Levy) LET HIM SPEAK (12:02am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But is he a rebellious enough match for this: (12:02am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) It's a rebel angel! (12:02am) (@Levy) IL is going to bestow rebellious cool upon us, GOdrea. (12:02am) (@Levy) Any moment now. (12:02am) (@Levy) Bow your heads, and pretend to be serious. <Luchawhore> lol <Luchawhore> I'm not trying to win an argument, Judge (12:03am) (Action) * GOdreaSANDWICH bows her head and eats a sandwich (12:03am) (@Levy) That was it, ladies and gentlemen. <Luchawhore> no <Luchawhore> it wasnt (12:03am) (@Levy) We have it now, preserved forever. (12:03am) (Judge) BECAUSE YOU DON'T CARE! (12:03am) (@Levy) Yes, it was. <Luchawhore> I'm just posting this too (12:03am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) You know, he's really a Rebel Without a Cause!! Then Kibs banned me so I couldn't copy the rest. Then said I'm trying to come off as a punk just to piss off my parents. All-in-all one of the better chats. Anyway either way I'm stuck in a lose-lose situtation. Because I stay and just get more verbal rapings and let you guys engulf me in assumptions that really aren't true. Or I could leave and just give you guys that warm, fuzzy feeling that you were able to make me fuck off. Regardless I'm not in a huff to leave and I don't feel like just getting verbally raped by them "superiors." But, hey, whatever floats your guys' boat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fire and Knives Report post Posted July 24, 2004 It's okay, we got that last three minutes you missed. Cheers! (1:03am) (Luchawhore) I'm just posting this too *** Retrieving #SWF info... (1:03am) (Judge) OMG HIS STORY FITS TOGETHER SO WELL! (1:04am) (Luchawhore) no, Judge, because it's a lost cause (1:04am) (Topic) (The Collected Wit and Wisdom of the Storied Insane Luchador: (1:03am) (Luchawhore) lol) (Levy) (1:04am) (Action) * Judge high-fives GOds. (1:04am) (Judge) So you don't care?! (1:04am) (Luchawhore) I know I've been really annoying for the last, oh, four years and I understand that <Levy> Wait, that's a typo. (1:04am) (Judge) RIGHT?! (1:04am) (@Zed) It is. (1:04am) (Topic) (The Collected Wit and Wisdom of the Rebellious and Wicked Cool Insane Luchador: (1:03am) (Luchawhore) lol) (Levy) <Levy> That is better. (1:04am) (Luchawhore) so there's no argument (1:04am) (Luchawhore) indeed (1:04am) (Luchawhore) much better (1:04am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) But you forgot about the part about him not caring (1:05am) (Topic) (The Collected Wit and Wisdom of the Rebellious and Wicked Apathetic Cool Insane Luchawhore: (1:03am) (Luchawhore) lol) (Levy) (1:05am) (@Zed) It really is a lost cause, IL. No matter how much we try to simplify it, the best we can get is a minnow sized flip-flop. (1:05am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) It should be The Collected Wit and Wisdom of the Rebellious and Wicked Cool Insane Luchador Who Does Not Care (1:05am) (@Zed) We should stop. <Levy> I changed the name, too. <Levy> Because it needed to be changed. (1:05am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) That works too, K (1:06am) (Luchawhore) lol (1:06am) (GOdreaSANDWICH) It is a very awesome word sandwich <Levy> Because people who attach themselves to previously valid subcultures just so they can piss off their parents and have the identity they always secretly wanted but were too weak to go make for themselves are just that. <Levy> They're whores. <Levy> And they piss me the fuck off. (1:06am) (Ban) (Levy) (+b *!* (1:06am) (Kick) (#SWF) (Levy) (Kicked) (Luchawhore) (Fuck off, kid.) (1:06am) (@Zed) Snap. (1:06am) (@Zed) Excellent work, gentlemen. (1:06am) (@Zed) Promotions all around! <Levy> I hate kids. You're totally more mature than us for getting banned. I mean, leaving and not coming back. That's wicked cool. K. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ill One 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Thanks for snagging the last three minutes man. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Fire and Knives Report post Posted July 24, 2004 That's my boy. Walk it off. K. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Angel_Grace_Blue 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Okay, it was agreed by those remaining in chat that we deserve awards for our effort. The Music Man award for best use of amp goes to Judge Mental as well as the "More Mushrooms than Mario" award. The Higher Than Kibagami award goes to Zed. Kibagmi gets the "Not Caring", "Most Caustic", and "Biggest Asshole" IL gets the "No Clue", "Limpest Wrist", and "Black & Decker David Blazenwing Memorial Award" GOdrea gets "Most Sandwiches" The "Best Moral Support" goes to Thoth, Jake, and Manson, who said nothing the entire time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ill One 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Damn. Is the Blazenwing higher or lower than Clark for integrity (suckitude) during flames? Oh and in the most ironic twist of this all- I'm going to snatch a ride from my friend. So for the moment, later... sorry for being an obnixious fuck, I figured many (hell, countless) others were just as bad and stuck around. *Starwipe* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sly 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 I didn't get an award. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ill One 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 (edited) That's because you suck. But, yeah, I thought you'd appreciate the irony in me leaving soon. All the people who have an inkling they might be an obnixious fuck- just look at me. Bow out with your false sense of dignity. Edited July 24, 2004 by Thoth Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. S£im Citrus 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 After reading that whole thing, I have only three comments: 1- Zed is a drop-out? No offense, Zed, but I didn't think you were even old enough to drop out of something; I had you figured for not much older than Grappler. 2 - You kids spend entirely too much time in that fucking chatroom... and, 3 - HOORAY SANDWICHES~! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the.weej 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 WC... it's a long story. And this was only an hour's work. I think we need to prepare some kind of marathon tooling using alternating teams that lasts about six hours. -Z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. S£im Citrus 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 And that wouldn't start to get... you know... boring? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the.weej 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Well, maybe for the guy getting tooled... -Z Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Justice 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Hey, who bolded my one amp thing? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
muzz 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Rebel Scum. *goes back to watching Star Wars* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Above Average 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 A Chat Tooling Review by M. Francis Sorry fellas (and the wonderfully talented GOdrea), it was very funny, and the Sandwhich parallel had me chuckling, but I just wasn't digging the message of this one. The kid may have a problem admitting things, but hell, everyone does. You're pissed at him and his teeny-smoker-skater-looking-for-approval thing. I completely get that, but you made your point halfway through (three quarters at the longest). He's not dumb -- at least I don't think he is. When you made your point, you should've just ended it, cause he looks up to ya'll and chopping him down won't get him to see his faults, however amusing it was. The repeated 'I don't cares' and reverse psych had me literally laughing out loud (lol!) <---- I made a funny! Kayne puts it well when he says "we're all self-conscious -- I'm just the first to admit it." Kibs, you obviously have more life experience (age wise that is, as GOdrea has it over you in spades in other areas) than most of the people involved in the tooling, so, while it must be VERY annoying to see the kid act that way -- you should also be able to understand that it's what they do. Hell, I still do it (well not lately since I haven't been in chat) and I've got more experience than IL, Judge, Zed, or Austin more than likely, from what I know about them. It just irks you all that he wants to be 'down' when you see it as dumb kid shit. Being superior can't change him being young. Only getting older. It's a circle, cause while you may be right, he not going to let it end or learn, so you just have to deal or kick him . Just thought I'd give some perspective on the tooling, cause it came off as a school yard fight more than proving a point. A few exciting spots and I totally bought the nearfalls (IL poetry/drop out pot shots and Judge's amp), including Zed's false finish (paraphrased: Normally if you don't care you WON'T REPEAT IT!) I'd like to second WC's wouldn't it get boring, cause it did for me during the restholds, since they didn't go anywhere and just added to the chat length. Rating: ***1/2 bumped up to **** cause I loved the finish~! Comparable to the tooling of Johnny, but since I haven't seen this Rando tooling I can't give my opinion on where it is all time. I need to start coming to chat again, just so I can be around for some of this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ill One 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 Go on, read it. This isn't a defense, it's an apology with an explanation so you guys can understand what I fell flat on my face trying to explain. Well it didn't get boring for me because since they're, in a somewhat harsh fashion, tooling me about my problems. So I found it to be more constructive than, as Kibs put it, "quivering lip" laced with apologies. I don't blame them. Kibs has to put up with the fact that he gets stereotyped because of dumbshits (though him accusing me of trying to identify myself only as a punk to piss off my parents and get their approval is pretty fucking absurd) like me. That's cool. Hell, Zed's mature for his age and (this isn't intended to be a cheap shot) dumb teens ended up making him being an adopted child. Plus just the annoyance that oozes out of me just happens to affect anybody in a universal radius. Basically the thing is I like this place, I like the people, and when I do get around to writing... I love the writing. I'm not going to let something that could be presented to me as a problem by my friends ('cept I doubt they'd be so sinister about it) get me into a foul mood. A problem's a problem and whether they intended me to go running, crying, and shitting my pants in fear of Kibs' great wrath... well, it just got the point across. Since it's a legitimate point it's immature and stupid to get all huffy over it. I'll be toning it down in terms of any sort of talking in the federation and let Kibs' final banning from chat be the last. But I'm still going to stick around, intend to write, and post occasionally. Besides I'm a "true plague" damn it, us fuckers stick to you! I don't crave anybody's approval. No, this isn't an "ode to punk" but approval never hurts. But if I don't and get verbally raped, big deal, this is only a hobby of mine anyway. If my friends were to turn on me like this, than yes, it'd be a big problem. I don't intend to scream "STONER TOUGH ROUGH MACHO KIDNEY-KICK-YOU-IF-YOU-SHOULDER-BRUSH-AGAINST-MY-GIRLFRIEND" or "GGGGRRRRR! ALL AUTHORITY DIE BECAUSE ANTI-FLAG SAID SO AND NOW I'M LISTENING TO MISFITS BECAUSE OMG KIBS IZ COOL AND I SAW IT ON HIS AMP!" Ahem, I don't put up that false act so people I've never ever met could be like, "Whoa, this guy's cool... this guy is punk, damn it!" It just comes across that way because I'm obnixiously loud and opinionated. I'm not going to change that just because you guys all assume that five minutes before I sit down on the computer then churn out a story of pseudo-hardcoreness goodness. I don't sit down with pencil and paper writing down every amp song that might impress you guys next because the band's "underground." I may ask for suggestions because I respect your guys' opinions on music but that's not nearly the same. I don't come stumbling in wasted just to think, "Jesus, I can impress the chatroom!" It doesn't work that way. Whether you'll be stubborn and not listen, or worse, come back with some huge rebuttal when really this is an apology with an explanation and not an argument... so there's no reason to tear it to shreds. If it makes you feel more in power and more superior, whatever, that's pretty pathetic you feed off my flaws just to feed your ego. Because since I recongize the problem there's nothing left for you guys to do but stroke your egos if you continue the bashing. Guys. We are who we are. This is everything aside except for my foundations that who you are is who you are. It annoys me when I see a friend head banging to Sex Pistols just because I had them on and he's just tolerating it but praises them. I can see why it annoys you when I always try to scream across the fact that I smoke, drink, fight, and overall just a dumbshit teenager. Hey, that's my life. Now yes thinking about it sober or not it's extremely annoying to go on and on about it. But, fuck, I was being naive and wasn't thinking. Never assumed you'd all be interested but also when I'm desperate to make conversation and I had a story about my day and share it... apparently not a smart idea. If I may quote Planes, Trains, and Automobiles- Neal Page- You know everything is not an anecdote. You have to discriminate. You choose things that are funny or mildly amusing or interesting. You're a miracle! Your stories have NONE of that. They're not even amusing ACCIDENTALLY! "Honey, I'd like you to meet Del Griffith, he's got some amusing anecodotes for you. Oh and here's a gun so you can blow your brains out. You'll thank me for it." I could tolerate any insurance seminar. For days I could sit there and listen to them go on and on with a big smile on my face. They'd say, "How can you stand it?" I'd say, "'Cause I've been with Del Griffith. I can take ANYTHING." You know what they'd say? They'd say, "I know what you mean. The shower curtain ring guy. Woah." It's like going on a date with a Chatty Cathy doll. I expect you have a little string on your chest, you know, that I pull out and have to snap back. Except I wouldn't pull it out and snap it back - you would. Agh! Agh! Agh! Agh! And by the way, you know, when you're telling these little stories? Here's a good idea - have a POINT. It makes it SO much more interesting for the listener! Now, if you would, SWF- You know everything is not an anecdote. You have to discriminate. You choose things that are funny or mildly amusing or interesting. You're a miracle! Your stories have NONE of that. They're not even amusing ACCIDENTALLY! "Honey, I'd like you to meet Andrew McGowan, he's got some amusing anecdote for you that'll he repeat and repeat and repeat. Oh and here's a gun so you can blow your brains out before you have to admit to him he's just a stupid fuck. You'll thank me for it." I could tolerate any Ketchum match. For days I could sit there and read him go on and on with a big smile on my face. They'd say, "How can you stand it?" I'd say, "'Cause I've been with Andrew McGowan. I can take ANYTHING." You know what they'd say? They'd say, "I know what you mean. The obnixious insecure wanna-be punker. Woah." It's like going on a date with a Chatty Cathy doll. I expect you have a little string on your chest, you know, that I pull out and have to snap back. Except I wouldn't pull it out and snap it back - you would. Pot! Pot! Pot! Pot! Pot! And by the way, you know, when you're telling these little stories? Here's a good idea - have a POINT. It makes it SO much more interesting for the listener! That does, eerily accurate, when edited perfect what seemed to happen last night. That's good, that's cool, because at least you were just confrontating instead of smiling and nodding. But I digress. What I'm saying is I don't try to be intentionally this annoying or repetitive or whatever else would fit here. I don't try to be Mr. Rebel Without A Cause just to come off as a subcultural, rebellious punk. That I hate my parents and I hate school and boo authority! No, I'm a grateful kid really. I adore my parents, school can suck but every teenager thinks that, and since I'm not an inspiring anarchist (matter of fact I despise the idea of anarchy)- authority is a mandatory in life. Human nature. I don't need to blast Against All Authority of Black Flag to convince myself and make you think I'm legit and think otherwise. I am a teenager. An obnixious, self-centered, loud, opinionated, and everything else teenagers who aren't insanely mature for their age are. I enjoy my life style, I'm loving my life, I don't feel the need to justify myself by sharing stories with you guys. Now whether this was an attempt to drive me away for good or just get a point across- it doesn't matter. Because the bottom line is, despite my tirade last night, I do care about if I annoyed you guys. But I don't care if you guys present your concerns (well, flames in this case) to me because all had at bare minimum a shred of legitimitacy. So I'm sorry for being a dumbfuck but I'll tone my active percipitation in chat and AIM so the nuisance I am is at a lower level. Like I said earlier, I'll still post and intend to write because I'm not upset (not apathetic either) and I like this federation all aspects of it considered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thoth 0 Report post Posted July 24, 2004 A bunch of rambling dumb shit If you cross out all the double talk, IL is actually saying nothing at all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr. S£im Citrus 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 This is the part of your soliloquy that keeps tripping me up: ... But I digress. What I'm saying is I don't try to be intentionally this annoying or repetitive or whatever else would fit here. I don't try to be Mr. Rebel Without A Cause just to come off as a subcultural, rebellious punk... If you don't do it intentionally, then what exactly do you do it for? ... I don't feel the need to justify myself by sharing stories with you guys... Perhaps not "justify," but you certainly seem to be looking for an affirmation of some kind; I haven't been to chat in a long time, but you've been posting many of the same type of things on the boards in recent weeks as what I read in that transcript. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ace309 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 Now whether this was an attempt to drive me away for good or just get a point across- it doesn't matter. Point across, same as when I made a scene in a card thread about how weed rage is not a valid excuse for being an asshole. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Ill One 0 Report post Posted July 25, 2004 Well the point was driven home and I understand, plus will act accordingly. But man, if I wrote that much in my matches as I did in that last post of mine, I'd be golden. I "Hey I'm ripping off Thugg and have been born-again" L Share this post Link to post Share on other sites