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Guest CronoT

The OAO RAW Thread for 8/2/04

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Guest CronoT


Aug. 2, 2004

For months, Triple H tried to bring the World Heavyweight Championship back to Evolution. Last week, it seemed as though the prestigious title was just minutes from coming back to the faction. Enter Eugene. The special Superstar spoiled Triple H's plans of becoming World Heavyweight Champion by interfering at the end of the epic 60-minute Iron Man Match. Undoubtedly, The Game will be looking for Eugene this week on Monday Night RAW.


While Triple H may have been unsuccessful in bring the gold back to Evolution, it appears as though somebody else will be picking up where he left off. Last week, Randy Orton won a grueling Battle Royal to earn the right to face the World Heavyweight Champion at SummerSlam. With just weeks before the August pay-per-view, will Evolution and Orton have something planned to ensure the title comes to them this time? Tune in to Monday Night RAW this week at 9/8 CT on Spike TV.


What do you think will happen? Will Triple H get his hands on Eugene, or will Eugene get to him first? It's anyone's guess what will happen.

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I would love to see Eugene play a "Bang 3:16" Austin role, spending his night always right over HHH's shoulder, messing with him...putting HHH in the "cerebral crosshairs". Every time Evolution tries to outsmart him, Eugene slips through...possibly showing that there is something else hidden behind the goofy smile of the "Special Superstar"

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I predict Eugene gets the ever loving shit kicked out of him...again.

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Guest CronoT
Chris Benoit's name wasn't mentioned once....

...and that surprises you? Benoit gets no real respect from the company. The view that most veteran smarks are taking is that Benoit is just keeping the title warm for Triple H.


But, if instead, orton wins the title, I don't think I'll know quite what to think. I will either be pissed that Orton got a title run, even if it turns out to be a short one, or will be relieved that at least it's not Triple H, or maybe even a little of both.

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What I want:


Eugene, Regal, & Benoit Vs. Triple H, Randy Orton, & Kane




Jericho Vs. Batista #1 Contender's Match



In the main event...after a big battle...Triple H uses a chair on Benoit, and then delivers THE PEDIGREE to the champion. Eugene gets the chair and takes out Triple H. Orton sneaks in and STEALS THE PIN ON BENOIT.


In the other match, have it go to a no-contest when Flair interferes. Edge comes down for the save, but he and Jericho get into a shoving match "I Don't Need Your Help!" etc.


Throw in some tag title stuff.

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Wow for being "Benoit marks" you people sure know NOTHING about Chris Benoit.


"Boo hoo, Benoit isn't paraded around on Vince's shoulders!"

"Wahhhh, he isn't mentioned in the Raw preview, OMGNO!"

"WWE doesn't respect Benoit."


Benoit's gimmick is that he is a wrestler. He doesn't need 15 minute promos to start the show. He doesn't need hype. Benoit's job is to TO DEFEND THE WORLD TITLE.


He's main evented WM XX and made HHH tap.

He made Michaels tap in a three-way.

He pinned Kane.

He made Kane submit.

He pinned Michaels.

He made Batista submit.

He made Orton submit.

He made Flair submit.

He pinned Triple H.

He's been given the tag titles.

He defeated Triple H in an IRON MAN MATCH.

He's main eventing SUMMERSLAM.

He has been given a hyped, awesome DVD.


God, what AWFUL TREATMENT!!!!!!!! The WWE hates him!!


Who the hell reads the RAW recaps anyway? God, it's like having a MODEL for a girlfriend and complaining because she has braces. Benoit's been given a solid push.

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Guest GreatOne

How is Benoit keeping the belt warm for HHH when he's jobbing to Orton anyway? That's like saying Bret Hart was keeping the belt warm for Kevin Nash (between SS and Mania 12)


Besides the man had three shots to get the belt back and failed in each, not exactly my idea of "keeping it warm"

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Guest wildpegasus

I was flicking channels tonight and caught the last 30 seconds of heat. What was their line to keep people tuned into the show? Junk about HHH. It's just "little" things like that over and over again which clearly point to Raw being nothing but the HHH show.


And yes, Benoit's keeping the belt warm for HHH. He's just passing it off to Orton who in turn is passing it on to HHH.

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Guest Ray
How is Benoit keeping the belt warm for HHH when he's jobbing to Orton anyway? That's like saying Bret Hart was keeping the belt warm for Kevin Nash (between SS and Mania 12)

Nash wasn't getting the belt back though. ;)



Orton beats Benoit at Summerslam, HHH beats Orton at Wrestlemania in the main event. I think it's very likely.


I don't want to see Benoit's title reign end, but I do want to see Orton vs Benoit, and an Orton vs Evolution storyline (with rampant jealousy~!) could be quite interesting. Have HHH get angry at Orton for winning the title (and not giving him a shot), have HHH kick Orton out of Evolution, turning Orton face. Etc...

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Guest GreatOne

OK are we gonna hear the same complaints on this board for Orton about 'The HHH show?'


Besides 'keeping the belt warm for somebody' usually implies that said 'real champ' wins the belt back his first time out, not four or five times (at least) down the road).


Jericho would be an example of 'keeping the belt warm' for HHH, not Benoit.

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I don't want to see Benoit's title reign end, but I do want to see Orton vs Benoit, and an Orton vs Evolution storyline (with rampant jealousy~!) could be quite interesting.


Here here. After seeing Orton / Benoit a few nights ago, let the build-up begin I say!


Have HHH get angry at Orton for winning the title (and not giving him a shot), have HHH kick Orton out of Evolution, turning Orton face. Etc...


I wouldn't be surprised if that actually happened.

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God, what AWFUL TREATMENT!!!!!!!! The WWE hates him!!


Who the hell reads the RAW recaps anyway? God, it's like having a MODEL for a girlfriend and complaining because she has braces. Benoit's been given a solid push.

Fake blonds are soooooo overrated.

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Guest Trivia247

isn't it sad that the long awaited Smark dreamed of Chris Benoit world championship is only because of his eventual loss to Orton to set up a LONG orton reign that bubbles over with Orton vs HHH at the next WM


first the Kliq


now its KLIQ Version 2k4

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Guest Ray
So Orton is going to keep the title from Summerslam to Wrestlemania?



That's a long way to go.

Maybe Orton will take Benoit to the limit at Summerslam but lose, then win a rematch at the next PPV?


Title reigns go longer these days, so it's not impossible. Especially if they're determined to make Orton a star.

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If they MUST give the belt to Orton, why not hold it off until the Rumble? Or at least Survivor Series. I mean a world class wrestler losing to Orton the green rookie, their first match against each other is going to look bad for Benoit. They should play off the fact in the psycology of the match that Orton doesn't "belong" there yet, and have Benoit kind of toy with him, and have Orton put up an effort but lose, and then have the feud continue. However a ONE & DONE situation, will be HORRIBLE for Benoit's near future.

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No, it's certainly not going to be one and done. They've got 5 months of main events without HHH (supposedly), and they're gonna have a hard enough time filling the slots. If Orton wins the title, he and Benoit will wrestle at least two PPVs together.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
If they MUST give the belt to Orton, why not hold it off until the Rumble? Or at least Survivor Series. I mean a world class wrestler losing to Orton the green rookie, their first match against each other is going to look bad for Benoit. They should play off the fact in the psycology of the match that Orton doesn't "belong" there yet, and have Benoit kind of toy with him, and have Orton put up an effort but lose, and then have the feud continue. However a ONE & DONE situation, will be HORRIBLE for Benoit's near future.

You know why they won't hold it off until Rumble? Because then Orton's reign wouldn't be as strong then going into Wrestlemania to have Trips win it again. This way it makes the title seem more important and Orton will look more like a legit guy since he will hold the belt for a longer time period. I won't deny that this could be horrible for Benoit, but I would imagine they would wanna keep Benoit as strong as possible(with him losing the title) so that he can be another guy to fight Orton and because Benoit is so good.....will then make the champ look unreal for a rematch. They most likely will play the storyline that Orton is really been building up steam for sometime now(actually since he lost the IC to Edge) and that even though he isn't in Benoit's league......he will still come up huge and win the title. Then they will run the angle as if Orton "might" actually be good enough to hold the title. Then finally they will push him to the moon until he drops the title to Trips(probably at Wrestlemania......at least that seems to be the plan.).

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-The diva search gets booed out of the building...again

-Triple H/Eugene closes the show

-Benoit/Orton gets the top of the 2nd hour

-There will be 4 matches, all of which go 5 minutes or less, except for the main event, which will go 10 minutes.

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As far as the Orton title win goes, I'd do something to the effect of Orton losing at SumSlam, but he keeps getting title shots, and comes very close to beating Benoit several times. Meanwhile, Triple H struggles, and starts falling behind Orton.


Hunter finally gets his shot again during the fall, but Orton involves himself again somehow. This leads to some kind of a multi-man match (Elimination Chamber at SurSer, maybe), where Orton beats Triple H to eliminate him, and goes on to finally win the title from Benoit during the same match.


Orton gets sick of Hunter's shit about being THE GAME~!, since he's the champion, the guy who's supposed to be on top, and either leaves Evolution, or kicks Trips out. Preferably he leaves, so it doesn't reek of The Rock, and you can still have Evolution kept intact as a strong heel force, as long as they haven't gotten too stale.

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What are the oddds that the first segment is a boring HHHuh monologue? :(

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Guest Loss

Benoit v Orton should have been the centerpiece of this preview. Don't say it's not important because no one reads it -- that's a self-fulfilling prophecy. And if it's not important, it shouldn't be hard to focus on Benoit in the preview, should it?

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Guest JoeyStyles

Wow it sounds like RAW is going to be full of HHH segments, WWE hasn't done that in a while. :rolleyes:

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