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Paul E On Live Wire

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Haha, I love how Michael hays turns his head to Vince in shock. Man, thats funny.


I think its a work because if it was a shoot they wouldnt have put it on TV. That is unless the show was live. I'm probably wrong though.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Vince's nervous "eyes around the room" look when he recognizes Paul's voice is gold.

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Vince's nervous "eyes around the room" look when he recognizes Paul's voice is gold.

As is Russo's moping around.

Yeah I noticed him too, he is there basically for no other reason then to mug for the camera. It is quite hilarious how he keeps walking back and forth to try and stay in the camera shot....lol.

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Guest netslob
"hey SHUT UP!!!!!!"


I think Paul E. just killed any "invasion" right there.

i loved the look on McMahon's face, he looked genuinely pissed of, which is why i thought this was a shoot.

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Incidents like this made me want to watch more of Livewire (which was a meh show that I checked occasionally out of boredom), but it seemed to go downhill to the point where they ditched the interactive concept that was the reason Livewire was made in the first plase and it became Just-Another-Highlight-Show

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Considering Cornettes promotion went belly up and while it was running was not exactly filling stadiums I find Cornette to be bitter. Guess what, ECW had more of an impact and more fans than Smokey Mountain you stupid tennis racquet fuck. Go pleasure yourself with a banana, again.

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That was pretty cool. You knew Corny couldn't wait to get into the shot and toss in his thoughts.


Livewire was cool when it was a call in show.


I remember they had Diesel or Michaels on the show and the first question started with "they told me I couldn't ask this, but I'm going to anyway." then he asked a "Clique" question and he answered it, and it was a little more insiderish then Vince would have liked.


It seems like Nash, but I don't remember when the show debuted.


I stopped watching after it became another recap show.


But my favorite Livewire moment is still.


CALLER: "First off I'd like to wish Sunny a happy birthday."


SUNNY: "Aww, thank you--"


BACKLUND: "That's enough of you!"


then he hangs up on the guy, classic stuff.

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Guest netslob
Considering Cornettes promotion went belly up  and while it was running was not exactly filling stadiums I find Cornette to be bitter.  Guess what, ECW had more of an impact and more fans than Smokey Mountain you stupid tennis racquet fuck.  Go pleasure yourself with a banana, again.

i agree with almost everything you said, despite being a fan of Cornette's. it's a known fact that he and Heyman HATE each other, so his comments are hardly a surprise. but at least Heyman never had two black guys try to incite riots in the South with card-carrying KKK members in the audience.

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I remember catching I remember catching Livewire a few times towards the end and it was hosted by a then new and very green Jonthan COachman, and Shane Mcmahons WIfe. It was easily the worst wrestling show ever produced. Neither Coach nor Shanes Wife had any kowlege of wrestling whatsoever. You could tell they were just reading scripted lines striaght off a teleprompter and they fake emotion in their voices made it totally unbearable.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

I vividly remember Rocky Miavia on the show, & every call he took ended or began with them saying "I really don't like you...but i respect you."

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