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Smackdwon Spoilers for 8/03

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This is for whenever the spoilers come in. Speaking of which, where are they taping tonight anyway?


edit: Real smart there Borne. You got the name and the date wrong. What a way to impress.

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Note On WWE Smackdown Taping Tonight


Note on one item to expect...


- The plan right now is to make the Summerslam Booker T vs. John Cena US Title match tonight at the Smackdown taping.


Credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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Maybe they'll change it to a three way, since RVD was the last one eliminated, not Cena. Yeah, I know that Raw already has a three way for thier secondary belt, but at WM XX, there were two 4 way elimination tag matches, so I wouldn't rule it out.

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Guest thatdude21601
Dark Match


Funaki vs Carly Colon: Colon got some decent heel heat in this match even though no one knew who he was. He came off as the arrogant, thingy heel and had a big ‘fro. Back and forth action throughout ending with Colon trying to hold the ropes for the pin but the ref sees it and Funaki counters with a rollup for the win.


Velocity Matches


Shannon Moore vs Kenzo Suzuki: I haven’t seen Moore in awhile so I just noticed he had cut his hair short. Another promo at the beginning how the fans didn’t like Kenzo at first but now they do and that he likes USA. Shannon gets in some pretty good offense here but is taken down by the claw-to-the-head slam(?) by Suzuki for the 3.


FBI promo with Nunzio asking Stamboli if he has a passport for Summer Slam. The Bull says he doesn’t need one since its in Toledo. Nunzio corrects him telling him its in Toronto. Stamboli says he’ll smuggle a passport.


FBI (Nunzio and Johnny the Bull) vs Jamie Noble and Chavo Guerrero: Pretty decent match here. Lots of EDDIE chants when Chavo was in the ring which he played off well. The ending saw The Bull doing a knee-back breaker on Noble with Nunzio hitting a leg drop from the top rope for the win.


Billy Gunn vs Booker T (Non-title match): Booker got one of the biggest pops of the night. I’m sure they put him on Velocity due to expecting this. Pretty decent match with tons of Booker chants throughout. Booker T does the Spinaroonie and hits the scissors kick for the win.


Smackdown Matches


Teddy Long says the first match will be a #1 contender match for the US Title. Out first comes John Cena. The Toyota Center is going mad as Cena comes out with a vintage Nolan Ryan Astors jersey. His opponent is RVD.


John Cena vs Rob Van Dam: Tons of Cena chants during this match and not too many RVD chants. Cena suplexes RVD over the top rope. Later on Cena goes for a FU that RVD counters and then goes to the top rope and hits a nice leg drop for a 2. RVD gets Cena on the top rope for a Superplex and nails it but Cena reverses the pinfall with an inside cradle for the 1-2-3. It is announced that Cena will face Booker T at Summer Slam in a Best of 5 Series match to decide the US Championship.


Eddie promo: This was just too fun. Eddie comes out in a nice yellow, low-rider but he doesn’t come alone. He has Torrie Wilson, Dawn Marie and Sable in the car with him. Eddie says he needed some help selling Angle’s stuff so he solicited the help of the lovely Divas. At one point Eddie gets in the wheelchair and says that his cousin Chuy was supposed to put the hydraulics in but he tells Dawn Marie to sit in his lap and he’ll show her some hydraulics. Eddie is the man and the fans are totally loving this so far. He gets the Divas to autograph a few more of the merchandise and they go on their way. Next, Eddie tells us that he has a Summer Slam commercial of his own. It is a 100 meter race and Eddie is in the blocks with the rest of the runners. The gun sounds and Eddie just stands up while the other runners aren’t moving. It shows the runners have their shoes tied to the start blocks and Eddie begins to run unchallenged to the end with a little showboating on the way. This was so funny!


Rene Dupree vs Orlando Jordan: This was a really quick match. Dupree throws Jordan to the outside and does his French Tickler. While he does it Jordan gets on the top rope and hits a body press for the 1-2-3. Afterwards Dupree flicks off the fans.


JBL promo: JBL says he’s not afraid of the Undertaker and that he will infact call him out tonight.


Kurt Angle (with Luther Reigns) vs Charlie Haas (with Jackie Gayda): This was a great match with a lot of back and forth action and near falls. At one point Haas was a fraction away from getting a 3-count. At the end Angle hits the Angle Slam and clutches in the Ankle Lock for the submission victory. Minimal interference by Luther during the match, mainly just taunted Jackie a couple of times.


Paul London and Billy Kidman vs The Basham Brothers (WWE Tag Team Title Match): A certain Wrestling Babe’s dreams have come true. Paul London has new tights! He and Billy had matching white tight shorts with flames on them. Definitely an upgrade for London. Back and forth match with an awesome ending by Mr. London. Paul goes to the top rope and does a double-flip and lands on one of the Bashams for the pin. This move was incredible!


Rey Mysterio and Spike Dudley vs Bubba Ray and Dvon Dudley: Spike sells a injured knee he got at the beginning of the match and doesn’t really see any action after that. Rey is left to fight off both Dudleys. He does a pretty good job but gets caught in a 3D and as Spike is crawling to stop the pin its too late. After the match, Spike goes up to Rey to console him and then gives him a big kick in the junk. Bubba and Dvon get a table from under the ring and place Mysterio on it with the Cruiserweight belt on top of his stomach. Spike goes to the top rope and does a jump stomp on Mysterio that breaks the table. After the Dudley celebrate and leave Rey won’t let the refs help at first but eventually does as EMS comes to the ring.


JBL/Taker Promo: JBL comes out and doesn’t shake any hands or kiss any babies. Some dude had a plastic baby with a sign but I couldn’t see what the sign said. Sure it was something funny. JBL says he was looking forward to coming home to Texas but has a poor reception in Houston and says that he’s glad he’s in New York now. Then he calls out the Taker and the gong sounds and out comes . . . MINI TAKER. A little midget dressed as the Undertaker comes out with all the garb and does the Undertaker walk down to the ring. JBL tells a bunch of corny short jokes to MINI TAKER and then goes to give him a Tombstone as the Undertaker’s music hits. JBL looks for Taker coming from the ramp entrance but turns around to see him right behind him. JBL tells Undertaker he needs to get going and then tries to Brawl with him. Just as Taker is about to put JBL down Orlando Jordan comes out and saves JBL. Undertaker kneels down as the lights dim and then MINI TAKER does the same thing. This didn’t sit well with Taker so he gave his little impersonator a big Choke Slam as the show goes off air.


Credit: Ghetto Blaster from Wrestleview.


Angle vs Haas?

Evil Spike?

London not jobbing

Midgets and other whacky hijinx :huh:


Sounds nice, for the most part.

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Guest Deviant

Kenzo on Velocity = Great news.


It is announced that Cena will face Booker T at Summer Slam in a Best of 5 Series match to decide the US Championship.


The hell? Does this mean a 3/5 falls match on PPV? I could understand that sort of time-filler on a solo-PPV, but they have plenty of stuff to put on SummerSlam. I'm looking forward to the match though, if Cena can vary his offense enough.


Eddie says he needed some help selling Angle’s stuff so he solicited the help of the lovely Divas.


The joke writes itself here...


Rene Dupree vs Orlando Jordan


Uh, why exactly? What purpose does this serve?


If they give Angle/Haas time, it would be excellent. But I doubt it will go through a commercial break...


London gets a clean, non-fluke roll up win! Awesome.


Spike heel turn, predictable, but interesting. I wonder how he'll pull it off...


Chokeslam to a midget = Awesome, even if it is another midget segment on WWE TV.

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Guest ian.
Orlando Jordan comes out and saves JBL.


someone must have been late to the booking meeting ;)


I'm so sorry.


Anyways, look like a halfway decent show. I'll watch it for the spike turn.

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Guest TigerDriver91

Spike Dudley managed to actually break a table? He weighs 50 fucking pounds...

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Ah, so that's how they kept RVD off Summerslam. Fair enough.


Orlando Jordan? Twice on SD in one night? Is a heel? Alright, sure.


Spike as a heel? Oh man, that's just...strange. I guess he'll be like Nunzio: has a big mouth, then get the bigger guys to protect him.


For the #1 contender tag team match, was it for a shot at Summerslam, or next week?

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It is announced that Cena will face Booker T at Summer Slam in a Best of 5 Series match to decide the US Championship.


Maybe there will be lots of 2 minute matches pasted together like the Cruiserweight Open.

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Guest Anglesault

So now the top two (Three if you count Cena's feud) feuds on the show are all about BRIGNING TEH FUNNY!


This can't possibly be real.

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So now the top two (Three if you count Cena's feud) feuds on the show are all about BRIGNING TEH FUNNY!


This can't possibly be real.

Angle wasn't involved in comedy this week though. He had a (apparent) good match with Haas. Isn't that one of the reasons Angle doesn't like Eddie? Because he has fun when he should be serious? I don't see a problem if only one is doing comedy (which makes sense, since Eddie's character is fun).


I don't see a point of comedy in the main event, but it's a joke feud anyways! HA! Oh, CC made a funny!


I'm done. Really, I am.


These have gotta be fake. They're in Houston and Booker doesn't job.


Being on Velocity, I would think, is the equivilent.

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Guest Anglesault
So now the top two (Three if you count Cena's feud) feuds on the show are all about BRIGNING TEH FUNNY!


This can't possibly be real.

Angle wasn't involved in comedy this week though. He had a (apparent) good match with Haas. Isn't that one of the reasons Angle doesn't like Eddie? Because he has fun when he should be serious? I don't see a problem if only one is doing comedy (which makes sense, since Eddie's character is fun).


Eddie is supposed to be incensed or furious or angry or hell, even mildly bothered by what Kurt did to him. Even the Summerslam site says (or said)


Have you seen anything to even suggest that Eddie is kind of irked?


And I don't think having fun was ever really a problem with Kurt. It was the low morals and past demons.

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Alright, JBL is going to go all Ted DiBiase with Orlando as Virgil.

Least it gives the Billy Blanks lookalike something to do to pass the time.


Now all JBL needs is an IRS and he's set.

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So not only does Eddy bring us "comedy" with the Whore Brigade, but they're building up the WWE Title Match with a FREAKING MIDGET?!?!


AND Orlando Jordan. Don't forget the great drawing power that Orlando Jordan brings!

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Guest Anglesault
So not only does Eddy bring us "comedy" with the Whore Brigade, but they're building up the WWE Title Match with a FREAKING MIDGET?!?!


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Bradshaw and Taker having comedy tendancies is fine by me. JBL's a comedy character and it's not like there's a reason for the feud to be serious. The midget stuff has been done to death and Orlando Jordan with JBL gives him something to do but does little else for anybody. But, it's Bradshaw/Taker. Outside of JBL's heel work I could really give a shit.


Cena/Booker might as well be comedic too as that's how it's been built already.


The Eddie/Angle feud might as well end now though. Seriously, I'm getting sick of Eddie now. I'm more likely to watch the JBL segment than I am the Eddie segment, which says a lot for how much they've screwed up Eddie's character. At least Angle is getting to be semi-serious.



Oh well. Besides the Eddie crap, SD actually looks watchable.

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And I don't think having fun was ever really a problem with Kurt. It was the low morals and past demons.


Low morals are fun though. All of Eddie's fun is derived from his lack of morality.


I do agree however that Eddie needed to start off this program more intense after Angle cost him the title. Do the comedy this week, last week should have had more fire.

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Orlando Jordan is the new Virgil, eh?


Frankly, I can't think of any better use for him.


I'll give the WWE credit, both Velocity & Smackdown look watchable this week.

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