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Star Ocean 3

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Xenogears wasn't a completed game. That's why it is incredibly poorly made. The second disc is actually just a cop out from lack of time.

Yeah, that's my largest beef with the game. I felt cheated when I finished disc 2 (maybe 10-20 hours) when it took about 60 hours and was jam packed with gameplay on the first disc.


Xenogears should have easily been a 3 or 4 disc game.

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Do I have to list 10-12 RPGs better than Xenogears, or will 7 or so suffice? :P I'm sure there are more that I just haven't played.


What's brilliant about it? 


It's epic.


Every town has a personality. Some RPGs made me nostalgic for them a while after finishing them, I could become nostalgic for earlier parts of Xenogears while still playing it.


The storyline is original, and the writing is engrossing. Not a single character is boring.


There is not an RPG in existence with a better relationship between its main characters. Fei, Elly, and Citan are intelligent and I enjoyed watching them.


It has a sense of humor. The game can be deathly serious, at times disturbingly so. But there's still something to relieve the tension.


The directing is superb. I was never bored with the long scenes. Like most RPGs, it starts out with a rather small, concentrated problem, then evolves into a large disturbance that affects the whole world. But the manner in which this was done sets a new standard for all other RPGs.


The battles are appealing. Gear battles, just decent, but all the boss battles are great.


There are beautiful images in the game, such as at the Cathedral, without using state of the art technology and graphics.


And it has what is definitely a candidate for greatest soundtrack in the history of game music. Every piece of music is perfect. It's a long game, and only two discs' worth of music, but none of it feels overused.


Xenogears wasn't a completed game. That's why it is incredibly poorly made. The second disc is actually just a cop out from lack of time.


Half a Xenogears is better than a full....most other RPGs. Dungeons and scenes were condensed and explained by the characters. When I first played it, I didn't bother looking at this as a good or bad thing, I was still so involved in it. It could be construed as negative, because it makes the game progress more quickly, and the worst part of Xenogears is when it ends.


Also, no--if you'd make a Super Famicom list, you could throw those on there...otherwise you're cheating.


If Flik said that in his original post, he would have come to his senses and edited it out. Besides, I played them on my SNES, anyway.

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QUOTE (Lightning Flik @ Aug 6 2004, 02:43 AM)

Xenogears wasn't a completed game. That's why it is incredibly poorly made. The second disc is actually just a cop out from lack of time. 


So, if they'd have had the time, money, etc....it would have been more like Xenosaga? ;)


Perhaps Monolith should be limited even more with time and money.


Glad SO3 posted his reasons, though. Even if I disagree with more than half of them.


"The storyline is original, and the writing is engrossing. Not a single character is boring."


Storyline isn't really original, since it uses much of the same sources for inspiration as was used with Evangelion.


"There is not an RPG in existence with a better relationship between its main characters. Fei, Elly, and Citan are intelligent and I enjoyed watching them."


Don't really know or care if this is true.


"It has a sense of humor. The game can be deathly serious, at times disturbingly so. But there's still something to relieve the tension."


Like Furby crucifixions? I don't recall anything else exhibiting a sense of humor in that game, although I admit it's been, like, forever.


"The directing is superb. I was never bored with the long scenes."


I really was; difference of opinion there.


"Like most RPGs, it starts out with a rather small, concentrated problem, then evolves into a large disturbance that affects the whole world. But the manner in which this was done sets a new standard for all other RPGs."


Didn't really jump out at me as "setting a new standard" or "brilliant," so what can I say?


"The battles are appealing. Gear battles, just decent, but all the boss battles are great."


I inherently hate most turn-based systems, and the ugly, blocky, pixelly graphics, gimmicky combo battle system, cluttered perspective for the Gear battles, and nearly all of them being laughably easy and lacking in variety didn't win me over.


Plus the dungeons all sucked, IMO, with boring designs and terrible controls for the "platforming" sections.


"There are beautiful images in the game, such as at the Cathedral, without using state of the art technology and graphics."


Sure, why not?


"And it has what is definitely a candidate for greatest soundtrack in the history of game music. Every piece of music is perfect. It's a long game, and only two discs' worth of music, but none of it feels overused."


Difference of opinion. Don't remember any of it, either.

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Top 10 SNES RPGs

1) Lufia 2: The Rise of The Sinistrals

2) Chrono Trigger

3) Secret of Mana

4) The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

5) Final Fantasy 4 (U.S. 2)

6) Breath of Fire

7) Final Fantasy 6

8) Breath of Fire 2

9) Earthbound

10) Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

*BUZZ* Try Again..


No way Earthbound is #9.


And I also call foul for not having the original Super Mario RPG somewhere on that list.


I cant really post a favorite RPG list for any console since I generally don't like RPGs, but Earthbound and Mario RPG were a couple of my favorite games on the SNES.

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Oh, you are going to hate me for all the quoting I'm about to do.


Also, no--if you'd make a Super Famicom list, you could throw those on there...otherwise you're cheating.


If Flik said that in his original post, he would have come to his senses and edited it out. Besides, I played them on my SNES, anyway.

I had editted that stuff out becuase it was just a dumbass joke that I fucked up because I wasn't feeling particularly humorous, but I hate to bring other people down.


QUOTE (Lightning Flik @ Aug 6 2004, 02:43 AM)

Xenogears wasn't a completed game. That's why it is incredibly poorly made. The second disc is actually just a cop out from lack of time. 


So, if they'd have had the time, money, etc....it would have been more like Xenosaga? ;)


Actually, it might've been a hell of a lot better game. That and maybe the graphics wouldn't look mucky. Yes, I said they look mucky. That's one of my biggest strikes against the game. It's graphics.


If Monolith itself was doing it though, I'd agree with your statement, Andrew. Still Square wouldn't have been... Wait, still might've happened. Nevermind. Can't predict what neverwas.


Perhaps Monolith should be limited even more with time and money.


I'm almost tempted to say so after the debacle called Xenosaga. I'm really glad I didn't pay for that game.



There is not an RPG in existence with a better relationship between its main characters. Fei' date=' Elly, and Citan are intelligent and I enjoyed watching them.[/quote']


Don't really know or care if this is true.


I'd like to disagree with the main characters having the best relationship in RPGs. I can name a couple of RPG right off the top of my head that can compete with Xenogears: Lufia 2: The Rise of The Sinistrals, Phantasy Star 4, and Disgaea: Hour Of Darkness. Yes, Disgaea is a comedy, but still, the comedy throughout the game can only work if the characters are able to be insync with each other.


Like most RPGs' date=' it starts out with a rather small, concentrated problem, then evolves into a large disturbance that affects the whole world. But the manner in which this was done sets a new standard for all other RPGs.[/quote']


Didn't really jump out at me as "setting a new standard" or "brilliant," so what can I say?


Sorry Star Ocean. I'm with Andrew on this one. Xenogears never set the bar with this one. A few RPGs start out with not the "save the world quest" but something minor before exploding into the really huge "must save the world". Examples of games doing this before Xenogears: Chrono Trigger (remember, until you find out about Lavos, you were only changing the past because you wished to better the future), Grandia (all Justin is out to do is to see the world, not save it), and I'll finish off with Alundra (just needed to save a village if I remember, that certainly isn't saving the world).


"The battles are appealing. Gear battles' date=' just decent, but all the boss battles are great."[/quote']


I inherently hate most turn-based systems, and the ugly, blocky, pixelly graphics, gimmicky combo battle system, cluttered perspective for the Gear battles, and nearly all of them being laughably easy and lacking in variety didn't win me over.


Plus the dungeons all sucked, IMO, with boring designs and terrible controls for the "platforming" sections.


Wow... Me and Andrew share a lot of opinions on the game. I can't really add anything to the above. Basically states why I consider it a great, well I guess great is top 10 material, but at least good.



"And it has what is definitely a candidate for greatest soundtrack in the history of game music. Every piece of music is perfect. It's a long game' date=' and only two discs' worth of music, but none of it feels overused."[/quote']


Difference of opinion. Don't remember any of it, either.


I will agree with Star Ocean 3 here. The soundtrack of Xenogears is probably one of my top 5 soundtracks for RPGs. There shouldn't be much debate about that there.


Top 10 SNES RPGs

1) Lufia 2: The Rise of The Sinistrals

2) Chrono Trigger

3) Secret of Mana

4) The Legend of Zelda: A Link To The Past

5) Final Fantasy 4 (U.S. 2)

6) Breath of Fire

7) Final Fantasy 6

8) Breath of Fire 2

9) Earthbound

10) Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest

*BUZZ* Try Again..


No way Earthbound is #9.


And I also call foul for not having the original Super Mario RPG somewhere on that list.


I cant really post a favorite RPG list for any console since I generally don't like RPGs, but Earthbound and Mario RPG were a couple of my favorite games on the SNES.

Yes, Earthbound is 9.


And you can't call foul on Super Mario RPG not being on the list. I already said, I had a bitch of a time making that list for SNES. As a lot were clost calls. Especially when you got near the end. And if I never said that, I say that now.


...I'm more amazed people aren't on my ass for the #1 game. I thought for sure people would be on me for it.

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Yeah, and I'm breaking the no Rom rule, bitches.


1) Seiken Densetsu 3

2) Chrono Trigger

3) Final Fantasy 3

4) Secret of Mana

5) Terranigma

6) Tales of Phantasia (haven't finished it yet)

7) Lufia 2

8) Inindo

9) Lufia

10) Bahamut Lagooon

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I'd like to disagree with the main characters having the best relationship in RPGs. I can name a couple of RPG right off the top of my head that can compete with Xenogears: Lufia 2: The Rise of The Sinistrals, Phantasy Star 4, and Disgaea: Hour Of Darkness. Yes, Disgaea is a comedy, but still, the comedy throughout the game can only work if the characters are able to be insync with each other.


Sorry, I haven't played any PS but the first one, and one Lufia for Game Boy. Of course there will still be RPGs I haven't played, but I stand by what I said. Disgaea is on a whole different level of awesomeness, though.


  Sorry Star Ocean. I'm with Andrew on this one. Xenogears never set the bar with this one. A few RPGs start out with not the "save the world quest" but something minor before exploding into the really huge "must save the world". Examples of games doing this before Xenogears: Chrono Trigger (remember, until you find out about Lavos, you were only changing the past because you wished to better the future), Grandia (all Justin is out to do is to see the world, not save it), and I'll finish off with Alundra (just needed to save a village if I remember, that certainly isn't saving the world).


I already acknowledged other RPGs have done that. Look at what I said again.


Wow... Me and Andrew share a lot of opinions on the game. I can't really add anything to the above. Basically states why I consider it a great, well I guess great is top 10 material, but at least good.


Well at least you said more than "I disagree, I don't rememer this part, etc."


I haven't seen Evangelion, most everybody uses that against XG. But compared to other RPGs, and not anime, it's still original. (Don't mention any Evangelion RPG)

Yeah, and I'm breaking the no Rom rule, bitches.


See...now people think there are rules for posting their lists! It's Raven's Rules! What about me?

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1. Final Fantasy 10

(the only PS2 RPG I played worth putting down, but I just bought Disgaea)




1. Xenogears

2. Dragon Warrior 7

3. Final Fantasy Tactics

4. Suikoden 2

5. Vagrant Story

6. Grandia

7. Lunar (these 2 might not count though)

8. Final Fantasy 7




1. Final Fantasy Adventure




1. Final Fantasy 4

2. Chrono Trigger

3. Secret of Mana

4. Earthbound

5. Final Fantasy 6

6. Lufia 2

7. Breath of Fire 2

8. Lufia

9. Soul Blazer

10. FF:Mystic Quest




1. Shining Force 2



1. Dragon Warrior 4

2. Dragon Warrior 2

3. Dragon Warrior 3

4. Dragon Warrior




1. Xenogears

(huge fucking gap)

2. Final Fantasy 4

3. Chrono Trigger

4. Dragon Warrior 4

5. Secret of Mana

6. Earthbound

7. Final Fantasy X

8. Dragon Warrior 7

9. Final Fantasy Tactics

10. Final Fantasy Adventure


Wow, that's a lot of final fantasies..

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My list:


Final Fantasy Orgins - Playstation

Final Fantasy Anthology - Playstation

Final Fantasy Chronicals - Playstation

Dragon Warrior I & II - Game Boy Color

Pokemon Ruby - ROM

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"Well at least you said more than 'I disagree, I don't rememer this part, etc.'


I haven't seen Evangelion, most everybody uses that against XG. But compared to other RPGs, and not anime, it's still original. (Don't mention any Evangelion RPG)."


Those cases I was giving you the benefit of the doubt, since it's hard to really argue over certain aspects of a game you played about 5 years ago. It's hard to say either/or about the soundtrack, for instance, since I haven't heard it in so long. Although my point was that games I haven't played in a long time with good soundtracks usually have at least a few that stick with me. I still often find myself humming music from Suikoden, Chrono Trigger, Mana, and so on, but nothing comes to mind for Xenogears. Just wasn't my bag I suppose; so I said so, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good nor does it mean I'm saying it was bad.


Also, I only really mentioned that part (storyline) because you touted it as original. :P


I'm surprised Flik and I had so similar an opinion about it, because there so many RPGs he likes that don't really interest. To me, an RPG can be far less than the sum of its parts if the ones most important to me (gameplay, pace and manner of storytelling, dungeon design, etc) don't really appeal to me. Because of: the weak dungeons and the manner you had to traverse them; interminable pace of the story; two battle systems, neither of which interested me; and naturally the second half of the game--well, it makes all of the good points moot to me, and keeps it far away from any list of top RPGs for me.


So while I don't actually consider it a terrible game (like Xenosaga), I don't consider it a gem either. Of course, I do have a habit of sounding harsher about a game than I really should, since even a game I would objectively consider good I often absolutely hate (MGS2).


Then there are games that I think fail in some crucial aspects that I see getting ridiculously high ratings, and I simply don't get it.


...I'm more amazed people aren't on my ass for the #1 game. I thought for sure people would be on me for it.


Lufia 2? Probably few have played it, so can't say either way. :P


Although I can't honestly come up with a definitive list of SNES RPGs, because there are so many I haven't played, most of the RPGs came out in the US for SNES were Square RPGs, and so many of the ones that came out here had terrible translations.

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Lufia 2 was one of a handful of RPGs that had REAL replay value. Not to mention doing the Ancient Cave over and over was enough to stop you from solving the game just so that you could collect the unique items and weapons it had.... I play it in emu, and the last time I hit the Ancient Cave I got down into the middle 80s before I had to teleport out... the story is good, the gameplay is perfect, and its simply was the best RPGs of its time.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
...I'm more amazed people aren't on my ass for the #1 game. I thought for sure people would be on me for it.


I disagree with it being no.1 but I had more of a problem with Mario RPG not making the list and the fact that you actually thought Phantasy Star III was a better game than Phantasy Star II.

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1. FF10

2. FF8

3. FF7

4. FF10-2

5. FF9


Ya, i've only been exposed to the PS1/PS2 era FF's, sue me.


Although i did pick up FF Anthology and FF Chronicles today. Which game should i play first? (FF4, FF5, FF6, Chrono Trigger)

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Probably Chrono Trigger. It's the game that's closest to what you're used to, and it's easy to get into. If you started with FF4 or FF5, the transition would be a little rough.

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Yeah, and I'm breaking the no Rom rule, bitches.


See...now people think there are rules for posting their lists! It's Raven's Rules! What about me?

It was a joke by me people. Get over it. Put the ROMs up if you want to. I don't really care.


Fuck, since when did I become the Overlord of the VG&T Folder?

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I agree with all you Lufia 2 fanboys, that game is a very good and underrated game. Lufia 1, while pretty basic, was also a very good game.


Here are some of my favourite old school system rpgs:




Chaos World - Yes the best game for the nes, download the rom and patch and play it. this game was years ahead of its time.


Dragon Warrior 4 - Excellent game with a cool chapters scenerio


Chronicles of the Radia War - Another Jap only game, thank god it was translated.


Dragon Warrior 3 - One of the best non linear games for its time


Final Fantasy 3 - The real FF3.


Fire Emblem Gaiden - Strategy RPG at it's finist, another game that had to be translated (crappily I might add) to be enjoyed in english.


Sweet Home - Capcoms first true survival horror game, you think a silly 8 bit nes game can't freak you out? Play this game in the dark at nightt. Didn't come to North America because the content was too disturbing (baby burning in fire). Excellent game.





Dragon Warrior 6 - Originally in Jap, this is the best dragon warrior ever, and my personal favourite RPG ever.


Dragon Warrior 5 - Best Dragon Warrior story ever and all round solid game


Final Fantasy 5 - Lots of people dislike this one, I think it is the best FF


Lufia 2 - Best puzzles out of any RPG and excellent story


Tales of Phantasia - Best SNES graphics and very compelling story with a great battle system





Golden Sun: The lost age - I have yet to play a better game boy rpg


Tactics Ogre - the knight of lodis - Excellent strategy RPG. Long quality game too for a handheld.


Golden Sun - Like its sequel, one excellent game. I hope they make more Golden Sun games as the first two are excellent.


Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga - Kind of an SMRPG sequel. Very fun but not as good as SMRPG





Phantasy Star 4 - I hate the PS series but damn this game was fun


LandStalker - Very fun zelda like game with hard puzzles. Not to trash the sega system but the SNES owned them in regards to RPGs, this game could compete with any SNES RPG.


Phantasy Star 3 - I hate PS1 and 2, I know lots of people hate this one but I rather enjoyed it. The generation system was rather neat.


Shining Force 2 - Rather simple strategy RPG but very fun.



Also, if anyone has a Sega CD or emulator, find Dark Wizard if you like strategy RPGs. This game is years ahead of its time and very underrated.

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Well, only the ones I've played of course. Never played Saturn por exemplo.


nintendo- DW4, Zelda, FF


Genesis: PS2&4, Shining Force. Oh, Buck Rogers.


SNES: Lufia II, FFIV&VI, Chrono, Star Ocean, tales of Phantasia, Bahamut Lagoon. Zelda 3, Terranigma, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaea.


PSX: Valkyrie Profile, FFVII, FF Tactics, Suikoden I&II, Xenogears (If you like 50/50 story game), Alundra (if you're a challenge freak) Both Lunars, Arc the Lad collection (particularly for II)


DC: Skies of Arcadia


PS2: FFX, Kingdom Hearts, Disgaea, La Pucelle, I hear Shadow Hearts is really good but haven't played it.


You know it's sad, looking at the # of RPGs released on the PS2, and there haven't been many great ones.

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