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The OAO Hard Sell for SummerSlam thread 08.09.04

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Guest Fook


I demand the finale.

You got Swerved! (runs)

Yeah you better run! :firing:



As for Raw, I found it weird that even though the matches are HHH/Eugene and Orton/Benoit, Benoit got laid out by HHH and Eugene took out Orton (and Flair).

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What an odd way to end Raw. Instead of focusing on Orton/Benoit, the focus is on Eugene/HHH. And they're planning on putting the title on Orton? Orton/Benoit should have been the last thing we saw as the show was going off the air.

It's HHH. What did you expect?

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Ever since Backlash, there has not been as much focus on Benoit other than being in main event matches on RAW. I mean there have hardly been any promos from him. He just comes out for his match and that's it. While they have been building Randy up, which is shades of Benoit from the Rumble to WM XX.


As for RAW, it was better than last week. And you knew they were going to do something to promote the diva search during the PPV.

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Just came back from Raw and I think I can speak for 90% of the audience when I say, "Bleh!"


Here are the other matches from the evening:


Dark Match


- Shelton Benjamin pinned Simon Dean (Dean got a lot of that good ol fashioned heel heat by stretching and doing calistenics at the beginning of the match).


International Heat Matches (non spoilers)


- Maven vs. Chuck Palumbo


- Rosey vs. Stevie Richards


- Val Venis vs. Rodney Mack w/ Jazz


Biggest pop probably came when Fink announced that The Survivor Series would come to Cleveland. We deserve that after sitting through what was stuffed down our throats tonight. But eh well, Edge/Jericho was great live and Benoit's match was easy to get into as well. But the rest of the night was trying indeed.

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Guest Fook

What was the crowd's reaction to the diva segments?


On TV it actually sounded like a couple of them actually got the audience's attention.

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Guest GreatOne
The World Champion just got the Stunner from a retard.


I'm sorry, but I can't stand this anymore. *click*

Well the next one anyway but yeah.............


Considering he's more or less Austin's roster spot replacement he might use that as his finisher on a more frequent basis...........or not.

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What was the crowd's reaction to the diva segments?


On TV it actually sounded like a couple of them actually got the audience's attention.

Carmella is the hometown favorite so she got a nice pop.


During the bikini segment, Tracy got booed out of the building and the rest seemed to get meager pops from my perpective. The ice cream segments did not go over very well though. The opening segment went over nicely since it opened up the main show.


Sorry for going in reverse order. :D

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I'm voting for Joy damn it! :headbang:


International Heat Matches (non spoilers)


- Maven vs. Chuck Palumbo


- Rosey vs. Stevie Richards


- Val Venis vs. Rodney Mack w/ Jazz


You might as well put it in spoiler tags since most of us won't be able to see it. :P

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MillenniumMan, where were you sitting? I was there tonight too. A few thoughts...


Seemed like the crowd grew increasingly irritated by the diva challenge thing as the show went on. The ice cream pitch went over HORRIBLY because the first girl blew everybody else away, with the rest just stumbling over themselves.


I haven't been to a live event in more than 2 years, but it just seemed like WAY too much down time. Only 4 matches (one of which was a 2-minute challenge). They could've done the Lita/Matt dialogue in the ring. People don't pay money to come to the arena and watch a big screen TV.


Speaking of Lita/Matt... That was one of the lamest contract signings ever. Where was the classic heel cheapshot/total beatdown?


Evolution's entrance is AWESOME live. Crowd was lukewarm for most stuff, but as soon as Motorhead starting playing, WOW.


They should buy a slingshot or something for the t-shirts during commercials. The t-shirt gun is lame. It only reaches 1/3 of the arena. I think it pissed people off more than anything else.

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Why Carmella gets any response is beyond me. She completely looks like she hates wrestling, her ice cream segment was the worst of the bunch, and that is saying something. She just stands there, wearing the least revealing bikini, and yet the fans eat it up, people are complete morons.

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I know CC must be loving this match. :P

Are you KIDDING? She must feel like Talia as Bats and Ra's battle on in the desert.


I love comics. Yes I do.

For the wrestling fans that have no idea what MrZsasz is talking about...


Replace Talia, Bats, and Ra's with Elizabeth, Hogan, and Savage respectively.

Thanks for the clarification.


If the whole match was like the second half of it, it would have been a pretty good match. Unfortunately, it was a bit disjointed in the beginning.


I was torn guys. I mean, just how can you choose?


Diva Dodgeball?


They've found a way to make it worse.....


....unless the game consists of Jazz just pelting the shit out of the Divas with all her strength.


I really hope so. Just get all the girls feed the balls to Jazz, and her KILL every single one of them. Poor La Rez and Tajiri/Rhyno: their match gets bumped for this? Ouch.

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Guest Quik
Why Carmella gets any response is beyond me. She completely looks like she hates wrestling, her ice cream segment was the worst of the bunch, and that is saying something. She just stands there, wearing the least revealing bikini, and yet the fans eat it up, people are complete morons.

So? You can go on the internet and see her showing off her meat curtains. That's why she still gets pops.

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Why Carmella gets any response is beyond me.  She completely looks like she hates wrestling, her ice cream segment was the worst of the bunch, and that is saying something.  She just stands there, wearing the least revealing bikini, and yet the fans eat it up, people are complete morons.

Look three posts up.


Carmella is the hometown favorite so she got a nice pop.


As for the show, I thought the HHH/Eugene stuff was absolutely fantastic, and the Benoit/Orton stuff was pretty decent, but the rest of the show sucked donkey balls.


The diva search stuff was terrible. It just gets dumber and more boring by the week. I did really like Orton interrupting it, but it just wears thin really fast. They have to cut it to two segments a show. Or one. Or I guess zero would work.


I actually fell asleep during the Edge/Jericho match. I watched part of it on fast-forward and it made it blatantly obvious how much they were stalling. They walked in a big circle around the ring about 20 times, and when they weren't doing that, it was mainly punches and restholds. Given that the feud's built on the tension between the faces rising to the surface, I think a verbal segment would have done better than a 15-20 minute non-title match.


And the Kane/Lita stuff is pretty dumb too. I was relieved to see them give a stipulation for if Matt wins, and the pregnancy saga is moving along quickly, but the contract signing was drawn out and boring, and the whole thing still doesn't make sense. I mean, if someone's constantly threatening you, do you really have to sign a contract for a match with them to get them to go away? Couldn't you just get a restraining order? And besides, weren't Matt and Lita "not scared anymore"?


I did really like the HHH/Eugene segment though. The beatdown on Regal looked vicious, and Eugene played off the guilt perfectly. It was also a good return to HHH the ruthless, cunning assassin, instead of HHH the stupid asshole who cheats to win wrestling matches. To put it another way, it was HHH being HHH, not HHH being Ric Flair. I really think this is the best feud in the last two years.

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MillenniumMan, where were you sitting? I was there tonight too.

Section 108, Row 5. Opposite the main cameras but off a little to the right of them. You?


And I pretty much agree that as the diva segments increased, the crowd was getting more and more pissed.

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Am I glad there is a Diva Dodgeball Game on Summerslam? Not really. Am I glad that It got the spot over La Rez vs Rhyno & Tajiri? Definately.


WWE usually finds a way to fuck up 7 matches in 3 hours. With 8 already booked, and all the matches could be great if given the right amount of time.. why should they cut all those matches back, and give Tajiri/Rhyno vs La Rez the pointless 5 minutes there giving the divas? 5 Minutes isn't enough credibility for the titles. If they want to keep the credibility there tho (even though its not much) have a segment or something. The match being saved for Unforgiven, will push the match time to at least 8-10 minutes which is alot more respectable. Give Conway and Grenier a segment with Bischoff or Vince, a quick one and have them talk about how they are the greatest or something. Maybe even give them a heat match, although I'm sure that'll be given to SD due to 4:5 ratio it has to RAW.

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Maria and Joy for co-Diva Search winners.


I'm starting to think those girls' only reaction to anything is more "dancing" and trying to look like the same generic free-wheeling and crazysexycool woman. 'cept Maria and Joy, they've got badonkadonks (for skinny white girls anyway) to show off.


Carmella is just so penciled in to win, and she's not even the most attractive of the bunch.

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Carmella has a case of the Test-mouth (ugly set of buck teeth). I can't see why they'd waste $250 grand on any of them.

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Am I glad there is a Diva Dodgeball Game on Summerslam? Not really. Am I glad that It got the spot over La Rez vs Rhyno & Tajiri? Definately.

BETH: Well it wasn't just that, I realized after 3 years of marriage that David's little quirks were getting on my nerves a little.


JERRY: (agreeing) well three years is a long time to be married.


BETH: Like in the middle of our fight last night he did this thing that he always does where he asks questions to himself, aloud. And then answers them.


[Jump to David and Elaine out to Dinner]


DAVID: Am I happy Beth left me? Of course not. Do I hope to pick up the pieces and move on? Absolutely.

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MillenniumMan, where were you sitting?  I was there tonight too.

Section 108, Row 5. Opposite the main cameras but off a little to the right of them. You?


And I pretty much agree that as the diva segments increased, the crowd was getting more and more pissed.

I bought cheap seats. Sat in row 29 of section 101 (just to the right of being directly opposite the TitanTron).


But actually, after the first segment of Raw, we jumped over a section and sat in the auxillary media area that's used for Cavs games. In the corner, they have three or four rows of tables set up with folding chairs. Way more spacious, plus you have somewhere to set your beer down. Big upgrade.

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I'm voting for Joy damn it!  :headbang:

Makes no difference to vote since WWE decided who they wanted a long time ago, but I find Joy the most attractive and she actually knows how to draw some heat, even if it is the cheap sort.


The redhead is annoying as hell, but at least she's enthusiastic.


The rest I don't give a damn about.


I really hope so. Just get all the girls feed the balls to Jazz, and her KILL every single one of them. Poor La Rez and Tajiri/Rhyno: their match gets bumped for this? Ouch.


OH YES, that would so rule. Shame I'll have to wait for the SumSlam DVD to actually see the show, because the rest of it looks pretty good.

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I'm glad they picked this over Tajiri/Rhyno. I really enjoy the team, and they're actually building up their chase for the titles, and giving it meaning, etc. for once.


If a better, longer, blowoff to their chase means putting their match off till post-SummerSlam, I don't mind.



Also, there's only two things that can save the Divasearch at this point:


1) Rock, Jericho, or someone else that's good on the mic shows up and just toally gives each one a verbal beating, while the crowd pops.


2) The Divas learn to take bumps and then they have to face Kane in a 6 on 1 handicap match the night after SummerSlam.



Other than those, this is the biggest waste of time on WWE programming ever.

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Holy shit I feel bad for people who paid money for SS tickets.




The only thing that would save that show is Vince Vaughn and Ben Stiller showing up and teaching those Diva's how to really play dodgeball.

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Guest Staravenger

If anyone has ever played Dodgeball in middle/high school, you know that girls can't throw a fucking ball to save their lives (unless genetic freaks). The only one who could possibly do ANYTHING is Jazz, and she's just a Rodney Mack type, except with tits and no penis...hopefully.


I'll gladly become the biggest Jazz fan ever if she just pegs a skank in the face.


Of course, it's going to be rigged worse than the lottery, and the Diva Searchers will cream the WWE Divas.

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Guest JoeyStyles

Divas dodgeball will suck unless they do it topless while RVD or Rhyno/Tajiri will be doing Heat duty.

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don't get your hopes up on them getting nailed in the face. Even if they do, WWE'll probably be using soft Nerf-style balls instead of the painful-type ones.



And yeah, give Football-Brock the 911 role

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MillenniumMan, where were you sitting?  I was there tonight too.

Section 108, Row 5. Opposite the main cameras but off a little to the right of them. You?


And I pretty much agree that as the diva segments increased, the crowd was getting more and more pissed.

I bought cheap seats. Sat in row 29 of section 101 (just to the right of being directly opposite the TitanTron).


But actually, after the first segment of Raw, we jumped over a section and sat in the auxillary media area that's used for Cavs games. In the corner, they have three or four rows of tables set up with folding chairs. Way more spacious, plus you have somewhere to set your beer down. Big upgrade.

That's the way to do it. Seems like the better seats I get, the worse the show is. I'll sit under the curtain covering the upper deck next time.

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