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2 SWF Questions

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OK...after reading the current batch of results, a plan has formulated into my head. However for it to work, I need one question answered:


Is it possible to hold on to two singles titles, like the ICTV and USJL titles, at the same time, or would someone have to give up one belt and keep the other?


And on a non-storyline thing...


Who are all the referees for SWF? I see them mentioned in various matches, and I wanted to start using some in my matches, but I'd like to know the list of who I have to choose from.


Thanks in advance.

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Well, SS and I used Jefferson Harding as a ref because I was thinking Jeff Hardy back when I wrote American Gladiators and, well... it snowballed. Mike/Nick Soapdish was Danny's creation (I believe), and a lot of us use him to pay tribute to him. Then there's a list of other guys at the SWF website, if it's up.


As for two singles titles... it's been done before, with Charlie Matthews, Thugg, and a few others back in the day. I don't see why you couldn't.

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Historically, anyone who won a bigger title usually gave up the smaller one.


(THugg gave up the ICTV once he won world, as did Charlie)


The only time I really remember anyone holding more than one title for a while was way back in JL history when Xstacy held all three JL titles at one time, and defended them all. That was frowned upon though, so historically anyone who has won a 'larger' title when holding a 'smaller' one gave up the smaller one.


as for refs, the only clear ones (that everyone uses) I know of are Earl Hebner, Mathew Kivell, and Sexton Hardcastle.


A lot of people just use a nameless referee in their matches though.

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In theory, you can hold two singles titles if they're part of two "divisions," or at least that's how I justified my lengthy stints as US/Light Heavy and ICTV/Light Heavy double champ.

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I was ICTV and Hardcore Gamer's champion at the same time for about a month, after I cashed in my free title shot directly after winning the HGC. Apart from janus (briefly) co-holding ICTV and World, that's the only recent example i can think of someone holding two singles titles at the same time (plenty of people have co-held a single and the tag titles)

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Nick Soapdish

Earl Hebner

Sexton Hardcastle

Eddy Long

Matt Kivell

Anthony Michael Hall


These are all the refs that come to mind. Yes, Hall is the guy from The Breakfast Club. In my experience, all serve as your standard ref, only there to enforce the rules and try not to get in the way too much, however Long and Hardcastle have served as partisan heel refs before.

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Mark Hebner, actually. Earl is the WWE's ref.


And just so you know, I've always felt that Kivell was the senior referee, as he was the first one to ever get a name that was used repeatedly in matches. He used to be the crash test dummy when the fed required a screening match to get in.



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I'm sure Graps' Clusterfuck gave Anthony Michael Hall as the SWF's Head Official.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Kivell has been around since the IGNJL in Cyclone Comet's earliest matches...

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Mike/Nick Soapdish was Danny's creation (I believe), and a lot of us use him to pay tribute to him.

Yes, he was a Danny creation. Perhaps my only lasting contribution to the fed. But if anyone wants to use Danny as a play by play guy one of these days, feel free.


The name actually comes from the old Tick Cartoon. The Tick was undercover but when asked for his name he could only reply,"Uh.....Nick...Nick....Nick Soapdish."


I thought it made good referee name. So there you have it.

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Yes, he was a Danny creation. Perhaps my only lasting contribution to the fed. ...

That, and you were at the forefront of the technical revolution ("Where people started writing matches that made sense", established 2002).


But who's counting?

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Clearing up the belts thing...


You can hold multiple belts. If you can win them and defend them, yhou can hold them. Your life will be difficult because you'll have title matches more regularly since you hold two, but lots of people have done it.


Oh, and Jake, to clarify, I did NOT give up the ICTV title when I won the world. I actually held both titles for several weeks because losing to Axis for the ICTV. It wasn't a job either...it was a legit win on his part as I wrote to hold onto the title.


Oh, and if you get too many titles or if you aren't able to defend both regularly, CC might ask you to job one...just to keep the titles moving. They probably don't want the USJL title tied up for an entire PPV cycle with it on someone who isn't going to defend it. Like, if you are in an angle that will end in a PPV match for the ICTV, and it doesn't appear that you're going to do anything with the USJL, then CC will probably ask you to job it or will start to give you more defenses of it in hopes that someone will beat you for it.


But Jake, let it be known...I am WAY too into myself to ever give up a title.

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Guest Beingz0wningj00

Yeah... Thugg hasn't given up his *Laziest fattest angry black man alive* award in years!

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