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I heard a very interesting theory over on EWBattleground.com by a guy named Ringmaster (possible small spoilers) :


"Anyone got any theories on what the whole story is? I'm thinking they're all in purgatory. They all have something somewhat bad about them (although some characters' badness hasn't been introduced yet) and this is the waiting room between hell and heaven. The beast probably kills the people who's destiny has been chosen. It's kind of been hinted with the creepy guy and the way Jack said that they are all dead now and should start again."



Could they pull that off? I don't know. It's a very interesting idea, though.


I love this shit.

Why is the kid there then?

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Guest Evolution
The thing in the tree and the thing that killed the pilot are one in the same.

What about the thing that made Michael run into Sun?

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I heard a very interesting theory over on EWBattleground.com by a guy named Ringmaster (possible small spoilers) :


"Anyone got any theories on what the whole story is? I'm thinking they're all in purgatory. They all have something somewhat bad about them (although some characters' badness hasn't been introduced yet) and this is the waiting room between hell and heaven. The beast probably kills the people who's destiny has been chosen. It's kind of been hinted with the creepy guy and the way Jack said that they are all dead now and should start again."



Could they pull that off? I don't know. It's a very interesting idea, though.


I love this shit.

Why is the kid there then?

He used to steal a lot of candy bars?

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Anyone else think the accusations of Sayid being a terrorist may be the biggest cause of eventually splitting into seperate groups?

I said that earlier...not the seperation, but I wouldn't be surprised if he turns out tob e a terrorist. He's too good to be true.


And if Locke dies this early, that will be stupid. He's one of the characters that needs to be around until the end. Or at least until they explain what his deal is.


I think Locke kills whatever was in the tree because he seems to be the hunter of the group...but I don't think his kill will be the monster that killed the Pilot.

The thing in the tree and the thing that killed the pilot are one in the same.

Is that a spoiler or a theory?

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A theory, though it's very obvious. The nose of the plane was up high when they found the pilot and he was looking out amongst the trees when he got snagged. The thing that killed him had to be high up in the trees and obviously big enough to leave the body about 20 feet up in the branches.

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And *BUMP*


Ok kids, this is where it gets good. We've been through three episodes so far and this Wednesday, judging by the preview, is where it gets amazing. I'd say "gets good" or "gets really good" but the show is both of those things already. Rudo and me will be missing the episode itself due to the Interpol show in Toronto but will be watching it when we get back.


Without further adue, LET'S GET IT ON...........


Last week on :LOST:


- Sayid, Kate, Sawyer, Charley, Boone and Shannon made the decision not to tell everybody about the delayed message that the tranciever. Sayid made like he was fucking Island King back at the beach and organized the survivors into groups that would undertaker specific tasks.


- Hurley and Jack find out about Kate's criminal record and Jack is hesitant to do anything about it. Hurley continues to bring the funny and the "Dude".


- Walt tells Michaels that Mr. Locke said to him that a miracle happened. Spooky.


- We see potential signs that Charley is going to be mackin' on the pregnant gal.


- Kate gets a ton of flashbacks.





Wednesday, October 13, 8/7c


Survivors are jolted awake in the middle of the night when wild island beasts invade the beach encampment. Kate and Michael join the mysterious Locke on a hunt for food — and a shocking secret about Locke is revealed. Meanwhile, some survivors are horrified by Jack's plan for the dead bodies still scattered among the wreckage, and Jack sees someone in the jungle who might not have been on the plane.


Credit: ABC.com



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Guest Evolution

Couple of things:


1) Yeah, baby. Locke. Right under my name.


2) If I see the "Lost In Translation" gag used ONE more time...

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They see someone in the Jungle? Ah hell if this turns into some Land of the Lost/Tarzan type person I'm going to freak!

Does he have his trusty gorilla or sabertooth cat with him?

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No wait, fuck that. [RUDO] * IN-FUCKING-FINITY. That's EXACTLY what I did at the end of the episode. I stood up and just screamed that shit. YES.


1. A wheelchair man? IT'S A MIRACLE. Did not see anything like that coming AT ALL. They had me guessing all the way. FUCK YES.


2. "Sawyer?" "I'm right here, jackass."


3. Who the fuck is the man in the suit? Tune THE FUCK IN NEXT WEEK!


4. Shannon brings the HOT~HOT~HOT~~~~! DAMN.


5. Charley and Hurley fishing? Awesome. Awesome awesome awesome.




7. Jack has been changed. Changed man. Changed. He KILLED A MAN. He has changed.


8. Charley is running out of drugs...OH SHIT~!


9. Claire with the memorial service, nice stuff. Formal/informal at the same time.




BONUS 11. Black woman is in denial...OR IS SHE?


Fucking GREAT stuff tonight. LOST > Anything else on TV this season.

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Just watched the tape of LOST tonight (I'm in EMT class til 9 on Wednesdays so I can't watch it "live"). Here's some notes:


Not sure if I missed much in the beginning, but my tape started in with all of them waking up because of the dog barking.


LOVED Sawyer. "It's Sawyer." "I'm right behind ya...jackass."

"..and you gave him his knife back?"


Who's got the feeling that someone is going to use those knives to kill someone?


Good to see a little bit more about Locke...military man, supposely. Thought the "destiny" quote was really cool. Really weird stuff with Helen.


Situation with Rose and Jack was all weird, implying that the people in the tail still lived.


...and seeing the guy in the suit gave me goosebumps like crazy. I don't think it was a mirage, either. Who was THAT? The music effects and everything...that could of been my favorite part of the show so far.


Interesting to see Locke survive from whatever that thing was in the tree (guessing the animal that killed the Pilot) AND manage to kill a boar. Locke denying seeing the monster tells you SOMETHING was fucked up with it.


What the FUCK was up with Locke in a wheel chair, then being suddenly able to walk? That must be the miracle.


Kate is still crazy hot. I'm contemplating putting her back in my sig because the Red Sox keep on choking.


Another solid episode tonight. Next week looks good...I really want to know what the fuck is up with the guy on the island that Jack keeps seeing. By the way, anyone know where I can get a download of the first episode?

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LOST keeps me more entertained than any other show on tv, but that could be because most of the programs suck. Thoughts on tonight's episode:


* The purgatory theory seems to get more and more support, as now we have miracles, monsters too horrible to explain, and ghostly figures just out of focus. But I still don't think that's what's going on. It would not only be too conceptual for tv but, like St. Elsewhere's ending, get more off a negative reaction than a positive. I like to be shooked up, I just don't want them to become desparate to find a way to explain all this. However, so far it looks like they have thir shit together, so no worries.


* I thought that he might have something wrong with his leg (a bone disease or a limp) but I NEVER thought he was completely handicapped. Good job by the director to hide it and still have it make sense.


* Why is the doc so uptight about religion? Spiritual crisis?


* The bratty blonde girl is just begging to have an episode where she completely breaks down. The question however is just when it will happen. In a couple of weeks, or til the end of the season? It seems all "bratty" characters eventually realise how tough the world is.


Great episode. Can't wait til next week when "all hope is lost"

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Theories after this show:


Black Lady's conviction that some people in the tail section, including her husband, are alive: I think she's telling the truth. Did we ever see where the tail section ended up? And don't ask how the hell it will work out, but I think a survivor from the tail section is going to be the one swimming out in the water for next week.


The mysterious man Jack keeps seeing: I don't think it's a mirage because this show doesn't do stupid, obvious shit like that...they actually explain crazy things like this. Anyone notice the guy in the suit was wearing sneakers? He might be a passenger on the plane that's isolating himself from everyone else, but the ABC.com preview theorizes otherwise. I'm not sure.


The next death: Either the baby or the Aussie girl having the baby. Looks like she's about to give birth, and it's my best guess.


I can't wait.


Quick question...but who died this show. The boar?

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I heard a very interesting theory over on EWBattleground.com by a guy named Ringmaster (possible small spoilers) :


"Anyone got any theories on what the whole story is? I'm thinking they're all in purgatory. They all have something somewhat bad about them (although some characters' badness hasn't been introduced yet) and this is the waiting room between hell and heaven. The beast probably kills the people who's destiny has been chosen. It's kind of been hinted with the creepy guy and the way Jack said that they are all dead now and should start again."



Could they pull that off? I don't know. It's a very interesting idea, though.


I love this shit.

Why is the kid there then?

He was never baptized and did something in a previous life?

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So I watched this right after I got home from Interpol and I'm on quite the high right now, suffice to say.


But damn if this show doesn't have the potential to go down as one of the best shows in a long, long time.


- Dominic Monaghan's performance as Charley is one of the most overlooked ones in the whole show. He brings a very real, creep tweak to his character. The way he looked when he showed up at the ceremony was great. Ditto for the look he gave Shannon walking away.


- L-O-C-K-E. This man has seen It. And now, methinks, this man will make it his mission to kill It. Secretly of course. He just totally kicked all our asses with his bit in the travel office. His look of triumph dragging the boar back, blood dripping off him. I love the pseudo-Frankenstein thing they've done with him, in that now that he is fully functional he is a very dangerous man. It was obvious judging by the phone call that the man had some issues. If I were to guess I'd say he was Military, wounded 4 years back and paralyzed, taking the Walkabout to try and reclaim past glory. This is accounted for by his skill with the knife. Draws comparison to Jack Lemmon's performance in Glengerry Glenross. This character is a keeper.


- Shannon...........oh..........oh my Shannon. Yowza.


- Sawyer is still #1. The man has a way of doing things that is prick-like but at the same time makes you realize that it's just how he works and that he's not a total asshole 'cause he was makin the pregnant chick all hot and bothered.


- Next week looks dangerous. If the wrong thing happens with the creepy suit guy it could come off as unreal and that would hurt the credibility of the show because so far they've done an excellent job of covering the basics.



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In addition to possibly being military, I'm also guessing Locke is a widower or divorcee. With no one in his life and being laid up in the wheelchair, he turned to the only companionship available to him.


I'm also wondering if the mention of medicine by Helen will come into play. Maybe his injuries, time in the service or the split from the possible spouse took its toll on his psyche, and he needs the medicine to keep him in check. He's gone a little too far with the phone calls before, then the medicine brought him back down. But now that he doesn't have his medicine on the island, he progressively loses his mind... And now I'm suddenly imagining Locke hunting others down for sport until someone has to bring him down.

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- Sawyer is still #1. The man has a way of doing things that is prick-like but at the same time makes you realize that it's just how he works and that he's not a total asshole 'cause he was makin the pregnant chick all hot and bothered.

I have to admit that Sawyer's growing on me. The actor inserts just the right amount of smug smartass into Sawyer to swing that love-hate relationship that the character needs to have with the viewers.


If I were to guess I'd say he was Military, wounded 4 years back and paralyzed, taking the Walkabout to try and reclaim past glory. This is accounted for by his skill with the knife. Draws comparison to Jack Lemmon's performance in Glengerry Glenross. This character is a keeper.

I was thinking that at first as well, but the mundane office job, the clothes, the talking with a phone sex girl like it's an actual relationship... this is One Hour Photo taken to an extreme. Basically the crash allowed Locke to reinvent himself into the man he always wanted to become. (This would mean, by the way, that he's actually a bad knife thrower. Unless we're not privy to the scene where he chucks knives at a wooden post) That's what I got out of it, anyways.


Black Lady's conviction that some people in the tail section, including her husband, are alive

I think she's a metaphor for the hope that all the survivors have. Hope that others made it out, hope that they will be rescued, hope that nothing bad will happen to them. Based on the teasers for next week, I say she buys it.

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After Locke getting that phone call I was thinking millitary...but when they pulled back showing him in the office I started thinking maybe some local militia...


I'm guessing from the medication talked about he's mentally unbalanced...the miracle he had has probably helped him keep it in check so far, but sooner or later it's gonna come out.

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Guest Annoyed Grunt

About the man in the suit:


(Edited until I get spoiler tags working)

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Guest Evolution

In regards to hockey_fan's post...


From an e-mail that I received in response to my latest recap of Lost on Inside Pulse:


Here in Canada on CTV they already spoiled the man for us by showing us scenes from next week. In the scene shown to us, Dr. Jack calls the mysterious man "dad". Obviously he's suffering from some sort of post traumatic stress as well.

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