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That was a good episode, but the revelation of what was in the briefcase was unspeakably lame. The whole episode I was hoping it wasn't gonna be some stupid sentimental item... alas it was, and not one that explains her super secret behavior. Why couldn't she just tell Sawyer or Jack... "it's a personal item that belonged to the guy I loved who died"??? *rolls eyes* stupid woman.

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Kate killed her dad. The Army pilot.



Where'd you get that?



I don't think the plane was evidence at all to the bank robbery. I wouldn't be surprised whatever she was going after in the envelope was that of her father's that she was told about before she killed him (assuming she did). I believe that she didn't know what was in the depoist box, but she thought it was something worth robbing a bank for. I think she would of been satisfied with jewels or whatever, but I think that once she got the little model airplane, that's when the guilt trip came about and she took off to find a new life. And to be honest...Lilly acted very surprised to see this plane, so maybe she never opened the envelope until now.


My true theory on her Dad: We did see Kate in action with the guns and it's safe to say she's pretty good. I think that she's an Army brat turned special forces because of her father...and she was responsible for her father's final mission before retirement. She was the leader, something went bad, and her father was killed in action and she's had this gulit trip. Somehow, she turned into a life of crime looking for this depoist box. And she has been hiding because she's not just a bank robber, but she's wanted for murder during her time with the Armed Forces. "She's Dangerous.." Indeed.


I think a third episode before the season is over would be very nice because there's a still a crap load of questions, and just theories right now...I just hope the third episode resolves the Kate character going into the second season.


-Who was the man she loved and killed? (More than likely her father)?

-What was the model airplane of? (The same plane her father flew in the armed forces)?

-Did Kate know Sawyer and the U.S. Marshall waaay before the plane crash (I think we can make the connection with Kate/Sawyer and the killing of parents...but I still believe that the Marshall might have been romantically linked with Kate, but not the "Man she loved."


I think that's all the questions really about Kate that I can think of. I thought it was a good episode, but again...it seems like all these episodes they answer one question, and ask about five more. It comes to the point where I wonder if they throw in so much that they are actually going to have the time and effort to go back and answer them.

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I just wanted to throw something in re: Hurley since I've been avoiding the thread until I could watch the episode. When he was playing backgammon with Walt, he apparently works up a $20,000 debt to the kid. His response? "Yeah, you'll get it." That ot me thinking that he's actually some sort of millionaire (like Bill Gates) and was taking a vacation in Australia incognito.


Now that he's on the island, he goes by Hurley because he doesn't want anyone to focus on him as Hugo Reyes and remember that he's some sort of money man. He might think that it would be too distracting to him and everyone around him. So, he's just plain ol' everyman Hurley.


As to tonight's episode, I'll take a wait-and-see approach to Sawyer (I acutally said, "When did HE become a good guy?" when he asked Kate if she was all right) and the airplane. I'm betting it'll be some huge plot point in the near future. Next week's episode looks interesting, with Locke going mugger on Boone and Shannon going for a ride.

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Guest Evolution

I loved it how Kate and Sawyer felt perfectly fine swimming in the same water as two rotting corpses. I'd be getting the fuck out of there in a hurry.


Boone can only go up from here. It'll be awesome. Shannon's still a whiny bitch, but I think Sayid wants to hit that.

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Watch the airplane mean something really big down the line.

Bingo! I couldn't agree more ... this show wouldn't build all that to just show a toy plane.

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Watch the airplane mean something really big down the line.

Bingo! I couldn't agree more ... this show wouldn't build all that to just show a toy plane.

It probably has a secret weapon inside of it.

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I've got a theory/spoiler...


Do you think it's possible that this show is taking place on...Howland Island, or at least around it? I'm watching Unsolved Mysteries this afternoon and I noticed about the whole Amelia Earhiert situation (which I’ve completely forgot about since the show started) and the location of her disaster, and the location of where they want us to believe LOST is taking place. Here’s my thinking:


-The bodies that were found…male and female (Fred Newman and Amelia)…had been there about 50 years (which would make chronological sense) . The others (whoever is on the island) placed their bodies in the caves. There has been theories that both Fred and Amelia have been seen, ALIVE, in an island called Saipan...about 2500 OFF COURSE OF WHERE THEY WERE SUPPOSELY FOUND in Howland Island!


-What Boone and Locke found…could that be her plane?


-There’s something about the Island that makes planes and boats loose their radar and controls…and they have to crash. There’s also something weird that causes the weather (the water) to be unordinary.


There ya go…that’s all I’ve got for now.

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Tonight's the Boone and Shannon flashback show. Apparently they have a "shocking secret", and I trust Abrams and co enough that it won't be a Jerry Springer moment, if you know what I mean.

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Tonight's the Boone and Shannon flashback show.  Apparently they have a "shocking secret", and I trust Abrams and co enough that it won't be a Jerry Springer moment, if you know what I mean.

This 'spoiler' is based off of rumors that I've read online, so it's technically not a spoiler as it really would be defined ...


Boone & Shannon are brother & sister, but only by marriage, and used to be a couple ... it's why there's so much tension/animosity & whatnot.


My guess is that they were fucking before their parents (say, his mom & her dad, or vice versa) hooked up and thus their relationship had to end.


We'll find out in 7 hours & 45 minutes ... well, it'll be tomorrow for me, I'll just be taping the show & watching it tomorrow night instead. But I digress ...

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Tonight's the Boone and Shannon flashback show.  Apparently they have a "shocking secret", and I trust Abrams and co enough that it won't be a Jerry Springer moment, if you know what I mean.

This 'spoiler' is based off of rumors that I've read online, so it's technically not a spoiler as it really would be defined ...


Boone & Shannon are brother & sister, but only by marriage, and used to be a couple ... it's why there's so much tension/animosity & whatnot.


My guess is that they were fucking before their parents (say, his mom & her dad, or vice versa) hooked up and thus their relationship had to end.


We'll find out in 7 hours & 45 minutes ... well, it'll be tomorrow for me, I'll just be taping the show & watching it tomorrow night instead. But I digress ...

I knew something like that was going on.


But can't step's still date?

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In case anyone's interested TVGuide.com provides this little nugget regarding the Abrams shows.


No, Sydney isn't gonna get into a tussle with Locke. But on tonight's Alias, listen closely during scenes set at Weiss' birthday party: In the background, you'll hear the song "You All Everybody" — that's right, the hit by Driveshaft, the rock band that drove Lost boy Charlie to drugs! That J.J. Abrams — what will he think of next?!

So, easter egg or proof that they're in the same universe?

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Tonight's the Boone and Shannon flashback show.  Apparently they have a "shocking secret", and I trust Abrams and co enough that it won't be a Jerry Springer moment, if you know what I mean.

This 'spoiler' is based off of rumors that I've read online, so it's technically not a spoiler as it really would be defined ...


Boone & Shannon are brother & sister, but only by marriage, and used to be a couple ... it's why there's so much tension/animosity & whatnot.


My guess is that they were fucking before their parents (say, his mom & her dad, or vice versa) hooked up and thus their relationship had to end.


We'll find out in 7 hours & 45 minutes ... well, it'll be tomorrow for me, I'll just be taping the show & watching it tomorrow night instead. But I digress ...

I knew something like that was going on.


But can't step's still date?

It would likely be awkward for the family, and let's face it, it would be looked down on by a lot of people.


Considering that their family is who they are, somewhat famous with a business empire on their hands, especially in the field Boone specified, Boone/Shannon becomes even more of a concern. Something had to give, and in this case it was Boone and Shannon's relationship.


Now, feel free to speculate on this without figuring in the above... how does Shannon's relationship with the guy in France figure in? Obviously there's a lot of issues with she and Boone regarding that.

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In case anyone's interested TVGuide.com provides this little nugget regarding the Abrams shows.


No, Sydney isn't gonna get into a tussle with Locke. But on tonight's Alias, listen closely during scenes set at Weiss' birthday party: In the background, you'll hear the song "You All Everybody" — that's right, the hit by Driveshaft, the rock band that drove Lost boy Charlie to drugs! That J.J. Abrams — what will he think of next?!

So, easter egg or proof that they're in the same universe?

Well...the pilot on Lost was killed, so Alias's Agent Weiss is safe. However, the meeting of John Locke (Lost) and Director Kendall (Alias) would make the universe blow up.


I'll say easter egg.

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Good point Spicy.


But in Kevin Smith movies, the same actors play different roles (Ben Affleck, Jason Lee) and it's in the same universe.


I have a feeling tonight's episode is going to be amazing.

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Geez...anytime someone dies on this show there not really dead.

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