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Rose (black lady) had a play. She'll be a major character next season

All 4 people on the raft have completed their journey to redemption. Think bout it.

I highly doubt that. I can't imagine them already taking Sawyer and Sayid off the show, they are MAJOR characters. And Walt is probably, according to what theory you believe, the key to what's going on in the island. They will be back on the island, probably on the premiere next season

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hey, Loaded Glove One of the people you mentioned in your spoiler wasn't on the raft ... Sayid is still on the island. Did you mean someone else?


Count me among the ones that thought that last night's episode was fucking awesome.


- Jin & Sun getting back together was well done & realistic (and unfortunately came at the same time I had an allergy attack, so my eyes got a little welled up).

Sadly my allergies were in overdrive, because it hit me a bit during the Walt/Shannon scene, too.


- Sawyer telling Jack about his old man was good, too: a little out of character, yes, but he figured it might be the last time that he ever saw the man, so why not tell him what he wants, no NEEDS, to hear.


- The French chick? I don't trust her. And neither does Locke. And Locke's right about 99.99999999% of the time, so methinks it's a wise move not to trust her.


- The flashbacks were on-point ... couldn't have been done any better.


All in all, one of - if not the singlemost - best episodes of the season. Next Wednesday can't come soon enough.

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You know what was really great? This wasn't a cliffhanger ending, yet I'm pissed off that I have to wait a week to see what happens next...


I agree with you about Sawyer telling Jack what he needed to hear. It's just that I liked him better as the antihero asshole. Then again, I liked Sayid as the helpful badass, and they pussified him. Hopefully the Vincent angle allows Sayid to return to badass form.


More thoughts...

- Nice to see Boone back, even if it was just flashbacks

- Good setup for Michelle Rodriguez, seeing as they're shoehorning her in next season (not that I'm complaining)

- And I agree with Rudo, it's good to see that she isn't always playing a badass Hispanic chica

- I'm surprised Arzt is still alive. The writers did everything but put a red shirt on the guy

- Nice corporate synergy by showing Power Rangers SPD on TV there.

- I want to have a Vincent-centric ep. Would it be any good? Not from a dramatic standpoint, but I think it would be some high comedy.

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- I'm surprised Arzt is still alive. The writers did everything but put a red shirt on the guy

Season ain't over yet ... methinks he'll be lucky to survive next week.


BTW, how exactly does when shorten your screen-name? Or do you not care?

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- I'm surprised Arzt is still alive.  The writers did everything but put a red shirt on the guy

Season ain't over yet ... methinks he'll be lucky to survive next week.


BTW, how exactly does when shorten your screen-name? Or do you not care?

He's a regular next seasons

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Let's see, I've seen star, starv, Kev and Kevin for the most part. Doesn't matter much to me what you use, really, but those are the main ones I've seen since I started using this screenname way back when...

Edited by starvenger

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The question regarding the raft is whether or not the island will actually let them leave.


So, what is the Security System protecting? Obviously not the black rock or the hatch so I'm thinking it's gotta be the radio tower.

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I dug the fact that Jack has basically left Sayid in charge (5 guns and all) while he and the group search for the dynamite. Ties into what Danielle said to Sayid when she captured him about taking care of the the rest of the group and watching over them.


Somebody at another board brought up the theory that Danielle is simply infiltrating the group of survivors so she can steal Claire's baby and trade him with The Others, who have been holding Alex hostage all this team.


The scratch on her arm seemed pretty similar to the one Ethan had on the side of his face.

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I know it's not happening but next week I really want to see Sayid standing by himself blocking the entrance to the caves with everybody inside, a gun in each hand just shooting the fuck out of anything and anybody that tries to get inside.


Jack should SO bang Sun.

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Jack should SO bang Sun.

Have I mentioned yet that I was disappointed that Yunjin Kim didn't make the Maxim Hot 100 when Evangeline Lilly, Maggie Grace and Emilie de Ravin all did?

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I would've liked to have seen Danielle be more insistent that Sayid come with them, the idea is that if/when the others attack the camp that nobody of importance will be around to save them. But that's probably exactly why Sayid stayed behind.

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nothing really from that moment on. Vincent starts swimming towards it, Walt tells Vincent to go back (dog goes back), big emotional swelling moment, the raft sails off... the last thing we see is one last shot of the smoke (from an odd POV, others have theorized we're seeing this from the monster/security's POV or vincent's POV or something).

i dont recall the timing exactly so i dont know if the black rock reveal already happened when your tape cut off... in case it didn't, they go to the black rock and it's actually an old-style ship (pirate perhaps?) called "the Black Rock"

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- I want to have a Vincent-centric ep. Would it be any good? Not from a dramatic standpoint, but I think it would be some high comedy.

I dunno, dog flashbacks in non-talking-animal movies/TV shows don't usually turn out well (See: The Hills Have Eyes 2)

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Guest Regina Phelange

Just thought of this...turns out it was on tvtome.com as well...


Ana-Lucia (Michelle Rodriguez) said her seat number was 42....until now 42, as one of the lottery numbers, had no connection to the survivors. Also Jack's number was 23.


4 - 8 - 15 - 16 - 23 - 42


Now who were in the other seats?!

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Have they explained who Ethan is yet? I've watched every episode and I still don't know who the fuck he is.


Anyone think the others are natives?


And looks like the monsters still around....wonder what it is?


And when will the Polar Bears be explained?

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Somebody at another board brought up the theory that Danielle is simply infiltrating the group of survivors so she can steal Claire's baby and trade him with The Others, who have been holding Alex hostage all this team.


I think thats the case, and I think Locke is probably suspicious of her. If you remember, he saw cuts on her arm and asked how she got them, and she said from a bush, then he looks at her kind of funny for a few seconds and goes "Must have been a nasty bush".

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I freeze-framed the shot of Danielle's arm and damn if the scratches aren't almost exact to the ones Ethan had. Three on top of each other, about 3 inches long each.


Oh and when the raft is about to set sail I noticed that Jin bent over and kissed Claire's baby on the forehead. Probably one of the most beautiful things that show has done all season.

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Jin kissing the baby was fantastic. I love how the guy managed to not talk to anyone (but Michael) and still be part of the group. And it works - he was the first one who got to feel the baby kick on the beach. Great continuity.

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I think that the raft is going to circle around to the other side of the island and end up running into Jack and Co. I just got a weird feeling when Michael said to Jack "We'll see you soon" and Jack said "Yes you will".

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I don't know why I was questioning what The Security System is protecting when Danielle says "The island."


I'm starting to wish they'd never introduced it, actually. The payoff as to what it can be will only dissapoint people. Hasn't done anything for anybody with the exception of Locke and even then they've never followed up on it.

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I would've liked to have seen Danielle be more insistent that Sayid come with them, the idea is that if/when the others attack the camp that nobody of importance will be around to save them. But that's probably exactly why Sayid stayed behind.

I found it kind of surprising that most of the show's "bad-asses" were leaving the group, right when The Others were signifying an attack.


Jin, Michael & Sawyer: leaving on the boat

Jack & Locke (and I guess Kate, too): leaving for the Black Rock

Sayid: left alone to protect if attacked.

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