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I tuned in tonight, to see what all the fuss was about.


Needless to say, I am now hooked.


One question, though, since I never saw Season 1 - what's up with Locke being in a wheelchair one moment, then walking the next? What was his condition, exactly?

Edited by chirs3

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I tuned in tonight, to see what all the fuss was about.


Needless to say, I am now hooked.


One question, though, since I never saw Season 1 - what's up with Locke being in a wheelchair one moment, then walking the next? What was his condition, exactly?

We don't know, but he was in a wheelchair. But when the plane crashed on the island, Locke could walk again, seemingly miraculously. His legs momentarily gave out at a point last year and that indirectly led to another character's death, but they're working fine again.


Rent or buy the first season. It's really great.

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I don't know if he expected someone to blow the hatch or manage to get in, he just had a plan in place in case it did happen.


The theory came to me that they could be doing a "Solider who doesn't believe the war is over" angle with him.


You mean literally? In which case, nah. I mean, any earlier than the mid 90s would be a generous estimation for the Jack/Desmond meeting, realistically speaking. What war could he have logically been a part of, yet be stationed in the South Pacific, where the island is said to be?


Another thought about him. Maybe he is a soldier or is otherwise associated with whoever built the base and was sent to the island to check on it, only to find it fucked up. He goes further into the island, finds the abandoned hatch with its occupants missing (explaining the extra bed), seals himself in and has remained there alone since.


At the start, in Desmonds place, while he's walking around, was there or was there not a window or two with sunlight coming through? I was looking at all of the aged stuff in his place mostly, but I remember windows with sunlight.


False sunlight? A number smaller tunnels with windows, through which sunlight can get in?

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heres an interesting theory on the numbers (from ABC's lost message board):


4-8-15-16-23-42 add up to 108


What do the digits of 108 add up to ? 9 !



The answers in the multiplication table for 9 are mirror images.


My theory is that the "others" are mirror images of the plane survivors.


Desmond is the first to be revealed. He is the mirror of Jack.


Back to Top ^Re: A new number theory....

reply Posted: Sep 21 @ 08:21 PM

by: Algaechild (1604 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Nov 24, 2004


The answers in the multiplication table for 9 are mirror images.



Back to Top ^Re: A new number theory....

reply Posted: Sep 21 @ 08:21 PM

by: scottahah (8 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Sep 21, 2005

Did you see 108 on the wall inside the hatch when jack was walking by the drawings on the wall



Back to Top ^Re: A new number theory....

reply Posted: Sep 21 @ 08:23 PM

by: krbookworm (2 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Sep 21, 2005

Also the number 108 is in the mural and the way the numbers are written on the medicine bottles the 8 and 15 are together representing the flight number



Back to Top ^Re: A new number theory....

reply Posted: Sep 21 @ 08:23 PM

by: ferdobomb (11 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Jan 19, 2005

Can you say Bingo! thats exactly what i was thinking but couldnt put words to it. Desmond keeps saying BRother to!!



Back to Top ^Re: A new number theory....

reply Posted: Sep 21 @ 08:25 PM

by: dark___angel (10 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Sep 21, 2005













follow the numbers in each column



Back to Top ^Re: A new number theory....

reply Posted: Sep 21 @ 08:26 PM

by: deaconblues104 (11 Posts in the last 90 days) Registered: Jan 05, 2005

write out the answers for 9x1, 9x2, 9x3 etc...


for example, 9x3 = 27 and 9x8 = 72

9x4 = 36 and 9x7 = 63


27 mirror image of 72, 36 mirror image of 63


All the answers have a mirror image.

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Christ, this is deep. I read the spoilers before the show actually aired, and it still took nothing away from the episode. I didn't even notice they showed nothing of the raft survivors until the show was over. More to look forward to.

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I just thought of something...


Sarah hit Shannon's dad, Adam. He left all of the money to Boone's mother. Sarah was going to pick out tablecloths for her wedding. Boone and his mother are in the wedding business.


Is it possible that while going to see Boone's mother, she hit and killed Shannon's father?

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Unbelievably good episode last night ... from the opening sequence on, it was money. Random thoughts:


- I don't think Desmond knew that someone was opening the hatch when it happened, but had prepared for it happening. Thus, he was able to get a gun and get to a safe position where he could attack an intruder as needed amazingly quickly.


- Where the hell is Kate? Locke said that she's Ok, but can we trust him, or was he just saying it to keep Jack calm?


- The other hole(s) on the island (e.g. the one that Locke almost got pulled into by that black-cloud-stuff that was referenced last night) ... how do they tie into Desmond's lair? Other entrances/exits? Other hatches??


I still don't know how exactly how I feel about this, it's cool and all but it's taking the show dangerously close to being too unrealistic.
Curry, the show pretty much abandoned being realistic when they saw a polar bear, gave a character 'the shinning', had a paralyzed person be able to walk, etc etc etc. Just another reason to suspend disbelief, says I.


Mik ... good call on finding that. Awesome spoiler.

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Time for Popick's wacky spoilers (those that are , are hidden)


1) Okay, quarantine was written on the inside of the door. Pretty simple here, the quarantined area is OUTSIDE the door.

2) Desmond's an observer. He's also very well supplied. The dating on the computers is from the 70s, 80s, and early 90s. Weird. He has fresh cherries, yet listens to vinyl records and has an innoculation gun.

Desmond is not an "Other"

3) The Others

are NOT mirror images of the survivors. We already saw the Others

4) That wasn't Walt. That was the island.

5) Good thing Jack didn't push that button though.

6) Looks like the Hatch will be a shelter after awhile.


7) more Desmond

Question: Where's the other door or passageway that allows him contact with the outside world to get this stuff? Or does he grow it himself hydroponically

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Stephen Joseph was spot-on regarding magnetic interference down there, hence the key on Jacks's neck standing up.

So, we know about:

1) Rousseau's group landing on the island

2) The drug runners crashing on the island

3) Flight 815 going off course and crashing there


Is it safe to assume all these people were purposely lured to the island, by way of messing w/ navigation equipment? Why? Is it Desmond's doing (doubt it), or whoever was running the undergound facility before he took it over?

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Those Walt things really shouldn't be tagged. I think people want to know what he said. Good call, Stephen.


The song is "Make your own kind of music" by the Mamas and the Papas in case people are wondering.

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Those Walt things really shouldn't be tagged. I think people want to know what he said. Good call, Stephen.


The song is "Make your own kind of music" by the Mamas and the Papas in case people are wondering.



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I've been thinking about the button a bit.


It wakes Desmond up, but he never actually gets the chance to press it, does he? Doesn't the explosion happen before he gets the chance?


Walt says that the button is bad to Shannon.


Locke tells Jack that "he wouldn't do that if I were you," when Jack is standing over the button.


How does Locke know that the button shouldn't be touched? Seems almost impossible for him to know that.


Does the button (frown face) trigger when there is something active, and pressing enter activates the security system?


There's a lot of unanswered questions here.

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Guest Fishyswa

A lot of that should be answered when you figure out what happen when Locke and Kate went down. At first it looked like Locke was free roaming, then when you see the gun, and because he wasn't suprised by it, it makes you think he walked him over there to talk to Jack, and if he did that he easily could of told him to say 'don't touch the button'.


What I'm curious about is the button. Were we supposed to think that the execute was just to suggest the computer system was old, or that it some how has something to do with killing people. Maybe the latter is looking too deep into things but they definitely wanted you to take note that the button said 'execute'.

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I just realized this, and unless I missed something to qualify it, I can't figure it out for the life of me....


At the start, in Desmonds place, while he's walking around, was there or was there not a window or two with sunlight coming through? I was looking at all of the aged stuff in his place mostly, but I remember windows with sunlight.


Weird with it being underground and all.


Rewatching it, they look like big lights with blinds in front of them to make it feel like windows. When the hatch is blown and he turns everything off, the light coming in the "windows" dims majorly.

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Guest Fishyswa

^Alright that makes more sense. Sunlight in the hatch, although easily explainable, would have been a pretty major concept.


And I think someone mentioned that in the beginning, Desmond looked normal and fine, and then at the end he looked freaked out, sweaty and nervous. My guess is he's gonna end up fighting the same enemy as the survivors, whatever that may be. Maybe he's some sort of vigilante on the island who used to work for whatever company or orginization the crested-jump suit belonged to. He uses it's own security system to protect himself. More than likely has something to do with the quarantine.


What's really bugging me is the talk of "the island" like it's an entity. I figured that would be explained with the control room but I have a feeling it really is alive in some way beyond the security system.

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After meeting Desmond, Jack returns to the hospital to find that Sarah is not paralyzed.


After crashing on Desmond's island, Locke could walk again.



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I presumed that the 'execute' button was used to show how hold the PC was ... I don't think that a button that triggers a literal execution would be marked as such.


And I think someone mentioned that in the beginning, Desmond looked normal and fine, and then at the end he looked freaked out, sweaty and nervous. My guess is he's gonna end up fighting the same enemy as the survivors, whatever that may be. Maybe he's some sort of vigilante on the island who used to work for whatever company or orginization the crested-jump suit belonged to. He uses it's own security system to protect himself. More than likely has something to do with the quarantine.

I presumed that he was sweaty & nervous and all because his safe sanctuary had been penetrated, and thus he was vulnerable. He didn't know that it was 2 (ultimately 3) survivors with minimal weapons and no harmful intent. I'm presuming that once the dust settles he won't be so nervous and threatening.

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Guest Vitamin X
Oh yeah...leave it to people with more time on their hands than I do...


Walt's speech to Shannon...backwards


Don't press the button. The button's bad.



I can't decipher what he's saying. Especially with the music and the loud SHANNON in the middle. Someone help here?


And also, I haven't received a reply for my purgatory inquiry. Where's the directors, actors, and writers shooting that theory down? Help me out here, guys. Because having that theory in my head is driving me nuts just seeing little things from each show prove that more and more .. Desmond's "see you in another life" and then meeting up with Jack on the island, the black cloud pulling Locke underneath and Locke not wanting ot be let go, the background stories all having to do with people with unfinished business of some kind.. it's difficult to believe that they DIDN'T die in the plane crash..

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VX ... the spoiler posted right underneath the link states what Walt said.


And re: your request about a source for it not being purgatory, C&P from the fark message board ...





"Lost" co-creator J.J. Abrams appreciates the fans' creativity.


"The purgatory one is a great one, I love that theory but it isn't what it is. I'd be frustrated if that were the answer I have to say," he said.


EDIT: of course, they might have been planning on it being purgatory and then had to scramble & lie when it was immediately guessed.

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The fucking Twin Cities ABC affiliate didn't show the first 15 minutes of the show due to a tornado warning coming through town. Can anyone give me a link or a synopsis of what all happened that first 15 minutes? They didnt come back to the show until the scene where Kate and Locke are talking....

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Me and a buddy theorized last night that Desmond could possibly have the same sort of powers that Walt does, only since he's older, he has more control. Like, maybe he somehow made that girl able to walk again to fuck with Jack.


That could also explain why the Others know about/want Walt. Perhaps Desmond alerted them to his presence and powers, for reasons unknown.


Hell, maybe that's part of the reason that he's inside the Hatch in the first place. Perhaps some higher-ups wanted someone who had those types of powers running the island in the first place (perhaps so he could mentally manipulate events - like making planes crash?) and maybe they now want Walt to be his replacement.


But that's a lot of theorizing with little basis; I cannot wait for the next few episodes.

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When Jack met Desmund it was probably a while ago. They met briefly, it was kinda dark, and Desmund looked pretty different at the end. Would Jack have recognized/remembered him so quickly, or have they probably met more than once?



also: I loved the callback to the first episode when Kate was counting to five

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