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Guest Vitamin X

Has it been explained yet why in particular they had an interest in taking Danielle's child as well as Walt?


While the other two things you disagree with are just just something to maybe think about, I'm not so sure about that one.

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He's referring to when Ethan kidnapped Charlie and Claire, presumably for Claire's baby.


Then again, as I referred to, there's nothing conclusive that says Ethan was even with the Others, unless kidnapping Claire was a distraction from their real goal in kidnapping Walt.

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What happened when Ethan took Claire will most likely be covered in a flashback at a later date.


Maybe Alex has the "shinning" as well as Walt.

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Guest Brian

Okay, since my memory of the first season is vague, is there a chance that Ethan was trying to keep Aaron away from the other Others, but then realized he wasn't who they were after?

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Well, they still haven't shown how Claire escaped from Ethan and what went on while she was captive. Ethan came back and said that if Claire wasn't given to him, he would kill one of the survivors per day until he got her.


I'm pretty sure he was still wanting Claire, with the most likely reason being her pregnancy.

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Guest Vitamin X

Exactly, which still makes sense that they're after children for whatever reason.


Also explains why they took Danielle's baby as well.

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I just thought that they were after a child on the flight, they thought it was Aaron but the child ended up being Walt, hence why they let Claire go. Also don't forget Danielle scratched Claire. Did she play a part in it or did she meet Claire after she was released.


And I thought the episode this week was good. At least the season is moving forward. People who are bitching about it moving slowly are just being impatient. If they just told us in the first episode what the bunker was all about and who the others were, what would be the point in watching? Besides clearly they are going to try and milk it for multiple seasons. In the first they had to make sure they weren't cancelled so they sped it up. Now that they know they can have at least four if they wanted, they are going to space it out.


Just think of it like a wrestling match. You start a good match up slow and build it up to a spot. If you have a high spot into a table spot in the first 30 seconds you've killed the crowd off :bonk:

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And I thought the episode this week was good. At least the season is moving forward. People who are bitching about it moving slowly are just being impatient. If they just told us in the first episode what the bunker was all about and who the others were, what would be the point in watching? Besides clearly they are going to try and milk it for multiple seasons. In the first they had to make sure they weren't cancelled so they sped it up. Now that they know they can have at least four if they wanted, they are going to space it out.

My complaints with the beginning aren't related to the show moving slowly; it's relating to the general uselessness of the Michael and Jin/Sun flashbacks. Didn't really tell us anything we didn't know, didn't do it in particularly illuminating ways. The utter absence of any scenes in or relating to the bunker under the hatch in this latest episode was, as others have noted, kinda strange. I feel like the writers are putting out a very inconsistent froth of stuff right now, not really sure where they want to go with anything and kind of existing in a holding pattern.


That Hurley episode was pretty great, though.

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Rumors are surfacing that Dominic Monaghan is about to propose to his girlfriend Evangeline Lilly, after he was seen shopping for rings in Beverly Hills, California. During time away from the filming of Lost, Dominic was seen looking at diamond eternity bands at a number of upscale jewellers on Rodeo Drive.


Um, holy shit? I didn't even know they were a couple.

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Just got done watching it, props to Rudo for hooking a brotha up when a VCR fails.




- Mr. Echo stole that entire episode and I noticed that they've added the actors name to the opening credits of the show (sorry Naveen, you're no longer the first name we see.) The tracking stuff was awesome but his faith in people he doesn't know and willingness to help out had me wary. Agreed on the line of questioning regarding Sun.


- Jin's and Sun meeting for the first time. That's love at first sight, no question.


- The shots of The Others walking past Echo and Jin.


- Locke and Suns conversation.


The Bad


- Piss poor use of the flashbacks. There's no point in them when they do nothing to further the character. In Michaels episode all it showed us was that he loves his son, something we knew already. In this one it showed us that Jin was poor and Sun was rich. What a fucking revelation.


- No Hatch? Stupid but whatever. Not a single mention of it? Fucking weak.


Like Rudo said, this was a buildup episode and I'm glad that it didn't end in a huge cliffhanger but the payoff in 3 weeks better be worth it.

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Rumors are surfacing that Dominic Monaghan is about to propose to his girlfriend Evangeline Lilly, after he was seen shopping for rings in Beverly Hills, California. During time away from the filming of Lost, Dominic was seen looking at diamond eternity bands at a number of upscale jewellers on Rodeo Drive.


Um, holy shit? I didn't even know they were a couple.


They pretty much allude to it in one of the behind-the-scenes featurettes on the special features disc.

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- Piss poor use of the flashbacks. There's no point in them when they do nothing to further the character. In Michaels episode all it showed us was that he loves his son, something we knew already. In this one it showed us that Jin was poor and Sun was rich. What a fucking revelation.


Uhm, are you serious? :bonk:

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The teddy bear belonged to a little girl who survived the crash of Flight 815 in the tail-end. Promotional pictures are up at abcmedia.


Also, The Others are shown to be attacking the Tail-enders camp. At least the picture I saw has 1 other over a survivor doing something bad, and another attack Mr. Echo, but Mr. Echo is channeling Dusty Rhodes and Clubbering.

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Rumors are surfacing that Dominic Monaghan is about to propose to his girlfriend Evangeline Lilly, after he was seen shopping for rings in Beverly Hills, California. During time away from the filming of Lost, Dominic was seen looking at diamond eternity bands at a number of upscale jewellers on Rodeo Drive.


Um, holy shit? I didn't even know they were a couple.


Son of a bitch.


There goes that possibility.

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Rumors are surfacing that Dominic Monaghan is about to propose to his girlfriend Evangeline Lilly, after he was seen shopping for rings in Beverly Hills, California. During time away from the filming of Lost, Dominic was seen looking at diamond eternity bands at a number of upscale jewellers on Rodeo Drive.


Um, holy shit? I didn't even know they were a couple.


Son of a bitch.


There goes that possibility.


I'm sure the other hobbit is available.

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Rumors are surfacing that Dominic Monaghan is about to propose to his girlfriend Evangeline Lilly, after he was seen shopping for rings in Beverly Hills, California. During time away from the filming of Lost, Dominic was seen looking at diamond eternity bands at a number of upscale jewellers on Rodeo Drive.


Um, holy shit? I didn't even know they were a couple.


Son of a bitch.


There goes that possibility.


I'm sure the other hobbit is available.


I'll give you that....that was was a good one.

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I'm torn on Sawyer dying next week. On one hand the previews obviously went out of their way to make it look like a bad spot for him as they did with Boone last year. On the other hand they brought up Kate missing him for the first time since Exodus I so they probably need to have their "tender moment" when he returns.


Compromise: Sawyer comes back, gets his big kiss from Kate and dies in her arms allowing them to say their proper goodbyes to each other.

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And question, why hasn't anyone killed themselves yet? You would think such a tragic event like this, with there seemingly being no hope of rescue, and whathaveyou, that at least one person would go off the deep end and kill themselves.


Just something I was thinking. Just seems a bit odd that no one has.

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No spoilers Edwin, just speculation. Sawyer and Shannon are tops on my list to not survive in 3 weeks.


Yes it would be sadder for Sawyer to just up and die without Kate knowing how he feels but if watching 3 seasons of Alias in the past month has taught me anything it's that JJ Abrams is a total sucker for the romantic shit. He enjoys toying with the audience when it comes to hook-ups (see Sydney/Vaughn in Alias) and there's no way he'd turn down this chance to fuck with us.

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