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What if all the Survivors have had their memories altered? That there wasn't really a crash, that they were perhaps taken from their homes (or maybe even volunteered) for a scientific experiment where they were given all knew memories (or relatively new memories). Think Dark City. That the Black Horse being on the island and in Kates mind is not a coincidence, or a manefestation, but that the people who inserted those memories decided to see how Kate would react to the horse being on the island. Maybe Claire wasn't reacting well to it so they tried again, which is why she couldn't remember what happened after the crash.

Edited by RavishingRickRudo

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Anyone know if there's a site which has a sort of compendium of comments from the writers? I'm not looking for outright spoilers, just the hints that the writers have thrown out. Surely some fanatic has quoted them all in one spot somewhere?

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RRR (or anyone else interested, for that matter): What you said is really close to this really neat theory a friend of mine showed me, so I thought you might be interested in this. Oh, fair warning - this theory seems solid enough (to me, anyway) that I think a good chunk of it could be true, so possible SPOILAHZ~! abound.



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An email circulated by a friend of my sister shows something interesting. He blew up a picture of the Molotov cocktail tosser from the Other boat and a still from the head pirate on board, and laid it against a still shot from the Orientation film of Gerald and Karen DeGroot, the founders of the Dharma Initiative. Also, one of the students in the intro shot of Gerald DeGroot walking around the classroom (the student sitting in profile on the left hand side of the screen) looks a bit like a younger Ethan Rom, all the way down to the same type of shirt. There ARE certain resemblances, albeit there is the whole age progression thing to take into account. Someone most likely pointed this out earlier, but I don't feel like searching the thread for it.


Just thought I'd mention it.


Edited to add the Ethan Rom part.

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Ummm, didn't M.C. Gainey play the head "pirate" on the raft? I know he was on there, but I think that is who you were talking about. Anyway, Gainey does not resemble Degroot. There was a guy on the raft in the back that had a beard that others mentioned resembled Degroot.

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RRR (or anyone else interested, for that matter): What you said is really close to this really neat theory a friend of mine showed me, so I thought you might be interested in this. Oh, fair warning - this theory seems solid enough (to me, anyway) that I think a good chunk of it could be true, so possible SPOILAHZ~! abound.




That theory just kicked every other theory's ass from the past year.


That makes you think.

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Yeah, I read that earlier this week and have been pondering it ever since. Personally I think it is too complicated to explain for the ending, which like others have said will no doubt be very simple.

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Do you think that the "incodent" that happend with using the computers for something other than typing in the numbers was creating, or at least activating/fucking with the defense system, and thats why its going wild around the island now?


Also, i'm a bit suspicious about Walt being on the other end of the the computer. could it have been another who just used the word "dad" as in reference to realising that Michael is Walt's father? Walt could have used his name around the people that took him, and they made a connection when Micheal typed.


It is a bit ironic that as soon as they watch the video that suddenly there is talking on the computer though.

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Wacky Theory: Hurley somehow figures out a way to prove that he is indeed worth 150 million, and thus will win over Libby due to his "personality".


I also think Eko will find out or knows that Locke couldn't walk/was in a wheelchair before the crash.

BEst Theory Ever

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RRR (or anyone else interested, for that matter): What you said is really close to this really neat theory a friend of mine showed me, so I thought you might be interested in this. Oh, fair warning - this theory seems solid enough (to me, anyway) that I think a good chunk of it could be true, so possible SPOILAHZ~! abound.




Problem with that theory is that it is way to complicated. The writers simply would not have started so complicated. Multiple theories are needed to explain what's going on. It doesn't address the time issues in the show. I don't know what theory is right, but I do know that the correct theory will be very simple.




An email circulated by a friend of my sister shows something interesting. He blew up a picture of the Molotov cocktail tosser from the Other boat and a still from the head pirate on board, and laid it against a still shot from the Orientation film of Gerald and Karen DeGroot, the founders of the Dharma Initiative. Also, one of the students in the intro shot of Gerald DeGroot walking around the classroom (the student sitting in profile on the left hand side of the screen) looks a bit like a younger Ethan Rom, all the way down to the same type of shirt. There ARE certain resemblances, albeit there is the whole age progression thing to take into account. Someone most likely pointed this out earlier, but I don't feel like searching the thread for it.


Just thought I'd mention it.


Edited to add the Ethan Rom part.

--Both DeGroots were on the boat, imho




Yeah, I read that earlier this week and have been pondering it ever since. Personally I think it is too complicated to explain for the ending, which like others have said will no doubt be very simple.

--Drat, someone said it



Do you think that the "incodent" that happend with using the computers for something other than typing in the numbers was creating, or at least activating/fucking with the defense system, and thats why its going wild around the island now?


Also, i'm a bit suspicious about Walt being on the other end of the the computer. could it have been another who just used the word "dad" as in reference to realising that Michael is Walt's father? Walt could have used his name around the people that took him, and they made a connection when Micheal typed.


It is a bit ironic that as soon as they watch the video that suddenly there is talking on the computer though.

--That's the quantum possibilities on the island mucking with time and all that due to the EMF. Now, watching the film, the incident happened PRIOR to the computer being on the island and was CAUSED by contacting the outside world.

--There were 3 people inside of Sawyer. Boone was heard in the whispers. No doubt in my mind that was Walt in the computer.

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Guest Essa_Angelico

I don't know SJ, has there been any solid proof so far that time is being messed with?


It's pretty clear that at first Locke & Eko will have problems with each other but i believe they will become friends. The crossword Locke was doing that had to do with Gilgamesh and Enkidu may be important to understand how they will relate to each other. Here's a few extracts i found that may be significant.


Enkidu comes to life in the wilderness. He eats grass with the gazelles and drinks water with the animals.


Could this be Locke? Since you could say he's been more 'alive' since he came to the island.


Enkidu wants to meet and challenge Gilgamesh to a contest of strength. They struggle like equals, but finally Gilgamesh throws Enkidu, who loses his anger and recognizes Gilgamesh as a true king. They embrace and become best friends.


Gilgamesh longs to perform great deeds. He wants to go to the cedar forest and slay its guardian monster, Humbaba. Enkidu is terrified, because he knows Humbaba, but Gilgamesh insists, and they prepare for the journey.


Enkidu's hand (legs maybe?) is paralyzed when he touches the cedar forest gate, but Gilgamesh helps him to continue. They have disturbing dreams, but nonetheless cut down a cedar tree. Humbaba approaches and they fight; Humbaba begs for his life, but they cut off his head.


This could link to the scene of Eko vs. Security System. Although Eko would perform this great deed to help others.


I enjoyed reading the theory in that link, especially liked the screens from Mike's ep last season and the comic book screens.

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The tailies REALLY have it rough...


Everybody loves DUI


HONOLULU - Two cast members of the hit ABC series "Lost" were released on $500 bail each after being charged Thursday with driving under the influence of an intoxicant.




Michelle Rodriguez, who plays Ana Lucia, and Cynthia Watros, who portrays Libby, were arrested in separate cars within 15 minutes of each other in Kailua after they were spotted weaving on Pali Highway, which connects Kailua and Honolulu, police said. Both women failed field sobriety tests, they said.


Watros was arrested at 12:05 a.m. and Rodriguez at 12:20 a.m., according to police records.


Rodriguez was booked under the name Mayte Michelle Rodriguez.


Calls placed by The Associated Press after business hours seeking comment from "Lost" spokesman Jeff Fordis weren't immediately returned.


Rodriguez, 27, and Watros, 37, were to appear at a driver's license revocation hearing at Kaneohe District Court on Dec. 29, police records showed.


Motorists arrested for operating a vehicle under the influence of an intoxicant automatically have their driver's licenses revoked. They are given a temporary license that allows them to drive, but under several restrictions.

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Oh yeah, I also remembered my friend saying something about a week ago that some people had figured out what time the series takes place. You know the way the producers etc keep hinting that supposedly the series doesn't particularly happen now. He basically said that the sight said along these lines:


that the plane crash etc took place in 2009. They figured this because there is a picture of Jack's plane ticket and it has this year on it. Also one of the Micheal episodes, he's talking about getting custody or something, and the twin towers are in the background, so its not in the way distant future.


There was a few other things he said, but I was drinking and I half believe these theories myself, Just thought i'd pass them on if people were interested.

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So one question is, why exactly was that little splice of the video cut out and put somewhere else in the first place? Why was someone trying to hide it?


The computer started its HELLO? thing right after that splice of the video finally aired. Is it possible the computer (or the island or whatever is really behind all this), HEARD that splice played for the first time, thus giving it the idea to actually use itself for something other than the numbers?


Meaning, the splice was cut out specifically so the computer WOULDN'T HEAR IT when someone watches the Orientation video. And that entering the numbers somehow keeps it busy or locks it down or whatever for 108 minutes. Sort of like being locked into a programming loop or something, except you have to manually initiate it each time.


Someone mentioned above that the series would have to have some sort of easily understandable overall premise, even if details get technical. Well some sort of "super-smart A.I. gone crazy" is an old scifi favorite. If you add some sort of biological and electromagnetic component to it, give the AI more of a reach than just 'network connections' and the such, then it's not really that different from the 'collective consciousness' theory linked a few posts up, except easier to explain to the layman (crazy AI!).

Maybe if the timer "ran out", then the computer would be free of its shackles and "come alive" or something. What if the Hanso foundation created a monster (not literally), a super-smart AI that's gotten its tendrils into all sorts of computer systems (like, say, the lottery), essentially an artificially created god. think Skynet. If let loose it takes over everything. So they come up with a simple solution, lock it into some sort of processing loop. a figurative hypnotizing type thing. IF you use the computer for anything else, you snap the AI out of it and all hell breaks loose.

Edited by metr0man

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The computer started its HELLO? thing right after that splice of the video finally aired. Is it possible the computer (or the island or whatever is really behind all this), HEARD that splice played for the first time, thus giving it the idea to actually use itself for something other than the numbers?

I assumed that "HELLO?" was more likely connected to the fact that Michael managed to stop the countdown (remember, while he was fiddling with the machinery, he got it to just stop, at 51 minutes, I think). Someone on the other end--probably in one of the other bunkers--has a means of monitoring that. The message came right after he stopped the timer, after all.

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Guest Brian

At what other points have animals showed up on the island? What did the boar coincide with?

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I could be wrong, but I don't think he stopped the timer at 51 minutes. The timer is shown in minutes only until 4 minutes is left. Every time you see the timer, it is in full minutes until the end. He was fooling around with the wires, and there was a beeping sound. He then looked up at the timer to show that it was not the normal countdown beep because it was at 51 instead of 4. That meant something different was going on. There was a typed message, and for the first time, someone was able to type something before the 4 minute mark.

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another theory, to go in the opposite direction, that i have, is that we all have it backwards. Supposedly hallucination Walt says "dont push the button, the button is bad". We're all worrying about what happens when the timer runs out, maybe its supposed to run out. Maybe entering the numbers and hitting execute sparks all the weird shit, the security system, the supposed sickness, the others, etc etc. If the timer ran out, it would all just... stop.

Its a fairly common writing device actually.. have the hero go through all these steps to reach an endpoint... where its revealed the steps the hero took, are exactly what the villian needed.

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Supposedly hallucination Walt says "dont push the button, the button is bad". We're all worrying about what happens when the timer runs out, maybe its supposed to run out.


I myself have theorized that someone is observing the computer from somewhere on the mainland, and should anyone fail to press the buttons on time, they will *know* that something is wrong and send a rescue team.


Wouldn't that suck?

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Anybody have a comment on the Gold Car Theory I posted at the bottom of page 98?


I'm also still failing to understand the connection between the EMF and the blast doors... is it that

the doors block the electromagnetic effects



The people theorizing the fact that time is being messed around definitely have to be onto something. I was just thinking about the last episode... Kate has to be around, what, 24 or 25 years old? Well, when she went to her dad, were they not talking about his involvement in the Korean War, or was it just that he was stationed in Korea? We could have a real interesting clue if it's the former.

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Kate- Black horse

Sawyer- Boar

Walt- Polar bears

Shannon- Young black boy


Anything else I'm missing?


well both the episodes the Polar bears appeared, Walt was reading the comic book with the polar bear in it. So I think that was more his shinning (in a scottish accent) that summoned it, like that bird he was reading and thinking about in that flashback. The others seemed more like they were symbols.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned but on the Hanso Foundation website, when you go to Alvar Hanso's page, and click on his picture, a little animation plays and a document comes up. Pretty interesting.


Also, did anyone else notice how different Dr Marvin Candle looked in the new piece of video?





(Here is the Link if you can't see the picture)



Probably just a continuity error but...

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Guest OKCoyote

My fiance wondered if Locke didn't get the numbers entered in time when Kate left the bunker and Locke rushed to enter them... thus, "waking" the computer to additional tasks.


However, I'm not convinced of this. When Locke showed Michael that he couldn't enter anything before 4 minutes, wasn't that scene AFTER Locke rushed the numbers?


Just an idea.

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I think there is a lot from Carl Jung that could be used in describing chunks of LOST. Which sorta helps support the notion of a psychological experiment.


The worst ending would probably be "You are the last people left on earth, there is no where else to go".

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I wouldn't mind the rest of the theory posted. It could probably be dumbed down, after all, especially since we'd only be getting it in bits and pieces and not in a rush all at once, but I agree. As much as I love post-apocolyptic stuff, having them be the last survivors of the world would be a terrible way to end the show. It's depressing and I don't think the majority of the audience would accept it.

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