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I sure to fuck hope not. That'd piss a lot of people off. Then again, it's not like anybody with any sense would quit watching the show just when things are starting to heat up so if it's true I guess we'll all just have to lube up and bend over.

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Would suck but I wouldn't be surprised, I remember before 24 went to Jan starts and it went on a 3 week break for the Holidays, came back for one episode then went on a month long break because of American Idol, blech

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I'm not sure about the ones following it, but next week's show is a new one as well so I don't believe theres anything to worry about for a couple weeks at least.

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I was flipping through the channels and I went to MTV. There was Evangeline Lilly talking about LOST. She tells us that we will find out (sort of a spoiler, so it is in spoiler mode)

what the big monster is


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What the hell was that

a traveling black death cloud is the monster

- I'm loving Eko's backstory though

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Guest Vitamin X



Looked like it was scanning Eko or something, though.

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Okay I've officially named it the TBDC- remmember that

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Guest Vitamin X



Alright, next week looks fucking BADASS. The ending to this episode was kind of happy yet disappointing, with what happened to Charlie and Claire.

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Happy? I don't know about that. Charlie's got his whole stash of heroin, and with Claire saying "so long," you know he's gonna start using again, unless Eko or Locke can get their hooks in him first.


The security system was way cool. There was definitely something weird going on inside, with images of faces. Also, let's note that there absolutely has to be some weird-ass supernatural thing going on here, much to my chagrin. Desmond and Jack on the same place, and Eko and his brother on the same remote island...it's too much, I think.

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Guest Vitamin X

Well it was happy in the sense of everyone else on the island being all happy and neighborly with each other, including the ones who may feel outcasted (like Analucia). I thought that had a nice heart behind it.

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How do we know that Charlie hasn't already started using?


Eko's backstory was bad ass, alright.


Double throat slash? He's the badass we all hoped Jin was after the first Jin/Sun episode.


Man, I missed Lost.

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Wow. We actually picked that out during the episode. At first we thought it was a little girl, but I rewound it and watched it frame by frame. Interesting stuff.


I called it to Amy too, because it was like Locke said...the island told him what to do. That was after he saw the security system.


We also thought that the Others are watching their bunker because when Jack wheeled around on the screen, the words went away. I think it's all a trap to lure away Michael. I mean, not like that's a stretch, but I think they have them under surveillance somehow.

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Damn double post.


I'll use it to add that I also enjoyed the scene with Michael/Locke and the combination to the gun room. Locke is awesome.

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