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Hopefully we'll find out tonight (if not soon) what the connection/rivalry is between The Others and the SS.


I'd love to see Sawyer, Jack and Locke capture one of The Others foot soldiers (cause they don't wear shoes), bring him or her back to camp where Sayid is waiting with fresh bamboo. Commence fun.

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Hopefully we'll find out tonight (if not soon) what the connection/rivalry is between The Others and the SS.


I'd love to see Sawyer, Jack and Locke capture one of The Others foot soldiers (cause they don't wear shoes), bring him or her back to camp where Sayid is waiting with fresh bamboo. Commence fun.


Sayid would then use that bamboo to wipe away his tears while he cries about how he's dead inside

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Hopefully we'll find out tonight (if not soon) what the connection/rivalry is between The Others and the SS.


I'd love to see Sawyer, Jack and Locke capture one of The Others foot soldiers (cause they don't wear shoes), bring him or her back to camp where Sayid is waiting with fresh bamboo. Commence fun.


Sayid would then use that bamboo to wipe away his tears while he cries about how he's dead inside



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t a random thought, but am I the only one who's getting kinda sick of the whole Jack/Kate/Sawyer thing?


Kate makes out with Jack yet spends all her time with Sawyer. It is one fucked up triangle but it probably draws in the female crowd who love this 3 way soap operaish stuff. So whatever works, works. There's gotta be some kind of love on this island, and Kate's hot so I'm suprised more people aren't fighting over her.


(I'm new to this thread) but I just watched all of Season 1 and the 10 episodes of Season 2 since the new year...Talk about an addicting show huh? I even read each thread of each episode from this too, It is very cool to hear everyone's thoughts :)

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I was shopping with Ms. El Dandy at Target and while we were in line she was checking out the soap mags. On the cover of TV Guide was Matthew Fox, and it had a blurb about his thoughts on his character's love triangle between Kate and Ana-Lucia. Regarding Kate, he said, "Jack cares for her more than he wants to." As for Ana-Lucia, he said, "It's dark and twisted."


This was just the front cover, and I didn't have time to read the article while we were in line. Guess they are going to add Ana-Lucia into the Jack/Kate/Sawyer thing. I believe we talked about it many pages ago, and how it would seem like a natural progression. It just seems like it cooled off really fast with little interaction between three or four of them at a time since the camps were united. Maybe it was the six week hiatus that makes me see it that way, though.

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I'm thinking Walt will make an appearance, but will not be brought back to camp this episode. Probably take three more episodes before he is brought back.

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Anyone notice how when "Zeke" called out for the other to bring out Kate, he yelled out "Alex!"? Could that be Rousseau's son?


Not a chance. Could be her daughter, though.

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I know Jack is getting ready for a fight with the Others, but I think part of his mind asked the question trying to figure out how long the Others have been on the island as well.


Was I wrong for laughing when Jack came home to find his wife leaving him? I mean he stops the woman, comes home, admits he kissed her and is told see ya. I was waiting for her to throw out the name of someone on the island to take the oh shit up just one more notch.

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Jack: *heartfelt, tear-laden admission to one illicit kiss*

Jack's wife: I'm leaving you, and I've been boning some other guy. Laterz.

so very wrong...

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I have a suspicion that someone on the island did have a sexual relationship with Jack's wife. I am hoping for Sawyer, but I would also guess Desmond or Boone.

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After watching all of Season 1 on DVD and Season 2 from Torrent Files. It felt good to watch it live on TV for once. It was very good and I kept on waiting during the commercial breaks on what would be revealed next.


One question: For those of you who watch 24.....Does the actor who plays Jack's father play Bob Warner on Season 2 of 24 right?


I liked the Jack Flashback this week, it showed us how eventually his wife left him. I think we pretty much know everything about Jack now leading up to his flight. mmmm


Isn't it better now that Ana Lucia isn't become overly dominant in the past few episodes and just a small part.

Like someone said before about Kate....Little Kate = Good Kate...........I think I might have to state now that Little Ana Lucia = Good Ana Lucia

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One question: For those of you who watch 24.....Does the actor who plays Jack's father play Bob Warner on Season 2 of 24 right?

That's him.


I dug this episode. Really cool encounter with beloved character actor M.C. Gainey, which was a great to make a real sort of "first contact" with the others. Liked his introduction ("when you walk into someone's home, do you take of your shoes, put your feet up, go into rooms that aren't yours"); it was cold, and it gives the impression that the others have been there for a very, very long time, so much so that two months is barely a wink. Between this week's episode and last week's episode, I'm majorly torn on how supernatural this whole situation is. Last week had too many perfect coincidences; this week was matter-of-fact, realistic, and seemed totally straight-up.


The Jackback was okay, if absolutely predictable in every way. I maintain that they're not that necessary any longer, but it was good to get some resolution on what happened between his wife and him. Still, there was so much more meat on the island with what was happening now--Jin and Sun's conversation, Charlie, Hurley, and Sayid chilling out in the bunker--I would have loved for those moments to get more time.

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Mountain man, hillbilly. Just another nickname.


Jack got pwned tonight. First he got completely embarrassed by the Others and Mr. Friendly shooting down his theory in a rather harsh manner and then his wife left him for another man, which I'm betting $100 right now is Desmond.


The army part was solid gold though. And so was the scene with Charley, Hurley and Sayid.


And that was obviously Rosseau's daughter that handed off Kate.


Great episode.

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Fuck yeah! Jack kicked a truck load of ass tonight. They drove it up, dumped it on his driveway, and he kicked it all fucking show. Completely and totally, 100%, badass. Fuck you Eko, Jack is STILL King of the Island! Next to it, LOCKE watching that whole thing go down was amazing - he was sooo observing and thinking things through.


Hurley and Charlie chillin on the couch listenin to music, talkin about chicks... GOLDEN.


The preview for next week had Hurley and the blonde chick talkin with Hurley saying "have we met before?" (something along those lines), and with her being a psychiatrist, it will certainly be interesting to see how that works out.


But other than that, I don't care much for Charlies storyline.

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Just got done watching the episode, GREAT ONE!


- I kind of waver on who my favorite character is, but I am so intrigued with Locke after his actions and mannerisms tonight. It seems to me like this whole thing is playing out like the Risk games he always played during his lunch break. Did he know that they were surrounded when he wanted to turn around and seemingly could not follow Michael's tracks anymore?


- I love how the show can have no Eko and minimal stints for other characters.


- The Charlie & Hurley stuff was a great, good way to lighten the mood.


- Is it just me or is Locke setting up Charlie to be Boone Version 2.0 (sacrificial lamb)?


Do you think we'll get another episode that will be from Michael's POV of this day like the hatch entry episode?

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