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Libby was originally in the hospital due to being related to the deck collapse accident, and was still hospitalalized when Hurley went back & told the guy that he used the numbers to win the lottery. So, she has two reasons to want revenge on Hurley: his role in the collapse AND his money. She followed him to Australia. When they're walking together hand-in-hand, at the very end, she has a disgusted look on her face ... not the look that someone that just kissed the person that they have feelings for would have.


Why would she be in a mental hospital for the deck collapse?


At the end, it looked more like a look of insane confusion than a disgusted look, IMO.

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I posted a LONG time ago that I thought she had been a patient in the mental hospital instead of a staff member. Can't bother looking for it right now, though.

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Why would she be in a mental hospital for the deck collapse?


At the end, it looked more like a look of insane confusion than a disgusted look, IMO.

Metal Maniac hinted at what I was thinking. Either someone she knew or cared about died in the collapse, or she herself was on it and was traumatized as a result of her brush with death.

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I think a hospital would be more careful than to let someone who's traumatized for causing an accident and someone traumatized for being in the accident wander about the same parts.


I think the episode last night was all about throwing people off the trail. With so many developements about what's really happening, they needed to make us question everything again. Having half the audience think the entire thing is in Hurley's head is a great way to do that.


My guess is she's the most important, in terms of figuring out who they really are, "other" we've met so far.

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'Lost' producers lobby for scheduling change

Tuesday, April 4 2006, 20:50 BST - by Neil Wilkes



The producers of Lost are seeking a new scheduling model for the show in the US to curb the frequency of repeats.


Most US series, including Lost, typically air 22 new episodes each season over a period of 36 weeks, meaning that new episodes are often punctuated with repeats of old episodes.


US Lost fans have complained that having to wait many weeks for a new episode has ruined their enjoyment of the show.


24 has successfully avoided the problem by delaying its return from September to January each year before airing its full season without interruption.


Although Lost's broadcaster, ABC, is unwilling to adopt a similar strategy, show producers have come up with a compromise solution.


"We're lobbying ABC for when the show is on, it's on, and when it's off, it's off," exec producer Damon Lindelof told E! Online. "So, we want to air it in three acts next year. You know, blocks of seven, seven and eight. But in order to do that, we have to roll the show out in October instead of September, and hopefully that will work out."

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'Lost' producers lobby for scheduling change

Tuesday, April 4 2006, 20:50 BST - by Neil Wilkes



The producers of Lost are seeking a new scheduling model for the show in the US to curb the frequency of repeats.


Most US series, including Lost, typically air 22 new episodes each season over a period of 36 weeks, meaning that new episodes are often punctuated with repeats of old episodes.


US Lost fans have complained that having to wait many weeks for a new episode has ruined their enjoyment of the show.


24 has successfully avoided the problem by delaying its return from September to January each year before airing its full season without interruption.


Although Lost's broadcaster, ABC, is unwilling to adopt a similar strategy, show producers have come up with a compromise solution.


"We're lobbying ABC for when the show is on, it's on, and when it's off, it's off," exec producer Damon Lindelof told E! Online. "So, we want to air it in three acts next year. You know, blocks of seven, seven and eight. But in order to do that, we have to roll the show out in October instead of September, and hopefully that will work out."


Nice concept, I could live with that. October to mid-December, Mid-January to March, then April and May. I'm also glad ABC nixed the non-stop idea.

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"We're lobbying ABC for when the show is on, it's on, and when it's off, it's off," exec producer Damon Lindelof told E! Online. "So, we want to air it in three acts next year. You know, blocks of seven, seven and eight. But in order to do that, we have to roll the show out in October instead of September, and hopefully that will work out."


I can totally deal with that.

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That's a really good idea. Especially if later seasons are going to be more like this one--when all the stuff from season 2 is supposed to have taken place in a little over 2 weeks, the two and three week gaps really shake up everybody's head about what's going on, what happened recently, etc.

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My mom and I were discussing this the other day, and I feel that the mention of the island picture hanging in the Doctor's office might make this plausible. What if all these people on the island were members at the insane asylum? Think about it, all of them have been in high stress situations in which they could crack.


Locke-Dad schemes him, girlfriend leaves him/paralysis

Jack- Wife leaves him


Ana-Lucia-Shot/loses baby

Eko-crisis of faith/loses brother

Hurley-collapsed porch/deaths


Sun/Jin-situation with Sun father


Claire-father of child leaves her





..there are obvious holes, but just a theory.


I think it is more appropriate to focus on the insanely stressful situations all of the survivors have experienced at some point.

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Listen to SJ, it isn't a dream thingy.


That has been done to the ground and it won't happen on this show. Good God.

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I'm also glad ABC nixed the non-stop idea.
Why's that? I'd have loved a nonstop season of LOST.


Because to me it would be stealing 24's format. The idea would be great because then if we were left with a lackadaisical episode, we wouldn't have to wait a few weeks to get hyped up again.

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I'm also glad ABC nixed the non-stop idea.
Why's that? I'd have loved a nonstop season of LOST.


Because to me it would be stealing 24's format. The idea would be great because then if we were left with a lackadaisical episode, we wouldn't have to wait a few weeks to get hyped up again.

Alias did the same thing last year.

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So I just watched "White Rabbit" from season one and damn if that show isn't just as fun to watch now as it was when it first aired.


Fun fact: Sayid is the first one to call Sun out on her understanding english.

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I could very well go psycho if people keep saying it.


ON FOX NEWS TONIGHT, there's a rampaging economist on the loose in DC. Friends say he's gone crazy dealing with Lost fan's insistence that what they say is truth despite the producers of the hit series unequivocally stating otherwise. He's up in the clocktower right now!

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I could very well go psycho if people keep saying it.


ON FOX NEWS TONIGHT, there's a rampaging economist on the loose in DC. Friends say he's gone crazy dealing with Lost fan's insistence that what they say is truth despite the producers of the hit series unequivocally stating otherwise. He's up in the clocktower right now!



You misunderstood me


I mean that they were all patients at the asylum and were all taken and placed in this "unpredictable" very controlled environment, and are being studied. I should have explained better. Sorry guys, and damn SJ...take a pill.

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Dude, there's no way that's what's going on.


Have you forgotten that the picture of the island has been in 3 other offices?


So this isn't the first time its been seen. Therefore, its just another connection.


Sorry. I just cannot stand gut reaction theories that have already been shown to be irrefutably false.

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Guest nokia

I'm not sure if anyone else out there is a Stephen King fan, but we know that the fake Henry Gayle is!


If you look at the new picture that is posted of the baloon capsule it shows the opposite side of where the Widmore Labs logo is. Here you see that the capsuls is from Minnesota Metallurgy, and that is was proudly sponsored by Mr. Clucks Chicken Shack, and non other than Nozz-a-la Cola.


Stephen King has a practice of creating his own brand names for the King Universe and Nozz-a-la is one of those brands. I beleive it was introduced in the Dark Tower 4 and can also be found many other places since most King works have some kind of connection to one another, just like a lot of things in LOST. You can also see Nozz-a-la Cola in the TV mini series Kindom Hospital.


I just thought it was really odd that the Fake Henry asked Locke for any Stephen King books, and then it appears that one of Kings fake brand names appears on the back of the baloon. You never see something like this out side of something that King is personally involved in.


I have heard that the writers have an affinity for King, but does anyone think that this could mean more? I mean why would they put somehting in the show that only a big Stephen King fan would know?

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Have you forgotten that the picture of the island has been in 3 other offices?


I had, what other offices?

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so...what do you thin, SJ, is going on ultimately? I'd like to see your fleshed out theory. A link to a page on the thread would work too.

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Rose is surprisingly and vehemently opposed to Bernard's plan to create an S.O.S. signal; romantic sparks are rekindled between Jack and Kate when they trek into the jungle to propose a "trade" with "The Others"; and Locke begins to question his faith in the island.


credit: ABC.com


Looks like Jack's tired of well.......jacking. Hit it strong, hit it fast.

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