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Don't know if anyone is interested in this, but some guy has his made a page about his theory on LOST's time travel. It borrows from a real life scientist, that's currently building a time machine out of magnets somewhere in the US.




It starts off well, but just gets crazy towards the end.

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3 hours, two weeks but it's really just one episode.


It's this Thursday...week break for two hour Grey's Anatomy finale and then the two hour conclusion two weeks from Thursday.

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Don't know if anyone is interested in this, but some guy has his made a page about his theory on LOST's time travel. It borrows from a real life scientist, that's currently building a time machine out of magnets somewhere in the US.




It starts off well, but just gets crazy towards the end.


It is a bit if a mindfuck, but I totally get what the guy is saying. Very interesting. Definitely bookmarking this one for future reference to see if it plays out that way.

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So once against credit to Lostpedia for bringing this up but anybody else get the feeling that Keamy and Co. are on a suicide mission? Because it's either that or they've got somebody else on board who knows how to get home seeing as how he capped the Captain last week.

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I can't see Keamy on a suicide mission. An out for himself mercinary willing to kill anyone who stops him from doing his job, ok, but willing to kill himself for the greater good of some purpose, I can't see that. In regards to killing the captain, I'm guessing he figures he can have Michael repair the communications room and get in touch with Widmore himself, since he was clearly more informed than the Captain himself.

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I can't see Keamy on a suicide mission. An out for himself mercinary willing to kill anyone who stops him from doing his job, ok, but willing to kill himself for the greater good of some purpose, I can't see that. In regards to killing the captain, I'm guessing he figures he can have Michael repair the communications room and get in touch with Widmore himself, since he was clearly more informed than the Captain himself.


Maybe he didn't start out on a suicide mission, but he's so angry & blinded by rage after his team got attacked by the Smoke Monster, he's not thinking as straight as he normally would.


^ not a fan of The Wire.


He has such a distinctive voice that it was immediately Abbadon.

Off topic, but it cracks me up that Lance Reddick (the guy that plays Abbadon) is known as "that guy from the Wire" ... I've never watched that show, but know him as "the guy from OZ", so it's strange to see people refer to him as famous from one show when I only know him as another. Sadly, no one else calls him "that guy from OZ", so I'm all alone in this world.

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Off any real topic but can I just say that it's completely awesome that the first line in this thread is "In one month - Wednesday, September 22nd - at 8:00, a new show will premiere on ABC called "LOST". "


That's really sweet. This has to be the best thread for a TV show that exhists in this forum. It'll go from before the first ep all the way through the finale with timely comments on every single episode if you wanted to use the dates for reference.


Thumbs up to the Lost thread.

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Hear hear. I kill time @ work on a consistent basis by going through this bad boy, it's awesome to view peoples reactions to things like Locke being able to walk, the arrival of Ben etc.

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Yeah the Lost thread definitely has a leg-up on the Buffy thread since it was started when the show actually started as well. Very cool. :)

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I completely forgot I had the name "Curbed Enthusiasm" for a few months in 2004 until I just skimmed the first few pages over.

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I only started watching Lost shortly after Christmas, so as I watched all three seasons, I basically read this entire thread to go along with each episode I watched. Good stuff.


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I only started watching Lost shortly after Christmas, so as I watched all three seasons, I basically read this entire thread to go along with each episode I watched. Good stuff.


Same here, except I started watching a month or two before Season 3. I read through this topic as I progressed through Season 1 and 2 on DVD.


In retrospect, I picked a bad time to get addicted. I was able to watch seasons 1 and 2 at my leisure (I.e. in less than a week each) and then, not only do I have to wait a week between episodes, after 6 of them I get a 3 month hiatus to suffer through.


EDIT: Do a YouTube search for "There's No Place Like Hoem preview" and you can find 5 short clips from tomorrow's show, ranging from 15 seconds to a minute and 51 seconds. Nothing major is spoiled, although it does confirm the suspicions of many that

The Orchid is involved in the episode, in some manner.

(not a death spoiler, if anyone was wondering)

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They make it seem like the Oceanic Six stuff is going to be shown tonight leaving me to wonder if that's a swerve or if its true and the season finale will be something completely different.

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Keep in mind that in the minds of the Lost creators, etc, tonight's episode & the two hour finale in 2 weeks is all one giant 3 hour episode.


I wouldn't be surprised if some of what they're showing in advertisements is actually airing in two weeks instead of tonight.

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The previews last week said something about it being the most unforgettable hour of TV you've ever seen (or something along those lines, I know the part about the hour was in there), so I'd be pretty surprised if we didn't see the plane doors opening tonight. I'm guessing that the Oceanic Six stuff is a flash forward, then.

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I can see the shot of the plane doors lowering and the six being revealed as the final shot of the season.


I doubt it. We already know that happens. So I imagine they'll give us something with a little more shock as the last scene

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Anybody wanna toss around death theories? Seeing as how we know Sawyer survives I can see either Bernard or Juliet eating it tonight.


Same, those are two characters that could go and I really wouldn't miss them too badly.


Jin dies...unless it's a swerve...wonder when though

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