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You know, I still love the character and all, but to me Sawyer's face turn is the most inexplicable face turn this side of Chris Leben.


Also, why is T-1000 channeling Michael Madsen?

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"Thank you, boar expert"


I agree with YNA, though. Maybe the previews got my hopes up a bit, but this one was nothing special. Still good TV, but forgettable overall.

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Forgettable? FORGETTABLE? FORGETTABLE!?!? To you sir I say, "say whaaaaat?" I absolutely loved this episode. Not on the top tier with the Locke episode, the original Sawyer episode, last weeks, or the one after Christmas break (I really need to start learning episode names), but definitely really good. And still worthy of a list.


1. The "I Never" scene. Funny, revealed character stuff, entertaining, and culminated in the murder revelation. Beauty.


2. Sawyer on the whole. Carried this episode on his back. ON HIS BACK I SAY.


3. Sawyer and Jack's dad in the bar. Sawyer and the Shrimp store the first time through. Both quality, intense scenes.


4. Sawyer BAM BAM BAM shoots the guy in the chest. COLD FUCKING BLOODED.


5. Locke coming up with the strangest, most random and off-topic story ever. Until, that is, later in the episode with the Sawyer/boar staredown. Then it makes perfect sense. Locke is abso-fucking-lutely genius/insane/evil/good.


6. "You ever have Gulf War Syndrome?" "That was the other side." "Oh." I love me my Hurley/Sayid conversations.


7. Musical score continues to rock. Particularily in the Sawyer/shrimp scenes. Good stuff.


8. Loved the quick shot of Micheal's raft. I had totally forgotten about it, and it seems to be the center of next weeks episode. Really cool.


9. Sawyer giving Jack the gun at the end. See? Sawyer isn't a bad person, see? See? Loved the dad conversation too.


10. Best use of Kate yet, methinks. A lot of times she is overdone to the max when involved in an episode, but this didn't feel like that. Best use of her yet.


BONUS 11. Locke knows where the guns are. I can't get this off of my mind - Jack put them back where he had them originally. This has to lead to something. And it will, I am sure of it.

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Well after weeks of over-analyzing the previews for the next shows, they threw some curveballs in the one for this week's show.


I liked how they all have the guns back in one spot, although I'm sure at the next point of conflict the briefcase will go missing, which will create a good future storyline.


Once again, I am impressed how they could make an episode that revolved around very few people, while giving little nuggets at the end, that will have to do with future episodes. (Michael working on the boat, Jack-Sawyer hinting at Jack's Dad) This will keep the show fresh in the long run.


From what next week's episode preview shows, apparently "they" don't want the survivors off of the island. My question is, will they be bold and have some of the people actually "leave" the island and essentially the show by trying to leave via Michael's boat.

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I don't mind it, since CTV seems to end Lost a couple minutes before 9, while ABC has it run right to the top of the hour. So, by the time CTV has shown it's preview, they've already switched the CTV feed off of my ABC affiliate (since no one shows Alias at 9), so I can the ABC preview, too.


And, for whatever reason, my cable company doesn't bother to do it with CH, so I can watch the previews for the next week's episode of 24 after the show, too, which CH doesn't show at all.

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It's the little details I liked. I caught sight of a survivor that I didn't recognize (neat, the surviving one of the duo maybe?) and the very brief frame with Jin and his wife together casting a fishing net brings that into perspective.


I'm getting the feeling that the 'they' won't be shown until the finale. However...


the next post will have some insane spoilers. Please dont read it if you dont want to be spoiled.

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I think that people that said that last night's episode was forgettable are daft. I had to watch last week's and last night's back-to-back, and found myself with a finger on the FF button during the Charlie episode. Last night's, though, was the best episode in a while. Other than the fact that Sawyer having a feud with a boar (which I thought was kind of stupid and out-of-character for the series) it was a great episode.


And I didn't think that it was too random that they trusted Sawyer with a gun ... it's not like they had a ton of choices about who to bring with them, and Sawyer had given every indication that he'd be ready & willing to use a weapon on a man. Why give it to Charlie or Hurley or Michael, and risk that they'd get stage-fright when it came time to either shoot or not?

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2) The much beloved character to die is Sawyer.


I wouldn't exactly call Sawyer "beloved". And I still think it's Hurley. I mean, Sawyer dies, and you lose the wiseass de facto quartermaster. I also gotta believe that they've filmed multiple deaths at this point. Abrams and co wouldn't be so stupid to film just the one ending.

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And I didn't think that it was too random that they trusted Sawyer with a gun ... it's not like they had a ton of choices about who to bring with them, and Sawyer had given every indication that he'd be ready & willing to use a weapon on a man.

Well, seeing as he shot the US Marshall (albeit with only a bit more accuracy than a Stormtrooper) I'd say yeah, he's not exactly reluctant to pull the trigger. What's interesting about the Charlie ep is that I'd forgotten that Sawyer still had the Marshall's gun.


Anyways, I have to agree that this was forgettable (relatively speaking), but then I don't particularly care for Sawyer's face turn in general.

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2)  The much beloved character to die is Sawyer. 


I wouldn't exactly call Sawyer "beloved". And I still think it's Hurley. I mean, Sawyer dies, and you lose the wiseass de facto quartermaster. I also gotta believe that they've filmed multiple deaths at this point. Abrams and co wouldn't be so stupid to film just the one ending.

Tis what I have heard. Hurley, imho, also makes some sense, but, according to whats being whispered around, its Sawyer.


They're writing him in such a way that we're going from hating him to liking him. Or should we call him James now?

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Anyways, I have to agree that this was forgettable (relatively speaking), but then I don't particularly care for Sawyer's face turn in general.

As much as it pains me to use wrestling terminology to describe a TV show, I don't think we've seen the last of heel Sawyer. Just because he gave the gun back to Jack, and has done the right thing for a bit, doesn't mean that he's all that good yet ... if nothing else, the fact that he didn't tell Jack about his old man, or didn't talk to Sayid about what he heard in the jungle, leads me to believe that Sawyer still doesn't like/trust/care for the other people on the island.

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I think Hurley dying makes the most sense, if only because if he spends any amount of time on the island, he'd logically have to lose a lot of weight and it might be easier just to kill the character than to put the actor on Atkins, or something.

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After last night's episode, if they kill off Sawyer. I'll be so fucking pissed. Maybe they won't kill off Josh Holloway, but rather keep him on as James and kill Sawyer.


They should kill Charlie off. His character does nothing for me, and both his episodes were probably the two worst.

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It has been specifically stated that Charlie is not slated to die this season


Also, the reference to Sawyer comes from the inside. I got the rumor off of a friend's online journal where he referenced it.

Just saying.

Hurley makes *some* sense, but its a little to obvious you know?

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If Lost goes on for several more seasons. Does anyone else wonder how they'll deal with the timeline of the show not corrisponding to how fast the kid that plays Walt is growing? I mean if it's the 3rd season and they've been on the island for 6 months, but the kid is obviously two years older, taller, and has a different voice. Are they just going to say that the island is accelerating puberty?


Not a big deal, but the comment about Hurley's weight got me thinking.

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It'd be plenty easy to 'fast forward' time during the summer/offseason months. Basically, instead of staying in line with the each episode == X number of days, the time that the show is off the air during the summer could equal a longer period of time, or something.


Or just kill off the kid. He sucks as a character (and actor) anyways.

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No fucking way they can kill Walt off. That kid is is going to the #1 draft pick for the Locke-Downs if the "brand extension" of Lost ever takes place. Plus, he's got freaky powers and such.


I dug the episode thanks to the Benoit-esque carry job that Sawyer did with it but the previews decieved you on a lot of fronts. There are, however, two key things that happened in this episode that people are neglecting to mention:


1) Locke reaching out to Sawyer. This is big. Really big, methinks. Locke sees his pain, knows his pain and lets him know that.


2) Sawyer is hearing the voices. That makes two.

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