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I was torn with this episode, so I had to use the DVR to check out parts a second time. (Best invention ever.)





- I thought Jack's character was awesome in this episode. He was level headed in his debate about using the guns, yet was brutally out of character when he kept beating the shit out of Ethan. (Did anybody else think at first Jack was going to kill him with his bare hands? I did for a brief moment.)


- Locke. Damn every scene he is in, I am over-analyzing what his intentions are. Anybody get the idea that Locke is doubting whether Boone is "strong enough" in his eyes?


-Delegation of who gets the guns. I liked how they were rational and did not give Charlie a gun, and determining who got the fourth gun.


- The Charlie-Ethan scene at the early part of the show was awesome, as was Ethan's promises to Charlie.






- I thought the death was like ones out of Oz. Introduce the man, kill him immediately. Although we didn't even know much about him. It's hard to care about a death if you don't know the person. However, it was necessary because it was part of Ethan's plan, since his goal was to kill everybody until he got Claire.


- Did Kate really need to go with the other 4 who had guns? I have not seen all the episodes in chronological order, but if that was the gun Sawyer used to kill the polar bear him having it shouldn't have been a big revealation.


- I was hoping they could slow build up to the ramifications of different people with different agendas having guns, but it looks like from next week's preview its gonna start.


- I kinda of wished Ethan was still alive and on the hunt for next week, but I guess he was "just a patsy for the man."

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Ok, I know that they had to get Ethan and all but...why did they give SAWYER a gun?


Seriously; he's the only one on the island that EVERYBODY hates, and they've had to beat/torture stuff out of him on more then one occasion. Capable or not, I wouldn't even consider putting a loaded weapon in the hands of a guy like that. They couldn't find one other person who knew how to use a gun?

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Ok, I know that they had to get Ethan and all but...why did they give SAWYER a gun?


Seriously; he's the only one on the island that EVERYBODY hates, and they've had to beat/torture stuff out of him on more then one occasion. Capable or not, I wouldn't even consider putting a loaded weapon in the hands of a guy like that. They couldn't find one other person who knew how to use a gun?

Like who? Hurley? Michael? Jin (whose background they don't know about)? There weren't exactly a bunch of other options left.

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6. JACK KILLED A MAN...a long time ago...AND SAWYER REMEMBERS. Perfect. Sawyer remains greatest rudo ever.

I was thinking that Sawyer had slid into the "cool heel" role, but based on next week's teaser, I could be wrong. That's assuming the teaser people aren't just fucking with us, as they're wont to do (I think it's in their union contract)...


Like who? Hurley? Michael? Jin (whose background they don't know about)? There weren't exactly a bunch of other options left.

Well, there's Kate, but there's that whole convict thing that Jack is probably still wary of. So why not give it to the guy who apparently shoots just slightly better than a stormtrooper?

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Guest Jimmy Saint
Did anyone else catch the reference to one of the greatest TV shows ever, "The Office"?

Yes I caught that and it made me laugh, one of the few amusing asides in a serious episode on the whole. So glad Lost is back and firing on all cylinders. That was a cracking episode.


Loved the Charlie flashbacks and how it all came full circle at the end in explaining why he had to kill Ethan and protect Claire. The face off with them all waiting in the rain for Ethan was fantastic as well.

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Why does it always rain when Jack and Ethan fight?

Dude, they only fought twice. And I don't think there will be a 3rd one.


Better question: Why kill Steve? Why not keep that running joke going and kill a Castaway we don't know about? It's not like we've invested THAT much time into Steve and Scott...

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Well, Kate ended up with a gun anyway, so why not just give her the 4th?


And we don't really know that Hurley or Micheal can't fire a gun. For all we (or they) know, Hurley is a deadeye.


I dunno, it just seemed silly to give a gun to the guy who everybody hates, and nobody trusts.

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Looks like they were also rounding up the most physically fit guys (save for maybe Locke, but we know he has good aim & other skills). Forcing Hurley to have to possibly face off mano-a-mano w/ Ethan would seem to be a mismatch.


We don't know that they didn't ask around. It was never shown. We do know everyone was clued in to using Claire for bait, so it's entirely possible they also asked everyone about prior firearms experience.

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Now the death of one of the main 14 is even more up in the air. With Ethan around, there was always the strong possibility that he'd be the one to kill them. Now we don't even have that.



EDIT: Sorry bout that (Spoiler tags added)

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Could Sawyer have looked or sounded more badass when he said "Uh uh uh, Jungle Boy. Not even one second."?


Answer: No. No fucking way.

Yeah, he could've. But he'd have to be Jack Bauer - Bauer would've shot a knee out first, and then said "Do not move again or I WILL kill you".


Unless you meant staying in character. In which case I agree - the answer is no.

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This show also established the primary cast members (Locke, Sayid, Jack, Kate, Charley, Sawyer) vs the secondary (Jin, Sun, Walt, Michael, Hurley, Boone, Shannon).


Claire could fit into either category depending on the episode.

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More on the DVD


Ausiello: It's coming out in early September, and I predict it'll be the biggest TV DVD of the year. Lost cocreator Damon Lindelof tells me that they have an "amazing amount" of extras planned, including "awesome commentaries," deleted scenes between Locke and Hurley, Sawyer and Charlie and Locke and young Walt; footage of the Boeing 747 being cut up in the Mojave Desert and transported via barge to Hawaii; and a look at what went into making the original polar bear sequence. But here's the best part: Lindelof says he and J.J. Abrams are considering making an original mini-movie that "answers one of the questions we've been asked very frequently about the show but have made no attempt to answer so far. It has something to do with why the plane may have crashed." Like me, the exec thinks "the DVD is gonna sell really well with or without [the bonus material], but I wanna be sure the fans are rewarded for their $39.95 or whatever Disney is charging them for a show they've already seen."

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Mike Ausiello's great at getting scoops on the shows he likes, and this is pretty yooge. But I'm sure some Disney exec is going "What is Abrams doing, giving the fans what they want? How DARE he?"

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Guest guerillagenius

Has anyone noticed that in this show the flight was going from Sydney to LA. And in JJ Abrams other show Alias, the main characters name is Sydney and it's based in LA? Not sure why I thought of that, just a coincidence I guess.

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Probably a deleted scene. I don't remember Locke switching from gun to knife, but he ran out with a knife on the show.




We also didn't find out why Ethan wanted Claire

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Has anyone noticed that in this show the flight was going from Sydney to LA. And in JJ Abrams other show Alias, the main characters name is Sydney and it's based in LA? Not sure why I thought of that, just a coincidence I guess.

Hmph, never noticed that. But it's likely not a coincidence - Abrams and the writing crew have been throwing easter eggs in there rather consistently.

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Here's a little "Why haven't they followed up on this one?" for everybody to chew on.


In the ep where Charley pulls a hangman courtesy of Ethan at the end of it he says "All they wanted was Claire". Last week Locke introduces the concept of Ethan not being alone and Jack looks blank.


The fuck is up with that?

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We also didn't find out why Ethan wanted Claire

Have you seen the girl? Preggers or not...damn!


WHOO! New episode tonight!


WE NEED HURLEY'S BACKGROUND STORY ASAP! Although we'll probably get Sawyer II, he's gotta have a 2nd one for having a cameo in Shannon and Boon's.

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