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GTA: San Andreas

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UYI, you're talking about "Just Business"? That's not it for Los Santos - you'll have done the starting missions, worked for Sweet, Ryder and Big Smoke once you've finished that mission but you've still go to do shit for OG Lock (Jefferey), the cops and Cesar Vialpando at least. The mission you're currently on is the last for Smoke though.


The key to it is to make sure to aim at the back at all times - don't aim forward. If there's something ahead of you that you need to wipe out, you'll come to it. After a few tries, you'll know when the bikers are coming so be ready to ice them and take them off their bikes before they can get close enough to really fuck you up. After you fly over the ramp and the big blockade now behind you blows up for some reason, there'll be a few guys on bikes to take out and then it's through the sewerage pipe. Once you've taken out another few in there you'll come out into the city and lose them. From there, you and Smoke split up, you've got your respect, mission's over and I recommend driving back to the Grove and saving your game.

Thanks, my man, much appreciated.

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Played my fucking balls off(23 hours straight fuckers)


Went from about 18% to now being at like 39%. My total game clock time is 18:53 although i've loaded alot to redo missions. Never used any cheats, but I have bought alot of body armour. Great game, however, im having ALOT of trouble getting my pilots license. Any suggestions for the third challenge?

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Guest fanofcoils

I would like to talk about the storyline when you leave the 1st city, how do you post spoilers?

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Just use the tag {spoiler}(Insert text here){/spoiler}. Replace the {} with [] for it to work.


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I was playing the mission where you have to break up the roadblocks with a rocket launcher. I get to the last one and aim my shot and some jagoff drives right by me right when I fire, so the rocket blows up in my face and kills me. That pissed me off.

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10 dances?




Also, where is this strip club?

:D I was testing the bug, I promise. The dances ain't that sexy.


The club is somewhere in between Jefferson and Los Flores, in the northeast part of Los Santos, not too far from the where the countryside starts. Check your big map/poster for a club icon (a martini glass).

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Guest fanofcoils

After you completed the last mission before moving to the second city, how come:

CJ said that Big Smoke sold him out but not Big Smoke and Ryder?

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For anyone having a problem with Life's a Beach, there's a club in Idlewood called Alhambra, pretty much as far north/south as your house, to the west. It's about 3 streets west of the Big Smoke (BS) icon, 4 streets west of the gym (if you count that big cluster of street and train track as one street). It's on the east side of the street, with a bunch of torches out front. Shouldn't bee too hard to spot. Anyhow. You can practice the dancing stuff in there.

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Could someone please enlighten me as to the whereabouts of the van you need in order to dabble in some late-night burgulary? I've looked at Ryder's house and the initial old bastard's place that you do the first stealth mission in, but found nothing.

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The Drive Thru mission is my favourite so far, Smoke is great in this.


I also like the Truth mission where you go to the farm



NOTHING beats slicing and dicing up hillbillies with a fucking harvester. So very satisfying.

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Could someone please enlighten me as to the whereabouts of the van you need in order to dabble in some late-night burgulary? I've looked at Ryder's house and the initial old bastard's place that you do the first stealth mission in, but found nothing.

It should be by the gym.

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The Drive Thru mission is my favourite so far, Smoke is great in this.


I also like the Truth mission where you go to the farm



NOTHING beats slicing and dicing up hillbillies with a fucking harvester. So very satisfying.

trying to control the thing is horrible though, turning corners especially

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Could someone please enlighten me as to the whereabouts of the van you need in order to dabble in some late-night burgulary? I've looked at Ryder's house and the initial old bastard's place that you do the first stealth mission in, but found nothing.

It's across the road from the Gym. Sorta disguised by a washing line.

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Just got killed in San Fierro, so I went to get a drink before resuming play. When I come back, CJ is stood outside the hospital and the camera is zooming in on a load of random people and tracking them as they walk by...

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Does anyone else miss those taxis outside of hospital that used to take you back to your mission? In the Farewell, my love mission it really annoys me having to go back to the start place.

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Hells yeah!


And that pressing the d-pad to make you drive something you've already driven really doesn't work.

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I think that D-Pad thing only works for certain things. It comes up and tells you to press the button if it's available.

The 1st time I saw it was in the OG Loc mission.

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So, anyone have any tips about increasing your lung capacity? Or do I have to spend a half hour in the water going under and coming back up for air?


And thank GOD Zero's RC missions aren't pivotal to the story, because that helicopter in the last one is so goddamn hard to control. Shooting RC planes out of the sky with a minigun was boss, though.

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well I have been playing on and off this weekend. still havent beaten too many ls missions cuz Im having to much fun running around and causing havoc.


I got alot of cash by hustling pool lol



I too am stuck on the lifes a beach mission (I freaking hate games that give extra hard misisions-this reminds me of the mission for avery from vc where you had to use the little heli to blow up the construction site or the dildo dodo misison from the studio)


btw, does using cheats ruin anything- I mean do you get an extra reward for not using cheat? i freaked out and started a second game save for now, figure I can go back and play the game a second time if I have to.


I beat the smoke bike thing in two tries, the first time the other train that came ran over us, second time, I follwed the train all the way over the high rode into the countryside untill smoke blew away the last 2 guys-one guy almost fell off and was holding onto the edge of the train when smoke blasted him



robbing uncle sam was tough at first took me a few tries to get used to the forklift. eventually to beat it too, i used the weapons cheat so I had enough ammo to do deal with the soldiers, after unloading a box, i checked for soldiers and if some came near by i did a drive by with the forklift. after loading the truck I had a hard time getting back to the lockup, but didnt get blow up amazingly.


also I love how the other guys always make fun of cjs driving skills , cuz I really have had a hard time controlling them (different using the analog, I was so used to the dpad)




last mission i completed was sweets girl



btw Is there an actual order I should be doing the missions in?


I mean to stay close to the story?


what is the main misison of LS? or is there any? can I just do them all in any order I want?




Man I guess today ill try dancing again lol


funny story on one attempt at this I had me homies with me (i recruited a few to protect me) when the dance started and they were just standing around there watching me dance, pretty funny.



and OG Locs burger hat is freakin hilarious

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So, anyone have any tips about increasing your lung capacity? Or do I have to spend a half hour in the water going under and coming back up for air?


And thank GOD Zero's RC missions aren't pivotal to the story, because that helicopter in the last one is so goddamn hard to control. Shooting RC planes out of the sky with a minigun was boss, though.

Well, I'll just say, there is a point to those missions. Eventually you're going to have to do the same thing...but for real. As in the vehicles will be real. :P So that was sort of training.

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Two things, if anyone can answer them that'd be great!


1] Where is the bar where you hustle pool? Ie: what part of town?


2] Spoilerish. After one of my recent missions, a popup displayed some text telling me that I could now have a "gang of three" under my control. How do I go about rounding these guys up to be in my posse so to speak?

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RE number two, should have a mission coming up showing you how to do this. I think it's one of Sweet's, but I might be wrong.

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2] Spoilerish. After one of my recent missions, a popup displayed some text telling me that I could now have a "gang of three" under my control. How do I go about rounding these guys up to be in my posse so to speak?

Target the guys in Grove Street wearing green with R1 and press up.


Edit: You get a tutorial in the Los Sepulcos mission.

Edited by deancoles411

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Two things, if anyone can answer them that'd be great!


1] Where is the bar where you hustle pool? Ie: what part of town?


2] Spoilerish. After one of my recent missions, a popup displayed some text telling me that I could now have a "gang of three" under my control. How do I go about rounding these guys up to be in my posse so to speak?

I have answers for you vivisectvi


well you dont really hustle pool ,but you bet on it, the bar is in LS near the johnson house


drive straight down from that street untill you come to a store with liquor bottles in the sign, then look for th door with the yellow arrow icon, once in the bar, walk over to the pool table where some guy is standing, press triangle when prompted then you can make your bet on the game and start playing. its no too hard, but once you get good at it, you can kinds hustle the other guy



as for q 2, just target one of the grove street gangsters (guys in green jerseys and shirts hanging out near cjs house) while unarmed, then press up on the dpad, repeat for up to three guys. they will now follow you, you can press up to get them to come closer to you and down to make them stay in a particular area, hold down on the dpad to realse them from your control. while you have them they will get in cars with you if you like and wil automatically pull out there guns and shoot if you drive by rival gang member.. if anyone on the street attacks you, your friends will rush to your rescue and start shooting them (a good trick is run up to someone and hit them get them to chase you and let them hit you once and you homies will start blasting and chase him/her)

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I'm onto the third island!


Now I can stop worrying about missions and enjoy the whole map.



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