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I wouldn't be that angry if the Yanks lost the division, as long as we make the playoffs. Because whoever wins the AL East, faces Santana twice if the series goes five games.

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Guest Anglesault
I wouldn't be that angry if the Yanks lost the division, as long as we make the playoffs.

Ah yes, The New Murderers Row sneaking in the back door. God help us all if that were to happen.


Division or bust.

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If the Yankees don't make the playoffs, it won't bother any of the Yankee fans.


"Oh yeah, 1918." or "26."


Well my friend Ed does it. He does have license plate that says "1918HA" with a Yankess logo next to it.



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Guest Anglesault
When I saw the 26 at first I thought it was another year, instead of the # of titles won. Heh, I think the Yankees actually lost the WS that year to the Cardinals.

The series ended when Babe Ruth tried to steal second.

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But if nothing else, Moises' wacky hijinx on the basepaths allow us to be treated to some great biting sarcasm from Steve Stone. Grudz was up when Alou was just picked off and consoled us with:


"Look on the bright side, Grudz will get a chance to bat again."

Carefully Stonie the Cubs are likely to leave you in Montreal with those kinds of comments.

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Really? I thought the 26 World Series ended with Grover Cleveland Alexander striking out Tony Lazzeri, but the Ruth stealing 2nd story is much funnier. Heh, maybe I'm remembering that one Ronald Reagan movie where he played Alexander (The Winning Team).


Anyway, the Cubs are the worst base running team known to man. There isn't a game that goes by that I don't see someone picked off, caught stealing, run through a stop sign, or get bad coaching from either the 1st or 3rd base coaches.

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Steve Stone is awesome, his sarcasm and wit make the game much more enjoyable. I still want the cubs to go to the world series but their whiney players make it less enjoyable to root for them.

I remember one time, during a spring training game, WGN brought some of the players wives into the broadcast booth because they wanted to shill their worthy cause. Chip asked them would they take money or can goods for their drive, they replied they would take anything. Stoney then said in his dead pan delivery that "Okay, I will give you my hair." Its just the way he said it that made the line funny. Basically he knows these women are just bored and looking for shit to do and he came off really condescending toward them, it was hilarious. Steve Stone reminds me of what my friends would say during a game.

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Great stuff with the Loaiza, Pedro, Foulke passing out because of the Babe Ruth ghost, A-Rod and Varitek bonding, Spiderman, Bucky Dent, and Johan Santana. Didn't like the Zimmer sensei part though.

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My god the Mets suck. I can't believe that let that little two-week stretch where they were playing well fool them into thinking they were buyers and not sellers at the deadline.

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My god the Mets suck. I can't believe that let that little two-week stretch where they were playing well fool them into thinking they were buyers and not sellers at the deadline.

if it wasn't for David Wright (2 more homers today, on base 3 times), I would have committed suicide weeks ago. He is the only reason to watch the Mets. Nice 1-10 homestand for the Metsies, 13 under .500 and falling



BTW, Bruiser, the Cubs/Marlins game tomorrow has already been postponed because of the hurricane, Saturday's game will most likely also be cancelled.

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David Wright so far this year


.299/ .329/ .552


Damn, if he could get that OBP up, he could be one hell of a player. He takes pitches and has long at bats, but never walks, it's weird. He's a patient hitter, but hopefully those long at bats turn into walks in the near future. This is the guy that Mets fans will be talking about in the future, forget Reyes or Humber, if this continues, he will be the hope for all Mets fans.

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Not really game chatter, but Urbina is taking a leave from the Detroit Tigers to return home to Vanezuela because his mother was just kidnapped there by four men disguised as police officers. People are fucked up.

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I'm so sad that the only good thing to look foward to when watching the M's is whether Ichiro gets a hit or not.


I have a feeling next season will suck as well.


TSM help me pick a team's bandwagon to ride on as we get into Pennant Season (which by the way you can get the MLB Pennant Chase (Sept 1 - October) on Comcast for like 39.99 for the remainder of the season).

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Guest Anglesault
Really? I thought the 26 World Series ended with Grover Cleveland Alexander striking out Tony Lazzeri, but the Ruth stealing 2nd story is much funnier. Heh, maybe I'm remembering that one Ronald Reagan movie where he played Alexander (The Winning Team).

That strike out did in fact happen, but in the 7th inning. In the movie it was moved to the end of the game for dramatic effect.


To this day, Yankee scholars (Yes, there is such a thing, shut up) have no idea what Babe was thinking.

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Really?  I thought the 26 World Series ended with Grover Cleveland Alexander striking out Tony Lazzeri, but the Ruth stealing 2nd story is much funnier.  Heh, maybe I'm remembering that one Ronald Reagan movie where he played Alexander (The Winning Team).

That strike out did in fact happen, but in the 7th inning. In the movie it was moved to the end of the game for dramatic effect.


To this day, Yankee scholars (Yes, there is such a thing, shut up) have no idea what Babe was thinking.

That's correct. You can read the full PBP of the game at Retrosheet.


As for Ruth, I think his rationale was that he was trying to get into scoring position, and the steal would catch the Cardinals off guard. Keep in mind Bob Muesel was at the bat, and not Gehrig (he was on deck).

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Guest Anglesault
As for Ruth, I think his rationale was that he was trying to get into scoring position, and the steal would catch the Cardinals off guard.

Yes, that was his rationale, but really, even Babe should have known better. I'm pretty sure that was after he had gotten really heavy (for a while, he was a "healthy" fat) It would have taken everyone in the field falling down.


Keep in mind Bob Muesel was at the bat, and not Gehrig (he was on deck).


Muesel wasn't Gehrig, but I wouldn't call him a shmuck or anything.

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Wild game in Boston, as the Red Sox have a 4-3 lead going into the top of the 4th with neither team putting up a 0 on the scoreboard yet.

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Yes, that was his rationale, but really, even Babe should have known better. I'm pretty sure that was after he had gotten really heavy (for a while, he was a "healthy" fat) It would have taken everyone in the field falling down.


Its hard to pinpoint when that happened. He did steal 11 bases in 1926, but who knows how many of those were wild pitches and passed balls. 1925 is as accurate a cutoff point as any, for obvious reasons.


Muesel wasn't Gehrig, but I wouldn't call him a shmuck or anything.


Of course. But its worth noting as many would assume Gehrig always batted after Ruth. And the difference between Gehrig and Muesel is significant.

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Guest Anglesault
Its hard to pinpoint when that happened. He did steal 11 bases in 1926, but who knows how many of those were wild pitches and passed balls. 1925 is as accurate a cutoff point as any, for obvious reasons.

Probably even before 25, because the belly ache was at the beginning of the year.


And the difference between Gehrig and Muesel is significant.


Oh, of course. But I don't think the site of Muesel should have made Babe say "Oh, crap, I better do something."

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Just as I mention that neither team has put up a 0, both teams do in the 4th. Dave Roberts makes an excellent diving catch to make up for an error earlier in the inning, and the Red Sox leave the bases loaded in the bottom of the inning.

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Guest Anglesault

Your MVP and mine is having a good night.


"Support Gary Sheffield, or he'll fuck you up. "

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Guest Staravenger

The Yankees returning the shit-kicking the Indians gave them made my night (of course, 22-0 is just a REAL shit kicking, but this is a good one)

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